Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 325 – Kruger Peak, Daisy Peak & Northeast Cicero Peak (2-29-24)

8:18 AM, 37ºF, Lower French Creek Road – As soon as SPHP parked the RAV4 at a wide spot on the W side of the road, Lupe leapt out.  After all, it was Leap Day!  In the shade of the pines, the morning air was still crisp, and a skiff of snow on the ground was much to the Carolina Dog’s liking.  Only 20 feet from the RAV4, French Creek gurgled away.

Parked near French Creek (L). Photo looks N.

Oh, I can tell already.  It’s going to be a great day, SPHP!

Hope, so Loop!  I’m looking forward to it, too.  Been a long time since we’ve been to the peaks we’ll be visiting today, and I always liked this region.

Have we been here before, SPHP?  Nothing looks the least bit familiar.

This part is new, Loopster, but we’re just coming from a new direction.  You’ll be in familiar territory soon enough.

Something old, something new – sounds good to me, SPHP.  Which way do we go?

N across French Creek, then W on USFS Road No. 342.1P.

A super simple plan that should have worked, but N of French Creek there was no sign of No. 342.1P leaving French Creek Road.

Hmm.  Odd.  I’m sure we’re in the right area.  Well, it’s all Black Hills National Forest land, Looper.  Road or no road, let’s head W.

Leaving Lower French Creek Road, Lupe climbed a short bank up into an open forest of tall pines.  She’d barely started W when she ran across faint remnants of No. 342.1P.  Following the road for only a few minutes led to a sunny little valley where two of the American Dingo’s objectives were already in sight.

Daisy Peak (L), Kruger Peak (R). Photo looks W.

That’s Daisy Peak (5,948 ft.) on the L, and Kruger Peak (5,858 ft.) on the R, Loop.

We’re this close already, SPHP?  This is going to be so easy!

Nothing wrong with easy.  Continuing up the valley, Lupe quickly came to an old USFS gate.  Going around it, a moderately steep climb soon led to the surprisingly cold and windy edge of a bigger valley with an even better view of both peaks.

The old USFS gate along No. 342.1P. Photo looks NW.
Daisy Peak (L) from the edge of the next valley. Photo looks W.
Kruger Peak (L of Center) from the same spot. Photo looks WNW.

Snow on the shady NW side of the ridge crunched underpaw on the way down into the valley.  This valley was actually quite a scenic area with views that quickly improved as Lupe started up Kruger Peak’s lower SE slopes.  Soon Mount Coolidge (6,023 ft.) was in sight off to the NE.

Daisy Peak (R). Photo looks SW.
Mount Coolidge (Center). Photo looks NE.

The slope steepened, becoming rocky and dotted with pines.  By the time Lupe reached the upper portions of Kruger Peak’s E ridge, the views had vanished as she wound through a forest of relatively young trees.

Heading up Kruger Peak’s lower SE slopes. Kruger Peak (L). Photo looks NW.
Some of the beautiful territory Lupe would be exploring today. Daisy Peak (R). Photo looks SW.

In full sun, the day was warming up fast.  SPHP shed layers twice before Lupe reached the top of Kruger Peak.  The true summit was at the E end of a large, heavily forested region.  A tree trunk with several inches of snow on it had fallen right over the high point.

At the true summit of Kruger Peak. Photo looks W.

9:28 AM, 46ºF, Kruger Peak (5,838 ft.)

Whew!  A bit of a climb, wasn’t it?  Let’s take a break Loop.

Oh, that wasn’t so hard, SPHP.  We got here pretty fast.  Could have been here sooner, too, if you hadn’t stopped to stare at the views so often.

Sort of had to, Looper.  Been sitting around too much this winter.  Anyway, congratulations on climbing Kruger Peak!  Want a duck jerky?

Silly question.  Golden Rewards duck jerky was all the rage of late with the Carolina Dog.  After SPHP shook Lupe’s paw, she snapped up the duck jerky, Dingo’ed it down in nothing flat, then chomped some snow.

Just E of the true summit an open SE slope and a big rock toward the N offered some nice views.  Both Custer Mountain (6,089 ft.) and Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.) were in sight.  With help from the telephoto lens, Little Devils Tower (6,960 ft.), the Cathedral Spires (6,946 ft.), and Peak 6920 were all easily identifiable, too.

Daisy Peak, less than 0.5 mile S, wasn’t all that much higher now.

Custer Mountain (L), Black Elk Peak (R of Center). Photo looks N.
Little Devils Tower (L), Cathedral Spires (Center), Peak 6920 (R of Center), Black Elk Peak (R). Photo looks N with help from the telephoto lens.
Daisy Peak (Center) from Kruger Peak. Photo looks SW.

Even Kruger Peak’s true summit offered a glimpse of the western South Dakota prairies far beyond the Black Hills.

A narrow view of the prairies from Kruger Peak’s true summit. Photo looks E.

With 3 peaks on the American Dingo’s agenda today, spending a full hour on top of each one simply wasn’t going to be practical.  After a pleasant 25 minute break enjoying the views from the sunny SE slope near Kruger Peak’s true summit, it was time to move on.

Heading W through the forest over to the opposite end of Kruger Peak’s summit region, Lupe paused when she reached a rocky spot along the edge with a view to the WNW.

Peak 6040 was in sight 2 miles away, the only mountain any higher than Kruger Peak relatively nearby in this direction.

Peak 6040 (far R). Photo looks WNW.

Although there’d scarcely been much of a breeze at all back at the true summit, here along the W edge Lupe was exposed to a brisk 15 mph wind blowing in from out of the W.  Preferring the calm of the forest, the Carolina Dog continued her journey, heading SW down to the saddle leading to Daisy Peak.

Setting off for Daisy Peak. Photo looks SW.

As Lupe began her descent to the saddle, she passed a small cairn sitting on a boulder.  Why it was even there wasn’t at all clear.  Closing in on the saddle, she went over a 20 foot bump along the ridge before a final short descent to the saddle’s low point.

An ancient abandoned road came up to the saddle out of the NE from somewhere along Kruger Peak’s S flank.  Turning SSE at the saddle, this snow-covered road continued gradually up Daisy Peak’s E slope.  Lupe followed this road a little way before abandoning it to climb much more steeply straight up Daisy Peak’s slippery, snowy N slope.

A rocky spot most of the way up provided the best view yet of Peak 6040 and Custer Mountain (6,089 ft.) beyond the Glen Erin Creek valley, with Sylvan Peak (7,000 ft.) and Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.) on the horizon.

Peak 6040 (L), Sylvan Peak (R of Center) beyond Custer Mountain (R), Black Elk Peak (far R). Photo looks NNW.

Continuing S from this sweet viewpoint, the slope diminished.  The ridge narrowed and became rocky, fortunately not to the point of causing any real difficulties at all.  The Carolina Dog passed several more viewpoints before reaching Daisy Peak’s true summit.

At a scenic spot along Daisy Peak’s N ridge. Photo looks SSE.
Kruger Peak (L), Mount Coolidge (R) from Daisy Peak’s true summit. Photo looks NE.

10:29 AM, 45ºF, Daisy Peak (5,948 ft.) – The true summit was a small jumble of rocks a foot or two high amid dry grass and stickers.  A fairly large dead tree trunk that had been standing only a few feet away the last time Lupe was here more than 9 years ago was still erect.

Pines hid the views to the W, but a long grassy slope extending down to the SE offered a grand panorama in all other directions, including a look at Northeast Cicero Peak (6,240 ft.), Lupe’s final objective more than 2 miles SSW.

Daisy Peak summit (L), Black Elk Peak (R), Peak 6735 (far R). Photo looks NNW.
The big view looking SE.
Northeast Cicero Peak (L of Center). Photo looks SSW.

A 10 mph NW breeze made the summit chilly.  SPHP shook Lupe’s paw, then it was down the grassy SE slope far enough to get out of the wind.

About time for a chocolate coconut bar, or maybe another duck jerky, isn’t it, SPHP?

Tell ya what, Loopster.  How about both?  I’ll even throw in some Taste of the Wild and as much water as you can drink.

While Lupe chowed down, SPHP drank part of a vanilla Ensure, then ate an orange.  The views were great, and Daisy Peak seemed so familiar it was hard to believe it had been 9 years since Lupe’s last visit.  Half an hour shot by, and just like that, it was time to press on.

Let’s tag Daisy Peak’s summit again before we go, Loopster.  We can have a final look at Kruger Peak from here.  I noticed Peak 6735 over toward Black Elk Peak, and Peak 5778 near Stockade Lake, too, a couple more peaks that you’ve been to in the past.

Always a good idea to have a last look around before leaving a mountain, SPHP.  Especially when it might be 9 years before you see those views again.

You’re a wise Carolina Dog, Looper.

Kruger Peak (R) in the foreground with Peak 5788 beyond it. Peak 6735 (L) way off in the distance. Photo looks NNE.

After tagging Daisy Peak’s true summit again, Lupe headed down the steep S slope.  At first, she enjoyed a super nice view of Northeast Cicero Peak, but it vanished upon re-entering the forest.  The American Dingo eventually ran into a line of scenic rock formations along a narrow SW ridge on her way down to the saddle N of HP5706.

Starting down Daisy Peak’s S slope. Northeast Cicero Peak (Center). Photo looks SSW.
On a cool rock formation along Daisy Peak’s SW ridge. Photo looks SW.

Once down to the saddle, Lupe continued losing elevation as she circled around the lower W side of HP5706.  The woods were snowy during this part of the trek.  After turning S, she eventually reached USFS Road No. 337.1A.

In the snowy woods W of HP5706. Photo looks SW.
Arriving at USFS Road No. 337.1A. Photo looks S.

Lupe had several options as far as potential routes to Northeast Cicero Peak from here.  Since the lower end of one of the branches of its long N ridge was nearby, and the Carolina Dog had never explored this end of it before, that seemed like it might be fun and make the most sense.

Following No. 337.1A only a little way SW, Lupe then left it, heading S up into the forest.  She didn’t have far to go before coming to a sunny little rock outcropping with a bit of a view.

On the first rock outcropping near the far N end of North Cicero Peak’s long N ridge. Photo looks ESE.

The climb steepened from here.  At first, Lupe wandered up a forested slope, but as she got higher, she started coming to openings featuring better and better views.  The broad slope eventually narrowed down to a rocky ridgeline that angled SW.  Lupe had regained most of the elevation lost since leaving Daisy Peak when SPHP needed a longer breather at a particularly rocky spot.

Not an especially comfortable place for Lupe, but the views were nice.

An open spot along part of the steeper climb. Photo looks SSW.
Heading up the ridge before it got narrow and rocky. Photo looks SW.
Custer Mountain (far L), Peak 6735 (L) in the distance, HP5706 (R) in front of Daisy Peak. Photo looks NNE.
View looking ENE from the rocky rest spot.

After a 10 minute break, the trek higher continued.  Lupe scrambled amid the rocks just fine, but the rough terrain mixed with young aspens and a little slick snow made it slow going for SPHP.  Progress was made nevertheless, and the steepness of the ridge soon began to diminish.

Finally reaching a broader, flatter, grassy region, Northeast Cicero Peak was back in sight again.  Another short climb, and the American Dingo reached an unobstructed view of it from the top of HP6040.

Continuing up the rocky part of the ridge. Photo looks SSW.
Northeast Cicero Peak (Center) from the grassy region, HP6040 (R). Photo looks S.
Northeast Cicero Peak (Center) from HP6040. Photo looks S.

From HP6040, the ridgeline ran due S.  Lupe lost some elevation before reaching a saddle where it began angling SE.  The American Dingo had been to this next part of the ridge before.  Another steep climb soon led to the top of a relatively flat section of the ridge that was mostly open and featured some terrific views.

HP6145 (Center) along Northeast Cicero Peak’s WNW ridge. Photo looks WSW.
Heading for Northeast Cicero Peak’s upper N ridge (L). Photo looks SSE.
Northeast Cicero Peak (R) from the upper N ridge. Photo looks S.

The scenic trek along the upper N ridge was easy and fun.  It had always been one of the best parts of any visit to Northeast Cicero Peak.  Shortly before reaching HP6105 at the SE end, Lupe angled S toward the saddle dotted with pines leading to the final ascent.

After crossing the saddle, a moderately steep climb SW along a mostly open slope led to a familiar sight, the lone 4 foot high boulder at the NE end of the summit region.  The Carolina Dog had arrived!

Approaching Northeast Cicero Peak (R of Center). Photo looks SW.
On the summit region’s NE boulder. Photo looks SW.

2:38 PM, 48ºF, Northeast Cicero Peak (6,240 ft.) – It had been a fun, but long march.  SPHP shook Lupe’s paw while she was still up on the NE boulder, congratulating the American Dingo on her successful ascent.  She then leapt down and headed W over to the little 3 foot high rocky summit ridge 100 feet away, ready for an extended break.

The 20 mph SW wind sweeping over the exposed ridge felt cold.  After sharing the second chocolate coconut bar of the day, SPHP offered Lupe what was left of the duck jerky, more Taste of the Wild, and water.  She then curled up on the lee side of the ridge partially protected from the wind.  SPHP threw a jacket over her.

For half an hour, neither Lupe nor SPHP stirred.  The Carolina Dog tried to doze while SPHP downed a strawberry Equate and munched an apple, and when they were gone, simply sat listening to the wind in the pines and staring E out onto the distant prairies.

Resting below Northeast Cicero Peak’s true summit ridge. Photo looks WNW.

How ya doing, Looper?  Your summit hour’s half shot already.  We ought to get up and have a look around.

Ready if you are, SPHP.

The NE boulder (L) from the summit ridge. Photo looks ENE.

2.5 miles WSW, an enormous odd rock sat atop a much lower ridge.

Oh, I remember that rock, SPHP.  Isn’t that Cracked Molar?

That’s right, Loopster.  At least that’s what we used to call it, because that’s what it looks like from here.

Are you saying it has some other name, too, SPHP?

Yes, turns out that it does, Looper.  One day long after we named it, I looked at the topo map, and saw that its official name is Beecher Rock.

Beecher Rock?  Why?  Cracked Molar is way more descriptive, SPHP.

I have no idea, Loop.  Maybe it’s named after someone named Beecher?

Cracked Molar (L of Center) aka Beecher Rock. Photo looks WSW.
Cracked Molar (R). Photo looks WSW with help from the telephoto lens.

We ought to go see Cracked Molar up close someday, SPHP.

You know, I ‘ve been thinking we ought to visit Cicero Peak (6,166 ft.) again sometime by exploring Boland Ridge coming up from the S.  Maybe we can drop by Cracked Molar then, Loop?

That would work, and reminds me of something else, SPHP.  We should at least have a look at Cicero Peak (6,166 ft.), too, while we’re here today.

Excellent idea, Loopster.  Let’s do it!

Going a little way down the grassy slope SW of the summit ridge, it was possible to get a glimpse of Cicero Peak, but it wasn’t really a clear view.

Cicero Peak (far R). Photo looks S.
Cicero Peak (L). Photo looks SW.

Hmm.  I know there’s an open slope somewhere farther down that’s got a much better view of Cicero Peak, Loop.  Want to keep going to see if we come to it?

Sure, SPHP!  I’ll lead the way.

Descending into the trees, Lupe did come to a spot with a better view of Cicero Peak.  This view wasn’t from the open slope SPHP remembered, but that might have been quite a bit lower.  Not wanting to lose a whole lot of elevation, SPHP was satisfied.

Good job!  This is far enough, Looper.

Peak 6106 (Center), Cicero Peak (R). Photo looks SW.

Returning to the summit region, little remained of Lupe’s traditional summit hour.  For a few minutes she sat in the cool breeze and sunshine admiring the view to the W.  Nothing within sight was any higher in that direction, even though Lupe could see clear to Wyoming on the horizon.

Enjoying summit hour on Northeast Cicero Peak. Photo looks WSW.

3:42 PM, Northeast Cicero Peak – On this rare Leap Day afternoon, the sun’s rays were starting to cast long shadows.

About that time, Loopster.

I suppose.  I was just thinking, SPHP.  Wasn’t Leap Day when we saw the only mountain lion we’ve ever come across?

That’s right, Loopster.  We saw it right after visiting Bluelead Mountain on our way to Calumet Ridge (5,601 ft.).  That was 2 Leap Days ago.  Too bad I didn’t get a photo of that lion.  I tried, but was too slow.

Do you suppose we’ll see another mountain lion on our way back to the RAV4?  That would be so awesome, SPHP!

Heh.  Not too likely, Looper, but I suppose it’s possible.  No doubt mountain lions love to pounce on Leap Day.

Before abandoning Northeast Cicero Peak, Lupe returned once more to the summit’s NE boulder.

Back on Northeast Cicero Peak’s NE boulder. Mount Coolidge (R). Photo looks NE.

Pines hid most views N and S from Northeast Cicero Peak’s summit, but Lupe enjoyed some magnificent views on the way back N.

Peak 6040 and Sylvan Peak (L), Custer Mountain and Black Elk Peak (R of Center). Photo looks N.
Custer Mountain and Black Elk Peak (far L), Daisy Peak (L of Center), Mount Coolidge (R). Photo looks NNE.
View from S of HP6105. Photo looks SE.
Custer Mountain and Black Elk Peak (Center), Daisy Peak (R). Photo looks N.

The return was both beautiful and great fun!  The rocky NW end of the upper ridge N of Northeast Cicero Peak provided the last big view from on high.  Then it was down into the valley E of the lower part of the N ridge that Lupe had explored earlier during her ascent.

This valley was also quite beautiful, and an old favorite from back in the days when a young Carolina Dog used to come this way long ago.  Lupe picked up abandoned USFS Road No. 337.1B much higher than where the topo map showed it, and thoroughly enjoyed the long, easy descent on a road now covered with pines.

The last big view from on high. Photo looks NNW.
Descending into the big valley. Custer Mountain and Black Elk Peak (Center), Daisy Peak (R). Photo looks N.
Glancing back at the NW end of NE Cicero Peak’s upper N ridge (L). Photo looks S.

Approaching HP5706, the lower end of the valley flattened out.  Pines gave way to grasslands.  By the time Lupe reached the N end of USFS Road No. 337.1B at the intersection with No. 337.1A, sunlight remained only on the highest peaks.

HP5706 (L) and Daisy Peak (L of Center). Mount Coolidge (R). Photo looks NE.
At the N end of USFS Road No. 337.1B where it intersects No. 337.1A. Photo looks SSW.

The valley turned E here.  Lupe followed No. 337.1A down it farther than ever before, hurrying on as light faded.  Deep in a remote, increasingly narrow canyon, it would have been the perfect place for a Leap Day mountain lion to pounce.

None did.  The canyon eventually emptied out onto Lower French Creek Road, and the brightest silver stars were already twinkling overhead when Lupe finally reached the RAV4 again.  (5:59 PM, 35ºF)

On Northeast Cicero Peak, Black Hills of South Dakota, Leap Day 2024


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Lupe’s Kruger Peak & Daisy Peak GPS Track

Lupe’s Northeast Cicero Peak GPS Track

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 109 – Cicero, Northeast Cicero, Daisy & Kruger Peaks (12-13-14)

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Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 220 – Storm Hill & Northeast Cicero Peak (12-18-17)

Start: 9:20 AM, 36°F at the Boulder Hill trailhead of Flume Trail No. 50 on USFS Road No. 358 (Boulder Hill Road)

Going to Boulder Hill with Mark and Hillary on Expedition No. 219 had reminded SPHP that while Lupe had been to Boulder Hill half a dozen times, she had never been to nearby Storm Hill.  Wasn’t it about time she went?

Of course, Lupe was in favor of any idea that would get her out of the house for another Black Hills adventure!  Soon she was setting out for Storm Hill (5,192 ft.) from the same Boulder Hill trailhead of Flume Trail No. 50 where she had so recently been with Mark and Hillary.

Lupe sets out for Storm Hill on Flume Trail No. 50. A spur of the trail goes up to Boulder Hill, but that wasn’t Lupe’s destination today. Photo looks SE.

For the first 0.33 mile, Lupe followed Flume Trail No. 50.  The trail went SE up to a saddle between Boulder Hill and Storm Hill.  With only an inch of snow on the ground, Lupe could have run around exploring easily enough.  Instead, she nervously stuck close to SPHP.  Distant gunfire could be heard coming from somewhere off to the W.  Someone was doing target practice.

On the way up to the saddle between Boulder Hill and Storm Hill. Photo looks SE.

At the saddle, Lupe was between Boulder Hill to the SW, and Storm Hill to the NE.  A spur of Flume Trail No. 50 goes all the way up to the top of Boulder Hill, but there isn’t any trail going up Storm Hill.  Lupe would have to bushwhack through the forest.

Carolina Dogs love bushwhacking!  Despite the distant gunfire, Lupe grew bolder after leaving the Flume Trail.  She followed the saddle NE over to Storm Hill.  She was going away from the gunfire, which helped her confidence.

On the saddle leading to Storm Hill. Photo looks NE.

Upon reaching the SW slope of Storm Hill, Lupe traveled right on up a rocky spine of the mountain.  The climb would have been easier if she had simply avoided the rocks.  However, she did get glimpses of Boulder Hill from the rocks she wouldn’t have otherwise had.

Partway up the rocky SW spine of Storm Hill. Photo looks E.
Although climbing the rocky SW spine of Storm Hill was harder and slower than avoiding the rocks would have been, Lupe did get some views of nearby Boulder Hill (L) she wouldn’t have otherwise had. Photo looks WSW.
The top of Boulder Hill (5,331 ft.) with help from the telephoto lens. Photo looks SW.
Boulder Hill (Center) is only 0.5 mile SW of Storm Hill. Lupe had been there half a dozen times, but she’d never been to Storm Hill before. Photo looks SW.

The SW spine of the mountain topped out near the S end of a broader ridge.  This broader ridge was also quite rocky, but wasn’t as steep.  Lupe gained elevation more slowly as she followed it N.  To the E, Loop could see little but forest.  However, she did come across places where she had views off to the SW or W.

The SW spine of the mountain led to this broader ridge, which was still quite rocky. Lupe gained elevation more slowly than before as she followed this ridge N. Photo looks N.
Another look at Boulder Hill (R) from the broader ridge. The top of Silver Mountain (5,405 ft.) (L) can be seen sticking up between the trees. Photo looks SW.
Getting closer to the summit! Loop along the W edge of the broad ridge. Photo looks N.

The summit of Storm Hill was close to the N end of the broad ridge.  A fairly large summit area, perhaps 30 or 40 feet in circumference, was the highest part of the mountain.  Pine trees obscured the views in some directions.  However, Lupe enjoyed a panoramic view to the N and NE from the top of small cliffs.

At the summit of Storm Hill. Photo looks NNE.
From the top of small cliffs along the edge of the summit area, Lupe had a panoramic view to the N and NE. Photo looks NE.

By moving around the summit area, Lupe found at least partial views in other directions.

Looking SE.
Custer Peak (6,804 ft) (R of Center) with a lot of help from the telephoto lens. Photo looks NW.

Storm Hill has a double summit.  Two widely separated areas contained within 5,160 foot contours are on the topo map.  Lupe was at the W high point where a site elevation of 5,192 feet was shown.  SPHP presumed this was the true summit of Storm Hill.  It was hard to get much of a look at the E high point, but there was a spot from which it could be seen.

The E high point was a long, skinny ridge.  It was steeper and more rugged-looking territory.  The highest parts of the E ridge appeared to be about as high as where Lupe was, but SPHP was pretty certain they weren’t any higher.  Satisfied that Lupe had actually reached the true summit of Storm Hill, SPHP didn’t make her spend the extra hour it might have taken to visit the E ridge, too.

This rough skinny ridge E of Storm Hill’s true summit looked almost as high. Much of it was also within a 5,160 foot contour on the topo map. Photo looks E.

Lupe returned to the true summit of Storm Hill, before taking a little break.  Meanwhile, SPHP took a few more photos of the views.

After an initial look around, Lupe returns to the true summit of Storm Hill. Photo looks N.
Looking NE with help from the telephoto lens. The opening in the far ridgeline seen on the R is the area known as “The Gap” in Rapid City.
Baker Park (Center & L) is the grassy open area down below. Photo looks NW.
Boulder Hill (L), Mount Warner (5,889 ft.) (R), and Saint Elmo Peak (6,458 ft.) (Center in the distance) from Storm Hill. Photo looks SW.

Lupe spent 20 minutes enjoying the summit of Storm Hill before moving on.  The Carolina Dog started back retracing her route S along the broad ridge.  She soon left the ridge, however, veering SW to explore easier terrain in the forest below.  She reached Flume Trail No. 50 again well N of the saddle where she’d originally left it.

By 11:06 AM (42°F), Loop was back at the G6.  Storm Hill had been fun, but had taken her less than 2 hours.  Plenty of time left in the day for more adventures!  SPHP drove S.  Lupe had fun barking at cows, horses, and eventually even some buffalo.At 1:52 PM (41°F), SPHP parked the G6 at the mouth of a grassy valley N of USFS Road No. 336 (Flynn Creek Road) less than a mile S of Northeast Cicero Peak (6,240 ft.).  Lupe had been to Northeast Cicero Peak twice before, but her most recent ascent was now more than 2.75 years ago.  For fun, she would try a new route up.

Lupe started out climbing NW up a thickly forested ridge on the W side of the grassy valley.  She eventually emerged from the trees.  An open hilltop was only a short distance away.  Loop went to the top for a look around.  She was a little S of High Point 5821.  Cicero Peak (6,166 ft.) was in view not quite a mile to the SW.

Lupe reaches the hilltop S of HP 5821. Cicero Peak (Center) is in view. Photo looks SW.
On her journey up NE Cicero Peak, Lupe would head for the high grassy area seen on the L before turning toward the summit on the R. Photo looks NNE.

Continuing onward, Lupe skirted High Point 5821 to the NE.  The partially forested slope was so steep, she might just as easily have gone to the top of High Point 5821, but she didn’t.  Upon reaching the saddle N of High Point 5821, the American Dingo turned N.  She climbed a mostly open slope up to a high grassy area with a commanding view.

Lupe reaches a high grassy area SW of NE Cicero Peak’s summit. From here she had a commanding view of Cicero Peak (Center). Photo looks SW.

From the high grassy area, Lupe headed NE gaining elevation at a slower pace.  Most of this part of her climb was in a forest containing scattered lumpy rock outcroppings.  In the shade of the pines, snow was several inches deep.

The final approach to the summit from the WSW was a gentle climb up a grassy slope.  A N/S running rock ledge only 2 or 3 feet high was at the top of the mountain.  A lone boulder sat a short distance beyond the ledge.  That boulder, which appeared to be slightly higher than the ledge, was the true summit of Northeast Cicero Peak (6,240 ft.).

Lupe reaches a rock ledge only a couple of feet high at the top of NE Cicero Peak. The true summit appeared to be the lone boulder seen on the L. Photo looks E.
Lupe on NE Cicero Peak. Photo looks E towards the plains of western South Dakota with help from the telephoto lens.
Up on the lone boulder, the true summit of NE Cicero Peak. Photo looks N.

The summit area was large and grassy.  A few pines along the N edge blocked views to the NW, while a dense forest hid views to the S and SE.  In other directions, Lupe could see big swaths of the Black Hills.  The most interesting views were of higher country to the N.

Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.) is the highest peak on the L. Closer, but also on the L, is heavily forested Custer Mountain (6,089 ft.). Peak 6735 is the middle of the 3 high points seen just R of Center. Photo looks NNE.
Same scene, but with more help from the telephoto lens. Custer Mountain is in the foreground. Black Elk Peak on the L in the distance. Peak 6735 is the middle high point on the R. Photo looks NNE.
Looking NE now. Mount Coolidge (6,023 ft.) is in the distance on the R.
Mt. Coolidge (L) with help from the telephoto lens. Lupe had recently visited Mt. Coolidge for the first time in over 5.5 years on Expedition No. 218.

A cool W breeze blew.  A low, weary sun, partially obscured by a bank of clouds, dangled listlessly above the horizon.  Northeast Cicero Peak felt forlorn, sad.  Mid-afternoon, but it felt late.  Late in the day.  Late in the year.  Winter solstice was only 3 days away.  Christmas soon after that.  A week later, 2017 would be over.  Another year gone forever.  A depressing thought.

Neither Lupe nor SPHP knew it yet, but Northeast Cicero Peak was the last mountain Lupe would climb in 2017.

At the summit of Northeast Cicero Peak, the last mountain Lupe would climb in 2017. Photo looks E.
Back on the small ledge. Cicero Peak is visible on the L. Photo looks WSW.
Cicero Peak (Center) from the higher summit of NE Cicero Peak. Photo looks SW.

Northeast Cicero Peak was the highest mountain this far S in the Black Hills.  The views were impressive.  Yet the somber mood of the mountain made SPHP restless after only 10 minutes on top.  Maybe action would add some cheer?  Lupe set off into the forest, intent on exploring the mountain’s S ridge on the way down.

The S ridge wasn’t a very good route.  It was full of obstacles.  Dense stands of young pines, slick snowy spots, rough rock outcroppings, deadfall timber, all the usual rigamarole except fences to deal with.  Not much in the way of views as compensation, either.  For what seemed like a long way, the Carolina Dog didn’t lose much elevation.

The summit of Cicero Peak with help from the telephoto lens on the way down NE Cicero Peak’s S ridge. Photo looks SW.

Lupe finally came to a rare open spot in the forest where the going was easier.  Beyond it, the descent began in earnest.

After a slow trek along NE Cicero Peak’s upper S ridge, Lupe reached this rare open spot in the forest. Her descent became much steeper beyond this point. Photo looks S.

Once the descent really got going, it was one steep slope after another.  Lupe avoided rocky areas as much as possible, which became progressively easier the lower she went.  She eventually turned SW, ultimately reaching the floor of the valley W of the S ridge.  Here, the American Dingo found a faint road leading back to the G6 (4:08 PM, 36°F).

The last of 33 Black Hills, SD Expeditions in 2017 was over.

Loop on Northeast Cicero Peak at the end of her Black Hills, SD adventures in 2017.


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