Oh, Canada! – The Long Road North: To The Canadian Rockies & Beyond! (7-30-22 thru 8-3-22)

Days 1-5 of Lupe’s 2nd Summer of 2022 Dingo Vacation to Canada & Alaska!

7-30-22, 2:30 PM, 92ºF, home – Hours of preparations and excitement had led to this!  Resting high on her pink blanket covering a pile of supplies and padding, Lupe smiled broadly in happy anticipation of what was next.  The American Dingo was about to set off on her 2nd Summer of 2022 Dingo Vacation, and this wasn’t just any old Dingo Vacation, oh no!

Are we really going to Canada and Alaska, SPHP?  It’s been 3 years!  I was afraid we might not ever see them again!

SPHP tried to sound convincingly cheerful.

Absolutely, sweet puppy!  At least, if Canada will actually let us cross the border.  Think I’ve got everything all lined up.  We’ll just have to see how it goes.  Should be fine, Canada is officially open again!

Before turning the key, SPHP looked over at Lupe.  She was so beautiful, and so happy!  This late July afternoon truly was a rare and wonderful occasion, only the 5th time the Carolina Dog had ever set off for Alaska!

Epic!  Yet also bittersweet.  SPHP was filled with grief and remorse.  The left side of Lupe’s face had an ugly wound on it.  Brand new.  And it was all SPHP’s fault on this otherwise joyful day.

Loopster ready to set out for Canada & Alaska for the first time in 3 years!

Happened just yesterday.  At some point in the last month or so Lupe must have rolled in something, because she’d had a black, sticky, tar-like substance clinging to a small clump of fur on her face for the last several weeks.  When it wouldn’t wash off, wanting Loop to look her finest for her next big Dingo Vacation, SPHP had gotten out a scissors to cut away that little clump of gooey fur.

The tar was tougher, and provided more resistance than expected, but a few seconds of cutting with the scissors had finally done the trick.  The tar came off, but when it did, SPHP was instantly shocked and horrified.

Oh, no!  Oh my gosh, Lupe!  What have I done?  I’ve cut your beautiful face wide open!  You didn’t flinch, or bark, or shy away from me.  You should have bit me!  Instead you just looked trustingly into my eyes and let me do this terrible, painful thing to you.  I’m so sorry!  How could I have been so careless and such an idiot?  We’re going to the puppy doctor!

At the emergency clinic, the puppy doctor cut away a loose flap of skin with beautiful fur still clinging to it that was going to die anyway, fully exposing the hideous wound.  The wound wasn’t deep, just a fleshy spot the size of a nickel seeping a little blood.  Staples or stitches to close the gap weren’t required, but Lupe’s fur wasn’t likely to ever grow back.  She would always have a scar.

Lupe went home with an anti-biotic cream and pain pills.

SPHP was guilty, guilty, guilty, but there was nothing more to be done.

Oh, Lupe!  We’re going to have so many grand adventures in Canada and Alaska on this Dingo Vacation!  Going to be just like old times!  You ready?

I can hardly wait, SPHP!

SPHP turned the key, and backed the RAV4 out of the driveway.  After 3 long years, the Most High Exalted Dingo of the Arctic Sisterhood was on her way!

7-31-22, 7:18 AM, 52ºF Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming – Exactly 3 weeks ago, on the last day of her prior Dingo Vacation to Wyoming, Lupe had been by here on an evening so cold and windy that SPHP had chickened out and driven her straight home.  The Carolina Dog was back, though!  From the Bald Mountain campground off Hwy 14A, Loop trotted toward the familiar open slopes of Bald Mountain (10,042 ft.).

Setting out for Bald Mountain (L). Photo looks SE.

Are we going to fix the names, SPHP?

We are!  Hard to believe, but it’s been 4 years since we’ve been up on Bald Mountain, Loopster.  A little maintenance is likely in order.

Make that quite a bit of maintenance.  The names were still there, but in poor condition when Lupe found them not too far from the NW end of the vast summit region.  The American Dingo had plenty of time to sniff about while SPHP made extensive repairs.

Loopster by her reconstituted name on Bald Mountain. Photo looks SE.

Once the names were back in order, Lupe naturally completed the easy stroll to the true summit.  Medicine Mountain (9,962 ft.) and it’s giant FAA golf ball were in sight several miles back to the NW, but all the more distant views were hazy.

Medicine Mountain (L of Center) from Bald Mountain’s true summit. Photo looks NW.

The entire American West fills up with smoke every summer, doesn’t it Looper?  Didn’t use to be that way.

Oh, but aren’t we the lucky ones, SPHP?  Bet we won’t have to worry about smoke once we get far enough N into Canada!

Sure hope you’re right, Loop, and suspect you are, but you never know.  Remember how smoky even Alaska was in 2019?

5:01 PM, 81ºF, Little Belt Mountains, Montana – Bald Mountain had been a great morning romp!  Most of the rest of the day had been a long, hot drive from Wyoming on into Montana.  So many cows and horses to bark at!  It had been a wonderful, if shrill time.  Late afternoon now, but Lupe had made it here early enough to honor a long-standing tradition.

Kings Hill Pass (7,393 ft.)!  We really, truly are going to Canada, aren’t we, SPHP?  We always come here first!

Almost always, Loop.  We didn’t the first time in 2013, but ever since then, yeah.  The Little Belt Mountains are a nice, cool spot to spend a night.

We always climb Kings Hill (8,008 ft.) or Porphyry Peak (8,192 ft.) when we do come here, SPHP.  So which will it be?  Any preference?

Yes, but we really don’t have to choose between them.  Should have time to visit both!  Whad’ya say we climb Kings Hill first?

Kings Hill true summit. Photo looks S.
Porphyry Peak (L) from Kings Hill. Photo looks WNW.
Porphyry Peak fire lookout tower. Photo looks ENE.
Big Baldy Mountain (Center) from Porphyry Peak. Photo looks NNE.

8-1-22, 12:05 PM, I-15 at Port of Coutts, Montana/Canada border – Only 2 Canadian customs lanes were open.  The RAV4 was 6th in line.

Moment of truth coming up, Loopster!  Hope they don’t make us wait.  Told them on Arrive-CAN that we wouldn’t be here until 3:00 PM.

Waiting won’t be so bad, SPHP, provided Canada ultimately lets us in.  You had to specify the exact hour of arrival?

Yeah.  Knew we’d be here by noon, but decided to give ourselves some slack just in case.  Don’t know what we’ll do if Canada says no, and just sends us away.  We’ll have to plan an entirely different Dingo Vacation, pronto.

Canadian customs, Port of Coutts opposite Sweetgrass, Montana.

For 10 minutes the line seemed stuck.  No movement.  Then suddenly whatever had been the hold-up was over.  Soon SPHP was handing a US passport to the Canadian customs agent.  2 minutes later, the RAV4 was picking up speed, heading N!

Whoo-hoo!  We’re in, Loop!  You’re back in, Canada!  On to Lethbridge!

That was easy, SPHP!  Same old questions they always ask you.

Yup!  Not a word about Covid-19.  All that hassle and worry over nothing.

Our reputation as world class anti-social distancers must have preceded us, SPHP.

Oh, yes!  I’m sure that’s it, Looper.  Anyway, I’m glad it went the way it did.  Smooth sailing now!

So, what’s next, SPHP?  Where are we going first?

Mostly just driving again today, Loopster.  Been so long since we’ve been to Canada and Alaska that I want to make tracks N as fast as we can the next few days.  That doesn’t mean we can’t take the scenic route, though.  How about something old and something new this afternoon?

You’re being coy, SPHP, but OK, surprise me!

Hwy 40 over Highwood Pass was the scenic route.  Kananaskis Country!  Peter Lougheed Provincial Park!  The American Dingo hadn’t been to beautiful Upper Kananaskis Lake since 2014, but saw it again today.

Storm Mountain (10,153 ft.) (Center) from Hwy 40 on the way to Highwood Pass. Photo looks NNE.
Gap Mountain (8,661 ft.) (L) from Highwood Pass. Photo looks NW.
Gorgeous Upper Kananaskis Lake. Photo looks NW.

After a pleasant half hour at Upper Kananaskis Lake, the something new was a trip along washboardy Smith-Dorrien Road, the purpose being to see the Spray Lakes Reservoir for the first time ever.  An odd trail from a picnic ground led a short distance down through a forest to a small cliff overlooking the lake.  A better lakeshore viewpoint appeared only a few miles farther N along the road.

Spray Lakes Reservoir. Big Sister (9,633 ft.) (R of Center). Photo looks N.
On the odd trail overlooking Spray Lakes Reservoir. Photo looks SW.
A better view from right along the shoreline. Photo looks S.

By evening, Lupe was in Banff!

Oh, SPHP!  I love Banff!  Can we do my traditional Pretty Puppy Parade up and down Banff Avenue?  Haven’t done it in ever so long!

Absolutely, Loopster!  Can’t miss out on the Pretty Puppy Parade!

Banff had changed since the last time Lupe was here.  Vehicles were no longer permitted in the heart of downtown.  People were dining at tables out in the street, and a new footbridge was under construction over the Bow River.  Banff was still it’s same old festive self, though, with scenic Cascade Mountain (9,836 ft.) looming in the distance, lined-up perfectly with Banff Avenue.

The Pretty Puppy Parade, a stroll along Banff Avenue while taking in all the tourists, fancy shops, and sniffing with other dogs as opportunity arose, was a success as always.  3 young men from Maryland wanted to pet Lupe.  They told her how beautiful she was, which made her day!

Back in Banff on the Pretty Puppy Parade! Cascade Mountain (R). Photo looks N.
Bow River looking W toward the new footbridge.

8-2-22, 6:30 AM, Banff – Although the night had been warm, the morning was pleasantly cool as the RAV4 hit Hwy 1 on the way out of Banff.  An incredibly scenic drive was ahead.

Only one day to spend in the Canadian Rockies?  Not nearly enough, SPHP!

Oh, don’t I know it, Loopster?  Remember back in 2013 and 2014 when the Canadian Rockies were as far as we went on your Dingo Vacations?

We enjoyed many glorious adventures here, SPHP!

Indeed we did, Loop!  Even though we’re making tracks N, we’ll still stop at some of our favorite Canadian Rockies highlights today.

I suppose that’s something, SPHP, but sometime we need to come back to really explore again.

So many mountains, so little time!  Lupe was far from alone in wanting to spend more time in the Canadian Rockies.  Even though she reached the turn for Moraine Lake at 7:30 AM, the road was closed.  Signs said the Moraine Lake parking lot was already full.  Even the upper lot at Lake Louise was filling up fast, despite having to pay now.

Crowds had already gathered along the lake shore near the splendid Chateau Lake Louis when Lupe arrived.  Mount Victoria (11,375 ft.) was still as spectacular as ever beyond the turquoise lake.

Mount Victoria (Center) from Lake Louise. Photo looks SW.
Chateau Lake Louise.

Remember when we used to take the Plain of Six Glaciers trail all the way to the end to see the Death Trap, SPHP?

Of course, I do!  So much fun, we did it twice!  Even saw a wolverine once near the end of the day on the way back down to Lake Louise.  Remember our biggest adventure here, though, Loop?

How could I forget Fairview Mountain, when I’m looking right at it, SPHP?  The views of Mount Victoria, Mount Temple (11,614 ft.), and so many others were absolutely incredible from up there!  We explored Saddle Mountain (7,963 ft.), too!

Fairview Mountain (L) and Mount Victoria (R) from Lake Louise. Photo looks SW.

It was a shame Moraine Lake was too crowded to visit, but continuing N on Icefields Parkway Hwy No. 93, Lupe got to stop at beautiful Bow Lake, another jumping off region for several fabulous Dingo adventures once upon a time.  Mount Jimmy Simpson was in sight beyond red-roofed Num-Ti-Jah Lodge from the picnic ground along the E shoe.

Mount Jimmy Simpson (Center) from Bow Lake. Photo looks NW.

From over by the lodge, Bow Peak (9,318 ft.) and the Crowfoot Glacier were in sight to the SE.  Bow Glacier Falls and the Bow Glacier above it were visible to the SW.

Bow Peak (L) and the Crowfoot Glacier (R) from Bow Lake. Photo looks SE.
Bow Glacier and Bow Glacier Falls (Center) from Bow Lake. Photo looks SW.

Can we go to Bow Glacier Falls, SPHP?  That’s an awesome trail!

I’d love to, Loopster, but think we should press on.  How about we take the Parker Ridge trail, instead?  Won’t take quite as long.

Parker Ridge (7,612 ft.) near the N end of Banff National Park was a bit of a drive yet.  However, by 10:45 AM, Lupe was on the popular trail that switchbacks roughly 900 feet up to the crest of the ridge.  A short distance beyond the crest she came to the fabulous scenic reward – a splendid view of the Saskatchewan Glacier.

Saskatchewan Glacier (L) from Parker Ridge. Photo looks SW.

A fun off-trail jaunt on grassy slopes among minor rock formations up to Parker Ridge’s E high point provided an even more spectacular vantage point.  Almost completely snow-clad Castleguard Mountain (10,098 ft.) was in sight across the canyon at the far upper end of the Saskatchewan Glacier.  On this side of the canyon, both Hilda Peak (10,039 ft.) and mighty Mount Athabasca (11,453 ft.) were in view.

Heading for the Parker Ridge E high point (Center). Photo looks E.
At the Parker Ridge E summit. Castleguard Mountain and Saskatchewan Glacier (L), Mount Athabasca (R), Hilda Peak (far R). Photo looks WSW.
Zoomed in a little. Castleguard Mountain and Saskatchewan Glacier (Center). Photo looks SW.

Mount Saskatchewan (10,965 ft.) loomed in the distance beyond a long section of the North Saskatchewan River canyon visible below the lake at the toe of the glacier.

Mount Saskatchewan (far L), Castleguard Mountain and Saskatchewan Glacier (far R). Photo looks SSW.

Looking NW, Mount Wilcox (9,462 ft.) was in sight beyond Sunwapta Pass.  Nigel Peak (10,535 ft.) stood out just N of the pass.

Mount Athabasca (L), Hilda Peak (beyond cairn), Sunwapta Pass and Mount Wilcox (beyond Lupe), Nigel Peak (R). Photo looks NW.

Tremendous views all around, but it was hard not to just keep coming back to that magnificent spectacle of the Saskatchewan Glacier!

Castleguard Mountain (L) and the Saskatchewan Glacier (L of Center) from Parker Ridge. Photo looks SW.
Castleguard Mountain and Saskatchewan Glacier. Photo looks SW with help from the telephoto lens.

Parker Ridge was the big outing of the day, but far from the last scenic stop.  Sunwapta Pass where Jasper National Park began was only a bit farther N, and just down the road from the pass the Athabasca Glacier was in view right from the highway.  A must see!

Mount Andromeda (L) and the Athabasca Glacier (Center). Photo looks SW.
Athabasca Glacier. Photo looks SW with help from the telephoto lens.

The Athabasca Glacier was it for the day as far as glaciers.  Continuing N on Icefields Parkway Hwy No. 93, some incredible waterfalls were the new focus.  Sunwapta Falls came first, followed by Athabasca Falls.  Both were foaming gray torrents, thundering into narrow gorges below.

Between these falls, Lupe got to stop at her favorite picnic ground along the Athabasca River.  The American Dingo enjoyed a romp through the forest looking for squirrels, but didn’t see any.

Sunwapta Falls. Photo looks NE.
Near the brink. Photo looks NE.
Athabasca River from Lupe’s favorite picnic ground. Photo looks S.
At Athabasca Falls.
Mount Kerkeslin (9,698 ft.) from Athabasca Falls. Photo looks SE.

After a quick refueling stop in Jasper, the RAV4 rolled on, taking Lupe W into British Columbia on Yellowhead Hwy No. 16.  The American Dingo got out briefly for a look at Moose Lake, and yet again for a pleasant trek down to Overlander Falls, where she scrambled among the rocks by the huge swirling whirlpool below it.

Moose Lake. Photo looks WNW.
Overlander Falls in Mount Robson Provincial Park.
How Overlander Falls got its name.
Down by the whirlpool.

The evening ended on a gloomier note with Mount Robson (12,989 ft.), highest peak of the Canadian Rockies, shrouded in clouds and light rain.

At least we got to see Mount Robson before, SPHP.  Remember when we went through the Valley of a Thousand Falls all the way to Berg Lake?

Yes!  A fantastic trail, Looper.  We ought to do that again someday.

8-3-22, 7:31 AM – Fog drifted among the mountains.  Still overcast, gray clouds spit light rain.  Good day for a long drive!  Arriving fairly early, Lupe did get out of the RAV4 for a little while to visit Rearguard Falls, which she had all to herself this morning.  Like all the other waterfalls Looper had been to yesterday, the sheer volume and power of the flow was overwhelming.

Rearguard Falls is the upper limit of the Fraser River’s Chinook salmon run.
On the elaborate boardwalk leading down to the falls.
Right next to Rearguard Falls, which is actually more like a big rapids.
Rearguard Falls. Both Rearguard and Overlander Falls are on the Fraser River.
By the Fraser River just upstream of Rearguard Falls.

The next stop came 1.5 hours later at the Goat River rest area, a favorite secluded spot on the way to Prince George.  Without any signage, SPHP missed the turn, and had to go back.

Enjoying a sniff at the secluded Goat River rest area.
Along the Goat River near the Yellowhead Hwy No. 16 bridge.
Goat River downstream view.

Lupe’s final stop before Prince George was at the Ancient Forest.  With time somewhat of the essence, the Carolina Dog did only the basic main loop, instead of the entire trail system as she’d done once before.  That still allowed her to visit both Treebeard and the Radies Tree again, two enormous 1,000 year old western red cedars.

Arriving at the Ancient Forest.
Lupe explored only the main loop (in green) today.
On the raised boardwalk near the start of the loop.
About the ancient western red cedars.
Among the ferns on the way to the upper part of the loop.
Treebeard, named after J.R.R Tolkien’s ent from middle earth.
Info about the Radies tree.
Radies tree.

With many miles to go, it could rain all day long, if it wanted to, which it did off and on.  Lupe snoozed on her pink blanket most of the afternoon, occasionally opening an eye to gaze out the window.  Going to Alaska!  Could anything be more fun?  The drive through the drizzle was so very scenic and soothing.  A marvelous day!

8-3-22, 5:22 PM – The afternoon was about shot by the time Lupe reached her next stop of any significance.  Can’t miss the dazzling flower gardens at Steelhead Park in the little town of Houston!  An impressive variety of lilies seemed to be the specialty this year.

Steelhead Park in Houston, British Columbia.

Many other kinds of flowers and decorative plants were featured, too.  Steelhead Park isn’t very big, so Lupe had time to visit nearly the entire collection.  The only genuine disappointment was that the fountain still wasn’t working.  It hadn’t been in 2019, either, the last time Loop was here, but had always been operational before then.

Another colorful display.
By the Steelhead fountain.

Wonder why they don’t fix it, SPHP?  The fountain was always such a lovely centerpiece!

Lack of funds, I suppose, Looper.  Seems a shame, doesn’t it?

8-3-22, 6:21 PM, Telkwa – The sky remained overcast as Lupe stood on a new sidewalk on a levee overlooking the Bulkley River.

Bulkley River, Telkwa, British Columbia.

Not much farther to Smithers now, Looper.  We’ll be there soon.

Smithers!  That’s where Hudson Bay Mountain (8,494 ft.) is, SPHP!  And the Babine Mountains, too.  Remember Harvey Mountain, the Onions, and Astlais Mountain?

Sure do, Loop!  Hope the weather clears up tomorrow!  Been 5 days, and we’re nearly 1,800 miles from home now.  That ought to be about enough driving for a while.

Oh, are we going to climb a mountain tomorrow, SPHP?

If the weather cooperates, Loopster.  We’ll see.

On the way to Smithers, a small patch of blue appeared to the N, and the sky brightened to the W.  At dusk in Driftwood Canyon, it almost looked like the whole sky was starting to clear, but it was hard to tell for sure.

Along the Bulkley River, Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada 8-3-22


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