The Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail, Alaska – Part 2: Porcupine Dome to Pinnell Mountain (9-2-22)

Part 2 of Day 35 & Day 36 of Lupe’s 2nd Summer of 2022 Dingo Vacation to Canada & Alaska!

9-2-22. 4:58 PM, 44ºF – Porcupine Dome’s W slope was steep, but a wide swath of tundra made the descent fast and easy all the way.

Heading down Porcupine Dome’s W slope. Pinnell Mountain (L), HP4740 (Center). Photo looks W.

After losing hundreds of feet of elevation, the American Dingo rejoined the Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail, which wound down to the next broad saddle leading W toward HP4740.  At the low point, a huge, partly damp region of grass and tundra, SPHP called a halt.

Wait up, Loop!

What for, SPHP?

Want to start a new GPS track for your Pinnell Mountain (4,934 ft.) ascent.

You stopped the Porcupine Dome (4,915 ft.) ascent GPS track, SPHP?  Why did you do that?

So I could turn the iPhone off for a while, and save battery life.  Anyway, we’re good to go now.  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

After crossing the saddle, a steady, gradual climb began.  Glancing back, Porcupine Dome looked fairly impressive from here.

Glancing back at Porcupine Dome. Photo looks E.

The enormous slope Lupe was climbing slowly narrowed.  Now and then the trail featured a lone switchback.  The terrain grew rockier, as both grass and tundra began to fade.  Nearly 0.75 mile from the low point W of Porcupine Dome, 2 more switchbacks finally got the American Dingo up onto a small ridge at the base of a much larger dark high point.

Still rising as it continued W, the trail traversed a rock slide on its way to a flatter region where a couple more high points were in view.

HP4740 (R) from the small ridge. Photo looks W.

Wow, I’m liking this, SPHP!  Most interesting part of the trail yet!  Other than our side excursion up Porcupine Dome, of course.

Yeah, this is great!  A little more rugged looking.  That high point on the R must be HP4740.  The trail should take us almost right to it.

Approaching the rockiest part of the traverse. HP4740 (R). Photo looks W.

Beyond the dark high point, Lupe entered a huge, flat region of scattered rocks and sparse tundra.  Pinnell Mountain  (4,934 ft.) was back in sight to the SW.  The trail became harder to discern as it continued W toward HP4740, where exposed layers of rock looked increasingly interesting as the Carolina Dog got closer.  Cairns continued to mark the general route, which was self-evident, anyway.

Glancing back at Porcupine Dome (L), and the dark high point (Center) after traversing its N slope. Photo looks E.
Pinnell Mountain (L), HP4740 (R). Photo looks WSW.
Closing in on HP4740 (R of Center). Photo looks W.

Some of the rock formations on the way to HP4740 were pretty cool.  Lupe scrambled up onto one of the first ones she came to.

Exploring one of the first rock formations reached E of HP4740. Photo looks N.
Porcupine Dome (Center) from the same spot. Photo looks E.

The Pinnell Mountain trail went almost clear to the top of HP4740.  The highest rock proved to be a large diameter flat stone in a region full of similar ones.  Naturally, Lupe paused to visit the true summit.

Porcupine Dome (Center) from HP4740. Photo looks E.
At the true summit of HP4740. Photo looks WNW.

Continuing W, the trail quickly led to another interesting rock formation that was only slightly lower.  This formation had such vertical sides that SPHP had to give the Carolina Dog a boost to get her up onto the highest rock, which was shaped rather like the cap of a giant mushroom.

Pinnell Mountain (L) and Mushroom Rock (R) from HP4740. Photo looks WSW.
On Mushroom Rock. Photo looks W.
Pinnell Mountain (L) from Mushroom Rock. Photo looks SW.

Mushroom Rock wasn’t too far from the W end of the HP4740 region.  Beyond the last remaining rock formations, the trail switchbacked SW down to the giant saddle leading to Pinnell Mountain.  By the time the American Dingo got there, she’d lost close to 300 feet of elevation.

About to head down to the saddle to Pinnell Mountain (Center). Photo looks SW.

9-2-22, 7:00 PM, saddle between HP4740 and Pinnell Mountain

This is it!  I’m done, SPHP!  Not going any farther.  It’s been nearly 9 hours since we left Eagle Summit, and although the trail’s been great, there’s also been a ton of up and down along the way.  I’m tired and hungry.

Me, too, Loop, but we really need to get to Pinnell Mountain this evening.  Planned on stopping here for a little while, anyway, though, so I can set up the tiny house.  Lots of nice soft tundra here, and I don’t feel like lugging it clear to the top of Pinnell Mountain.  Meanwhile, you can take a break.

As soon as SPHP had the tiny house set up, Lupe went in.  Heaving a great sigh, she laid down on her red sleeping bag and closed her eyes.  Really did look like the Carolina Dog was done!  However, when SPHP dug a can of Ol’ Roy out of the pack, she promptly devoured the entire contents, which produced a dramatic change in demeanor.

Thank you, SPHP!  That hit the spot!  Feel much better.  We can keep going now, if you like.

Better do it while we’ve got the chance, Loop.  No telling what tomorrow will bring.

Pinnell Mountain was still 0.5 mile away, and 500 feet higher.  Happily, progress was rapid on the springy tundra of the flat saddle region.  The trail climbed only during the last 0.25 mile, eventually switchbacking up the steepest part shortly before reaching the top.

Heading up Pinnell Mountain. Photo looks SW.
Getting close to the top. Photo looks SSW.
Hmm. A bit farther than it looked. Almost there! Photo looks SW.

9-2-22, 7:56 PM, 42ºF – The sun was already getting low, and a chill 15-20 mph wind was blowing out of the NE, by the time Lupe reached the top of Pinnell Mountain (4,934 ft.).  The summit region was another plain of rocks and tundra, at least an acre or two in size.  At first glance, the highest rocks appeared to be close to where the Carolina Dog came up.

Pinnell Mountain summit region. Photo looks S.
In the wind at what initially seemed to be the true summit. Photo looks S.

However, a rock formation along the NW edge of the plateau topped by a large, flat stone soon caught SPHP’s attention.

You know what, Loop?  That may actually be the true summit over there.  C’mon!  Let’s get a picture.

Fine, SPHP, but then let’s find a spot to escape this wind!

Pinnell Mountain’s true summit. Crazy Mountains (R) in the distance. Photo looks N.

After a brief visit to the likely true summit, the American Dingo headed SW across the summit plain.  20 feet down the slope beyond the W edge, the wind wasn’t nearly as bad.  This was a great spot to hang out for a while.  Beneath the gray sky, the views were fabulous!

An enormous ridge with many offshoots snaked away to the WSW for miles.  This entire system was bare, sparsely covered only with grass, rock, and tundra.  Other than a bumpy section vaguely resembling the spine of a sea serpent some 2 or 3 miles away, none of the ridges were rugged.  They were all just big and rounded.

HP4721 (Center), Table Mountain (R of Center) in the distance. Photo looks SW.
HP4721 (far L), Table Mountain (L). Photo looks SW with help from the telephoto lens.

So, the Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail keeps following this long ridge, SPHP?

Yup.  Winds along another 18 miles before reaching Twelvemile Summit, Looper.

That would be so much fun, SPHP!  Clearly a lot of up and down involved, but all as easy as pie.  That knobby area looks interesting.

The stretch that looks like the back of a Stegosaurus is HP4721, Loop.

Isn’t HP4721 the summit you thought might actually be Pinnell Mountain before we got to Porcupine Dome, SPHP?

Yeah, just an illusion, though, Loopster.  We’re definitely higher here.  This is Pinnell Mountain, alright.  In the distance to the R of HP4721, do you see that rounded hill connected to a flat area a bit farther R?

I do.  What about it, SPHP?

That’s Table Mountain (4,472 ft.), highest point toward the W end of the trail.  Maybe someday we’ll get there, Loop.

At least, we’ve made it to Pinnell Mountain, SPHP!  That ought to be worth something!

Like maybe a chocolate coconut bar, Looper?

Great minds think alike, SPHP!

After shaking Lupe’s paw, congratulating her on her successful ascent of Pinnell Mountain, SPHP produced the second chocolate coconut bar of the day, which promptly met the same fate as the first one did back at Porcupine Dome.  Beef jerky spiced the celebration up a bit more before it was over, then Lupe curled up on SPHP’s lap.

Even mostly out of the wind, it was on the chilly side.  The sun was low in the W.  Hidden behind layers of clouds, its light was already fading.  Lupe enjoyed a grand panoramic view of all points W.  Although black forests were visible deep in the valleys, not a single tree grew up on the vast network of ridges.  Countless mountains were in sight, but only a few looked any higher than Pinnell Mountain, and they were far away.

Nothing moved.  The world was empty, and other than the wind, quiet.  After a while, the sky developed a yellow layer on the far horizon.  Wisps of fog suddenly appeared from behind.  Engulfing Pinnell Mountain, they momentarily hid everything before sailing off to the SW.

Evening light on the distant horizon. Photo looks W with help from the telephoto lens.

Gaps in the cloud layers, SPHP!  Maybe there’s going to be a sweet sunset?

If we’re lucky, Loopster.  Let’s stick around, and see what develops.

The sun was evidently higher than SPHP thought, but it finally looked like patience might be rewarded.  An awful lot of clouds around, though.  Could the sun actually break through?  The yellow band brightened, the tops of the lowest clouds began to glow.

Awaiting sunset from Pinnell Mountain.

9-2-22, 8:40 PM – Standing alone in the cold breeze, the American Dingo was waiting at Pinnell Mountain’s true summit when the first slanting rays of sunshine broke through the clouds.

Sunset from Pinnell Mountain.

Perfect, Looper!  Oh, it’s spectacular!

No way was it going to last very long, though.  Happily, the Carolina Dog fully cooperated in SPHP’s mad dash about while trying to capture these fleeting, crowning moments of her long journey to Pinnell Mountain.

To the E, Porcupine Dome (4,915 ft.) was all lit up, a bright reflection like an evening star dancing off the solar panel Lupe had seen earlier.

HP4740 (L), Porcupine Dome (R). Photo looks E.
Porcupine Dome (Center) from Pinnell Mountain. Photo looks E.

The layered rocks of the true summit perched right along the edge of the mountain were a dramatic and beautiful setting.

On Pinnell Mountain amid the alpenglow. Photo looks WSW.

All too quickly, the magic began to fade.

Getting back to reality at the true summit. Photo looks WSW.
The evening solar panel star atop Porcupine Dome. Photo looks E with help from the telephoto lens.

Over already?  Shucks!  10 minutes of incredible, and that was it.

The grand finale winds down.

And then suddenly the sky brightened again.  Magic returned!  Against a brilliantly glowing orange and yellow sky, Lupe’s dark form, now also faintly glowing around the edges, levitated among the clouds, as though at any moment she might easily dash off through the heavens.

Magic on Pinnell Mountain.

9-2-22, 8:58 PM – The big show wasn’t entirely over yet, when nearly an hour after arriving, Lupe started back down the Pinnell Mountain trail.  SPHP hoped there might be a pink or red phase of the sunset coming, but if there was one, it couldn’t be seen from where the trail switchbacked down the NE side of the mountain.

Heading down. Porcupine Dome (L). Photo looks SE.

9-2-22, 9:13 PM – There was still some light in the sky when Lupe arrived back at the tiny house in the enormous saddle NE of Pinnell Mountain.  The NE wind had blown the entire way down the mountain, and the leading edge of a long, dark line of clouds was now overhead.

Nearly back to the tiny house. Photo looks ENE.

A long and successful day on the Pinnell Mountain trail had ended in glory.  Despite near exhaustion, before retreating into the tiny house for dinner and a well-deserved rest, Lupe paused to appreciate the pastel sky still glowing in the W.

End of a fabulous day.

On this cold Alaska evening, the weary Carolina Dog finally settled down all wrapped up, safe and warm, in her red sleeping bag.  Five minutes later came the sound of the first raindrops falling on the tiny house.

9-3-22, the wee hours, 0.5 mile NE of Pinnell Mountain – The rain started so slowly and softly, that at first SPHP wasn’t certain if it really was rain, or just the tiny house rustling in the breeze.  However, that mystery eventually cleared up.  Rained rather hard for hours.  All over and done with now, but the night was black as pitch.  The weak flashlight beam barely penetrated the dense fog to where Lupe was busy rolling on the frigid, sopping wet tundra, apparently thoroughly enjoying herself.

Going to be fun finding our way back to Eagle Summit in this pea soup, SPHP!

Eh, we’ll be fine, Loop, as long as the rain doesn’t start up again.  Got a trail to follow with cairns marking the way, plus GPS tracks, if needed.

Oh, that’s right!  Forgot about the iPhone, SPHP.  It’s like cheating versus how we’ve always done things before.

As long as the battery lasts, it does come in handy, though.  Can certainly understand why the rest of the world has been using smartphones for years.  Anyway, it’s cold out.  Come back into the tiny house, Loopster.  Don’t want you wandering around out here alone on such a foggy night.

The American Dingo went right back to sleeping like a rock, but SPHP had a harder time of it, laying in the darkness listening to the tiny house flap in the breeze.  Every now and then, a particularly wicked gust made everything shake.

9-3-22, 6:59 AM, 0.5 mile NE of Pinnell Mountain

Soon as you’re done with that Taste of the Wild, I’ll pack everything up, and we’ll be on our way, Looper.

What’s it like outside, SPHP?  Have you looked?

Still cold and foggy, but it isn’t raining, so we’re going to take advantage of this opportunity.  The farther we can get while staying dry, the better.

Toasty warm until breakfast is over.

9-3-22, 7:35 PM, 0.5 mile NE of Pinnell Mountain – The pack ready, SPHP’s fingers were freezing.  In a gray fog, Lupe stood next to the dry patch of tundra where the tiny house had been only minutes ago.

About ready to leave camp. A descent representation of what much of the return was like, too.

Hey, it was fun, but let’s get some circulation going!  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

It was nearly 9 miles back to Eagle Summit.  Foggy all the way, although it was usually possible to see 100 to 200 yards.  In the HP4740 region where the trail was faint, the cairns were tremendous aides.

Approaching Porcupine Dome, the fog suddenly cleared, but not for long.  Within minutes, Porky vanished again.  Reaching the base of the mountain, Lupe started up.  SPHP called her back.  Really no point in it under these conditions.

Mist and light rain eventually set in.  The Carolina Dog got soaking wet, but it didn’t seem to bother her in the least.  The trail went on and on, and so did Lupe, pausing only when SPHP stopped for breathers on the uphill sections.

9-3-22, 12:23 PM, Eagle Summit – The Pinnell Mountain adventure finally came to a sodden, anti-climactic end.  Lupe reached the RAV4 amid fog and light rain, thrilled to leap up onto her pink blanket again.  Stashing the gear, SPHP then conjured a veritable feast, including what remained of the lemon pepper roasted chicken, Ritz crackers, and cheese.

Outside, a dreary world remained the same, foggy and wet.

No point in staying for Mastodon Dome (4,418 ft.) tomorrow, is there, SPHP?

Doesn’t look like it, Loop.  Maybe someday.  We still have 2/3 of the Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail to do, too, you know.

Something to look forward to, SPHP!  We’ll be back!

Who knows?  The future is uncertain.  If it happens, what a glorious day that will be!

SPHP turned the key, and the RAV4 sprang to life.  Turning W onto the Steese Highway moments later, the windshield wipers slapped away the mist, as the heater began warming the cabin.  Smiling, Lupe gazed ahead along the muddy road to new adventures yet to come.  (1:37 PM)

Sunset from Pinnell Mountain, Alaska 9-2-22


Next Adventure                     Prior Adventure

The Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail – Part 1: Eagle Summit to Porcupine Dome (9-2-22)

Lupe’s Pinnell Mountain GPS Track

Lupe’s Porcupine Dome GPS Track

Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail

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