Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 238 – Centennial Trail No. 89: South Boxelder Creek to Dalton Lake (10-28-18)

Start – 8:53 AM, 28°F, South Boxelder Creek trailhead of Centennial Trail No. 89 one mile W of Nemo, SD

Chilly.  Frost on the grass.  Lupe didn’t mind the brisk morning air at all.  She was eager to begin a big day of adventures exploring another section of Centennial Trail No. 89.  Dalton Lake, her objective, was 6.1 miles away.  If the Carolina Dog got off to a good start, she ought to have time enough to visit a few minor Black Hills peaks along the way, too.

As soon as SPHP was ready, Lupe set off on a level path heading NW by the main road.  The path quickly led to a ford of Boxelder Creek.  Since SPHP didn’t feel like fording Boxelder Creek on a cold morning, Lupe skipped the ford, too.  Two bridges along the road got Lupe and SPHP over the creek twice in rapid succession.

Beyond the second bridge was an ATV trail on the R.  A sign indicated the ATV trail also served as part of Centennial Trail No. 89.  Loop followed it into the forest.

Lupe at the 2nd bridge over Boxelder Creek. This bridge is a short distance upstream of the South Boxelder Creek trailhead. Photo looks SW.
Leaving the main road. Boxelder Creek is on the R. Photo looks NE.

Centennial Trail No. 89 headed N gaining elevation at an easy pace.  Lupe passed through a fairly dense pine forest featuring occasional stands of white-barked aspens.

Following the ATV trail through the first stretch of forest. Photo looks N.

Over less than 0.5 mile, Lupe gained 200 feet of elevation before arriving at a minor pass.  Looper simply ignored an intersection with a dirt road and went straight on over the pass.  The trail lost elevation before turning E toward more open country.

After going over a minor pass, Centennial Trail No. 89 heads for more open country. Photo looks E.

Lupe passed through a big meadow where several dirt roads intersected the trail.  Just E of this meadow a small rise led up to another section of forest.  The trail leveled off, curved SE, then began dropping again.

Temporarily on higher ground after crossing the big meadow. Photo looks SE.

Lupe wasn’t far from Nemo.  She started seeing buildings through the trees.  However, instead of going on into Nemo, Centennial Trail No. 89 turned sharply N.  The trail crossed over to the E side of Nemo Road, then went N 200 yards to a junction with Vanocker Canyon Road.

Just off Centennial Trail No. 89 near Nemo. Photo looks ENE.
Lupe reaches the junction of Nemo Road & Vanocker Canyon Road. Peak 5237, which she hoped to climb a little later in the day, is on the R. Photo looks N.

The trail now turned NE following Vanocker Canyon Road.  After going over a small tributary of Boxelder Creek, the road curved N.  Centennial Trail No. 89 continued to parallel the road for a little way, but then began angling E up a large forested draw.  Lupe gained elevation steadily again on her way up to a second, somewhat higher pass.

Looking S down a minor tributary of Boxelder Creek from Vanocker Canyon Road. This was the last water Lupe would come to before reaching Dalton Lake.
On the way up to the second pass after leaving Vanocker Canyon Road. Photo looks S.

At the second pass Centennial Trail No. 89 ran alongside USFS Road No. 144, which also headed E just S of the trail.

Going over the 2nd pass. USFS Road No. 144 is on the R. Photo looks E.

Once over the pass, the trail lost a bit of elevation before turning N away from USFS Road No. 144.  Centennial Trail No. 89 made a long sweeping curve up a large draw, eventually rounding a sharp bend leading up to much flatter ground.

Lupe was now on a long ridge she would be following for the next 1.5 miles.  This was the start some of the most remote country she would travel through today.  Along the way she could expect a couple of minor peakbagging opportunities and occasional distant views.

Lupe reaches the high ground of a long ridge she would be following NW & N for the next 1.5 miles. Photo looks NNW.

Centennial Trail No. 89 headed NW.  Loop was still gaining elevation, but very slowly.  The forest in this area had been thinned by loggers.  It was possible to see quite a bit of local territory between the remaining pines.  This first part of the ridge was very broad and flat.  The trail stayed far from the unseen edge.

After going 0.33 mile NW, it appeared that Lupe might be nearing the W end of the ridge.  Her first peakbagging objective, Peak 5237 couldn’t be far from here, yet there didn’t seem to be any higher ground around.  What could be seen of the terrain was almost perfectly level.  SPHP called a brief halt to check the topo map.

Thinking Lupe couldn’t be too far from Peak 5237, yet seeing nothing but flat terrain, SPHP called a brief halt here to check the map. Photo looks SW.

The map showed that Peak 5237 was likely still a good 0.25 mile away.  Before Lupe would get there, the trail ought to swing N a short distance then turn WNW crossing a much narrower and slightly lower section of the ridge.  When the ridge started widening out again, Peak 5237 should be close by off to the SW.

It all worked out just as the map foretold.  Within minutes of returning to the trail, Lupe did come to a decidedly narrower part of the ridge.  She crossed it quickly, and as the ridge began to widen out again, the roar of engines was heard.  ATV’s were approaching from the N.  A forested slope with considerable deadfall timber and slash rose toward the SW.

Crossing the narrower part of the ridge. Photo looks WNW.
Lupe reaches the point where the ridge widens out somewhat again. Peak 5237 is close by up the slope to the L.

Lupe and SPHP left Centennial Trail No. 89, disappearing up the slope before the ATV’s arrived.  It wasn’t far to the highest ground, maybe 200 yards.  Lupe found the top of Peak 5237 covered with slash.  Not pretty, but a minor peakbagging success nonetheless.

So this is it, SPHP? The towering summit of Peak 5237? Not too impressive, but I’ll take credit for another peakbagging success anyway! Photo looks W.

Peak 5237’s actual high point might not have been much to look at, but only a few 10’s of feet away to the S and W were small cliffs from which Lupe could get some fairly nice views.  The Carolina Dog could see SSW toward Nemo.  To the NW she had a good look at Green Top (5,360 ft.).

Hey, SPHP! I can see the intersection of Nemo & Vanocker Canyon roads from here! We were down there just a little while ago! Photo looks SSW toward the Nemo area.
Green Top (Center) from Peak 5237. The more distant high point a bit to the L of Green Top is Terry Peak (7,064 ft.). Photo looks NW.

After a short break by the cliffs, Lupe and SPHP returned to Centennial Trail No. 89.  The trail wound down a steepish slope to the N losing 100 feet of elevation before reaching a saddle.  This was the lowest point along the ridgeline.  Almost immediately, the trail began regaining all the elevation it had just lost.

Before topping out, Lupe came to a rock platform along the W edge of the ridge.  This platform was very close to the trail and provided another good look at a broad expanse of territory to the W.

Lupe discovers another viewpoint Just W of the trail. Photo looks WSW.

After a quick look, Lupe continued N.  She soon reached the next high ground along the ridge.  The Carolina Dog was virtually as high as she had been at Peak 5237.  This region was quite broad and flat again for 0.25 mile.  Near the N end, the ridge narrowed and began to drop slightly.  Across a wide valley, Lupe caught glimpses of cliffs near the S end of her next peakbagging objective.

Continuing N, Lupe caught glimpses of this line of small cliffs near the S end of her next peakbagging objective. Photo looks WNW.

This next objective, which SPHP planned on naming Mile High Plateau, sat more than 0.25 mile off to the W of Centennial Trail No. 89.  That was within reason.  Mile High Plateau might be a fun place to explore.  Lupe wouldn’t be able to head toward it, though, until she got to High Point 5217 where the ridge she was following more or less ended, and split off into branches going E and W.

High Point 5217 wasn’t much farther.  The American Dingo was soon there.  A power line went over the edge of the ridge here, producing an opening where Loop had a view to the N.

Lupe reaches the power line in the vicinity of High Point 5217. The ridge Lupe had been following N ended here, splitting into branches that went E or W. Photo looks NE.

Centennial Trail No. 89 turned E here, but Mile High Plateau was W.  Looper left the trail, and picked up a faint road going NW.  She gained a little elevation.  Pretty soon the road curved W and leveled out near the N end of a spacious, level, open forest interspersed with meadows.

SPHP was about to congratulate Lupe on reaching Mile High Plateau when a check of the topo map showed that the name didn’t fit.  The highest contour was actually only 5,260 feet, a smidgen short of being a mile high.  Well, phooey!  Welcome to Peak 5260 then, Looper!

Even “Peak” 5260 didn’t seem like such an apt name for this pancake flat region, but SPHP wasn’t going to call it Plateau 5260.  In any case, it was what it was.

Lupe arrives at “Peak” 5260 more than 0.25 mile WNW of High Point 5217 and Centennial Trail No. 89. Photo looks SW.

Lupe seemed perfectly happy with Peak 5260.  She roamed SSW looking for an obvious high point, a big boulder or anything recognizable as the true summit.  Nothing.  Eventually the ground began to slope away.

No discernible true summit.  Not even any views without dropping down to wherever the cliffs might be along the edge.  While Lupe headed back N across the plateau, SPHP hatched another plan.  A little farther NW of Peak 5260 was another slightly higher mountain.  Since Lupe was in the vicinity, why not climb it, too?

An initial look at Peak 5300 was encouraging.  Lupe could climb it easily enough.  Shouldn’t take too long.

An initial look at Peak 5300 from Peak 5260 was encouraging. Lupe could climb Peak 5300 easily enough. Photo looks NW.

Loop and SPHP headed down into the saddle leading to Peak 5300.  The easiest route up the mountain appeared to be a forested slope right in the middle of the SE face flanked by small cliffs on either side.

Lupe would have headed straight for this slope, but a huge long pile of logs stacked across the saddle forced her clear around the NE end.  The Carolina Dog consequently wound up taking on a steeper portion of the slope more toward the NE.

A steep, but relatively short climb brought Lupe up onto flat, forested ground near the true summit of Peak 5300.

Peak 5300 (Center) from Peak 5260. Green Top is on the L. Photo looks NW.
Loop makes it to the top of Peak 5300, the highest mountain she would climb today. Photo looks E.

The top of Peak 5300 wasn’t nearly as vast as the top of Peak 5260 had been, but this smaller summit was also quite flat.  Although Lupe had come up near the highest end of the mountain, once again no one point stood out as the exact location of the true summit.

Peak 5300 was as high as Loopster was going to get today, but she still couldn’t see much due to the forest.  The one fairly decent view was of Vanocker Canyon Road off to the NW.

Vanocker Canyon Road (R) from the N end of Peak 5300. The ridge toward the L is part of White Mansion (5,340 ft.). Photo looks NW.

The topo map showed more high ground only slightly lower than the summit near the S end of Peak 5300.  Lupe and SPHP headed that way in search of better viewpoints.  The Carolina Dog found some, too!  She came to a good spot to take another short break along the W edge.

Green Top (L) & White Mansion (R) from close to the S end of Peak 5300. Custer Peak (6,804 ft.) is much more distant between them. Photo looks W.
Lupe near the W edge of of Peak 5300 where she took a short break. This was a nice spot. Photo looks SSW.

It was the usual fare.  Lupe had Taste of the Wild.  SPHP consumed an apple.  Contemplating the views W of Peak 5300 was relaxing.  However, Lupe still had a long way to go to get to Dalton Lake.  Better get a move on.  Before leaving Peak 5300, Loop went to the far S end.  This was a somewhat lower area, but featured the most dramatic viewpoint.

Lupe on a limestone outcropping at the far S end of Peak 5300. Photo looks S.

Having explored the top of Peak 5300 from one end to the other, Lupe left the mountain by the easiest route down the middle of the SE slope.  She traversed the saddle leading back to the N end of Peak 5260, ultimately returning to Centennial Trail No. 89 near High Point 5217.

Loop on her way back to Peak 5260. Photo looks SE.

The time for peakbagging and any other dillydallying was over.  Lupe headed E on Centennial Trail No. 89.  To SPHP’s surprise, the trail did not stay on the high ground of the ridge to the E, but dropped into the forest a little down the N side.

Back on Centennial Trail No. 89 descending into the forest on the upper N slope of a long ridge going E. Photo looks E.

The trail quickly led to a cool gap between limestone formations.  Lupe emerged from the gap seemingly back on top of a ridge.  However, the trail almost immediately made a very sharp turn to the NW and started a long descent.  This jog NW proved to be a single long switchback.  At the lower end, Centennial Trail No. 89 veered sharply E again.

Passing through the limestone gap. Photo looks E.

Centennial Trail No. 89 maintained a course heading ENE for more than a mile.  Still well up on a vast forested slope, Lupe lost net elevation only gradually.  She could occasionally see the top of the ridge to the S as little as 100 feet higher than the trail.  Little Elk Canyon was off to the N, but the forest seldom permitted more than a glimpse.

Centennial Trail No. 89 stayed well up on the N side of a ridge for more than a mile, but Lupe couldn’t see much due to the forest. Photo looks ENE.
A glimpse of the upper end of Little Elk Canyon. Photo looks NW.
A partial view across Little Elk Canyon. Photo looks N.

Mid-afternoon was approaching, the busiest part of the day.  Several groups of ATV’s went by.  Eventually the trail split.  ATV’s were routed onto a lower track.  Lupe and SPHP continued ENE on the upper track.

The trail went on and on. Sometimes ATV’s went by. Photo looks E.
Centennial Trail No. 89 eventually divided. Motorized vehicles were directed onto the lower track on the L. Lupe & SPHP stuck with the upper track on the R. Photo looks E.

The trail went on and on without losing much elevation.  Dalton Lake was down in Little Elk Canyon, and couldn’t be much farther E.  Finally, just beyond a No Motorized Vehicles sign, Centennial Trail No. 89 left the roadbed it had been following and veered L (NE) down into the forest.

Centennial Trail No. 89 heads down into the trees on the L just beyond this sign. This is where the real descent to Dalton Lake begins. Photo looks NE.

For the first time today, Centennial Trail No. 89 was a single track trail instead of an ATV trail.  The descent into Little Elk Canyon now began in earnest.  The trail wasn’t really steep, but Lupe was losing elevation a lot faster than before.  She descended a series of tight switchbacks.  Lower down the switchbacks were longer and more gradual.

Loop begins the descent into Little Elk Canyon on the single track trail. Photo looks NE.
Getting close to the bottom. Photo looks NW.

The American Dingo passed through a gate as Centennial Trail No. 89 emerged from the forest.  This was it, Little Elk Canyon!  To Lupe’s R (E) was an outhouse.  Ahead was USFS Road No. 224.  On the other (N) side of the road was the Dalton Lake trailhead.

Of course, having come all this way, Lupe wanted to see more than just the trailhead.  She wanted to see Dalton Lake itself, which was 500 feet farther W.  Loop and SPHP trudged up USFS Road No. 224 to the Dalton Lake campground.

Loop arrives at the Dalton Lake campground along USFS Road No. 244. Photo looks W.

A walking path led to an arched bridge over the Dalton Lake spillway.  Emerald green Dalton Lake sparkled in the afternoon sunlight.

Dalton Lake. Photo looks W.
Lupe crosses the bridge over the Dalton Lake spillway. Photo looks SSE.
Lupe at emerald green Dalton Lake sparkling in afternoon sunlight. Photo looks WSW.

Dalton Lake is small, a glorified pond really.  Several docks exist along the shore.  Lupe and SPHP headed for the dock on the N side of the lake intending to take another short break.

Well, we made it! All the way to Dalton Lake! Photo looks E.
As low as the sun was getting, it was clear that Lupe couldn’t stay at Dalton Lake very long before beginning her journey back to the South Boxelder Creek trailhead. Photo looks WSW.

Lupe didn’t take much of a break at the dock.  A chipmunk among the cattails along the N shore caught her attention.  She spent the rest of her break time puzzling over how to get at that tricky, tiny squirrel.  Meanwhile, SPHP enjoyed the lake.

Looking toward the S shore from the N dock. Photo looks SE.

The sun was sinking.  SPHP encouraged the American Dingo to abandon her unsuccessful chipmunk quest.  Before leaving the area, Loop and SPHP took a stroll through the empty campground on the S shore.

Lupe at the Dalton Lake campground. The campground was closed and empty this time of year, but looked like a fun place to stay. Photo looks WSW.
Cattails near the W end of Dalton Lake. Photo looks NW.
The N shore. Photo looks ENE.

Late afternoon.  6.1 miles back to the South Boxelder Creek trailhead.  Lupe and SPHP headed back to Centennial Trail No. 89.

With the exception of the peakbagging side trips, Lupe had to retrace her entire route.  The Carolina Dog made great progress.  The sun was still up when she went through the limestone gap shortly before reaching High Point 5217.

Back at the limestone gap. Photo looks W.

The sun had just set as Loop reached Peak 5237 again.  Thinking there might be a great sunset, SPHP led Looper back to the summit, then on to the nearby W-facing cliffs.  However, the sun had disappeared behind a bank of clouds.  The whole sky was gray.

Lupe returns to Peak 5237 at sunset, but the sky is gray. Photo looks SW.

Rather than wait to see what would happen, Lupe and SPHP returned to Centennial Trail No. 89.  May as well use the fast diminishing twilight to get as far as possible before having to bring out the flashlight.

10 or 15 minutes later, the forest back to the W was on fire.  An orange glow highlighted the dark pines.  The sunset had developed after all.  Should have waited.  Oh, well.

Darkness descended upon the Black Hills.  By the time Lupe crossed Nemo Road to begin the final leg of the journey back to the South Boxelder Creek trailhead, a black, moonless, and nearly starless night had taken over.  An hour to go?  Something like that.  Tramp, tramp.  Sniff, sniff.  Puppy ho!  Onward!  (End – 7:36 PM, 35°F)

Dalton Lake, Centennial Trail No. 89, Black Hills of South Dakota, 10-28-18


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Next Trail Section N

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 273 – Centennial Trail No. 89: Dalton Lake to Elk Creek (4-5-21)

Next Trail Section S

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 237 – Centennial Trail No. 89: Pilot Knob to South Boxelder Creek (10-18-18)

Centennial Trail No. 89 map & brochure

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Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 237 – Centennial Trail No. 89: Pilot Knob to South Boxelder Creek (10-18-18)

Start – 8:55 AM, 50 °F, Pilot Knob trailhead of Centennial Trail No. 89

The first half of October had been cold and wet, but that was history now.  This morning was clear and bright, and it was already 50 °F when Lupe and SPHP arrived at the Pilot Knob trailhead along USFS Road No. 208 (Merritt Road).  The air was calm down here at the trailhead, but Lupe could hear a breeze up in the pines.

Lupe arrives at the Pilot Knob trailhead of Centennial Trail No. 89. It was going to be a great day with highs near 60°F expected. Photo looks NNE.

Lupe was eager to get started, which was a good thing.  Days are getting short by the second half of October, and she had a long way to go.  The South Boxelder Creek trailhead of Centennial Trail No. 89 near Nemo was 7.6 miles away, a 15.2 mile round trip.  And that was if Loop stayed on the trail, which she wouldn’t, because a little off-trail peakbagging was part of the plan for the day, too.

It’s 7.6 miles one way to the South Boxelder Creek trailhead from the Pilot Knob trailhead – 15.2 miles round trip. And that’s if you don’t climb any mountains on the side along the way!

Only a few minutes on the trail got Loopster up the first forested slope and around the bend to the N where she could see Pilot Knob (5,440 ft.) beyond a big field.  Pilot Knob didn’t look like much from here, but Loop had been there recently on Expedition No. 235.  Pilot Knob was actually a fun little climb and the views from the top had been surprisingly good.

Hey, SPHP! There’s Pilot Knob (L) again! We were just up there not too long ago, remember? Photo looks WNW.

Lupe followed Centennial Trail No. 89 NNW along the E side of the big field.  Near the end of the field, the trail curved NE and went past a sign for Boodleman Spring, which didn’t seem to have much in the way of water.  The trail got steeper after passing Boodleman Spring, and soon turned N again going up a forested valley.

After passing under a big power line, Centennial Trail No. 89 bent NW paralleling the power line.  When the power line reached a high point, the trail curved away to the E.  Lupe briefly left the trail to check out this high point, but there really wasn’t much to see.

Returning to the trail, Loop and SPHP followed it around the S end of a nearby hill to the E.

Going around the S end of the hill E of the power line’s high point. Photo looks E.

Lupe had been gaining elevation ever since leaving the Pilot Knob trailhead.  However, as Centennial Trail No. 89 curved back around to the N on the E side the hill, the trail reached a high point, too.

Ahead was a limited view of a high ridge beyond a deep valley.  Several high points could be seen along this ridge, which extended off toward the NNW.  The topo map revealed that the closest high point was Peak 5701, the highest spot along the entire ridge.

Peak 5701 (Center) is in view as Centennial Trail No. 89 descends into the valley of the West Fork of Estes Creek. Photo looks NNE.

Although Peak 5701 and the rest of the ridge it was on looked intriguing, Centennial Trail No. 89 wasn’t going up there.  The trail went toward Peak 5701, but upon reaching the floor of the deep valley it turned E at the base of the mountain.

The American Dingo had entered the valley of the West Fork of Estes Creek.  Looper soon came to a large puddle where Estes Creek crossed Centennial Trail No. 89.  The creek itself was a mere trickle only an inch or two deep.

Lupe reaches the puddle where the West Fork of Estes Creek crosses Centennial Trail No. 89. Photo looks ESE.

For 0.5 mile, Lupe continued E going down the valley on the N side of the West Fork of Estes Creek.  The creek gained some flow along the way, but remained quite a small stream.  NW of High Point 5452 the trail left the valley floor climbing up onto a small rise.  From here, the trail turned N gaining elevation gradually as it wound around the SE end of Peak 5701.

Lupe at a junction of Centennial Trail No. 89 and ATV trail No. 8251 shortly after leaving the West Fork of Estes Creek. Centennial Trail No. 89 is also an ATV trail all the way from Pilot Knob to South Boxelder Creek. In fact, it’s possible to go even farther on an ATV all the way to the Dalton Lake trailhead. Photo looks NNW.
Going around Peak 5701’s E ridge. Photo looks ENE.

Centennial Trail No. 89 eventually brought Lupe around E of Peak 5701.  For 0.75 mile, the trail now headed NNW roughly paralleling the long ridge between Peak 5701 and Peak 5628.

Now E of Peak 5701 heading NNW.

While the first part of this area was forested, farther on Lupe came to meadows, too.  The Carolina Dog reached a spot where she had a fairly clear view of Peak 5440 off to the NE.

Peak 5440 didn’t look too impressive.  It was just a flat-topped forested hill.  Yet with 360 feet of prominence, Peak 5440 was the most prominent mountain along the entire route Lupe would be traveling today.  So the plan was to take a little off-trail side trip to climb Peak 5440.  After seeing it, though, expectations were none too high.  Loop probably wouldn’t be able to see anything but trees from up there.

Despite technically being the most prominent peak along this section of Centennial Trail No. 89, Peak 5440 didn’t look too impressive. Lupe intended to climb it anyway. Photo looks NE.

Continuing on, Looper soon had views of Peak 5701 again and the long ridge going NNW from it to Peak 5628.  That big ridge looked a lot more intriguing than Peak 5440 did.  Despite not having as much prominence, it was higher and appeared to at least offer some views.  Peak 5701 even had a little snow.

Peak 5701 (L) looked more interesting than Peak 5440, and even had some snow. Photo looks SW.

The trail gradually curved toward the NE.  Stands of aspens sported a few yellow leaves, the last of 2018’s autumn colors.  Approaching Peak 5440, Lupe came to a couple of ponds surrounded by wooden fences.

A few colorful aspen leaves were about the last of this autumn’s display. Peak 5701 is on the R. Photo looks S.
Lupe comes to a fenced-in pond as Centennial Trail No. 89 approaches Peak 5440. Photo looks NE.

Beyond the ponds, Centennial Trail No. 89 curved N again.  This was as close as the trail was going to get to Peak 5440.  Looper left the trail and began to climb, heading first E, then SE as she got higher up.

Lupe soon reached a grassy area on the W face of Peak 5440 that she had seen earlier from a distance.  This was the only place she was likely to see much from Peak 5440.  She actually had a rather nice view of Peak 5701 and the long ridge to Peak 5628 from here.

Peak 5701 (L) and Peak 5628 (R) from the upper W slope of Peak 5440. Photo looks SW.
Peak 5701 from Peak 5440. SPHP sort of wished Lupe was climbing Peak 5701 instead. It looked far more interesting. Photo looks SW.

From the grassy area with a view, Lupe still faced the steepest part of the climb up Peak 5440, but even so, it wasn’t difficult and didn’t take her long.  The terrain soon began to level out.  The topo map showed two 5,440 foot contours on the mountain.  Lupe headed NE through dense forest looking for the first one, which contained by far the smallest area.  A single large boulder proved to be the clear high point of this contour.

Lupe on the big boulder which appeared to be the high point of the first and smallest 5,440 contour shown on the topo map. Photo looks NW.

The area contained by the larger 5,440 foot contour was only a couple hundred yards farther NE.  Loopster traveled through dense forest the entire way.  She seemed to gain at least some elevation.  This larger area was almost certainly higher than the big boulder, and had to be the location of the true summit.

No big boulder or other definite high point existed here, however.  The true summit might have been any of a number of smallish rocks located on nearly flat terrain that sloped only very gradually toward the SE.  The most interesting thing about this place was actually a 15 or 20 foot high escarpment along the NW edge of the area.  Forest blocked all views, but the escarpment featured some interesting rock formations.

The true summit of Peak 5440 is right around here somewhere! Photo looks N.
Hardly matters which of these rocks is the true summit of Peak 5540. Can’t see a thing except trees from any of them anyway! I’m calling this good enough for Dingo work!
This escarpment along the NW edge of the summit area is cool, though! Photo looks N.

Exploring is always fun, but Peak 5440 was the sort of place Lupe was only likely to get to once.  Might as well linger a while to enjoy whatever the experience had to offer.  It was time for a short break, anyway.  The usual fare was on offer.  Water and Taste of the Wild for Lupe.  An apple for SPHP.

When break time was over, it was back to Centennial Trail No. 89 by the same route Lupe had taken up.  Upon reaching the trail, Lupe continued N.  She soon came to a sign saying it was 4.5 miles to Nemo or 3.5 miles back to Pilot Knob.  Nemo was about a mile beyond the South Boxelder Creek trailhead, so this was about the halfway point.

Lupe reaches a sign near the halfway point between the Pilot Knob and South Boxelder Creek trailheads. Photo looks E.

It wasn’t much farther to another high point.  Centennial Trail No. 89 had been gaining elevation, albeit quite gradually, ever since leaving the West Fork of Estes Creek.  N of Peak 5440, however, the trail went over a broad, gentle pass.  On the other side Lupe was soon losing elevation faster than she had gained it.  She was entering the upper reaches of yet another valley.

Loop hadn’t gone far beyond the high point when she reached a sign for Caryl Spring.  Caryl Spring consisted of several inches of standing water full of fallen leaves.  Lupe cooled her paws off, and helped herself to a drink.

As Lupe headed toward the pass N of Peak 5440, she caught sight of this high ridge N of Peak 5628. Photo looks WSW.
Loopster at the high point of Centennial Trail No. 89 N of Peak 5440. There was a major road junction here, but not much in the way of signage. Photo looks E.
Starting down into the next valley. Caryl Spring is right around the bend.
Lupe standing paw deep in Caryl Spring, which did have a few inches of water.

From Caryl Spring the trail continued E farther down the valley, but not for long.  When the valley turned N, Centennial Trail No. 89 took off to the SE up a side draw.  Lupe gained close to 100 feet of elevation going over a minor ridge extending NNE from Peak 5440.  The Carolina Dog was soon over this ridge and starting a descent that would take her into Blue Draw.

Loop reached a sign indicating the South Boxelder Creek trailhead was only a mile ahead.

Gaining elevation again going over the minor ridge NNE of Peak 5440. Photo looks SE.
Beginning the descent into Blue Draw after crossing the ridge. Photo looks ESE.
Getting there! Only a mile to go to the South Boxelder Creek trailhead!

A junction existed where Centennial Trail No. 89 reached Blue Draw.  It wasn’t clear where the road heading SW was going other than farther up the draw.  Where it went didn’t really matter.  Loop just needed to head down the valley.  At the lower end of Blue Draw she would find the South Boxelder Creek trailhead.  The trail headed NE at first, then E the rest of the way.

Lupe in Blue Draw.
Approaching a seasonal stream in Blue Draw. It was just a puddle today.

The trek down Blue Draw was shady and pleasant, but it seemed like Lupe had gone more than a mile since seeing the sign about the trailhead.  Finally she saw a ramp for ATV’s and a gate ahead.  Just beyond the gate was the bridge over Boxelder Creek.  This was it!  Looper had reached the trailhead!

Oh, look! There’s the gate and ATV access ramp. We’re just about to the South Boxelder Creek trailhead!
Loop on the bridge over Boxelder Creek. Photo looks NE.
Boxelder Creek looking downstream (SE) from the bridge.
Looking upstream (NNW) from the bridge.
Lupe reaches her Centennial Trail No. 89 destination for the day, the South Boxelder Creek trailhead. Photo looks ESE in the direction of Nemo, which is out of sight about a mile away.

Despite Lupe’s side trip to Peak 5440, she had made fairly good time getting to the South Boxelder Creek trailhead.  Her Centennial Trail No. 89 explorations were complete for the day, although she still had to repeat the experience going all the way back to Pilot Knob again.

Not yet, though!  Time for another rest break.  Lupe and SPHP relaxed for a while on a grassy bank by the creek.

So we made it! That wasn’t so hard now, was it? And look at this beautiful stream and scenic bridge to adventure!
Guess that’s about it unless we come up with some other grand scheme on the way back to Pilot Knob!

Well, that would have been it, but on the way back to Pilot Knob the American Dingo made such excellent progress that when she reached the pass N of Peak 5440 again, SPHP realized that the sun wouldn’t set for at least another couple of hours.

So what do you say, SPHP? Still want to explore that big ridge going from Peak 5628 (R) to Peak 5701 (L)? Photo looks SW.

The big ridge with Peak 5701 at the S end and Peak 5628 at the N end was now in sight.  Seemed like Lupe had enough daylight left to explore it.  The American Dingo was willing, so why not?

Lupe and SPHP left Centennial Trail No. 89 heading SW for a saddle N of Peak 5628.

Lupe now off trail on her way to the saddle N of Peak 5628. Photo looks SW.

At first, the way was easy.  The terrain gained elevation slowly.  Lupe came to few obstacles.  For a while, SPHP even thought Loop might be on a long abandoned road, but it was hard to tell for certain.

As the Carolina Dog got closer to the saddle, though, the going got tougher.  No road here!  Lupe passed through a very dense pine forest.  Beyond that was an area of mixed pines and aspens thick with deadfall timber.  Loop didn’t have much farther to go to reach the saddle, but progress in the middle of this mess was slow, slow, slow.

The map showed a road going up to the saddle.  Lupe ought to come to it, but for a long way she didn’t.  SPHP had about decided the road didn’t exist any more, when suddenly there was Lupe, standing right on it.  Loop headed W on this road until it was clear she was due N of Peak 5628 and wasn’t going to gain any more elevation sticking with the road.

Time to start up Peak 5628!  Lupe and SPHP left the road heading S up a fairly steep slope.

Lupe reaches the road leading to the saddle N of Peak 5628. Photo looks SW.
Loop in the saddle N of Peak 5628. She left the road here. Photo looks SW.

The hardest part of the climb was the very beginning.  The slope was steepest here, and again full of deadfall timber.  Once Lupe was above the deadfall, the rest of the way was much easier.  The elevation gain from the saddle to the top of Peak 5628 was only about 300 feet, so it didn’t take long.

Close to the summit, Lupe discovered a platform of rock with a good view of Custer Peak (6,804 ft.).  A nearby rock formation proved to be the true summit of Peak 5628.  Looper had no problem getting up onto the highest rock.

This platform of rock near the true summit of Peak 5628 provided a distant view of Custer Peak (Center). Photo looks NW.
Lupe at the summit of Peak 5628. Photo looks N.
Oh, I’m glad we came here, SPHP! Quite a few trees around, but the views are most definitely better from here than they were at Peak 5440! Photo looks E.

Quite a few trees grew near the top of Peak 5628, so views were limited.  However, this was definitely better than Peak 5440 had been.  Not only could Lupe see Custer Peak, but a little way S of the summit was an open area where she had a good look at Peak 5701 at the opposite end of the ridge.

Looper could also see a broad expanse of territory to the S and W.  Even Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.) was in view, although it was quite far away.

There’s our next peakbagging objective, Peak 5701 (Center)! Photo looks SE.
A broad expanse of Black Hills territory was visible to the S & W. Photo looks S.
Looking back toward the summit of Peak 5628 from the S.

SPHP had expected Lupe would have an easy time traveling along the ridgeline from Peak 5628 to Peak 5701.  However, the highest part of the ridge was capped by large rock formations.  Large quantities of deadfall timber existed in some places, too.

Traveling the highest part of the ridge would have taken too much time.  Lupe made far faster progress staying somewhat lower on the W side of the ridge.  She avoided the much steeper E side.

Loop heading S along the ridge from Peak 5628 to Peak 5701. The highest part of the ridgeline was too rocky for efficient travel. Photo looks SE.

The climb up Peak 5701 was short, but fairly steep and rocky.  The top of the mountain had quite a bit of rock, too.  The summit area was forested, but breaks in the trees provided some views.  The highest point was toward the SE at the edge of an uneven rocky platform.

The sun was getting low by the time Lupe reached Peak 5701. Photo looks SW.
Looking back over the ridgeline Lupe had just traversed toward Peak 5628 (Center). Photo looks NW.
Looper reaches the true summit of Peak 5701. Photo looks ESE.

Lupe and SPHP took the last rest break of the day up on Peak 5701.  The best views were toward the N and E from a rocks a little below and SE of the true summit.  Lupe could see both of the other mountains she had climbed today, and a big expanse of territory she had passed through on Centennial Trail No. 89.

Looking down on Peak 5440 (Center) from Peak 5701. Photo looks NE.
Peak 5628 (Center) from Peak 5701. Photo looks NW.

The sun was still up when Lupe headed N off Peak 5701 back down to the ridge leading to Peak 5628.  She went only far enough to reach a slope she could easily descend into the valley to the W.  This valley drained S into the valley of the West Fork of Estes Creek, but SPHP wasn’t certain which direction Lupe ought to go once she got there.

Which way to Centennial Trail No. 89?  The sun had set.  Light was now fading fast.  A decision needed to be made quickly.  When a brief foray to the E didn’t reveal anything that looked familiar, the Carolina Dog turned and went W.

W proved to be the wrong direction.  No matter.  Lupe continued up the valley of the West Fork of Estes Creek until she reached the power line she had been to much earlier in the day.  Following the power line SE got Loop back to Centennial Trail No. 89.

Since striking out for Peak 5628, Lupe’s return route had bypassed most of the trail.  Less than a mile remained to the Pilot Knob trailhead.  It had been a great day, and was now a beautiful evening.  Darkness reigned.  Stars twinkled.  A coyote howled.  Puppy, ho!  Onward!  Almost there.  (End 6:38 PM, 44°F)

Lupe on Peak 5701, Black Hills, South Dakota 10-18-18


Next Black Hills Expedition                  Prior Black Hills Expedition

Next Trail Section S

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 235 – Centennial Trail No. 89: Deer Creek to Pilot Knob (9-29-18)

Next Trail Section N

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 238 – Centennial Trail No. 89: South Boxelder Creek to Dalton Lake (10-28-18)

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