Gone Adventuring 2024!

Ready or not, the glorious Summer of 2024 arrived right on time, and that means only one thing here at The (Mostly) True Adventures of Lupe – the American Dingo is already off and running on her fabulous (we hope) 1st Summer of 2024 Dingo Vacation!

A confession:  While Lupe had been ready and raring to go for months, for the first time ever, SPHP was not.  Due to Grandma’s ultimate demise this past winter, many Lupe adventures from the Black Hills this spring remain unwritten.  Worse yet, tons of posts from way back on her 2nd Summer of 2023 Dingo Vacation to Canada & Alaska haven’t been written up either – an admittedly deplorable state of affairs.

No matter.  Tis the season to let the good times roll!  The (Mostly) True Adventures of Lupe will resume publication as usual this fall picking up where we left off.  Here’s a sample of belated coming attractions:

Mastodon Dome, Alaska
Still smoking Corbett Hill near Eagle Plains, Yukon Territory
Wright Pass, Yukon/Northwest Territories
North Wright Pass Mountain, Yukon/Northwest Territories
Tuktoyaktuk, Arctic Ocean, Northwest Territories
Mount Chester Henderson, Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon Territory
Little Atlin Lake from Mount White near Whitehorse, Yukon Territory
Mount Mye near Faro, Yukon Territory
Egypt Lakes, Banff National Park, Alberta

And, of course, posts from Lupe’s Summer of 2024 Dingo Vacations and the beautiful Black Hills will ultimately be making an appearance, as well.  Until then Lupe hopes everyone has a fantastic Summer of 2024 getting as high, or even higher, than even the feistiest American Dingo!

Have fun everyone!  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

Want more Lupe adventures?  Choose from Lupe’s Black Hills of South Dakota & Wyoming Expeditions Index, Dingo Vacations Adventure Index or Master Adventure Index.  Or subscribe free to new Lupe adventures.

11 thoughts on “Gone Adventuring 2024!”

    1. Glad you’re looking forward to it, Chris! Yes, more great Dingo adventures will be coming your way this fall. In the meantime we wish you many fabulous adventures of your own this summer!

  1. Lupe and SPHP, we wish you a wonderful summer of adventures! We are envious, but in a good way!

    1. Thank you Poppy, HV & LV! We’ve had some exciting adventures already. Got stalked by a bear for nearly half an hour yesterday. Five Points sometime this fall, if we return in one piece!

  2. Glad you’re back! The wind river dingos and I look forward to the trip reports and rally because Lupe does!

    Keep ramblin and keep sharing the adventures.

    1. We are most definitely rambling on, Kelsey. In fact, we will be in the Wind River Range in just a few more days. We’ll see if we can still get to the top of any of those mighty peaks. Fabulous territory even if we don’t!

  3. Woohoo!!! Let the good times roll!! Can’t wait to read about all the adventures of the summer of 2024. Keep on keeping on, Lupe!!

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