Antelope Butte, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming (7-1-19)

Day 6 of Lupe’s 1st 2019 Dingo Vacation to the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming!

Predawn – Uh-oh.  Raindrops!  USFS Road No. 10 had been plenty soft on the way up here yesterday evening.  As the rain started in harder, SPHP had visions of a repeat of Lupe’s muddy misadventure at Big Pryor Mountain last year.  This road and situation weren’t anywhere near as bad at that had been, but still no sense in simply sitting here while No. 10 turned into a quagmire, was there?

The G6 sprang to life, and a slow slippery descent began.  The night was utterly black, the headlights barely revealing only a short stretch of a rutted sea of mud ahead as the rain poured down.  The mud clung to the tires, causing a serious loss of traction.  Not quite as bad as driving on ice, but not that far from it, either.

Slowly, slowly!  What time was it anyway?  A glance at the dash revealed only darkness where the radio, clock, and information panel ought to have been all lit up.  Huh.  They’d been working yesterday.  The G6 crept along, finally succeeding in covering the 2 miles back to the pavement at Hwy 14.  By then the rain was over and done with.  Just a shower.  The sky was already clearing, the faint first light of dawn now perceptible.

After parking at a snowmobile unloading area, SPHP turned on a light to take a look at the dash.  Lupe’s water bowl was perched directly above the radio.  The bowl was practically empty now, the dash clearly wet.  Gah!  Should have remembered to remove the bowl before taking off down the rutty road.  Dousing electronics with water is seldom a great idea.  Too late now.

Oh, well.  Still mighty early.  After letting the Carolina Dog out briefly to sniff the air, back to sleep!

An hour or two later, SPHP woke to find Lupe awake panting on her pink blanket.  The sun was up, and a lovely clear blue sky promised a great day.  At the end of a short side road near Shell Canyon, the American Dingo got out to bark at a squirrel while SPHP replaced the fuse for the radio, clock and information panel.  No luck.  The spare fuse made no difference.  Not too surprising, since the original fuse looked fine.  Some circuit board must have shorted out.

Simply fabulous!  Zig when you should zag.  Should have stayed put, and let it rain.  The road out would have been better now, anyway.  That was that, though!  A minor setback.  So what?  The G6 still ran.

Onward!  Puppy, ho!  Antelope Butte (9,935 ft.) was calling!  It was only a few miles away.

By the sign for the turn off Hwy 14 to Antelope Butte. Photo looks N.

The Antelope Butte Mountain Recreation Area was only 0.33 mile off Hwy 14 on USFS Road No. 244.  Next to a large parking lot, a huge green and gray plastic yurt sat near a ski lodge undergoing renovation.  Only one person was around, a man driving a small bulldozer.  SPHP caught his attention and asked if it would be OK to park the G6 here?

Sure, no problem, provided SPHP parked off to one side.  The parking lot was going to get smoothed out today.  While SPHP got ready, Lupe leapt out to briefly inspect the premises, before continuing SE on USFS Road No. 244.  (9:08 AM)

Antelope Butte info on the side of a trailer.
The gray and green plastic yurt looked brand new.
Extensive renovations were underway at the Antelope Butte ski lodge.
A broader view showing some of the ski runs.
Setting out for Antelope Butte!

No. 244 went up a valley past a dozen private cabins strung out over 0.5 mile.  At one point Lupe forded a small tributary of Granite Creek.  At the last cabin two men were busy re-shingling the roof.  USFS Road No. 244 ended here, but ATV trail No. 421 continued on.

A nice reddish dog came over to greet Lupe, and seemed inclined to come along to explore Antelope Butte, too.  That would have been fine, but SPHP drew the attention of the roofers, who called the friendly dog back.

One of the first private cabins No. 244 went past.
On USFS Road No. 244.
Wading across a little tributary of Granite Creek.
At the start of ATV trail No. 421 by the last cabin.

Lupe had gained only minor elevation along USFS Road No. 244, but ATV trail No. 421 climbed more steeply.  The trail wound through a mostly forested region, but Loop came to a few clearings, too.  The brilliant sun was starting to feel hot.  SPHP paused briefly to put on sunscreen.

Following ATV trail No. 421.

Naturally, applying sunscreen changed everything.  The sky soon began to cloud up rapidly.  After following No. 421 for 0.5 mile, Lupe arrived at an open gate at the edge of the forest.  By now the sky was completely overcast.  The air felt cool and damp.  Beyond a big meadow, low clouds clung to a line of peaks several miles away.

At the open gate 0.5 mile from the start of ATV trail No. 421. Photo looks SE.
Low clouds clung to peaks several miles away. Photo looks E.

Beyond the gate, a two track road (USFS Road No. 279 on the topo map) headed S in a big meadow.  The road stayed fairly close to the forest as it climbed toward a pass.  Although prospects for a successful ascent of Antelope Butte were suddenly looking questionable, Lupe followed the road higher.

By USFS Road No. 279 after going through the open gate. Photo looks S.

Lupe hadn’t gotten too far beyond the gate, when the roar of engines was heard coming up ATV trail No. 421.  A family of 5 appeared on 2 ATV’s.  They waved as they raced on by, before disappearing over the pass Lupe was heading for.

Pass 9260 was only 200 yards away.  The American Dingo was soon there.  What to do now was the question?  A grassy open slope led fairly steeply up to the N end of Antelope Butte’s long N/S summit ridge, but the ridgeline was hidden well up in the clouds.  The true summit was still nearly a mile SSW, nearly 700 feet higher than this pass.

Staring at the grassy slope, Lupe and SPHP watched as a featureless gray swept down enveloping even Pass 9260 in fog.  All it took was a single minute.

The rather indistinct view of Antelope Butte one minute after arriving at Pass 9260.

Hmm.  No point in trying to summit now.  Felt like rain.  Stay or go?  The forest wasn’t too far away, maybe Lupe could hide out there hoping for improvement?  Nah, not a speck of blue sky anywhere.  Hadn’t been for a while.  Might as well call it before getting drenched for no reason.

The Carolina Dog headed back.  Disappointing, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.  Thunder confirmed the decision within 2 minutes of leaving the pass.  Better hurry!

Lupe enjoyed the lively downhill pace!  She raced through the forest along No. 421 sniffing and exploring.  Scattered raindrops fell intermittently.  Now and then more thunder.  The family of 5 joined the retreat, racing by again on their ATV’s.  Fortunately, any serious rain held off.  Occasionally the sky even brightened.  SPHP relaxed and slowed down.

Wrong!  Back on No. 244, a mere 5 minutes from the G6, suddenly it was on again.  The sky darkened ominously.  Incoming!

Run, Loop, run!  Tremendously excited, Lupe ran alongside SPHP leaping and barking.  What a fun game!  SPHP was seldom so lively!

No, Lupe.  Keep going!  Run to the G6!  We’re almost there!  Lupe raced ahead, but kept coming back to urge SPHP along.  She wasn’t about to abandon SPHP, and after all, her speed wasn’t the issue.

The storm broke 2 minutes from the G6.  An absolute cloudburst, with hail.  Pea-sized, but it might get bigger.  Thunder!  Lightning!  Streaking through the fearsome onslaught, Lupe finally made a beeline for the G6.  Totally drenched, she leapt in as soon as SPHP arrived to open the door.  (11:09 AM)

10 minutes later, the first patch of blue sky reappeared.  40 minutes later, the sky was 80% clear.  The situation didn’t change for the next half hour.

So, are we gluttons for punishment, Looper?

I thought you always said we were fair weather friends when it came to the outdoors, SPHP?

Yeah.  Looks like fair weather to me!  No guarantees, though, especially on a day like today when it just keeps taunting us.

Well, if you’re game, what are we waiting for?  Onward!  Slow-Plodding Human Porter, ho!  (12:28 PM)

2.25 hours after leaving Pass 9260 NE of Antelope Butte, the Carolina Dog was back!  Looking SE along USFS Road No. 279, puffy white clouds were visible off in the distance toward Cloud Peak (13,167).  The only significant cloud anywhere nearby was a lone gray one only partially visible looming to the SW.  Long tentacles from this enormous cloud were stretching NE ever farther over Antelope Butte.

Back at Pass 9260. Cloud Peak (L of Center) is visible on the horizon. Photo looks SE.

The situation was questionable.  Another storm seemed likely.  However, this time the grassy slope formerly hidden by fog was still completely visible.  Lupe could see the ridgeline.  Not knowing what to expect, the American Dingo turned SW and headed for the N end of the ridge.

The grassy slope leading to the Antelope Butte summit ridge. Photo looks SW.

The trudge up the long slope was steepish, but otherwise trivial.  Lupe came across an abandoned road and followed it part of the way up.  As she drew near the top of the ridge, lone boulders of dolomite decorated with orange lichens were scattered at intervals along the slope.  Many more were clustered at the top, but even there, they were separated by open lanes of vegetation.

Approaching the N end of the summit ridge. Photo looks SSW.
Among the boulders near the top. Photo looks S.

During the entire ascent, it had seemed quite likely a storm was about to come sailing right over Antelope Butte at any moment.  However, upon reaching the N end of the summit ridge, it appeared the American Dingo was in luck!  Showers were visible to the SW, but apparently the storm was actually going to miss, passing S of the mountain instead.

Looking S along the summit ridge. Showers are visible to the SW (R).

The true summit of Antelope Butte (9,935 ft.) was a little more than 100 feet higher than where Lupe was now, still 0.5 mile farther S.  The many dolomite boulders strewn along the way made the easy stroll along the broad N/S summit ridge an interesting trek.  Lupe had lots of fun places to explore!

A rocky escarpment of minor cliffs extended along the W edge of the ridge.  Up on top were the dolomite boulders and formations, which grew more numerous and complex as Lupe proceeded S.  She started coming to dense stands of stunted pines, which were best skirted.  Any troublesome spots were easily avoided by straying toward the grassy slopes to the E.

Fun times exploring Antelope Butte! Photo looks S.
Oh, I’m glad we came back! Antelope Butte is such an interesting place! Photo looks S.
The weather was great back to the N.
But still unsettled to the S.

As Lupe approached the S end of the ridge, the weather was improving.  Two big boulders perched up on a larger dolomite formation came into view.  One of them had to be the true summit!

We’re getting close to the S end of the ridge now. The true summit can’t be much farther! Photo looks S.
Approaching the two big boulders (Center) at the summit. Photo looks S.

When Loopster arrived at the base of the maze-like summit formation, exactly how she might scramble up the last 20 feet to the top wasn’t at all clear.  Exploring the NW side revealed only an insurmountable wall of rock.  Circling back around to the E got her halfway up, on the verge of success, but a deep narrow passage separated her from the highest rocks.

This passage was too wide to leap over, and a large boulder wedged over it was too steep-sided to provide an easy bridge.  SPHP didn’t like the looks of it.  Maybe the wedged boulder could serve as a last resort, but if Lupe could find access to the passage, she would be better off climbing up from down there.

Almost there! The summit rock is on the R. The wedged boulder SPHP didn’t care to cross to get over the narrow passage is to the R of Loop. Photo looks SW.

Circling back to the N, a gap beneath another overhanging boulder was plenty large enough for Lupe to get through.  She was now down at the N end of the short, narrow passage.  SPHP had to crawl to squeeze under the boulder, but it really wasn’t difficult at all.  Seconds later, Lupe was at the S end of the passage scrambling higher.  Slowly, and less agilely, SPHP followed her up.

Down in the narrow passage. Lupe’s route to the summit was to the R from the near face of the boulder (Center) seen near the end of the passage. Photo looks S.

This was it alright!  At the end of the short scramble, SPHP arrived up top to find the plucky American Dingo already sitting perched on a big boulder – the obviously true summit of Antelope Butte (9,935 ft.)!

Loopster at the true summit of Antelope Butte. Photo looks N.

The summit region was tiny, little more than just that one airy boulder.  Hardly any room at all to maneuver up here.  Lupe sat patiently atop the boulder for 5 minutes, basking in her peakbagging success, while SPHP took a few photos.

Looking N along the ridge Lupe had followed to get to the summit.
View to the W toward Shell Canyon.
Antelope Butte’s lower S ridge, a broad, featureless, grassy region. Photo looks S.
Cloud Peak (12,167 ft.) (Center) and Black Tooth Mountain (13,005 ft.) (L). Still looked stormy way over there! Photo looks SE with lots of help from the telephoto lens.
Orange and yellow lichens decorating the light gray dolomite summit boulder.
On Antelope Butte, Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, 7-1-19

The views were glorious, but part of their magnificence was soon sacrificed in the interest of comfort.  Time for a break!  A grassy dolomite shelf about 20 feet lower a little NW of the true summit looked like a good spot to relax.  Abandoning the summit boulder, Lupe beat SPHP back down to the narrow passage on the way there.

You coming, SPHP? Loop back down in the narrow passage. Photo looks N.

At the dolomite shelf, Lupe relaxed for half an hour curled up on SPHP’s lap.  Partly surrounded by walls of rock, Shell Canyon and other features to the S or W were the only views from here.  That was OK.  The sky was still cloudy to the SW, and the breeze was from that direction, so this was a good place to keep an eye on the unsettled weather.

On some of the rocks toward the NW end of the dolomite shelf. Photo looks NW.
The true summit (Center) from the dolomite shelf. Photo looks SE.

Persistence had paid off!  SPHP was glad the Carolina Dog had made it to the top of Antelope Butte.  Kind of a wacky summit with the little maze of interesting rock formations, but it had all been fun and pretty easy.

On the way back, Lupe got to explore the length of the main N/S ridge all over again.  She ran hither and yon while SPHP strode along enjoying the sights.  Marmots whistled now and then signaling Lupe’s approach.

Starting back along the main N/S ridge. Photo looks N.
Looking NW.
Shell Canyon. Photo looks W with help from the telephoto lens.
Checking in on Cloud Peak (Center) and Black Tooth Mountain (L) again. Photo looks SE with lots of help from the telephoto lens.
Bruce Mountain (10,300 ft.) (L), Dome Peak (10,828 ft.) (R of Center) and the Sheridan County High Point (11,020 ft.) (R). Photo looks ENE.
Along the W edge. Photo looks NNW.
This escarpment along the W edge is a great vantage point! Photo looks NNW.

Nearing the N end of the main ridge, SPHP suddenly realized Lupe wasn’t around.  Pausing for a couple of minutes to look and listen, the Carolina Dog still didn’t appear.  SPHP tapped a rock loudly several times with one of the trekking poles.  Nothing.  No Lupe.  Other than the light SW breeze, silence.  Not even a marmot whistle.

Odd.  Not like Loopster at all to simply disappear for more than a minute or two.  SPHP began yelling for her.

Lupe!  Lupe!  Looooooooop!

Several more minutes went by, still nothing.  No telling where she might have run off to!  Still yelling and starting to worry, SPHP scanned S back along the ridge, and E along the grassy slopes.  She’d been somewhere back that way last time SPHP had seen her, hadn’t she?

Suddenly Lupe came racing back from the N.  She had a huge grin on her face, but was panting hard like she’d been running for a long time.  How far had she gone, and why?

You made me nervous, Loop!  Don’t roam so far off.  This is big country!  It would be terrible if you got lost!

Her chest still heaving, Lupe said nothing.  She greedily lapped up a bowl of water, then stood looking happily at SPHP.  Maybe she’d gotten so busy exploring that she’d completely lost track of SPHP, and mistakenly run off in the wrong direction?  Possible.  Didn’t matter now.  Loop was back, and that was such a relief!  Good thing SPHP had yelled for her, and that those big soft Dingo ears were so keen.

From the N end of the ridge, Lupe did not return to the USFS Roads or the ATV trail she had been on before.  Instead she turned NW following an easy open ridgeline lower.  This ought to be a shortcut back to the Antelope Butte ski runs, which would get her back down to the yurt and ski lodge.

About to start down the grassy NW ridge, a shortcut back to the Antelope Butte ski lodge hidden in the valley beyond Lupe. Photo looks NW.
Shell Canyon from Antelope Butte’s NW ridge. Photo looks SW.

And that’s what happened.  Upon reaching the end of the open ground, Lupe plunged into the forest.  Should have stayed higher and gone NW longer before turning N.  The ski lodge was farther than SPHP realized.  The American Dingo enjoyed a longer romp in the forest looking for squirrels than expected.  In the end, though, she did come across one of the big ski runs.

Soon Lupe was down at the base of the mountain.  Fortunately, there was a bridge over Granite Creek, so SPHP didn’t have to ford it.  Lupe preferred fording the stream just for fun.

Lupe’s Antelope Butte adventure ended with a ford of Granite Creek.

Upon reaching the G6 (5:06 PM), SPHP drove to N Burgess Junction.  To celebrate Lupe’s success at Antelope Butte, SPHP ordered a big juicy hamburger.  The Carolina Dog inhaled her share with evident relish.

After eating, SPHP drove N on USFS Road No. 15.  Lupe went past the Elysian Fields of Puppy Happiness which she had visited years ago.  Loop had returned again last year when she had gone all the way to the Garden of the Gods.  SPHP didn’t stop, though, until reaching the start of USFS Road No. 165.

Such a beautiful evening!  The end of a fun and ultimately successful day!  Nearby, two tiny birds landed on a couple of big white rocks.  Sunlight streamed over them as they twittered happily together.  Beyond them a line of white clouds billowed in the blue sky.  Without warning they zoomed away, a couple of specks soon lost in the heavens.

The sun was low.  For a few minutes Lupe stood atop those same white rocks.  She couldn’t fly away, though.  Instead she got down and sat in the meadow, amid the tender green grasses and purple flowers swaying in the soft breeze.

You don’t really expect me to take flight and zoom off into the sky now, do you, SPHP?
Lupe among the lupines.

Turning toward the sun, Lupe closed her eyes, sitting motionless.  What was she thinking?  Was she enjoying the lavender scented breeze?  Or, in her mind’s eye, was she still perched atop that glorious airy boulder at the summit of Antelope Butte?

Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, 7-1-19


Next Adventure                            Prior Adventure

The Elysian Fields of Puppy Happiness & A Night on Bald Mountain (7-10-13)

Beyond the Elysian Fields of Puppy Happiness to the Garden of the Gods & the Crack of Doom (6-11-18)

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Prospect Benchmark, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming (6-9-18)

Day 1 of Lupe’s 2018 Dingo Vacation to the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming & Beyond!

6-9-18 – Early afternoon found Lupe streaking across the border into Wyoming riding high in air-conditioned comfort upon her pile of gear, pillows and blankets.  The G6, all shined up for the occasion, raced W on I-90.  Oh, yeah!  It was on!  The glorious Summer of 2018 was officially underway!

Lupe was thrilled!  After nearly 9 long months spent close to home in the Black Hills of South Dakota, it seemed like forever since she’d headed off to new adventures in faraway places.  Yet the American Dingo clearly remembered exactly what Dingo Vacations are all about.

Furious barking, mostly – at least en route!  Loopster eagerly scanned the fields along I-90 for the next herd of cows or horses she was rapidly bearing down upon.  Barking at cows, horses, sheep, antelope, barns, outbuildings and suspicious haystacks is a joyous game that never gets old!  The decibel level in the G6 seldom meets safety standards while in cattle country.

The first respite from the din came at the Moorcroft, WY rest area.  Loop and SPHP both got out to stretch.  Lupe sniffed about the grounds, which featured big, shady cottonwood trees.  Sadly, no cows or horses were right here today, but SPHP read an interesting true story to Lupe about some mighty fine days long ago in the Old West when there had been plenty of cows in Moorcroft.

Oh, what a wonderful day! I can hardly believe it’s really summer again and we’re setting off on another Dingo Vacation!
Lupe liked this true story about thousands of cows and sheep! SPHP said the cowboys must have had a bunch of horses, too. Those were the days!

The Bighorn Mountains of N central Wyoming were Lupe’s destination for most of this first Dingo Vacation of 2018.  The Bighorns are only a few hours from the Black Hills.  Despite an afternoon start, Lupe would easily arrive by evening.

Even before getting to the Bighorns, though, Loopster had one quick peakbagging possibility SPHP wanted her to check out along the way.  At Gillette, SPHP turned S on Hwy 59.  Antelope Butte (5,073 ft.), a hill with 30 miles of isolation (minimum distance to a higher point) was only 6 or 7 miles S of I-90.  Curiously, it was seldom climbed according to statistics on

The map showed Antelope Butte was situated only a mile W of Hwy 59.  A side road went to towers on top of it.  If hardly anyone was getting to the summit of a hill so close to town with a road to it, access issues were likely.  A long shot, perhaps, but maybe it was worth a short side trip to check it out?  Lupe liked the notion that there might be antelopes.

Antelope Butte was easily spotted before Loop was even out of Gillette.  It wasn’t anything too impressive, just a grassy hill with towers on it.  Disappointingly, not a single antelope was in sight, either.  The Carolina Dog would still climb it, though, if she could.  Why not?

Antelope Butte from Hwy 59. Photo looks WSW with help from the telephoto lens.

SPHP turned W on a promisingly located side road SE of Antelope Butte.  A 0.5 mile drive past a couple of businesses brought Lupe to a locked gate.  Looked like this was the right place, alright.  It wouldn’t have taken Looper long to get to Antelope Butte and back from here.  However, in addition to the locked gate there were other subtle hints that maybe it was best not to.

Hmm. This was the road to Antelope Butte. Photo looks WSW.
Frustrating! Antelope Butte was right over there! Photo looks NW.
Zoomed in on Antelope Butte. Photo looks NW.

A lot of equipment was stacked around, apparently related to the energy industry.  Lupe had passed some sort of Halliburton shop on the way in from Hwy 59.  SPHP drove back to see if Lupe might be able to obtain permission to climb Antelope Butte.

Saturday afternoon.  The Halliburton shop was closed.  No one at all around.  Posted signs weren’t the least bit encouraging.  The gist of them was that if you weren’t an employee or officially invited, just go away.  OK.  Whatever.  Antelope Butte wasn’t happening.  Not today.  Lupe and SPHP returned to I-90 and headed W.

3 hours later, Lupe was at the Sand Turn overlook along Hwy 14 on her way up into the Bighorn Mountains.  Lupe could see the town of Dayton in the distance and a long way out onto the prairie.

Looking NNE from the Sand Turn overlook.

At Burgess Junction SPHP veered S staying on Hwy 14.  Another 9 or 10 miles brought Lupe to road construction at Prospect Creek.  Here SPHP turned W on USFS Road No. 10.

No. 10 climbed steadily and wound around quite a bit.  After a couple of miles, Lupe had her first look at Prospect Benchmark (9,774 ft.).

Prospect Benchmark (Center) from USFS Road No. 10. Photo looks WNW.

Even though Antelope Butte hadn’t worked out, Lupe was still going to get to log a peakbagging success on her first day of this Dingo Vacation.  Prospect Benchmark looked like a snap!

So far, most of USFS Road No. 10 had been fairly rough.  It deteriorated further as SPHP drove on.  The last stretch of road leading to a cattle guard was deeply rutted, and would have been impassible if wet.  Nevertheless, the G6 managed to make it up to a broad, gentle saddle 4 miles from Hwy 14.

Lupe on USFS Road No. 10. The last stretch of road to get to this cattle guard had been the worst, and would have been impassible for the G6 if wet. Photo looks SE.

After crossing the cattle guard, SPHP parked the G6 by a barbed wire fence.  Prospect Benchmark was now only a ridiculously easy 0.33 mile away to the S.  This was going to be cake!

This is it? Looks like you’re starting us out mighty easy on this Dingo Vacation, SPHP! Loop standing by USFS Road No. 217 ready to start for Prospect Benchmark, the ridge in sight beyond the snowbank. Photo looks SSW.

Although the temperature had hit 95°F while traveling across the Wyoming plains on I-90, the evening was pleasantly cool way up here in the Bighorns as Lupe set off for Prospect Benchmark.  (7:19 PM, 62°F)  Loop started out following USFS Road No. 217, a simple dirt road which headed SW up a long, gentle incline.

Once beyond a large snowdrift, Lupe abandoned No. 217 near the road’s high point just N of the summit area.  She scampered S up the remaining grassy slope to a partially broken down escarpment.  A mere 5 or 10 foot scramble among the rocks brought Loop up onto the N edge of Prospect Benchmark’s vast, flat, barren summit area.

That had been easy!  All Lupe had to do now was find the actual survey benchmark.  A cairn of white rocks not too far away along the edge of the escarpment seemed like a logical place to begin.  The Carolina Dog found nothing near the cairn, however, except a nice view back toward the saddle where the G6 was parked.

Lupe reaches a cairn near the N edge of Prospect Benchmark‘s summit area. The G6 is parked down at the intersection seen in the saddle. USFS Road No. 10 crosses the saddle, while USFS Road No. 217 is seen heading this general direction, and No. 220 winds away up the distant hill. Photo looks NE.

A check of the topo map showed that the survey benchmark ought to be located toward the SE end of Prospect Benchmark’s huge summit area.  Loop and SPHP traveled SE along the escarpment forming the NE edge of the summit keeping a lookout for the benchmark.

Looking SE along the minor escarpment forming the NE edge of Prospect Benchmark’s summit area.

Lupe found nothing of interest until she got close to the end.  A 2nd cairn of white rocks sat perched upon a high spot right along the escarpment’s edge, but the survey benchmark wasn’t here, either.

Loop reaches a 2nd cairn near the SE end of the escarpment. Photo looks NE.

However, Loop could see a metal rod sticking up from a smaller 3rd cairn 20 feet to the SW.  That seemed promising!  Lupe went to check it out.

Nothing here, either, SPHP! Lupe checks out the 3rd cairn with the metal rod sticking out of it. Still no luck. Photo looks SW.

Still nothing!  Hmm.

The far SE end of the summit area was now quite close, so Lupe went to it.  Again nice views, including a distant view of Cloud Peak (13,167 ft.), the highest mountain in the Bighorn Range, but no survey benchmark.

A distant view of Cloud Peak from the SE end of the Prospect Benchmark summit. Photo looks SE.
Looper at the SE end of the Prospect Benchmark summit area. Photo looks NE.
Cedar Mountain (9,813 ft.) (L) from Prospect Benchmark. Photo looks SW.

Lupe and SPHP wandered back toward the NW still looking for the benchmark.  Even though the terrain was flat and exposed, if the survey benchmark really wasn’t somewhere close to this SE end, it was going to be hard to find.  The summit area was just that big.

Could you be a little more specific, SPHP? “It’s gotta be up here somewhere!” isn’t much of a clue! Photo looks WNW.

Maybe Lupe wasn’t going to be able to find the benchmark?  Maybe it wasn’t even up here anymore?  Even if it was, finding the benchmark might be like looking for a needle in a haystack.  Then suddenly, there it was, right in the general vicinity shown on the topo map.

Prospect survey benchmark.

The benchmark was on exposed rock, which made it easy to spot.  The marker was only 20 feet NW of the 3rd cairn Lupe had come to, the one with the metal rod sticking up out of it.  A fair number of loose white rocks were nearby.  SPHP used them to build a cairn.  The largest rock had a stiff wire wrapped around it.

The survey benchmark is seen right in front of the big cairn SPHP built. The smaller 3rd cairn with the metal rod is beyond it. Cloud Peak (Center) is on the distant horizon. Photo looks SE.

Well, that was that!  SPHP congratulated Lupe on her now completely successful ascent of Prospect Benchmark (9,774 ft.).  It was an easy start to her Dingo Vacation, but this was just the beginning.

At any rate, the sun wouldn’t be down for a little while yet.  Lupe could spend this extra time exploring the area.  Just for fun, the Carolina Dog and SPHP wandered 0.33 mile off to the W and SW.  The temperature was dropping, but it was a pleasant trek on a beautiful evening with mostly clear skies and only a light SW breeze.

Lupe at the endpoint of her wanderings W of the Prospect Benchmark summit. Photo looks WSW.
Looking NE back toward Prospect Benchmark.
Sweet Lupe on a beautiful evening in the Bighorns.

The sun sank toward the horizon.  Time to head back to the G6.  Lupe had fun sniffing and exploring along the way.  She crossed snowbanks, and returned to Prospect Benchmark once more.

Crossing a snowbank near sunset. Photo looks ENE.
Lupe back at Prospect Benchmark next to the cairn SPHP built. The actual survey benchmark is hidden behind the cairn. Photo looks NW.
Here it is!
Cloud Peak (Center) from Prospect Benchmark late in the day. Photo looks SE.
Crossing a snowbank on the way back to the G6. Photo looks SSE.
A look back at the escarpment. Photo looks S.

As Lupe’s adventures go, Prospect Benchmark had been a pretty short one  less than 2 hours, even including wandering off to the W.  Loopster arrived back at the G6 still all corked up and full of Dingo energy.  (End – 9:00 PM, 54°F)

As twilight faded, SPHP threw a tennis ball for Lupe to chase, then joined in the fun chasing her back and forth around the G6.  As far as Lupe was concerned, this exciting game of chase was the highlight of the whole day!  She got to show off how fast, agile, and tricky she is, while making a complete fool of SPHP.

Thankfully, it was getting dark.  SPHP can only put up with so much abuse.  Yet seeing Lupe having so much fun really was the best part of the day, a great finish to the first day of her 2018 summer adventures way up here in the beautiful Bighorn Mountains at almost 10,000 feet by Prospect Benchmark.

Sunset from Prospect Benchmark, Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, 6-9-18


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