Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 337 – Buck Mountain, Peak 5566, Peak 5170 & Peak 5163 (12-3-24)

9:15 AM, junction of USFS Roads No. 201 & No. 201.2D – Late November had been cold and dry in the Black Hills, and December started out the same way.  Not today, though!  Still very dry, not a cloud in the sky, but the temperature was already an amazing 52ºF!

Loopster ready to rock near the start of USFS Road No. 201.2D. Photo looks SW.

What an awesome day, SPHP!  I’ve been waiting for this!

Oh, I know it, Loop.  Me, too!  4 peaks on the agenda, if we can get to them all, so let’s get underway!

Following USFS Road No. 201.2D first SW, then W once she reached the North Bogus Jim Creek drainage, Lupe led the way.  After passing USFS Road No. 201.2E on the R, the road began to steepen at a curve SE.  A skiff of snow remained here in the shade of the pines.

A skiff of snow on USFS No. 201.2D. Photo looks SE.

Turning SW again, a shady, straight section climbed even more steeply among the pines before making a quick loop toward the N, then leveling out as it turned SE again toward a lovely, sunlit part of the forest.

On the shady straight stretch. Photo looks SW.
In the sunlit forest. Photo looks SE.

A sunny, minor pass was just ahead.  After going over it, No. 201.2D curved SW.  A relatively short stretch led to another curve S, and almost immediately, to an unexpected, unmarked fork in the road.  The branch toward the R was higher than the one on the L.

At the unmarked fork. Photo looks S.

So, do we stay to the R, SPHP?

Good guess, Looper.

Just playing the odds, SPHP.  Since we’re climbing a mountain, the higher route is most likely correct.

The upper road climbed gradually SSW.  5 minutes got the American Dingo to yet another unmarked fork.  By now, the road was quite rocky.  This time the branch on the R was much steeper than the one on the L, which was virtually flat by comparison.

At the second unmarked fork. Photo looks SSW.

Right again, I presume, SPHP?

You’re 2 for 2, Loopster.

Following the eroded R branch of the second fork along the NW side of a ravine, Lupe gained 200 feet of elevation during a steep, rocky ascent.  Although the rate of climb then decreased somewhat, the Carolina Dog had to gain another 100 feet of elevation before reaching a spot where the terrain ahead leveled out in a sunlit forest.  Still climbing gradually, the road, which was no longer all that rocky up here, turned NW.

Near the flat, sunlit forest after a 300 foot climb. Photo looks SW.

Right where we want to be, Looper.  Let’s leave the road here.  Actually lucked out that there was a road that got us this far.  Didn’t know these last 2 unmarked branches even existed.  They aren’t on the maps.

Nice!  And exactly where are we, SPHP?

About 0.15 mile NW of Buck Mountain (5,555 ft.), Loopster.

Buck Mountain!  We were there once before, a long time ago, SPHP.  Had some big views.

Yup.  That’s right, Loop.  We did visit Buck Mountain, although I’m kind of hazy now on how we got there.  Seems like we came up from the W or NW on the other side of the mountain beyond this flat region.  I do remember that we had to go around to the E side to find a way up.

So, I suppose that’s the plan again today, SPHP?  S to the mountain, then around to the E?

You’re on a roll, Loopster, 3 for 3 now!

The flat, sunlit region wasn’t all that big.  Heading SE, Lupe very quickly entered a shaded region thick with doghair pines.  Gray rock formations soon appeared.  Staying E of them, Lupe climbed to a forested bench where a more formidable wall of rock was ahead.

Past most of the doghair pines, climbing near the rock formations at R. Photo looks S.
Approaching the more formidable rock wall. Photo looks SE.

We’re not going to try climbing that, are we, SPHP?  This must be where we head around to the E.

4 for 4, Looper!  It’s like you’ve been here before!

Below the wall of rock, a wide bench of mature pines swept around to the E and SE.  A few rocks and some deadfall along the way, but really a very easy trek.  The bench soon broadened out even more below a slope that was mostly rocky, but still just a mere walk-up.  Reaching an upper bench above this slope, Buck Mountain’s summit ridge was now in view, clearly a much more daunting prospect.

On the wide bench sweeping around to the E side of the mountain. Photo looks E.
On the rocky slope between benches. Photo looks SW.
On the upper bench at the base of the summit ridge. Photo looks WSW.

Yeah, this all seems familiar, Loopster.  No sense in trying to go up here.  There’s an easier way up a little farther S.

Following the upper bench S, the American Dingo soon got to where she could start angling up a slope that was steep, but nothing like that first view of the summit ridge with a boulder field below it back to the N.  A few minutes on this slope was all it took to reach the top of the ridge.

10:36 AM, 53ºF, Buck Mountain (5,555 ft.) – Lupe had come up not too far from the SE end of a NW/SE running summit ridge that was several hundred feet long.  This end was somewhat lower, but even here, the ridge featured many big, flat rocks that made excellent viewpoints.  This part of the ridge was also somewhat wider, with pine needle-covered passages between the rocks and trees, which made it relatively easy to move around.

Buck Mountain’s summit ridge, where Lupe first reached it. Photo looks WNW.

From the first big rock that Lupe leapt up onto, she had a clear, if distant, view of both Boulder Hill (5,336 ft.) and Silver Mountain (5,418 ft.) far to the SSE.

Boulder Hill and Silver Mountain (far R) on the distant horizon. Photo looks SSE.

Although the wind had been heard among the treetops during the trek to Buck Mountain, at ground level it hadn’t been any more than just a light breeze.  Up here, though, the situation was entirely different.  A strong, gusty W wind was blowing, making it feel colder in unprotected spots than it really was.

Since we’re close to the SE end of the summit ridge, why don’t we explore out that way first, SPHP?

Makes sense to me, Loop.  Onward!

Exploring SE, SPHP recognized Green Mountain (5,244 ft.), Peak 5136, and Peak 4980 among the many hills visible to the E.  Lupe could see clear out to the prairie beyond the Black Hills all along that horizon.

Peak 4980 (L) and Peak 5136 (R). Photo looks ENE.

After getting close enough to the SE end of the summit ridge to see what was out that way, it was time to head back to the NW in search of the true summit.  Along the way, from the top of a cool rock formation, Lupe enjoyed a nice, distant look at Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.).  Unfortunately, even at mid-day in December, the sun was so low that it interfered with the iPhone’s camera when looking S.

Near the SE end of Buck Mountain’s summit ridge. Photo looks SE.
Black Elk Peak (R). Photo looks S.

The NW half of the summit ridge was different.  As Lupe worked her way higher, the ridge soon narrowed.  Huge rocks dominated the crest.  Fully exposed to the W wind here, it was gusting anywhere from 10 to 30 mph.  Lupe came to a point where she couldn’t see over the next rocks.

At a dead end? Photo looks NW.

Stay there, Loop!  This ridge get pretty gnarly.  Let me take a look.

Yeah.  Nothing beyond those next rocks except a vertical drop into a gap along the ridgeline.  However, somewhat lower, an easily accessed 2.5 foot wide platform of solid rock existed on the NE side of these rocks.  This ledge allowed Lupe to get around them at a level that brought her to the upper end of a sloping rock surface that got her down to the bottom of the gap.

From the gap, the Carolina Dog continued NW below the crest of the ridge, losing additional elevation in rocky terrain full of stickers.

The next part of the summit ridge beyond the gap. Lupe went down along the R side. Photo looks NW.

Starting to regain elevation as Lupe followed the base of the wall, SPHP began looking for a route to the top.  There was one, SPHP was certain of that, since the American Dingo had been to the true summit before.

It wasn’t long before the spot appeared.  A near vertical scramble of 10 feet, or so, but with enough grips, pawholds, indentation, and even a small tree to hang onto near the top to make it possible.

You’re going to need a boost, Loopster.  I’ll get you up to that little ledge, then you just keep going up to the first safe spot.  Once you’re there, I’ll come up behind you.

Got it, SPHP.  Regular, old Boost-A-Dingo Plan A!

11:03 AM, Buck Mountain (5,555 ft.) – Plan A worked, of course, which was fortunate, because there was no Plan B.  Lupe had come up almost right next to the true summit, where she now stood rather reluctantly in the wild W wind.

Hurry up, SPHP!  Take the shot!

Stay there, Looper!  Dang sun is interfering again.  Let me get to a better spot.

There really wasn’t a much better spot.

If you wait much longer, you’ll be getting a picture of me flying off the mountain, SPHP.  Better make it a good one, because I won’t do it twice!

The Carolina Dog wasn’t kidding.  A moment later as another gust began sweeping in, Lupe didn’t stick around to see how it was going to turn out, instead leaping preemptively off the rock.

So, did you at least take a shot while I was still up there, SPHP?

Yeah, I did.  Should have gotten that leap, though, instead.

On Buck Mountain’s true summit. Photo looks SE.

The things you gotta do to get a chocolate coconut bar around here!

Hang on, Loopster.  Let’s sit down, and I’ll dig one out of the pack.

Sitting together below the summit boulder, it was still plenty windy.  SPHP shared a chocolate coconut bar with Lupe, then gave her a duck jerky and water, too.  After a nice rest break, it was time to get up, face the full force of the W wind, and have a look around.  There weren’t as many tall trees toward this end of the summit ridge, so the views were even better.

Green Mountain (L), Peak 5136 (Center), Bogus Jim Creek valley (R). Photo looks E with help from the telephoto lens.

Custer Peak (6,809 ft.) and Terry Peak (7,069 ft.) were easy to spot far to the NW.  Much closer, Peak 5701 was in that general direction, too.  However, at the moment, the view of a different mountain only 0.5 mile N interested SPHP the most.

See that hill at about the same elevation as we are here on Buck Mountain, Loop?

Of course.  What about it, SPHP?

That’s Peak 5566, you’re next objective, Looper.

Oh, that’s a new one, isn’t it, SPHP?  Shouldn’t take us long to get there.  About time to get off this windy mountain, anyway!  Shall we start down?

Custer Peak (far L) and Terry Peak (L) on the horizon. Peak 5701 (L of Center). Peak 5566 (R). Photo looks NNW.

Sure!  Right after we get a few more shots up here of Buck Mountain’s true summit, Loop.  This really is a terrific peak!  A cool summit ridge with lots of viewpoints, and a bit of a scramble required at the very end to claim success.

Oh, great!  I suppose that means you’re expecting me to get back up on that windy boulder again?

Just for a few minutes, please, Sweet Puppy.  I’ll try to be quick.

With a chocolate coconut bar, a duck jerky, and water so recently added as ballast, Lupe managed to stay up on the true summit longer this time, despite the W wind’s ongoing gusty assaults.

Buck Mountain’s cool summit region. True summit (L). Photo looks S.
Back on the true summit. Photo looks SE.
Black Elk Peak (R of Center) on the horizon from Buck Mountain. Photo looks S.
Dingo of the Wild West Wind atop the true summit. Photo looks SSW.

Exactly an hour after first reaching Buck Mountain’s summit ridge, Lupe leapt down off the true summit boulder for the last time.  Descending the 10 foot scramble without any assist from SPHP, she then headed SE along the ridge using the same route as before.

The rest was easy.  Once back to the same spot where she had come up, the Carolina Dog left the summit ridge and made her way back to the flat, sunlit forest.

OK, I guess we can return to the same road we were on before, Loop, and follow it however close it gets to Peak 5566 before starting our ascent.

The road climbed slowly as it wound NW.  Lupe didn’t get far before the road turned W, which wasn’t the way the American Dingo needed to go.  Abandoning the road, Lupe began climbing N on a moderately steep slope of open forest.  After gaining another 100 feet of elevation, a turn NE on slightly steeper terrain looked like it might get her to the highest ground.  Entering a denser forest, a wall of rock was just ahead.

Approaching the rock wall. Photo looks NE.

It’s higher toward the N, SPHP.

Yeah.  Let’s follow it, Looper, and look for a place to get up on top.

A wide forested ramp made for an easy march N along the base of the wall.  Soon enough, an easy route to the top appeared.  Getting up there revealed that Peak 5566’s summit was still farther N.  Heavily forested, and sort of a pointy peak, it was hard to tell if Lupe was going to have any trouble getting to the top, or not.

Hope weren’t not in for a fail here, Loopster.  Certainly looks possible.

Won’t know until we get there, SPHP.

Retreating back down into the forest, a short jaunt N got Lupe to another spot where it looked easy enough to begin an ascent.  The forest leveled out right along in here, too.

We can’t be that far from the summit now, Loop.  Let’s start up!

About to start a rocky ascent. Photo looks NE.

Reaching the crest of the wall again, a jumble of rock was ahead.  This part of the wall was wider than where Lupe had first climbed it.  The summit appeared to be close at paw, but pines mostly hid the highest rocks.  Still hard to say for certain what was in store.

It’s a Stairway to Heaven, Looper!  Looks best toward the L (W).

Awesome song, SPHP!  Not so sure about the mountain yet.

On the Stairway to Heaven. Photo looks N.

The top was farther than it first appeared.  After passing a pinnacle on the R (E), the stairway went on.  Staying toward the W was the right thing to do.  There were cliffs toward the E.

By the Peak 5566 pinnacle. Photo looks SE.
The stairway continues. Summit not in view yet. Photo looks N.

The true summit wasn’t much farther.  After passing a big rock situated above and beyond the pinnacle, the end was in sight.  A rocky region sloped up toward a high point of stones and brown bushes.

Our stairway is going to work, SPHP!

A glance back at the final part of the ascent. Photo looks SSW.
At Peak 5566’s true summit. Photo looks NE.

12:48 PM, 55ºF, Peak 5566 – Might not be heaven, but fairly close to it!  Lupe arrived at a summit that was a bit cramped, and kind of hard to move around on, due to a jumble of medium-sized stones and bushes.  The W wind was still an issue, but seemed to have weakened somewhat, with periods of near calm between sudden gusts of 25 mph.

Cliffs were on all sides, the stairway Lupe came up from the S the only route possible without serious rock-climbing skills.  Slightly lower, a flat platform of solid rock with a vertical edge jutted out to the NW.  A vast amount of territory was in view in all directions except back to the S, where pines along the stairway hid Buck Mountain (5,555 ft.).  From the right vantage point, it was sort of in view, and did look a bit lower.

On the NW platform, 15 feet from the true summit. Peak 5701 (far L). Photo looks N.
Edge of the platform (R). Custer Peak (far L), Peak 5701 (L of Center) with Terry Peak (L) between them. Photo looks NNW.

SPHP shed the backpack.  While Lupe stood proudly perched atop the true summit, SPHP shook her paw.

Proudly perched at the true summit. Photo looks SSW.

Congratulations, Loopster!  A new summit, and quite a nice one.

There’s a Dingo that’s sure all that glitters is chocolate and coconut, and she’s climbing the stairway to Peak 5566 …

Hah!  Great try, Loop, but sorry.  Only had one chocolate coconut bar, and it’s gone.  How about a duck jerky?

An acceptable substitute, SPHP, but next time come better prepared.  4 peaks, and you only brought one chocolate coconut bar?  Sheesh!

Facing E during a rest break, Peak 4980, Green Mountain (5,244 ft.), and Peak 5136 were all in sight again.  Steamboat Rock (5,084 ft.) was off to the NE, but a little hard to pick out since it blended in more with the forested hills nearby.

Peak 4980 (L), Green Mountain (Center), Peak 5136 (R of Center), Bogus Jim Creek valley (R). Photo looks E.
Steamboat Rock (Center), Peak 4980 (R). Photo looks NE.

Been a long time since we’ve been to Green Mountain or Steamboat Rock, SPHP.  Wonder if Pugg’s Keep is still up there?  We ought to check it out again sometime.

Some fine day, Loopster.  So many mountains, so little time!  Speaking of which, if we really intend to visit 2 more peaks, we can’t afford to spend another entire hour up here.  The days are way too short this time of year.

How long have we been here, SPHP?

40 minutes, Loop.

I thought visits to heaven were supposed to last longer than that, SPHP, but if  you think we should go, I guess I’m ready.

If this really was heaven, we’d stay longer, Looper.  Get back up on the true summit for a minute or two, again, please, and we’ll be on our way.

Back at the true summit. Photo looks SSW.
Waiting for the signal to descend the rock stairway. Photo looks NNE.

Once back down to the forest, the Carolina Dog had a logically pertinent question.

Where to next, SPHP?

Peak 5170, Loopster, then Peak 5163, if we have time.  You’ve been to both before, but only Peak 5163 was in the database back then.

So, we’re tagging Peak 5170 just for fun now that it’s in the database?

Yup.  It’s a little more complicated than that though.  Peak 5170 is at the S end of the same big highland that Peak 5163 is part of, and has 4 different 5,160 foot contours.  We visited them all last time around, and we’ll do it again today, too, just to make sure we hit the true high point.

How long will all that take us, SPHP?

Oh, not that long.  Don’t worry, Loop.  They’re all super easy.

And that brings us back to my original question, SPHP.  Which way do we go from here to get there?

Let’s start out following Peak 5566’s NW ridge, Loop.  Once we get past HP5496, there’s another ridge we can follow E.

Sounded easy enough, and started out that way, but it wasn’t long before rock formations began appearing along the crest of the ridge.  Soon they were large enough to repeatedly force Lupe off the ridgeline, eventually threatening to become so continuous that a decision had to be made.

Wow!  I had no idea that anything so rugged was in this region, Looper.  Looks like crossing back and forth over the ridge, choosing the side with the easiest terrain, is going to be an issue as we keep heading NW.  We’re going to have to pick one side or another, and stick with it for a while.

If we’re going to turn E when we get to the next ridge, we better stay on the NE side of this one, SPHP, or these rock formations will prevent us from getting over to that next ridge.

Makes sense, Loop, but looks easier on the SW side.  So, why don’t we try it?  These rock formations can’t go on forever.

Whatever, SPHP.  Why do you even ask, if you’re just going to ignore my advice?  My Dingo intuition is 4 for 4 so far today, remember?

Nevertheless, SPHP more or less insisted.  Venturing NW along the SW side of the rock formations, they became a continuous, insurmountable wall.  This was all beautiful territory, an easy, gradual downhill stroll through the forest, but as the American Dingo had already pointed out would be the case, Lupe was stuck on the wrong side of the wall.

On the wrong side of the impressive wall. Photo looks NNW.

Expecting some kind of a break before too long, SPHP was disappointed.  The rock wall went on and on.  What’s more, instead of shrinking, the wall was getting taller and taller, more and more formidable.

Below the fortress-like wall. Photo looks NNW.

Oh, good grief!  Can you believe this, Loop?  It’s got to end somewhere!

I’m 5 for 5, SPHP!

The wall extended all the way to HP5496.  Still no relief in sight!

Below HP5496. Photo looks NE.

Lupe was right, but so was SPHP.  There had to be an end, and there was.  A little after passing HP5496, the wall abruptly ended.  Climbing a moderately steep forested slope, the Carolina Dog reached the crest of the ridge again, and went over it.  Nothing but pine needles to deal with!  However, beyond this gap, the massive wall did continue NW.  SPHP was amazed by the rock formation Lupe went by.

The next rock formation along the ridge. Photo looks N.

Beautiful, but of no consequence to the plan of action.  Lupe was back on the right side of Peak 5566’s NW ridge again, and very close to the lower ridge she was supposed to follow E.  Beginning to lose elevation as she headed NE, a region full of deadfall and even a little snow soon gave way to a forest with far fewer obstacles.

And a trail, SPHP!

So there is, Looper!  Follow it.  It’s going the right way.

On the unexpected trail. Photo looks E.

The faint trail was an unexpected boon.  So continuous that it couldn’t possibly have been a game trail, the path appeared old, an abandoned route seldom, if ever, used anymore.  With the sun now clearly starting to sink, an American Dingo flew along it today, SPHP hot on her paws.  Steadily losing elevation most of the time, the trail ran right along the top of the same ridge SPHP had intended to descend.

Finally approaching a saddle, the trail curved S.

It’s going down to USFS Road No. 201.2E, close to where we were this morning, Loop.

A shortcut back to the RAV4, SPHP!

Yup, but that’s not where we’re headed.  We need to turn N.

Leaving the trail she was on, the Carolina Dog continued E toward the saddle.  Before she even got there, Lupe picked up another trail that promptly curved N.  Perfect!

On the second trail, shortly after discovering it. Photo looks SSE.
Heading N! Photo looks NNW.

Losing elevation much more slowly now, the second trail headed N into a more open, grassy area.  Not exactly a field, since there were still quite a few trees around, but very easy terrain where progress continued to be excellent.  Peak 5170 came into view ahead as the trail angled NNE.

Heading for Peak 5170 (R of Center). Photo looks NNE.

Peak 5170 looks like a blah mountain, SPHP.

They can’t all be the Matterhorn, Looper.

The second trail played out as it reached the forest again near Jim Creek.  Lupe got a drink from the stream, which was running quite low this time of year, making it easy to find a place where SPHP could cross.

At Jim Creek. Photo looks NE.

USFS Road No. 201 was just beyond Jim Creek.  The base of Peak 5170 was surprisingly steep on the other side of the road, but by following No. 201 only a little way N, the Carolina Dog was able to start up an easier slope.  Still steep enough to make SPHP pause frequently to gasp for air, but after regaining 250 feet of elevation, the rate of climb diminished.

On Peak 5170’s upper S slopes. Photo looks N.

Another 170 feet yet to go, but SPHP was now able to pick up the pace.  As Lupe got close to the top, SPHP encouraged her to turn NE.

Let’s head for the SE high point first, Loopster.  Right or wrong, that’s the 5,160 foot contour where shows the true summit.

3:29 PM, 52ºF, Peak 5170 – Felt odd being here again.  Nearly 3 years had flown, and no thought had been given to this place in all that time since.  Yet, instantly recognizable, memories came flooding back, the cobwebs hiding them suddenly torn away.  The SE high point actually had quite a few big rocks strewn about the forest.  Two of them, roughly 100 feet apart, seemed the most heavily-favored candidates for true summit.

Tag ’em both, Loop, and we’ll call it good.

Peak 5170 SE 5160 foot contour true summit candidate No. 1. Photo looks NE.
And SE contour true summit candidate No. 2. Photo looks S.

Seems like deja vu all over again, doesn’t it, Looper?  Funny how familiar it all strikes me nearly 3 years later.  Nothing that spectacular here, just some rocks in the forest, yet it’s almost like we never left.

Seek professional help, SPHP.  We’re still going to hit the other 3 contours, aren’t we?

Absolutely!  Would like to hang around here a little while, but it’s too late for that.  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

Two of the four 5,160 foot contours were close together midway between the others.  The S one was a rock so dull, that even to SPHP, it seemed only vaguely familiar.

At the S middle contour HP. Photo looks NW.

The N middle contour high point was another matter entirely.

I knew it!  I knew one of these middle contours had a tall, skinny cairn, Looper, and there it is!

Your mind is a steel trap when it comes to useless information, SPHP.

By the skinny cairn at the N middle 5,160 foot contour. Photo looks NW.

The W 5,160 foot contour high point was also clear as a bell, fresh as a daisy, in SPHP’s trivia-endowed mind.  Lupe stood with her front paws on a little ridge of rock with deadfall resting on it.  Although the entire journey from the SE high points hadn’t taken long at all, the setting sun was already near the horizon.

Near sunset at the W 5,160 foot contour high point. Photo looks SW.

I don’t know why, but this was really fun!  I’m glad we returned to Peak 5170, Loopster.

Yes, yes, I’ve enjoyed it, too, SPHP, but where’s Peak 5163?  It’s a long way N, isn’t it?  If we want to tag it before dark, we better keep going.

Peak 5163?  Yeah, it’s about 0.5 mile NNW, Loop.  Not so far.  Easy terrain on the way to it from here without all that much elevation gain or loss, and a road we can follow about half of the way.

Bidding farewell to Peak 5170’s W high point, the American Dingo headed NNE through the forest.  It was a bit of a trek to USFS Road No. 201.2A, which took her NNW.

On USFS Road No. 201.2A. Photo looks NW.

The sun had just set, and the light was already beginning to fade, when Lupe left No. 201.2A, heading W across a huge flat region to the area where she’d first come up Peak 5163 nearly 3 years ago.  Nearing the W edge of the mountain, the W wind was still heard in the pines, but at less than half its former strength.

Sunset from Peak 5163. Photo looks SW.

Almost there, Loopster!  The true summit is another 300 feet N.

4:12 PM, 49ºF, Peak 5163 – Lupe arrived an isolated 10 foot high rock formation unlike anything else on the vast, nearly level summit plain, as a few clouds were beginning to show some color.  Starting to get tired, the Carolina Dog actually wanted an initial boost onto the bottom of the formation from SPHP before finishing the little scramble to the top.

Arriving at Peak 5163’s summit formation. Photo looks NW.
At Peak 5163’s true summit (Center). Photo looks NW.
A somewhat hidden high point. Photo looks NW.

SPHP shook Lupe’s paw.

That does it, Sweet Puppy!  4 summits in one day, not bad for December!

Good thing we didn’t dilly-dally any longer at Buck Mountain or Peak 5566, SPHP.

Yeah, it’s going to be dark before we can get back to USFS Road No. 201, Loop.  We’ll find it, though.  Come on down, and let’s take a short break.  I’ve got another duck jerky and more Taste of the Wild for you.  Water, too, if you want it.

20 minutes after arriving, Lupe was back on the summit rock formation again.  This time, the American Dingo had scrambled up there entirely under her own power.  Beyond her, the NW horizon was on fire.

Sunset from Peak 5163 summit. Photo looks NW.

Pretty, but too many trees here to get a clear view, SPHP.

I know.  C’mon!  We can get a better view farther S along the W edge, if we hurry, Loopster.  It’s on the way back, anyway.  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

The display faded fast during the few minutes it took to grab the pack and head S, but a touch of glory still lingered on the horizon when Lupe got to the best spot.

Love it, SPHP!  A perfect end to a really fun day!

Oh, the fun isn’t over quite yet, Looper.  Still have some twilight exploring to do on the way back to USFS Road No. 201.

She stayed on Peak 5163 a little longer, but when the last dying embers of this wonderful day were gone, Lupe was, too.  (End 6:01 PM, 40ºF)

Sunset from Peak 5163, Black Hills of South Dakota 12-3-24
Lupe’s GPS Track


Next Black Hills Expedition                     Prior Black Hills Expedition

Lupe’s Scrollable GPS Track

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 291 – Peak 4980, Peak 5163 & Peak 5321 (1-17-21)

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 246 – Peak 5136 (1-27-19)

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 153 – Steamboat Rock, Pugg’s Keep & Green Top (1-23-16)

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 151 – Buck Mountain (1-5-16)

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 116 – Green Mountain, Northern Rainbows & High Point 5219 (1-24-15)

Want more Lupe adventures?  Choose from Lupe’s Black Hills, SD & WY Expeditions Adventure Index, Master Adventure Index, or subscribe free to new Lupe adventures!

Paxson Mountain, Hayes Range, Amphitheater Mountains, Alaska (8-22-23 to 8-24-23)

Days 30-32 and Part 1 of Day 33 of Lupe’s 2nd Summer of 2023 Dingo Vacation to Canada & Alaska!

8-21-23, 1:15 PM, Tombstone Territorial Park

So what did they say .. ACHOOO! … in the Interpretive Centre, SPHP?

Bless you, Loopster!  Are you ever going to get over these sneezing fits?

Oh, I sure hope … ACHOOO! … so, SPHP.

Me, too, and the sooner the better, Loop.  Anyway, the news is about what I figured.  Registration for backcountry camping permits opens in January, and they quickly get booked up months in advance.  After that, no permits are available unless they get a cancellation.  So, Divide Lake is out.  Likely always will be for a couple of nomads like us.

What’s the plan then, SPHP?

Guess we’re done with the Dempster Highway, Loop, so it’s on to Alaska!

Alaska!  We’re … ACHOOO! … going back to Alaska?

It was the eventual plan all along, Sweet Puppy.

8-21-23, 2:36 PM, 65ºF – At the junction with North Klondike Hwy No. 2, SPHP parked near the display at the start of the Dempster Highway so Lupe could get out and stretch.  At Tombstone Park, the sky had been drearily overcast.  Not so here.  The weather was warm and beautiful.

Back at the start of the Dempster Highway. Photo looks E.

We sure had a great time along the Dempster this year, Loop.

More adventures than we’ve ever had along it before, SPHP.  And that’s saying something!  I had a … a … ACHOOO … blast!

One last blast as we leave it, aye, Looper?

I can’t help it, SPHP.

Oh, I know.  Just teasing you, Loopster.

8-21-23, 3:25 PM, 66ºF, Dawson City – Although this was a travel day, and after yesterday’s Mount Chester Henderson (6,300 ft.) adventure Lupe was quite content to snooze on her pink blanket or look out the window, she did get to make a few more stops along the scenic drive.

A visit to Midnight Dome (2,887 ft.) was a tradition whenever passing through Dawson City.  The ancient bench at the top of the mountain was in sad shape, but still there.

Yukon River (R) from Midnight Dome. Photo looks NW.

The air’s much clearer, SPHP.  For the first time on this Dingo … ACHOOO! … Vacation we’ve got a terrific view of the Yukon River.

Yes, all better now that the Arctic apocalypse is over, Loop.

Upstream view of the Yukon River at Dawson City. Photo looks SW.

Leaving Dawson City, Lupe took the ferry to the Top of the World Highway.  By 4:25 PM, she was back in Alaska, and by 6:48 PM, the Carolina Dog was well beyond Chicken on Taylor Hwy No. 5, admiring Mount Fairplay, which she’d already climbed once on this Dingo Vacation.

Crossing the Yukon River aboard the George Black ferry.
Mount Fairplay (R of Center) from Taylor Highway No. 5. Photo looks S.

8-23-23, 9:26 AM – Last evening’s drive had continued until after dark, then resumed early this morning.  Soon there were signs of trouble.  Lupe now stood on the Tok-Cutoff bridge over the Chistochina River.  Looking upstream, everything seemed fine.

Chistochina River upstream view. Photo looks N.

Downstream, however, Mount Sanford (16,237 ft.), usually a gleaming white giant, was dimly seen through a haze.

Mount Sanford (Center) beyond the Chistochina River. Photo looks SSE.

Smoke, SPHP.  The Arctic apocalypse is … ACHOOO! … still here!

The Arctic apocalypse still lived here in Alaska?  That was unwelcome news.  Fortunately, a little farther on, the haze didn’t seem quite as bad to the W from bluffs overlooking the Copper River.

Mount Sanford (Center) and Mount Drum (R) beyond the Copper River. Photo looks E.
Copper River downstream view. Photo looks WSW.

The smoke seems worst toward the S, Loopster.  That’s good!  We’ll be turning N in just a few more miles at Gakona Junction.

Where are we going, anyway, SPHP?

Denali Highway No. 8.  You’ve got several peaks on your list of possibilities there.

The first part of Richardson Highway No. 4 N of Gakona Junction was a mess due to road construction, but led to beautiful new pavement.  The highway eventually ran along the E shore of Paxson Lake.

See that huge ridge to the NW across the lake, Loop?  That’s where we’ll be going first, Paxson Mountain (5,250 ft.).

The L turn onto Denali Highway No. 8 was only a few miles beyond the N end of Paxson Lake.

8-22-23, 5:43 PM, 64ºF – After a reconnaisance looking for the best spot, SPHP had settled on a Denali Highway pullout near the NW end of the miles long Paxson Mountain ridge.  Everything was now ready to go.

Sort of late in the day to be setting out, isn’t it, SPHP?  And I see you’re bringing the tiny house!

Yup.  Paxson Mountain’s true summit is about 5 miles SSE as the crow flies, Loop.  I’m expecting a potentially difficult bushwhack until we reach the alpine.  If we can just manage that much this evening, that will put us in good shape to summit and still get back late tomorrow. 

We better get after it then, SPHP.  You don’t want to be trying to set the tiny house up in the bushes.

About to cross the Denali Highway and strike out for Paxon Mountain! Photo looks SE.

The trek started inauspiciously.  After crossing the Denali Highway, tall bushes immediately greeted the American Dingo as she headed up the opposite bank.  Clouds of gnats, joined by a few mosquitoes and flies, swirled in the air as SPHP fought to push past this first thick stand.

Fortunately, the gnats weren’t aggressive.  Their overwhelming numbers would have made that an instant show-stopper.  Lupe continued higher, climbing a rumpled, uneven slope amid lower bushes.  Reaching a first rocky high point, she had a great view of Peak 4790 back to the NW.

Peak 4790 (L of Center). Photo looks NW.

Remember all the caribou we saw up on Peak 4790 years ago, SPHP?

Oh, yeah!  You were so excited, Loop!  The fall colors were breath-taking that day, too.  Brilliant crimson carpets of alpine bearberries that were out of this world!

Continuing SSE, the territory the Carolina Dog was climbing through was full of bushes.  Some were low, but most were waist high on SPHP, often leaving Lupe lost in a jungle where she couldn’t see a thing.  Meanwhile, SPHP struggled to find the best routes forward.  Occasional open areas provided significant assistance, but usually played out quickly.

Heading higher.

After gaining some elevation, crowberries and blueberries appeared – ripe, sweet, and delicious.  Despite these  temptations, SPHP seldom paused to sample them due to the relentless annoying gnat swarm.

Lupe succeeded in reaching a series of firm or rocky high points, but gaining and keeping elevation was even more difficult than anticipated.  These achievements were usually negated by an immediate descent into bush-filled ravines on the other side.

Even so, the American Dingo was making progress.  A grand view of a long line of lofty snow and glacier clad peaks appeared far to the NNE.  One glacier sweeping down a long valley was particularly impressive.

The line of snow and ice-capped peaks. Photo looks NNE.

Any idea what glacier that big one is, SPHP?

Not sure, but if I had to guess, I’d say it was the Gulkana Glacier, Looper.

Gulkana Glacier (Center & R). Photo looks NNE with help from the telephoto lens.

Whether that identification was correct or not, wasn’t really important.  Getting to the alpine, above both bush and gnat line, was.  A quick glance at the topo map suggested that aiming for HP4626 was the best course of action.  However, getting there proved way more difficult than it looked.

HP4626 (L). Photo looks SSE.

Heading directly SE, the bushes were so tall and dense, that something else had to be done.  Lupe successfully followed a more open corridor on a long foray NE, gaining a fair amount of elevation, but then found that turning SE again wouldn’t work due to a deep, rocky ravine in the way.

This unhappy discovery forced a long march S through the wretched high bushes, eventually bringing the Carolina Dog near HP4000, a hill only a mile SSE of where she’d started after 50 minutes of effort.

Near HP4000 (Center). Photo looks NW.

After crossing a relatively small ravine near HP4000, it looked like Lupe was past the last significant obstacle other than bushes.  However, this was not true, as part of the very deep ravine was still ahead.

Climbing out of a ravine (L) crossed near HP4000. Photo looks NNE.
Unseen from this point, the deep ravine was still ahead. Photo looks SE.

Forced SW of HP4000 in order to avoid the deep ravine, Lupe was high enough to see a saddle farther W that would finally get her around it.  To reach this saddle required yet another descent into the tall bushes.  Near the upper end of the ravine, a pond was visible down in it.  The tedious bushwhack was forgotten in an instant when a lone caribou burst forth from this hidden hollow.

The lone caribou (Center) of Caribou Hollow heads for the hills. Photo looks WSW.
The caribou pauses. Photo looks SW with help from the telephoto lens.

Lupe was excited!  The caribou ran SW, then S, then back to the NNE.  It was almost more than a Carolina Dog could take.  Sadly, once it vanished among the tall bushes, she never saw it again.

After crossing the saddle W of Caribou Hollow, rock formations 50 to 100 feet high were in sight to the S.  The terrain E of them rose in a series of small benches toward the high ground Lupe was trying to get to.

Near Caribou Hollow, heading for the rock formations (Center). Photo looks S.

Passing E of the rocks, Lupe began a steady climb on a moderately steep slope.  The bushes shrank, then began to thin out.  The American Dingo finally managed to reach the alpine.  Once there, the rest was easy.  The slope diminished as Lupe continued S, eventually leveling out at 4,300 feet.  Crossing a level plain, Lupe reached the edge of a broad valley.

Mission accomplished, Loopster!  This ought to do for the night.

In the alpine. HP4000 (L) below. Photo looks N.

8-22-23, 8:37 PM, Base Camp, 0.75 mile WSW of HP4626 – SPHP had Lupe’s tiny house all set up on the soft, low tundra.  In the alpenglow, a prominent peak was visible nearly 2 miles SSE beyond the broad valley.

HP5226 (R) from base camp. Photo looks SSE.

What a beautiful spot!  We can see for miles!  Is that Paxson Mountain to the SSE, SPHP?

Nope.  That’s got to be Peak 5226, Loop, which is only about half way to Paxson Mountain from here.  We’ll visit it tomorrow.  A bit off topic, but I notice that you haven’t suffered a single Dingo-shaking sneeze lately.  Are you cured of whatever it was that’s been ailing you?

Oh, maybe so, SPHP.  I don’t feel like I need to sneeze anymore.

Glad to hear it, Loopster!  I was getting worried about you.

The spot where the tiny house was pitched really was a great place.  Looking SW, Lake 3081 and Wait-A-Bit Lake, two of the largest in the Hungry Hollow region were in sight.

Lake 3081 (Center) and Wait-A-Bit-Lake (L of Center) down in Hungry Hollow. Photo looks SW.

Loop, look off to the NW, a little R of the sun.  See the highest rounded hill just beyond some others?  That’s Tangle Benchmark (5,715 ft.), another mountain on your list of possibilities.

Are we going to climb it, too, SPHP?

Hope so, once we get back from Paxson Mountain.  You have a few more peaks within range of the Denali Highway we’re going to try, too.

The more the merrier, SPHP!

Tangle Benchmark (R). Photo looks NW.

The evening wore on fair and lovely, full of promise for tomorrow.  Getting past all the bushes, ravines, and gnats had been worth it.

Day’s end. Tangle Benchmark (R). Photo looks NW.

8-23-23, 7:45 AM, Base Camp, 0.75 mile WSW of HP4626 Although the night sky had been clear, clouds predominated this morning.  Otherwise mild with no wind.  Optimism reigned.  The American Dingo had already drained one of the four water bottles, and this journey was just getting started, so finding a spot to resupply might be smart.

We’re leaving the tiny house set up here, SPHP?

Yup.  I’ll stash the sleeping bags in it, too, so we can travel fast and light.  The terrain shouldn’t be difficult now that we’re above the tall bushes.  I’m thinking we ought to be able to hit both Peak 5226 and Paxson Mountain, and still get back to the RAV4 before dark.

What about water, SPHP?  Does your map show anyplace where we can get more?

Possibly.  There’s supposed to be a long, skinny tarn in a ravine 0.25 mile E of here, Looper.  We’ll be setting off in that direction anyway, so if there’s actually any water when we get there, I’ll fill up the water bottles.  Think we’re ready, so if there are no further questions … Onward!  Puppy, ho!

Gradually losing elevation, Lupe set off heading ESE in search of the skinny tarn.  With only a few low bushes to contend with, the downhill march on the tundra was super easy.  The hidden tarn was right where the map promised it would be.  Its calm, green water was very clear.

At the skinny, hidden tarn. Photo looks NNE.
Getting a drink. Photo looks N.

Back at peak water supply, Lupe left the S end of the tarn climbing SE on a very steep slope.  The rate of climb soon diminished.  Peak 5226 was in sight again.  Although less than 2 miles away, it looked a long way off.

Peak 5226 (R). Photo looks SE.

So we just head for Peak 5226 now, SPHP?

Pretty much, Looper.  Should be a gradual, easy climb virtually the entire way.  Stick to the high ground as we go around the E end of the valley to our S.  That’s about all there is to it.

This rather obvious plan worked well.  Lupe had already done the hard part yesterday down among all the ghastly bushes, bugs, and ravines.  The tundra was lumpy in some areas, but the Carolina Dog generally made excellent progress as she steadily gained elevation.

Heading for HP5226 (R of Center). Photo looks SSE.
An exhilarating morning romp! Photo looks SSE.

Eventually the terrain began to steepen.  A series of benches separated by rocky climbs was ahead.  Picking a way through the rocks up several benches, a grand panorama was back to the N.  Lupe could now look down on HP4226, a mile away.  Off to the NW, Peak 4790 already looked lower, too.  Much higher mountains were well beyond them.

Approaching a rocky scramble between benches. Photo looks SSE.
A quick glance back. Peak 4790 (far L foreground), HP4226 (R). Photo looks N.

As the American Dingo continued gaining elevation, the terrain became progressively rockier.  Even in the rockiest, steepest sections, Lupe was often able to follow lanes of tundra higher.  Views kept improving.  Part of Summit Lake appeared to the NNE, with the Gulkana Glacier visible in the mountains beyond it.

Summit Lake and the Gulkana Glacier (R of Center). Photo looks NNE.
Getting rockier. Photo looks SSE.
Approaching the steepest, rockiest region. Photo looks SSE.

Near the end of the climb, a certain amount of scrambling around on the rocks was unavoidable.  As usual, Lupe enjoyed it.

Following the tundra whenever possible. Photo looks S.

The steepest part of the ascent ended upon reaching a vast rock-strewn plain of yellow tundra.  This plain sloped gradually up to the S toward an even higher plateau where a huge billboard and a couple of sheds were in sight along the E edge of the mountain.  Somewhat closer along the W edge, a ridge of dark rock rose 50 feet above the terrain around it.

On the yellow tundra summit plain. True summit (R). Photo looks S.

That dark little ridge must be the top of Peak 5226, SPHP.

Believe you’re right, Loop.  Looks like we won’t have any trouble climbing it.  Before we do, though, let’s angle over toward the NE edge for another look at Summit Lake.

What a terrific view!  Nearly the entire lake was in sight, as well as a long stretch of the Denali Highway down at the base of the mountain.

Summit Lake from the NE edge of Peak 5226. Photo looks NNE.

Likely the best view we’ll have of Summit Lake, Loopster.  We’ll see it again, but we’re closer to it here than we will be at Paxson Mountain.

So beautiful, SPHP!  Let’s go check out the true summit now.

Approaching Peak 5226’s summit (R). Photo look SSW.
The summit ridge. Photo looks WSW.

8-23-23, 10:10 AM, 55ºF – Peak 5226’s summit was a quick scramble to the top of a ridge where two high points were separated by 70 to 80 feet.  Both prominences featured some tundra among the rocks and were very close to the same elevation.  The apparent true summit toward the S end was only marginally higher.

An enormous amount of territory was in sight in all directions, although the views toward the S and W were somewhat marred by a hazy hint of smoke.  Summit Lake and the glacier-clad peaks beyond it were clearer off to the NNE.

At the N end of the Peak 5226 summit ridge. Summit Lake (R). Photo looks N.
Summit Lake from Peak 5226. Photo looks NNE with help from the telephoto lens.

Peak 5226’s W flank sloped gradually away to the Hungry Hollow area dotted with many small lakes.  Flat Top Mountain (4,679 ft.) to the SSW marked the far edge of that water-logged lowland.

Flattop Mountain (L), Hungry Hollow (R). Photo looks SW.

However, it was the view to the S that was most relevant.  2 enormous billboards were now in sight, one SE along the E edge of Peak 5226, and another one quite a bit farther S.  Between them, Lupe had her first view of Paxson Mountain (5,250 ft.), her ultimate destination, still more than 2 miles SSE.

Paxson Mountain (R) from Peak 5226’s true summit. Photo looks SSE.

Paxson Mountain definitely looks higher than where we are now, Looper.  In fact, I’m surprised at how much higher it looks.

Oh, it’s not all that much different, SPHP.  I’m more surprised by how far away it still is.

Yeah, still a bit of a trek, Loopster, but should be an easy one.  It’ll go fast.  By the way, congratulations on reaching the true summit of Peak 5226!

Thanks, SPHP.  I’ll take that, and a chocolate coconut bar to go!

Lupe got her chocolate coconut bar, but didn’t go anywhere.  Instead, she opted for a nap on the soft tundra near the true summit.  Meanwhile, SPHP enjoyed the splendid views in all directions.  Other than the bit of smoke haze, it really was a perfect day.

Half an hour drifted by before SPHP nudged Snoozster.

About time to hit it, Looper.

Summit hour’s over already, SPHP?  Seems like I just closed my eyes.

It’s only half over, Loop.  You’ll get the rest of your summit hour here on the way back.

Before leaving Peak 5226 entirely, checking out the billboards seemed like a good idea.  Lupe went to the closest one along the E edge of the mountain first.

By the billboard and metal sheds SE of Peak 5226’s summit. Photo looks NE.

So, what does the billboard say, SPHP?

Not a darn thing, Loopster.

Not even “Eat At Joe’s?”  What kind of a crummy billboard is this?

It’s most likely a passive repeater, Looper, not actually a billboard.  It’s for relaying microwaves, or possibly radio waves.

Boring!  I suppose the other one will be the same, SPHP?

Probably, Loop.  We can still check it out, though.  Maybe it actually will tell us where to eat?

Might as well, since it’s on the way to Paxson Mountain, SPHP.

Heading for the second billboard (R). Paxson Mountain (L). Photo looks S.
Peak 5226 summit (L) beyond the second repeater. First repeater (Center). Photo looks NNE.

The second billboard also turned out to be a passive repeater.  Oh, well!  Lupe’s focus was now on her main objective, and a couple of other high points of interest.  HP5100, the top of a plateau between Peak 5226 and Paxson Mountain, was closest beyond a 400 foot descent to a very broad, flat saddle.  Conical HP5200 at the far S end of Paxson Mountain was also in view.

Paxson Mountain (L), HP5100 (L of Center) with HP5200 between them. Photo looks S.

The long, gradual descent to the enormous saddle was rocky, but with enough lanes of tundra running through this region to avoid most of the rocks.  The entire trek was a lot of fun.  Lupe roamed a vast area sniffing wherever she pleased, enjoying spaciousness and solitude that conveyed a sense of boundless freedom.

Descending to the broad saddle. HP5100 (L). Photo looks SSE.

Crossing the saddle, some of the tundra was wet.  Nothing too serious, though.  Once across, Lupe climbed another long, gradual slope that was a mix of rock and tundra up to a flat plain along HP5100’s W shoulder.  Avoiding HP5100, the American Dingo went far enough S to get beyond it, before turning ESE toward Paxson Mountain.

Approaching Paxson Mountain. Summit (L of Center), HP5200 (R). Photo looks ESE.

Another gradual descent was ahead, followed by a steeper drop into a narrow valley cutting N/S across the mountain.  Lupe did a great job of reaching this valley near its highest point.  All she had to do now was climb Paxson Mountain’s W slope.  Since the W slope was very steep here, the Carolina Dog explored the valley a little farther S.

Down in the valley. Photo looks NNE.
Paxson Mountain’s W slope. Photo looks ESE.

Soon discovering a beautiful stream gushing forth from a spring, Lupe helped herself to a drink, then began her ascent.

At the spring. Part of Paxson Lake (Center) in the distance. Photo looks S.

The ascent consisted merely of a long, steep, tundra slope.  After gaining close to 500 feet of elevation, Lupe reached a plain of yellow tundra and scattered rocks.  Once again, a minor ridge of dark rock sat atop a higher plateau to the S.  This time, instead of a billboard, a green shed of some sort was visible E of it.

Paxson Mountain summit (L of Center), HP5200 (R). Photo looks SE.

Deja vu all over again, SPHP!

Seems that way, Loop.  Shall we repeat our earlier actions at Peak 5226, and go over to the N edge for a look at Summit Lake before heading on to the true summit?

Why not?  Might as well make it a tradition, SPHP.

Summit Lake & the Gulkana Glacier (Center) from Paxson Mountain. Photo looks N.

The view of Summit Lake and the Gulkana Glacier were nearly as good here as they had been at Peak 5226, which was now in shadow back to the NNE.  Lupe could see both passive repeaters and the little summit ridge she’d visited over there.

HP5100 (L), Peak 5226 (R) in the distance. Photo looks NNW.

After a good look at these beautiful and interesting views, Lupe headed SE across the yellow plain, then on up to the green shed situated near the N edge of the elevated plateau E of the summit ridge.

Heading for the green shed (R of Center) on the elevated plateau. Summit (R). Photo looks SE.
Paxson Mountain’s summit ridge from the green shed. Photo looks WSW.

This hut looks just like the one at Davis Dome (4,124 ft.) back along the Taylor Highway near the Canadian border, SPHP, except it’s newer.  What are they for again?

Not sure, Loopster.  Presumably houses some kind of communications equipment.

It didn’t take long for the American Dingo to sniff her way once around the green shed, and decide that was sufficient investigation.  Lupe then headed over to the 70 foot high rock outcropping constituting a summit ridge remarkably similar to the one at Peak 5226 along the W edge of the plateau, and made the easy scramble to the top.  As at Peak 5226, the very highest rocks were near the S end.

Paxson Mountain true summit. HP5200 (L). Photo looks S.

8-23-23, 1:13 PM, 55ºF, Paxson Mountain (5,250 ft.) – As Lupe reached the true summit amid a 10 mph SW breeze, the sky was cloudier in most directions than it had been earlier.  Not particularly threatening, but it seemed like a shower might be possible.  SPHP shook Lupe’s paw.

Congratulations, Loopster, another Alaskan peak climbed!

Nothing to it, SPHP.  Once past all those bushes yesterday, it’s been a blast.

Yes, it has been fun, Loop.  Kind of a long march, though.

A chocolate coconut bar would help restore our energy levels, SPHP.  You did bring another one, didn’t you?

Of course.  Brought a few other supplies, too, Looper.  How about we take a quick look around, then we’ll relax for a while.

Sitting on a tundra-covered rock, Lupe basked happily in the glorious success of her Paxson Mountain ascent.  Beyond her was that wonderful view of Summit Lake and the Gulkana Glacier.

Summit Lake and the Gulkana Glacier (L of Center), and Gakona Glacier (far R) from Paxson Mountain summit. Photo looks NNE.

Looking E, a big river ran N/S between Wolverine Mountain (4,653 ft.), and low mountains of similar height even farther E.  The Gakona Glacier feeding this river was in sight in the mountains to the N.

Gakona River (L & R) beyond Wolverine Mountain (R of Center) and the green shed. Photo looks ENE.

The Hungry Hollow lowlands were still off to the W.  Flat Top Mountain was SW.  Other mountains and domes were visible in these directions, too, but all those that were higher than Paxson Mountain were very far away.  To the S, HP5200 partially blocked a view of Paxson Lake.

Lupe was getting anxious for that chocolate coconut bar.  Relaxing on tundra below the true summit rocks near the S end of the ridge, SPHP shared one with her, plus a cool mint Cliff bar, the last of the beef jerky supply, and water.  The Carolina Dog also enjoyed some Taste of the Wild before her eyes grew heavy.  SPHP threw a light jacket over her, as Lupe put her head down and went to sleep.

Getting sleepy next to the true summit (L). Photo looks SSW.
Snoozing below the true summit. Flat Top Mountain (R of Center). Photo looks SW.

While Lupe dozed, SPHP munched on trail mix, then sat admiring the views for a long time.

8-23-23, 2:42 PM, 55ºF, Paxson Mountain – Rain showers never developed to clear the air to the S.  Conditions otherwise remained excellent.

Oh, SPHP!  I’ve been dreaming the most beautiful dreams!  Is summit hour getting close to over yet?

You must have been really tired, Loopster.  Summit hour was over nearly half an hour ago.  No worries!  It’s been magnificent just being here.

I slept that long, SPHP?  I suppose we better get going.

Yeah, probably should, Loop.  Hop up onto the true summit again for a minute, then we’ll head out.

Back on Paxson Mountain’s true summit. Photo looks S.

For few moments, Lupe was back up there, standing once again on the highest rock of all on Paxson Mountain.  While starting the descent to the plateau below, SPHP encouraged the American Dingo to stay put.  Compliance ended, however, as soon as SPHP disappeared from view during the short scramble lower.

You never want to take a chance on being left behind, do you, Looper?

Any decent pack sticks together, SPHP!

Don’t you know that I’ll never leave you, Loop?  I just wanted to take your picture up there.

Just making sure, SPHP.

Well, that’s alright.  C’mon, Loopster!  We’ve got one more thing to do up here.  Let’s head over to the S end of the plateau for a look at Paxson Lake.

It took only a few minutes to get there.

Paxson Lake and HP5200 (R). Photo looks S.

Awesome view!  Paxson Lake is really big, isn’t it, SPHP?

Yup.  Like 10 miles long, but narrow, Loop.

Too bad I dreamt so long, SPHP.  We could have gone on to HP5200.  Bet the view is even better there.

Still possible, Loopster, but we should probably head back.  Would be nice to get to the RAV4 this evening, and all those bushes would be a nightmare in the dark.

Lupe scouted a little along the E edge of the plateau, enjoying the big views before heading back to the green shed.

Along the SE edge of the plateau. S end of Summit Lake and Gulkana Glacier (far L), Gakona Glacier (R of Center). Photo looks NE.
Paxson Mountain’s summit ridge (Center) and the green shed from the S end of the summit plateau. Photo looks NNW.

Returning N, Lupe scrambled back up onto Paxson Mountain’s summit block.  Not clear to the absolute top, but good enough for Dingo work.

Back on the summit ridge. Photo looks WSW.

Oh, that’s fabulous, Loopster!  Thank you!

The rest of the return started well.  The sky cleared somewhat, the day growing sunnier.  Lupe had a wonderful time exploring on the way back to Peak 5226.

Approaching Peak 5226’s true summit (L) again. Photo looks N.

8-23-23, 4:55 PM, 55ºF, Peak 5226

We’re going to tag the true summit again, aren’t we, SPHP?

Absolutely, Looper!  More than just tag it, too.  My paws are getting pretty sore, so let’s finish your traditional summit hour here.

Returning to Peak 5226‘s true summit, SPHP removed wet boots and socks letting those sore paws bask in the sunshine for a while.  The view looking back at Paxson Mountain was splendid in the sunlight.

Paxson Mountain (R) from Peak 5226’s true summit again. Photo looks SE.

Lupe more than completed her traditional summit hour on Peak 5226.  So nice up here, and SPHP’s paws really needed the break.  40 minutes sailed by before SPHP felt like moving again.  The sun was still going to be up for quite a while, but was starting to slide toward the NW horizon.

Tangle Benchmark (Center) and Peak 4790 (R) from Peak 5226’s summit ridge. Photo looks NW.

8-23-23, 7:23 PM, 62ºF, Base Camp, 0.75 mile WSW of HP4626 Hobbling painfully back to the tiny house, SPHP rejoiced while removing boots and socks again.  Such a lovely evening, and the beautiful ordeal on the way back from Peak 5226 was finally over!

Back at base camp. Photo looks WNW.

This is it, Loopster!  We’re staying right here tonight.  No way my paws can take a multi-hour bushwhack now.  We’ll do it tomorrow morning.

Fine with me, SPHP!  Unzip the door to the tiny house, please.  I’m ready to curl up on my red sleeping bag.  By the way, what’s for dinner?

Nothing.  We’ve consumed everything on our way back here.  I didn’t bring that many supplies, I’d been so confident that we’d make it back to the RAV4 tonight.  Would have, too, if it weren’t for my painful paws.

8-24-23, Early, Base Camp – Lupe wanted out of the tiny house.  SPHP let her go.  A cool, overcast morning.  SPHP thought nothing of it as fog drifted down among the lowlands of Hungry Hollow.  The first part of the night had been tough, but, thankfully, SPHP’s paws were feeling somewhat better now.  Lupe returned.

Why aren’t you getting ready to go, SPHP?  How are your paws?

Better, but what’s the rush?  Another couple of hours of rest won’t hurt a thing, will it, Looper?  Besides, it’s nice and cozy in the sleeping bag.

The Carolina Dog had no objections to resuming her comfortable slumber.

8-24-23, Base Camp, 2 hours later – Trouble!  SPHP’s reverie was broken by the sound of rain on the tiny house.  When the rain didn’t quit within 20 minutes, SPHP nudged the American Dingo.

Loopster, wake up!  We’ve got to get out of here.

Why?  What’s going on, SPHP?

Rain!  We’ll get drenched if we don’t get to the RAV4, ASAP!  I’ll pack up in here, and as soon as there’s a lull, we’re getting out.

A lull soon came.  Still raining, but very lightly.  Lupe got herself soaking wet as soon as she left the tiny house, rolling on the wet tundra.  SPHP sprang into action, packing the tiny house up, then hoisting the pack.

Onward!  Puppy, ho!

Heading N across the level tundra plain, Lupe made rapid progress.  Soon she was starting the descent down into the dreaded land of tall bushes.  Although it never did rain hard again, the damage was done.  SPHP stayed dry only as far as Caribou Hollow.  From there a long, wretched trek through the tall bushes was simply unavoidable.

Too late!  All the vegetation was already soaking wet.  Bushes towering over even SPHP’s head rained cloudbursts down at every touch.  Going N or NNW, this time the Carolina Dog’s mission was to head straight for the Denali Highway by the shortest possible route.  It was a struggle through bogs and a wilderness of bushes, relieved only by occasional open lanes allowing a welcome spurt forward.  Fortunately, in this lower region, Lupe didn’t come to any of the ravines she’d had to cross farther E.

The miserable march finally came to an end.  Cold and drenched, Lupe reached the Denali Highway 700 feet from the RAV4 beneath a gray sky of eternal gloom.  (End, 8-24-23, 10:15 AM)

On Paxson Mountain, Hayes Range, Amphitheater Mountains, Alaska 8-23-23
Lupe’s GPS Track (Ascent)


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Lupe’s Scrollable GPS Track & Ascent Statistics

Denali Highway No. 8 Map & Brochure

Peak 4790 & Peak 4403, Hayes Range, Amphitheater Mountains, Alaska (9-2-19)

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