Hudson Bay Mountain, Hazelton Mountains, British Columbia, Canada – The Crater Lake Trail & Beyond! (8-7-22)

Days 8 & 9 of Lupe’s 2nd Summer of 2022 Dingo Vacation to Canada & Alaska!

8-6-22, morning, Babine Mountains, 0.5 km W of Summit Pass

How’s your toe, SPHP?  Can you walk?

All bruised and purple, Loop, but it must not be broken.  Yeah, I can walk.

Yesterday evening during the steep descent of Mount Hyland’s S ridge, a rock had slid, causing SPHP to bash a boot hard straight into a boulder.  A now vivid purple toe was ugly as sin, but after a night sleeping like the dead, didn’t hurt as much as it had on the way back to the tiny house.  Summoning what energy SPHP could muster, preparations for the trip back down the McCabe Trail to Driftwood Canyon began.

8-6-22, 11:45 AM, 62ºF, end of Driftwood Road – With the exception of the pesky mosquitoes which were out in force, the morning’s scenic trek down the McCabe Trail had been fun.  Finally back at the trailhead, the Carolina Dog was anxious to leap up onto her pink blanket in the RAV4 the instant SPHP opened the door.  Lupe stayed there relaxing, eating, or snoozing the rest of the day, refusing to leave the RAV4 even for a short sniff until the Big Dipper glittered overhead.

8-7-22, 7:14 AM, 53ºF, Driftwood Canyon

Rested up yet, Looper?  Ready for action?

Oh, I don’t know, SPHP.  What did you have in mind?

Another peakbagging failure, Loopster.

Why, SPHP?  Do we intend to specialize in failures this Dingo Vacation?

No, but the true summit of this next mountain is a technical climb, Loop, beyond anything we’re capable of.  However, from what I understand, we ought to be able to get to the S summit, which isn’t an awful lot lower than the true one.

Terrific!  Shades of Mount Hyland!  Another peak with multiple summits, only one of the lower ones of which we can actually manage to get to.  What’s so special about this mountain that makes you so keen on such an undertaking, SPHP?

I like it’s name, Loop, plus it’s an incredible peak with a glacier tucked in a giant cirque we can gaze down on from more than 1,000 feet above.

That does sound cool, SPHP!  Care to share the name of this magnificent mountain with me?

I’ll give you a couple of clues, Loopster.  You’ve seen this peak on multiple occasions before, including as recently as 2 days ago.  Furthermore, in 2019 we intended to climb it, but woke to fog and mist.

Those are most excellent clues, SPHP!  Count me in!  You must be referring to Hudson Bay Mountain (8,494 ft.).

Unfortunately, despite a clear weather forecast obtained a few days ago, the morning sky was overcast.  The gray murk even spit a little rain on the drive from Driftwood Canyon into Smithers.  A new forecast was in order.  Once obtained, it held out some hope.  Cloudy all morning, but clearing this afternoon.

Guess there’s no big rush to get there, Loop.  We can cool our jets for a bit here in Smithers.  Would you like to give Hudson Bay Mountain a shot a little later on?

Absolutely, SPHP!  And another snooze before then won’t hurt a thing.

8-7-22, 11:15 AM, 59ºF, Crater Lake trailhead – Local literature referred to the access road as Ski Hill Road, but the street sign leaving the S end of Smithers actually said Dahlie Road.  Initially paved, it quickly turned into gravel Hudson Bay Mountain Road.  In any case, access was a long, windy affair that ultimately wound steeply up the mountain’s S slopes to a cluster of cabins, vacation homes, and a ski T-bar at the very end.

Although still cloudy, apparently the weather hadn’t dampened anyone else’s spirits.  The trailhead was nearly full when SPHP parked the RAV4, and the Carolina Dog leapt out.

Heading over to the building at the end of the trailhead where the T-bar started, lots of people were milling around.  Beyond the building, a green telephone pole bore the sign SPHP was looking for.

The building at the end of the trailhead where the T-bar starts.
The fancy schmancy Crater Lake trail sign.

Here we go, Looper!  The Crater Lake trail.  Think it’s about 3 km to Crater Lake from here.

Crater Lake?  You didn’t mention a lake before, SPHP, only a glacier.

Oh, forgive me.  Yes, there’s a lake here, too, Loop!  The Crater Lake trail is merely the first part of the journey to Hudson Bay Mountain’s S summit.  Supposed to be quite easy, just a steady uphill march.

Uphill it was, too!  The Crater Lake trail started out as a steep dirt road going N from the sign past several private cabins tucked back in among the trees.  Beyond the cabins, the road became rocky and rough, soon leading to a junction where the Carolina Dog turned NW on a road that wasn’t quite as steep.

Passing one of the cabins near the start. Photo looks N.
A primitive road, but excellent trail. Photo looks N.
Looking back after the initial steep push. Photo looks SSE.

This road ran through a very healthy-looking evergreen forest, but the trees rapidly began to thin out as Lupe gained elevation.  Soon the road turned into little more than a good single track trail.  Lovely views were appearing back to the SE.  Farther up the trail, not much could be seen yet, other than that it was still cloudy.

View to the SE as the forest starts to give away.
Heading for the clouds. Photo looks NNW.

Before long, Lupe reached the last stands of stunted evergreens.  Beyond them was a region known locally as the “prairie”, a vast, lush meadow of grass and wildflowers.  Ahead, the trail continued NW across the prairie directly toward long snowbanks along the upper rim of a cirque where Crater Lake remained hidden from view.  Above the snow, Hudson Bay Mountain was cloaked in fog.

Near the last stunted evergreens on the way to Crater Lake. Photo looks NW.

The Crater Lake trail is popular.  Lupe met quite a few groups of people and dogs already on their way back down from the lake, and more were on their way higher, both ahead of and behind her.  A cool breeze out of the W kept the bugs away during the steady, easy to moderately-paced climb through the scenic prairie.

The American Dingo enjoyed sweeping views toward all points S on a trek that proved longer than it first appeared.

Part of Hudson Bay Mountain’s enormous SE prairie. Photo looks ESE.

Progress was good.  As Lupe gained elevation on the way to the cirque, the clouds were lifting as well, revealing more and more of the region above Crater Lake.  All rock with scattered snowfields, Hudson Bay Mountain didn’t otherwise look like rugged territory at all, just a very big hill.  Getting to the S summit was going to be a breeze!

Closing in on the cirque as the clouds lift from Hudson Bay Mountain (Center). Photo looks NW.

At the upper end of the prairie, Lupe reached a ridge featuring minor rock formations overlooking a valley 75 feet lower.  Beyond this valley, blue-gray Crater Lake nestled in the cirque at the base of cliffs and steep slopes surrounding the entire N half of the lake.  Crater Lake was almost perfectly round, with a waterfall cascading down an extraordinarily steep, snowy ravine to the middle of the N shore.

Crater Lake comes into view. Photo looks NW.

Let’s go see Crater Lake, SPHP!

That’s the plan, Looper!  We’ll take a break there before continuing on.

On the way down into the valley, Lupe roamed W off-trail a little way to get a look from a slightly different angle.  Crater Lake and the big cirque it was in were very beautiful.  Small wonder it was such a popular destination!

Crater Lake. Photo looks NNW.

While in the valley, the sun came out, shining brightly from a still mostly cloudy sky.  Miller Creek, the exit stream flowing from the SE corner of Crater Lake, vanished mysteriously beneath a big snowbank down here.  Directly ahead was a rocky, 20 foot high bank leading to Crater Lake.  Crossing the stream, Loop was up the bank in no time.

Miller Creek vanishes beneath the snow. Photo looks WSW.
Below the bank leading to Crater Lake. Photo looks NNW.
At Crater Lake. Photo looks NNW.

8-7-22, 12:30 PM – 20 people, and 5 or 6 dogs, were at Crater Lake when Lupe arrived.  The water was exceptionally clear, cold, and quickly got deep beyond the shore.  The American Dingo had a drink, but did not venture in.  A beach of small rocks was over by the SE shore, but SPHP instead chose a vantage point on a hill overlooking the middle of the S shore as a break spot.

The rocky SE beach (R). Photo looks E.

Beef jerky, Loop?

No need to ask twice!  The Carolina Dog practically inhaled it, resorting to Taste of the Wild only after SPHP cut off the jerky supply.

A very pleasant time was spent enjoying the superb view of Crater Lake and the waterfall plunging into it on the opposite shore, but after such a late start Lupe couldn’t stay here too long, if she hoped to ever get to the S summit of Hudson Bay Mountain.

The steep, snowy ravine and waterfall along the N shore. Photo looks N.

People and dogs came and went.  Crater Lake was the final destination for the vast majority, but a few ventured up the long slope E of the lake.

Hate to eat and run, but that’s what we need to be doing too, Loop.

Bidding lovely Crater Lake a fond farewell, the American Dingo was on her way.  A use trail had been seen veering off to the NE from the ridge where Crater Lake had first come into view, so Lupe retraced her route back to it.

The use trail was moderate to fairly steep.  Easy to follow, it ran N up the long grassy slope overlooking the E side of Crater Lake, which was still visible below.  Before long, Lupe reached the end of the grassy region.  From here, the trail zig-zagged up into the rocky world of Hudson Bay Mountain’s enormous SE ridge.

The use trail. Crater Lake (L), Hudson Bay Mountain (Center). Photo looks NW.
Near the end of the grass. Hudson Bay Mountain (L), SE Ridge (R). Photo looks NW.

Once up into the rock, the top of the giant ridge never looked an awful lot higher, but looks were deceiving.  No matter how high Lupe climbed, the top of the ridge remained a few hundred feet above.  The use trail soon turned NW, eventually nearly vanishing in a sea of rock.  Cairns with pink ribbons helped mark the route.

It would have been possible to ascend to the SE ridge almost anywhere.  The rocks weren’t all that big, a mix of large scree and small boulders.  Where undisturbed, the rocks were covered with dark lichens, but were tan, gray, or brown along the path.  In fact, there seemed to be multiple paths.  The few people coming down passed either well above, or below, Lupe’s route.

Climbing at a moderate pace nearly all the time, Loop also encountered occasional flat sections, plus a few short, gritty, steep spots, too.  She led the way, displaying great energy and enthusiasm.

Below the enormous SE ridge. Photo looks NNE.
Pressing on toward the snowfields. Photo looks NW.
Crater Lake (R) from above. Photo looks SSW.
Still a long way to go! Photo looks NW.
By a cairn with a pink ribbon as the trail vanishes among the rock. Photo looks NNW.

Lupe was already a long way from Crater Lake when a trail going more directly up to Hudson Bay Mountain’s SE ridge appeared.  This was a steeper route, but finally got the Carolina Dog clear up to the ridgeline.

Heading up to the SE ridge. Photo looks NE.
On the giant SE ridge. Photo looks SE.

Unobstructed views to the S had become increasingly spectacular ever since reaching the prairie, but this was different.  Loop now stood on the brink of a precipice overlooking a long U-shaped valley.  Peering over the edge, Smithers was in sight way down at the lower ESE end.  A dark gray and rust brown peak flecked with snow culminated the upper end.

Along the brink of the SE ridge. Hudson Bay Mountain (R). Photo looks NW.

Huh.  What happened to the glacier, Loopster?  I don’t see it.

Maybe it melted, SPHP?

Since the day before yesterday?  We saw it from Mount Hyland, Loop.

Oh, that’s right!  This must be the wrong valley then, SPHP.

SPHP checked the topo map.

You’re right, Looper.  We’re looking at the Simpson Creek canyon.  The glacier is beyond the next ridge to the N.  Should be able to see it once we get up to that peak at the upper end of this canyon.

Is that peak the S summit, SPHP?

Don’t think so, Loop.  It’s actually the lower end of an upper SE ridge.  Once we get to it, the S summit should only be another 0.5 km, if that.

Climbing near the precipice along the rim of the Simpson Creek canyon, Lupe followed various use trails NW.  Like the rest of the mountain had been, these routes were rocky, but not difficult.  Several steepish rises were followed by much flatter sections.

Heading up along the rim of the Simpson Creek canyon (R). Photo looks NW.

The first sign of trouble came from the top of the first rise.  A bump on the back side of the “peak” at the upper end of the canyon that hadn’t been visible earlier when the mountain was shrouded in clouds, was now seen to be much more than a mere wart.  In fact, it was a huge, steep-sided fin jutting up substantially higher well beyond the “peak”.

Monitoring the pimple (Center) on the peak ahead while it still appeared small. Photo looks NW.
The huge fin (Center). Photo looks NW.

Sheesh!  I don’t like the looks of that fin, Loop.

Do you think it’s Hudson Bay Mountain’s S summit, SPHP?

Precisely what I’m afraid of, Looper.

The last large flat region led to a slight downslope.  At the bottom stood a big cairn topped by a pink ribbon.  This cairn had been extended into a 15 foot long wall of rock 4 feet high.  Beyond this edifice lay the slope comprising the final steep ascent to the “peak” at the upper end of the Simpson Creek canyon, and the troubling dark fin beyond.

By the cairn and wall of rock. Photo looks NNW.

A chill, 20 mph breeze blew out of the W as Lupe began her ascent from the big cairn.  Occasionally, there were stronger gusts or moments of calm.  Still displaying amazing energy, the American Dingo continued to lead the way among dark rocks on a path of tan and gold near the edge of the Simpson Creek canyon.

Never hesitating, Looper climbed and climbed.  SPHP tried to judge how much higher she had to go by checking progress versus the 2,340 meter ridge across the canyon.  Seemed to take a long time to pull even with it.  200 meters yet to go!

The long trudge higher. Photo looks NW.

At last, a small dome of snow appeared.  This was it, the top of the peak at the head of the Simpson Creek canyon!

Approaching the snow dome. Photo looks N.

No, not really.  As the topo map had shown, this wasn’t actually the top of anything, merely the lower end of an upper, much shorter, SE ridge.  And the snow dome turned out to be only half of a dome.  Beyond it was an incredible sight!  Towering above others, 3 jagged summits soared skyward at the head of a spectacular chasm sheltering the Hudson Bay Glacier more than 1,000 feet below.

Dingo on the half dome. Photo looks NW.
Hudson Bay Mountain: S summit (far L), Middle summit (L), True summit (L of Center). Photo looks NW.
Hudson Bay Glacier. Photo looks NNE.

The view was stunning, almost terrifying!  Beyond the half snow dome, along a much narrower, but still easily passable ridge, several minor high points led NW toward the first tower, the same dark fin Lupe had seen before, now clearly identifiable as the S summit of Hudson Bay Mountain.

Circling S of the half snow dome to avoid the fearsome precipice, Looper continued up the gently sloping ridge a short distance to the first minor high point.  Pausing here, SPHP suddenly saw that she was standing next to a white plastic bottle with a black top.

By the white bottle (R). S summit (far L). Photo looks N.

Let’s take a break, Loop!  The registry must be in that bottle.  Evidently this must be about as far as most people go.

Inside the bottle were 2 booklets with lemon yellow covers, Glacier View Books 1 & 2, and several pencils.  Book 1 was nearly full of entries.  Book 2 had only a few on the first page.

Glacier View Book 1.

8-7-22, 3:50 PM, Hudson Bay Mountain (8,494 ft.), at the registry high point on the upper SE ridge leading to the S summit –

Hmm!  Looks like you’re the only one to make it this far today, Looper.  Last entry was yesterday.

So the people we saw that were going down never got this far, SPHP?

Evidently not, Loop.  Either that, or they just didn’t bother to sign in.

Well, sign me in, SPHP.  Then let’s have a chocolate coconut bar!

Gads!  I forgot to bring one, Loop.  How about more beef jerky, instead?

Ordinarily I accept no substitutes, SPHP, but I’ll make an exception in this case.

What? No chocolate coconut bar! Relaxing on the upper SE ridge. Photo looks SE.

SPHP shook Lupe’s paw, congratulating the American Dingo on getting this close to the S summit, then shared the enthusiastically received beef jerky with her.  This was followed up with the last of the Taste of the Wild for Loop; peanuts and vanilla pudding for SPHP.  After entering Lupe’s name in one of the Glacier View registries, SPHP placed both books back into the white bottle before restoring it to its place.

For some reason, this upper SE ridge wasn’t as windy as during the tan and gold climb to the half snow dome.  The breeze was only 10 mph out of the W, although during stronger gusts it felt even cooler than before.  Fewer clouds were in the sky now, but Hudson Bay Mountain drew those that were like a magnet.  Lupe was often in shadow, brief moments of sunshine vanishing as quickly and suddenly as they had appeared.

Far more clouds lingered among mountains visible toward almost every horizon.  The Babines, where Lupe had spent the last several days, were way off to the NE, and sunnier than the rest.  A much higher range with a multitude of impressive peaks sporting big glaciers was off to the S and W.  These lofty unfamiliar peaks were all far away among thick clouds.  Nearby Aldrich Lake and Dennis Lake down in the lowlands were about all that SPHP was able to identify.

Having a look around from the registry high point. Photo looks NNE.
Glacier view from the registry high point. Babine Mountains (R) in the distance. Photo looks NE.
Babine Mountains. Photo looks NE with help from the telephoto lens.
Unidentified peaks and lake. Photo looks W(?) with help from the telephoto lens.
Aldrich Lake (L) and Dennis Lake (R). Photo looks SW.
Distant glacier-clad peaks among the clouds. Photo looks S or SW with lots of help from the telephoto lens.
Snowy giants. Photo looks S or SW with lots of help from the telephoto lens.

Shall we continue on, SPHP?  See if we can get to the S summit?

Not at all optimistic about that at this point, Loop, but sure, let’s see how far we can go.

The next minor high point wasn’t much farther.  Lupe scrambled up to a ridge providing even more spectacular views of the Hudson Bay Glacier and Hudson Bay Mountain’s fantastically rugged summit region.

On the high point NW of the registry location. Babine Mountains (L) in the distance. Photo looks SE.
Pondering the incredible glacier view. Babine Mountains (R). Photo looks NE.
Hudson Bay Glacier. Photo looks NNE.

Only 2 more high points were beyond this one, the second being the scary dark fin of Hudson Bay Mountain’s S summit looming not too far ahead.  Getting to the next to the last high point involved a descent of maybe 25 or 30 feet to a small saddle next to a snowbank.  That didn’t look hard, but from there, Lupe would have to climb 80 to 100 feet up a slope so steep that it looked pretty sketchy to SPHP.

Think we’re done, Loop.  If this next high point actually was the S summit, we’d drop down to the saddle to take a closer look, but even if we manage to get up there, we’d still have to face that frightful fin.

We’re off to a such grand start on this Dingo Vacation, aren’t we, SPHP?  First two mountains we try to climb are fails.  This time, we can’t even get to the S summit, never mind the true one.

Eh, no worries, Looper!  Thought we’d easily get to the S summit from what I’d read online, but it really doesn’t make any difference.  Knew all along that Hudson Bay Mountain’s true summit was beyond anything we can do, so this fail was pre-ordained from the start.  Actually amazing that we got this far.  Hudson Bay Mountain has over 5,000 feet of prominence!

Have to admit, we did get pretty high, SPHP.  What an imposing summit, too!  Genuine mountaineering territory from here on.

Scares me just looking at it, Loop!  The whole experience came complete with beautiful Crater Lake and this awesome glacier, too!  Look at where we are.  What an incredible mountain!  So glad we came, even if we can’t get to the top.

As close as Lupe got to Hudson Bay Mountain’s S summit (L). Photo looks NW.

While the Carolina Dog enjoyed tremendous sweeping views far off into the distance from the upper SE ridge, Hudson Bay Mountain (8,494 ft.) itself, with it’s fearsome multi-crag summit and spectacular glacier so far below, was the real scenic highlight.  For over an hour, Lupe and SPHP remained high on the SE ridge in the cool W breeze, happy to be here.

Hudson Bay Mountain’s craggy summit region: S summit (far L), Middle summit (L), True summit (Center). Photo looks NW.

8-7-22, 5:00 PM, Hudson Bay Mountain (8,494 ft.) – Lupe stood alone on the 2nd minor high point she’d reached on the upper SE ridge, her point of farthest advance, the unattainable dark fin of the S summit still more than 200 feet higher looming beyond her.  Sniffing the breeze, surveying the glory all about her, she waited for SPHP to give the signal that the sad, inevitable moment of departure had arrived.

Final moments high on Hudson Bay Mountain. Photo looks NW.

Stay up there, Loopster!  I’ll take another one from a little farther down!

Moment of glory! Photo looks NW.

Wow!  Doesn’t get much better than this!  OK, thanks Loop, it’s time!

Lupe came running, but hung around with SPHP at the registry high point enjoying the grandeur of Hudson Bay Mountain for another 10 minutes before her descent began in earnest.

The wind was again 20 mph out of the W as the American Dingo headed down the tan and gold path below the half snow dome.  The descent was super scenic, fast, and easy, the wind eventually diminishing as Lupe lost elevation.  The “prairie” and the cluster of vacation homes and cabins that Loop had started out from more than 3,000 feet below were in view practically the entire way.

Simpson Creek canyon (R). Photo looks ESE.
Heading down the gold and tan path. The prairie (L). Photo looks SE.

Lupe eventually met 2 men coming up the mountain.  Although the sun was getting low, they were young, strong, and moving fast.

Have a feeling you won’t be the only one signed in on the registry today, Looper!

Approaching Crater Lake again. Photo looks S.

By the time Lupe got back to the prairie, the young men had already passed slow-poke SPHP on their way down.

Back at the prairie. Photo looks SE.

The American Dingo did not return to Crater Lake, instead joining the parade of people and dogs on their way back to the trailhead.  Lupe met Mika, a beautiful young dog that wasn’t yet as big as she was.  A couple of sniffs, and they hit it off!  So this wonderful, happy day on fabulous Hudson Bay Mountain ended with a wild game of Dingo tag among the prairie wildflowers swaying in the W breeze.  (8-7-22, 8:03 PM, 59ºF)

Amid the prairie wildflowers at the end of a marvelous day. Photo looks NE.
On Hudson Bay Mountain, Hazelton Mountains, British Columbia, Canada 8-7-22


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Hudson Bay Mountain & Crater Lake Trail Map

Bulkley Valley Backpackers Society Website

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Yukon Bound! – Getting Nowhere on the Long Road North (8-8-19 to 8-10-19)

Days 4-6 of Lupe’s 2019 Dingo Vacation to the Yukon & Alaska!

8-8-19, dawn, Yellowhead Hwy No. 16 W of Jasper – Uh-oh.  Warning!  Dingo triggering event ahead!  Not another soul on the road yet, but SPHP had to brake.  One of those portable temporary stoplights for road construction had just turned red.  Lupe stared in disbelief, her eyes growing big as saucers as she began to realize what she was coming to.  Her hackles rose.  SPHP completely shut the windows on her side of the G6.  Here it comes!

The G6 exploded with noise, as Looper sprang into action.  A full-fledged 5 alarm, frothing at the mouth, barking frenzy was underway!  The American Dingo bounded up and down, back and forth, whacking her head against the windshield, nose smearing against the side window, decibel level as high and shrill as she could possibly maintain it.

Egads!  Turn green for pity sake!  The stoplight remained a stubborn cherry red.  15 feet outside Lupe’s window a magnificent bull elk looked up momentarily.  What was all that racket?  Whatever it was all about, the elk decided it didn’t concern him, and went back to casually munching whatever it was he was munching.

A mile later, sides still heaving, Lupe gasped.

What is the matter with you, SPHP?  It takes a thermonuclear device to get your attention!  An enormous giant deer was frozen in place right there outside the G6!  Easy pickings!  We could have been feasting on fresh, warm, bloody venison right now!  Don’t tell me you didn’t see it!

Oh, I saw it alright, beyond a brown and white blur!  How could I not see it with you about to bust a gut for 10 solid minutes?  I thought that light would never turn green.  We are in a Canadian National Park, Loop.  I’m reasonably certain park officials would frown upon us devouring a freshly killed elk right next to the highway.  Besides, what makes you think it would be that easy?  That giant deer must have outweighed you 50 to 1!

You would have helped me, wouldn’t you, SPHP?

Of course.  I could use a few years free room and board courtesy of the Canadian government.  Shudder to think what might become of you, though, Loop.

Tangle Ridge had been a grand success yesterday, but over 3,800 feet of elevation gain had taken a toll.  The giant deer frenzy must have sucked up whatever energy the Carolina Dog had recovered overnight.  Yukon bound, the day turned into a relaxing road trip.  Serenity returned as Loopster took to snoozing on her pink blankie.

That didn’t mean there couldn’t be a few stops at favorite places.  Still needed to stretch now and then to keep the blood circulating.

Overlander Falls, Mount Robson Provincial Park, British Columbia.
Rearguard Falls, Rearguard Falls Provincial Park, British Columbia
Rearguard Falls on the Fraser River.
Exploring near the Goat River rest stop.

The whole day got spent cruising NW on Yellowhead Hwy No. 16, all of it in British Columbia after crossing the border from Alberta early on.  Shortly before reaching Fort Fraser, a tall plume of black smoke came into view on Lupe’s side of the highway.  Traffic was backed up ahead.

Turned out to be a badly burnt out vehicle.  Spontaneous combustion?  Didn’t seem to be the result of a collision.  By the time Lupe went by, the fire department had already put out the fire.

Sure hope the ole’ G6 doesn’t get any ideas, SPHP!

Yeah, that’ll be us someday, Looper.  We’re bailing, though, at the first sign of trouble.  If you ever sniff smoke, let me know right away.

Like that would help!  I’m not expecting any rapid response miracles out of you, SPHP, after that giant deer episode.

Well, warn me anyway.  I’m likely to be more excitable, if the G6 threatens to burst into flames.

At the Dry Williams Lake rest stop. A year ago forest fires had rained ash on the G6 here.

By late afternoon, Lupe was at Steelhead Park in Houston.  Small, but exquisitely maintained.  Sniffing the fragrant blossoms of all the colorful flowers was pure delight!  Looper paid homage to the Dingo god, too.

Steelhead Park in Houston is always such a lovely break!
By the Steelhead fountain.
So why doesn’t our yard look like this, SPHP? … Something to do with a brown thumb, Loop!
The air sniffs so good here!
Paying respects to the Dingo god.

8-8-19, 5:45 PM, Smithers, British Columbia – The long drive was over for now.  Lupe reached Smithers near the Babine Mountains with sufficient daylight remaining to explore the town.  She visited the Bulkley River, then took a stroll down Main Street looking for the Sausage Factory.  A year ago she had met the former owners, Fred and Teresa Reitsma, at Five Finger Rapids on the Yukon River.  They’d been on their way to Dawson City.

Fred and Teresa had invited Lupe to drop by the Sausage Factory, if she ever got to Smithers again.  Now she was here, but too late!  The Sausage Factory was closed for the day.  Too bad.  It looked like a ritzy place!  The product line was of considerable interest to a famished American Dingo, too.  Maybe Loop could return tomorrow?

By the Bulkley River in Smithers, British Columbia.
Outside the Sausage Factory, 1107 Main Street in Smithers, British Columbia.
We’ll go in tomorrow, right, SPHP? … With any luck, Looper!

Hudson Bay Mountain (8,494 ft.) was on the agenda tomorrow, a super prominent (5,000 ft.+) peak W of Smithers.  Lupe wouldn’t be able to get to the true summit, which was a technical climb.  The S summit wasn’t much lower, though, and was supposed to be accessible by a route that continued higher from Crater Lake.

By sunset, Lupe was at the Crater Lake trailhead, high on Hudson Bay Mountain’s S flank.  A gorgeous evening!  Things were looking good!

Hudson Bay Mountain (L) from Astlais Mountain exactly one year earlier on 8-8-18.

8-9-19, 6:58 AM, Hudson Bay Mountain, near the Crater Lake trailhead – The Carolina Dog sniffed aimlessly around the G6.  Fog and mist.  Hardly an inspiring start to the day.  It was what it was.  Reality rules.  No point in this.  Oh, well.

Down in Smithers a short while later, it was just an overcast day.  Only the upper half of Hudson Bay Mountain was shrouded in clouds, but that was the half Lupe had hoped to visit.  Some sort of front must have moved in overnight, nothing too dramatic, but enough to be a spoiler.  Kind of a shame.  Hudson Bay Mountain wasn’t the only candidate on Lupe’s list in this region.

However, didn’t seem to be much sense in waiting around.  The Yukon was still a long way.  Somewhere skies were blue!  Without even waiting for the Sausage Factory to open, Lupe was on her way again.

20 minutes W of Smithers, SPHP drove into rain.  20 minutes W of Seeley Lake, the long drive on Yellowhead Hwy No. 16 finally came to an end.  Lupe was on her way N on Cassiar Hwy No. 37!  The Alaska Highway in Yukon Territory was now only 724 km (450 miles) away.  The rain stopped 40 km later.  At 60 km, a patch of blue sky was seen ahead.

The weather improved as the G6 sped N.  The scenery was gorgeous!  Big lakes, mountains, and rivers, but Lupe seldom got a break from being cooped up.  This was really wild territory, with hardly a trail anywhere as far as SPHP knew.  Daunting.  The only significant stop Lupe made was at the Stikine River, a favorite spot known to harbor squirrels in the forest near the riverbank.

Lunch break at the Bell 1 rest stop 117 km N of Meziadin Junction.
At the Stikine River, looking upstream toward the Cassiar Hwy bridge.
Looking downstream. The Grand Canyon of the Stikine starts not far from here.

8-9-19, 7:15 PM, Beaver Dam rest stop along Cassiar Hwy No. 37 – Only 75 km left to the Alaska Highway, but enough was enough.  After a bite to eat, having spent practically the entire day on the road, Lupe finally got to do some exploring.  N of the rest stop a dirt road curved slowly NW into the forest.  Maybe it would lead to the beaver dam?  None was in sight at the rest stop.

A gentle 0.33 mile uphill stroll led to a bit of a drop into a little valley.  No beaver dam.  So far, SPHP had found only mosquitoes.  Lupe was doing better.  A couple of squirrels had come to her attention, and now to her enormous satisfaction, she came across a succession of mud puddles covering the entire road.  The American Dingo plopped herself right down in each one, clearly enjoying lapping up murky mineral water, and that oh, so wild and natural feeling one gets from being absolutely filthy.

Upon getting back to the Cassiar Hwy, SPHP picked as much trash out of the ditches as could be carried back to the rest stop for proper disposal.

We’re doing something wrong, Loop, when a load of trash, and a dingy Dingo are the highlight of the day!

8-10-19, 35ºF at the forest fire pond along Cassiar Hwy No. 37 –  Chilly out, but at least the sky was blue!  By the forest fire pond Lupe squinted into the brilliant glare of the morning sun.  Going to be a great day!  Another one on the road again, though.  Lupe had already made a few tracks.  This pond was what, a mere 30 km from the Yukon?

In the early morning sunlight by the forest fire pond.

8:08 AM, 39ºF, Yukon border, Cassiar Hwy No. 37 – Two days of pent-up energy could be contained no longer.  The were-puppy attacked as soon as SPHP stepped out of the G6.  Leaping, growling, nipping, tugging, tearing – all the usual were-puppy tactics.

You know, were-puppy, you are at least part of the reason I’m always in tatters!

Oh, you love it, SPHP!  It’s all in good fun!

For some of us.  I notice you don’t ever come away turning yellow and green and purple and blue.

Sorry ’bout that.  Now and then I get carried away.

Apology accepted, provided you let go of my pants without ripping them any further.  How about a romp in the woods along the Yukon border?  Might be a squirrel out there somewhere!

A romp and a squirrel sounded good.  After visiting the Yukon border sign, Lupe dashed off into the forest.  A squirrel did materialize, making SPHP look like a genius.

Made it! At the Yukon Territory border!

Burning off some steam early on was a good thing.  2 km N of the Yukon border Cassiar Hwy No. 37 came to an end.  SPHP turned W (L) onto the Alaska Highway.  Hours slipped by, the only significant stop being a now traditional one at Teslin Lake.

Teslin Lake – a traditional Lupe stop along the Alaska Highway.
Regional map posted at Teslin Lake.
By Teslin Lake. Dawson Peaks (R). Photo looks SE with help from the telephoto lens.

By early afternoon, Lupe had left the Alaska Highway at Jake’s Corner, and was on her way back into British Columbia heading S on Hwy 7 to Atlin.  A lunch stop was made on a bluff overlooking the N end of Atlin Lake and Mount Minto (6,913 ft.).

Atlin Lake and Mount Minto (R) from a bluff Lupe discovered in 2018. Photo looks S.

Atlin Lake is long and narrow.  It was still quite a way to the town of Atlin on its E shore.  Shortly before Loopster got there, SPHP spotted a couple of float planes on Como Lake, a small lake W of Hwy 7.  Might be fun to go take a look.  The American Dingo was all for it!

Checking out the float planes at Como Lake.
Oh, this does look like fun! We could go soaring over the mountains!

None of the stops today had been terribly long.  By mid-afternoon, Lupe was back in Atlin again!  A year ago, she’d had a terrific time climbing Monarch Mountain SE of town.

At the Atlin marina, with Monarch Mountain in the background. Photo looks SE.

Being back in Atlin was exciting!  Lupe went to the waterfront to see the gorgeous lake and the Tarahne, a century old excursion boat which had once upon a time brought tourists to Atlin.

Oh, it’s wonderful to be back at fabulous Atlin Lake again! And with big plans, too!
By the Tarahne, which decades ago had brought tourists to Atlin.

Off to the SW was the reason Lupe was here.  Across Atlin Lake near the far W shore was a large island.  Teresa Island was dominated by a single massive mountain which occupied virtually the entire island.  In 2018, Lupe had seen Birch Mountain (6,765 ft.), not only from Atlin, but also from Monarch Mountain (4,728 ft.).

Birch Mountain, the whole reason Lupe had returned to Atlin. Photo looks SW.

For the past year, SPHP couldn’t help thinking that Birch Mountain had looked climbable from the N.  Why, Lupe could do that!  From the top there ought to be a fantastic view of the Llewellyn Glacier, which the Carolina Dog had glimpsed on the far horizon from Monarch Mountain.  Birch Mountain had a peculiarity, too, which added to its overall appeal.  With 1,393 meters (4,570 ft.) of prominence, Birch Mountain was the 2nd most prominent lake island in the entire world!

Until Lupe had run across Birch Mountain, it had never occurred to SPHP that she might be capable of summiting the 2nd best of any class of mountain in the whole world, yet here was an opportunity to do so in this remote NW corner of British Columbia, an area Lupe had been close to on her summer Dingo Vacations these past 3 years.  The whole notion was so enticing!

Beyond the usual weather considerations, 2 significant problems needed to be addressed.  First, how to get over to Teresa Island?  Second, how to get above tree line?  The lower portions of the island looked densely forested.  Was there a trail?  If not, was the forest open enough to simply amble up through it without too much difficulty?  If Looper could get above tree line, the upper regions of the mountain appeared to be quite manageable.  SPHP was confident she could reach the summit.

Time to get some answers!  Across the street from the waterfront was a hotel.  SPHP went in to see what might be learned, while Lupe waited in the G6.  Hotel personnel directed SPHP to the Atlin Historical Society a few blocks away.  The Historical Society turned out to be a museum.  Inside, a couple of old ladies were busy answering tourist’s questions.

So what did you find out, SPHP?

Nothing yet, Loop.  Didn’t even talk to them.  Might be wrong, but I doubt they know anything at all about getting to Teresa Island or climbing Birch Mountain in there.

What now, then?

I think there was a sign when we came into town about kayak rentals.  Not going to take on Atlin Lake in a kayak, but maybe they rent motor boats, too?  Let’s go have a look.

Sure enough, there was a sign.  Glacier View Cabins, canoe and kayak rentals, 12 km on Warm Bay Road.

Glacier View Cabins seemed worth checking out.

Driving S on Warm Bay Road, SPHP saw no sign of Glacier View Cabins.  After going an extra 2 miles, SPHP turned around.  On the way back N, there it was!  A sign was near a steep driveway on the E side of the road, away from Atlin Lake.  SPHP drove up only as far as the first couple of cabins before parking the G6.  Lupe hopped out.

Nobody seemed to be around.  Lupe and SPHP trudged farther up the steep driveway.  At the upper end, a home sat perched on a slope with a fabulous view of Atlin Lake and the Llewellyn Glacier.  SPHP rang the doorbell.  No answer.  Knocking and ringing again didn’t help.  On the verge of giving up, Lupe and SPHP were still standing next to the door, when suddenly a man appeared carrying a basket of laundry.

Peter Sidler and his wife, Edith, who wasn’t home at the moment, own and operate Glacier View Cabins.  Originally from Switzerland, Peter had been a resident of Atlin for the past 37 years.  Although busy, he invited Lupe and SPHP into his home.

Peter had canoes and kayaks available for rent, but said Atlin Lake was too big and dangerous to cross over to Teresa Island in such craft.  He also had a motor boat that would have worked, but it was rented out for the next 2 days.  The following 2 days it was committed to participation in a search and rescue class.

Peter did share some good information.  Over the years, he had climbed Birch Mountain multiple times.  There were no trails on Teresa Island, and Peter was skeptical of SPHP’s proposed route from the N.  He’d never tried that, but expected the willows would make it tough to get through the forest.

The best route was from the SE, where a major rock slide gets down to within 200 meters of the shore.  Staying on the rocks made the climb much easier.  Peter had once gone up the NW side of the mountain, but that was more difficult.  Yes, Birch Mountain could be climbed in a single day, but it would be a long, hard one.

Although Peter couldn’t get Lupe to Teresa Island in the next few days, he knew who might be able to help.  No regular water taxi services were available in Atlin, but Archie Wiggins had tremendous experience in the area and ran charter services with his large boat.  Gary Hill might also have a suitable boat available.  A call to Mr. Wiggins went unanswered.  Probably out on the water with clients.

Armed with phone numbers and instructions on how to find both Wiggins and Hill, Lupe and SPHP departed after thanking Peter for all his help.  Returning to Atlin, Lupe dropped by Wiggins’ house, but no one was there.  At the Hill household, Gary’s wife, Bobbi, was out in the yard.  She was friendly and summoned Gary.  Again no luck.  Gary’s boat was rented out, and wouldn’t be available for a whole week.  He had no other options for Lupe.

That left Archie Wiggins, Lupe’s last and best bet.  After dinner, Loop and SPHP returned to his house in Atlin.  A vehicle was there now, but knocking on the door and walking around back produced no response.  Hmm.  Suddenly the front door opened.  Barefoot and in an old T-shirt, Archie Wiggins strode out of the house.  Peter and Bobbi had both called Archie leaving messages on Lupe’s behalf.  So what did SPHP want?

Passage across Atlin Lake both to and from Teresa Island.

Wiggins and his boat were available tomorrow, but his response was surprising.

Don’t really know much about Birch Mountain.  We don’t get much call for it.  People seldom want to hike Birch.  Usually they helicopter over there.  Most people I deal with want to go either to Atlin Mountain (6,722 ft.) where there’s a trail, or Cathedral Mountain (6,965 ft.).  Cathedral is a gorgeous mountain, a premier destination.

Not familiar with Cathedral.  What does it cost to go there?  Really came for Birch.  Are you willing to take us to Teresa Island?

Are you alone?  Just you and the dog?


For drop off and pickup, it’s $1,000 to Cathedral.  Really a wonderful trip, and a fabulous peak.  To Birch, $175.  That’s just to the NE shore.  More if you want to be dropped off somewhere else.


Do you have inReach?

I suppose maybe we ought to, but no.  I don’t.

We get a lot of intrepid individuals up here, who’ve done some amazing things.  My customers know what they’re doing and come prepared.  I’m not going to be responsible for anyone who’s going to put themselves in a situation.

With that, without waiting for a response, Archie Wiggins turned and went back into his house.  The door banged shut behind him.

That went well.

Dingo feathers!   I totally blew it, Looper!  The moment he quoted $175 for Teresa Island, I should have asked him what time we could start in the morning.  I only hesitated because I was wondering if I ought to ask him about going to the SE side of the island to the rock slide Peter mentioned.  Could have done that once we were already on board crossing the lake.  He would have been thrilled to charge us more, if we didn’t like the looks of the NE shore.

He still might have asked you about inReach.

Maybe, but maybe not, too.  We might well have been on our way!  It would have worked out.  Wiggins knows what he’s doing, and he was our last and best chance.  Can’t believe I let it all fall apart like that.

Too late now.  Why don’t we take the helicopter, SPHP?  That would be amazing!

That’s right!  He did say most people helicopter to Birch.

Discovery Helicopters was close to where Hwy 7 reached Atlin.  Right away SPHP ran into Matt, a young, professional helicopter pilot.

Birch Mountain?  No problem.  Alone?  That’s too bad.  Price is the same for up to 4 people.  We fly you up to an upper ridge.  Still a nice hike to the summit from there.  Spectacular views!  Just tell us what time you want us to meet you again for pickup back at the ridge.  Too late in the day to go now, but we can get you there as early as you like in the morning.

Price?  Well, 10 minutes flight time one way.  Two round trip flights.  That’s 40 minutes.  Gotta figure some time for loading and unloading.  $1,000 will do it.  If someone else wants to fly beyond Birch about the same time, we could save you something on that, but don’t think we have anyone lined up at the moment.  Drop in again in the morning, if you want to go.  We’ll see if that’s changed, and work out the details.  We’ll get Lupe up there!

SPHP thanked Matt and returned to the G6.

Are we really going in a helicopter, SPHP?

It’s a great deal with 4 paying passengers.  $250.00 each, Canadian.  Lucky American Dingoes get a nice discount at the current exchange rate.  How are those royalties on your blog doing?  Rolling in the dough by now, I hope?

Business has been, umm, steady, SPHP.

Still nothing, aye?


Any book advances or movie rights in play?

The agents just mutter something about “extremely limited market”.  By the way, what does “infinitesimal” mean?

In this context, Loopster, it means “Ain’t gonna happen.”  How about those endorsements?  Anything happening there?

I haven’t really endorsed anything except playing in the mountains and T-bone steaks.

No ad revenue, either, I don’t suppose.

There might be, eventually, if we ever come up with an ad.

I see.  Well, doubt I can rustle up 3 additional paying passengers in the next few hours.  Atlin is a small place.  Probably doesn’t make sense to hang out at the marina tomorrow trying to buy a random ride from some boater to Teresa Island, either, since we’ll actually need to get back, too.

No helicopter ride?

At $250, yes.  Absolutely.  What an experience!  Not at $1,000.  We can get more bang for our buck at another mountain.  To tell you the truth, I’m sort of used to free, other than our normal travel expenses.

And that was that.  Lupe’s Birch Mountain dreams had gone up in smoke.  The Carolina Dog left Atlin heading back N on Hwy 7.  Sundown found her at a little rest stop along the E shore of Atlin Lake.  The lake was almost mirror smooth.  The evening so calm, and a little sad.

Evening at Atlin Lake.

6 days into what was meant to be Lupe’s grandest Dingo Vacation of 2019, Tangle Ridge had been her only major peakbagging success.  Failure at Hudson Bay Mountain.  Failure at Birch.  She’d traveled the long road N to the Yukon, and wasn’t far from it now, yet it seemed the Carolina Dog was getting nowhere fast.

SPHP might be concerned, but Lupe wasn’t.  Tomorrow was another day.

Birch Mountain from the E shore of Atlin Lake, British Columbia, Canada 8-10-19


Next Adventure                         Prior Adventure

Monarch Mountain near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada (8-12-18)

The Crocus Trail to Pine Creek Falls, Atlin, British Columbia, Canada (8-11-18)

Glacier View Cabins (Peter Sidler)

Discovery Helicopters

Archie Wiggins (Atlin Lake boat charters)   PH: 250-651-7542

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