Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 90 – South Castle Rock, Castle Rock, Nipple Butte, Flag Mountain & Peak 6962 (5-24-14)

In early May of 2014, SPHP discovered, “an online resource for summit-focused hikers, climbers, and mountain lovers”.  User accounts are free, and it seemed like it might be fun to record a few statistics on Lupe’s expeditions and explorations there.  So, on 5-12-14, SPHP created an account for Lupe.

Using was fun!  Almost instantly, Lupe and SPHP were hooked!  Lupe started climbing as many mountains as possible on Peakbagger’s list of Black Hills 6500-foot Peaks.  Some of them Lupe had been to before, of course, but the list contained many peaks she had never climbed.

For Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 90, SPHP was excited to have 5 peaks along the E escarpment of the limestone plateau high country of the western Black Hills lined up for Lupe to climb.  All 5 peaks were on the Black Hills 6500-foot Peaks list.  They were strung out along a N/S line W of Reynolds Prairie.  Lupe would start from the S end climbing South Castle Rock (6,840 ft.) first.

Almost 2 miles NW of Deerfield Reservoir on W Deerfield Road, is a R turn on County Road No. 306 to Reynolds Prairie.  No. 306 winds NE up a hill for more than a mile before turning N and leveling out.  Right there, on the W side of No. 306, is a L turn on a side road going up a little hill.  The side road is USFS Road No. 189.1D.  SPHP parked the G6 at the top of the first short rise (9:57 AM, 67°F).

Lupe was starting out her ambitious day of peakbagging about 0.75 mile SSE of South Castle Rock.  She began following No. 189.1D N across a green field, but soon left the road as it angled NW.  Lupe continued N, gradually going uphill.  The sun felt hot out in the open field.  Lupe and SPHP were both glad to reach the shade of the forest, although the climb became increasingly steep.

Before long, Lupe reached the first significant limestone outcropping.  Lupe and SPHP went out to the SE end of it, where there were great open views from the NE around to the S.

Parts of Deerfield Lake are in view from the first big limestone outcropping going up South Castle Rock from the S. The S end of Reynolds Prairie is seen on the L. Photo looks SE.
Parts of Deerfield Lake are in view from the first big limestone outcropping going up South Castle Rock from the S. The S end of Reynolds Prairie is seen on the L. Photo looks SE.
The E end of Castle Rock (6,783 ft.) is the forested ridge with the many beetle-killed trees on the L. The N end of Reynolds Prairie is seen on the R. Photo looks N.
The E end of Castle Rock (6,783 ft.) is the forested ridge with the many beetle-killed trees on the L. The N end of Reynolds Prairie is seen on the R. Photo looks N.
County Road No. 306 winds across Reynolds Prairie. Part of Deerfield Lake is seen on the R. Photo looks E.
County Road No. 306 winds across Reynolds Prairie. Part of Deerfield Lake is seen on the R. Photo looks E.

From the SE viewpoint, Lupe continued climbing N up South Castle Rock.  She quickly reached a high point in the forest, but it was a false summit.  The topo map showed that the true summit was just a little bit higher and farther N.  There were many trees killed by pine bark beetles.  The deadfall timber made progress getting to the true summit rather slow.

The true summit proved to be located up on a limestone cap surrounded by small cliffs in every direction.  Lupe and SPHP scouted around looking for a way up.  The only easy way up was from the SW, where Lupe and SPHP were able to make it up to the top.  The summit area was flat and forested.  The highest point was located toward the N end.  Lupe posed for her South Castle Rock (6,840 ft.) summit photo next to SPHP’s backpack.

Lupe claims her first peakbagging success of the day at the summit of South Castle Rock! Photo looks WSW.
Lupe claims her first peakbagging success of the day at the summit of South Castle Rock! Photo looks WSW.

With the all views blocked by pines, Lupe didn’t linger very long on South Castle Rock.  Lupe and SPHP climbed back down using the same SW route.  Lupe then went around the W side of the summit escarpment heading N to her next peakbagging goal, Castle Rock (6,783 ft.).

Looking back at the N end of the low limestone cliffs below the summit of South Castle Rock. Photo looks S.
Looking back at the N end of the low limestone cliffs below the summit of South Castle Rock. Photo looks S.

Castle Rock is slightly lower than South Castle Rock, and less than 0.25 mile farther N.  It didn’t take Lupe long to reach the W end of the main Castle Rock ridge, which extends out to the ESE.  Lupe and SPHP went all the way out to the E end looking for the highest point.  Somewhere along the way, Lupe must have gone over the true summit, but exactly where was never clear.  Near the E end, she posed for a couple of photos.

Happy Lupe on Castle Rock. Photo looks SW toward South Castle Rock.
Happy Lupe on Castle Rock. Photo looks SW toward South Castle Rock.
Lupe looks a little less friendly here, but it was partly due to the sun making her squint. Lupe's next two peakbagging goals are in view behind her. Nipple Butte (6,800 ft.) is closest with Flag Mountain (6,937 ft.) beyond it. Photo looks N.
Lupe looks a little less friendly here, but it was partly due to the sun making her squint. Lupe’s next two peakbagging goals are in view behind her. Nipple Butte (6,800 ft.), capped with white limestone, is closest with Flag Mountain (6,937 ft.) beyond it. Photo looks N.

Lupe was off to a great start with 2 of her peakbagging goals already accomplished!  Lupe and SPHP returned to the W end of the main Castle Rock ridge.  Nipple Butte (6,800 ft.), over 0.5 mile N, was Lupe’s next stop.  Lupe and SPHP started going N following a somewhat lower and much skinnier ridge.

The N ridge wasn’t as heavily forested.  The views were actually better here than they were from up on the higher E ridge.  However, as Lupe proceeded N, it soon became apparent she wasn’t going to find any safe way down.  She reached a crevasse in the limestone that prevented her from going any farther N.

So Lupe and SPHP had to backtrack almost all the way to the S end of the N ridge again, before finding a steep route down off the E side.  Lupe lost 150 feet of elevation before turning N again.  While SPHP plodded along gradually regaining elevation, the American Dingo roamed the forest.  She eventually reached the saddle to Nipple Butte and started up the S slope.  The climb quickly became steep and very rocky.

Looking up the steep, rocky S slope of Nipple Butte. Photo looks N.
Looking up the steep, rocky S slope of Nipple Butte. Photo looks N.

Lupe climbed up the broken limestone.  She got very high, but near the top it became clear that there were deep fissures in the limestone.  The fissures divided the summit area into several different rock islands in the sky.  The highest one was farther N.  There was no way for Lupe to get over to it from here.

Lupe and SPHP went back down.  Lupe circled around the W side of the mountain looking for another route up.  She found a steep approach from the WNW.  Lupe climbed until she reached a small grassy area between limestone outcroppings.  Once again, she was almost at the top of Nipple Butte.  The summit was now just to the S, above a 6 or 7 foot high wall of limestone.

SPHP had to lift Lupe to help her get up on the limestone platform.  She was nervous about it, but got up there OK.  SPHP climbed up next.  The limestone platform wasn’t very big.  There were sheer drops all around.  They weren’t tremendously high drops, but falling off wouldn’t have been healthy at all.  A 2 or 3 foot high chunk of limestone rested on the platform.  This was the true summit!

Lupe on Nipple Butte with the boulder that is the true summit seen right behind her. Photo looks SW.
Lupe on Nipple Butte with the boulder that is the true summit seen right behind her. Photo looks SW.
Reynolds Prairie from Nipple Butte. Photo looks E.
Reynolds Prairie from Nipple Butte. Photo looks E.

Nipple Butte was a real island in the sky!  Being up there was a little like being on a cloud.  No trees blocked the views.  Lupe could see in every direction.  Lupe and SPHP relaxed for a while, just taking it all in.

Flag Mountain (6,937 ft.) (Center), another mile N, was Lupe's next destination. USFS Road No. 189 is seen below. Photo looks N from Nipple Butte.
Flag Mountain (6,937 ft.) (Center), another mile N, was Lupe’s next destination. USFS Road No. 189 is seen below. Photo looks N from Nipple Butte.
Castle Rock. Photo looks S.
Castle Rock. Photo looks S.
The S end of Reynolds Prairie (L) from Nipple Butte. Photo looks SSE.
The S end of Reynolds Prairie (L) from Nipple Butte. Photo looks SSE.

When it was time to leave, SPHP carefully crawled off the N edge of the summit area first.  Lupe didn’t know how to get down!  It looked scary to the 2 year old Carolina Dog.  She didn’t really trust SPHP to help her either.  She stood up on top trying to figure out what to do.

Lupe looked happy enough, but she was more than a little worried about how she was going to get down off Nipple Butte.
Lupe looked happy enough, but she was more than a little worried about how she was going to get down off Nipple Butte.

SPHP finally managed to grab Lupe’s front legs and pull her near the edge.  Lupe was alarmed, but SPHP got a secure hold on her and helped her safely off Nipple Butte.  The Carolina Dog was greatly relieved!  Lupe and SPHP made the steep descent down the WNW slope.

Once completely down off Nipple Butte, Lupe headed N across USFS Road No. 189.  She began climbing the S ridge going up Flag Mountain (6,937 ft.).  By now it was afternoon.  Despite the shady protection of the forest, the heat forced frequent stops for water.  Lupe didn’t reach the rough road to the top of Flag Mountain until she was already quite close to the summit.  She followed the road the rest of the way to the rock stairs up to the remnants of the old lookout tower.

Lupe near the remnants of the old lookout tower on Flag Mountain. Photo looks E.
Lupe near the remnants of the old lookout tower on Flag Mountain. Photo looks E.

Remnants of the old lookout tower on Flag Mountain, 5-24-16Not much could be seen to the W, but in every other direction Flag Mountain featured impressive views.  Lupe felt more secure here than at Nipple Butte, too!

Lupe's final peakbagging goal of the day was Peak 6962, the ridge on the L. White Tail Peak (6,962 ft.) is the far ridge on the R. Photo looks N.
Lupe’s final peakbagging goal of the day was Peak 6962, the ridge on the L. White Tail Peak (6,962 ft.) is the far ridge on the R. Photo looks N.
Lupe feeling safe and secure in the remnant of the old lookout tower on Flag Mountain. Photo looks E.
Lupe feeling safe and secure in the remnant of the old lookout tower on Flag Mountain. Photo looks E.
Another look at Peak 6962 (L) and White Tail Peak (Center) from Flag Mountain. The gravel road is USFS Road No. 599. Photo looks N.
Another look at Peak 6962 (L) and White Tail Peak (Center) from Flag Mountain. The gravel road is USFS Road No. 599. Photo looks N.

The afternoon was wearing on, but Lupe had only one more peakbagging goal left.  Peak 6962 was more than 1.5 miles to the NNW.  Staying on high ground, Lupe would have to go twice that far to get there.  Instead of taking the road, Lupe and SPHP left the remains of the Flag Mountain lookout tower going W along the ridge.

The ridge didn’t stay level for very far.  Lupe went down into the forest.  She briefly came to the road near the N end of a sharp bend.  Five ATV’s roared on by heading up.  Lupe continued W beyond the road and back into the forest.  Lupe and SPHP tried to stay on high ground as much as possible, as the terrain went up and down over a series of small rises and intervening saddles.  Nipple Butte, now to the SE, came into view at one point.

Nipple Butte (Center) viewed from the NW as Lupe was heading for Peak 6962.
Nipple Butte (Center) viewed from the NW as Lupe was heading for Peak 6962.

Lupe had to go almost a mile W before the terrain allowed her to start turning N.  She eventually came quite close to USFS Road No. 189 again, but she stayed on a slightly higher ridge to the E of it.  When Lupe finally reached a point about a mile SW of Peak 6962, she was able to turn NE and follow another ridge toward the summit.

There had been quite a lot of deadfall timber to contend with on the way from Flag Mountain, but this last stretch going NE to Peak 6962 was simply terrible.  Dead trees had tumbled over everywhere, sometimes stacking several high.  To make matters worse, an old barbed wire fence followed the same ridgeline Lupe was trying to follow.  Along most of the route, the fence had collapsed under the weight of the many trees that had fallen across it.

SPHP was constantly worried that Lupe would get ripped up by the dangerous barbed wire.  The deadfall and terrain forced Lupe and SPHP back and forth across the fence line many times.  It was a struggle to make any progress through the seemingly endless obstacles.  Getting to Peak 6962 was taking a very long time.  The area felt very isolated and remote.  Protected by the shattered forest, Peak 6962 must not have many visitors these days!

Lupe gradually got closer to Peak 6962.  She started coming to a few places along the ridge where there were views of Flag Mountain off to the SE.  She also started seeing an abundance of beautifully blooming crocuses.  SPHP dubbed the area “Perfect Crocus Ridge”.

Finally, Lupe reached the area where the summit of Peak 6962 was supposed to be.  The topo map showed a couple of areas within 6960 foot contours.  Lupe arrived at the S one first.  The topo map was right.  The top of Peak 6962 was quite flat.  Both of the 6960 foot contours were contained within a 6940 foot contour covering a much larger area.  Lupe found no obvious summit.

There were no views either.  Forest was all around.  Even near the steep E edge of the mountain, the were enough trees still standing to quite effectively hide the view.  Lupe and SPHP trudged on to the N, to check out the terrain over there.  SPHP was hoping to find a view of White Tail Peak (6,962 ft.) to the N.  There really wasn’t one.  If anything, the forest was even thicker here.  The terrain here didn’t seem any higher than back to the S, either.

Lupe was tired from leaping over all the countless dead trees on the ground.  The Carolina Dog wanted to stop for a rest.  SPHP was tired, too.  SPHP sat on the ground.  Lupe had some water and curled up.  SPHP considered what to do next.  From Flag Mountain, SPHP had seen some big cliffs at the very end of a long ridge protruding S from the E edge of Peak 6962.  SPHP was certain those cliffs would provide some great views, but going there would add another 0.5 mile one way.

SPHP decided against it.  It was just too much work going through all the deadfall.  Maybe another time, if there ever was another time.

After 10 minutes, Lupe was ready to go again.  The highest spot on the mountain had seemed to be within the area contained within the S 6960 foot contour.  Lupe and SPHP went back there for Lupe’s Peak 6962 summit photos.  The forest badly damaged by pine bark beetles wasn’t very pretty, but there was a beautiful green carpet of kinnikinnick.

Lupe smiling on the lovely green carpet of kinnikinnick at the summit of Peak 6962. Note the semi-transparent white object to her R. Photo looks ENE.
Lupe smiling on the lovely green carpet of kinnikinnick at the summit of Peak 6962. Note the semi-transparent white object to her R. Photo looks ENE.
This photo documents the existence of a genuine fire-breathing American Dingo on Peak 6962! Note the smoke coming out of her nose!
This photo documents the existence of a genuine fire-breathing American Dingo on Peak 6962! Note the smoke coming out of her nose!

It was time to leave Peak 6962.  The shortest route back to a road was to head SW back along Perfect Crocus Ridge.  To avoid the worst of the deadfall timber, Lupe and SPHP tried staying below the ridgeline by going through a lower field to the SE.  For a little while, this worked well.  Lupe could run around without having to constantly be leaping over dead trees.  After a while, though, the terrain forced Lupe up and over to the NW side of the ridge.

Flag Mountain from Perfect Crocus Ridge. Photo looks SE.
Flag Mountain from Perfect Crocus Ridge. Photo looks SE.

Staying off the top of the ridge helped more than SPHP initially realized.  Lupe came to a clearing in the forest.  Down a grassy slope to the SW was a good gravel road.  Lupe was already almost back to USFS Road No. 189!  SPHP stopped to look at the maps.  After marching along all day through the forest, SPHP was tired of dealing with all the deadfall.  Lupe was going to stick to the roads on the way back to the G6!

The quickest way back was to just follow No. 189 SE to Reynolds Prairie.  Too easy and dull!  A more interesting route was to take No. 189 only 0.5 mile S to USFS Road No. 239.  No. 239 went S through Horsethief Creek valley for 3 miles to W Deerfield Road down in the valley of the North Fork of Castle Creek.

Since it was already getting late in the day and SPHP was already fairly tired, naturally SPHP chose a third route, the longest possible one.  Lupe would go W on No. 189 for nearly 2 miles to USFS Road No. 129 before taking it S through Hughes Draw down to the North Fork of Castle Creek.  Lupe and SPHP headed on down to No. 189 and turned NW.

Gradually, it began to dawn on SPHP that going NW was a big mistake.  The sun was getting low, Lupe was heading away from the G6, and this route added at least another 5 miles to the trek back.  No matter how interesting this route might be, it was going to get dark.  It was really too late in the day for such silliness!  SPHP was regretting the decision to go NW when a road going S into a shallow valley appeared a short distance ahead.

A marker at the start of the road said this was No. 129.1B.  A quick check of the maps showed it was a shortcut down to No. 129 and No. 129.1A on the way to the North Fork of Castle Creek.  Good!  Lupe and SPHP immediately turned S on No. 129.1B.

The little valley No. 129.1B went down was very inviting.  Beyond a grove of aspen trees, Lupe and SPHP heard frogs croaking.  Lupe ran ahead to investigate.  She found a pond where she got a huge drink.  SPHP had completely run out of water more than a mile back.

The frog pond near USFS Road No. 129.1B where Lupe got a huge drink of water. The frogs did not resume croaking until Lupe left.
The frog pond near USFS Road No. 129.1B where Lupe got a huge drink of water. The frogs did not resume croaking until Lupe left.

SPHP made good progress hiking down No. 129.1B.  There was open ground on both sides of the road.  Lupe had a blast racing back and forth across the valley.  She hadn’t had an opportunity to run like this all day.  She was having a great time.  Despite all the hours that had gone by, Lupe was still full of energy.

No. 129.1B reached an intersection with No. 129.  Two springs (Lyons Spring on the USFS map) combined to form a small creek, presumably Lyons Creek.  Instead of following No. 129 SE, Lupe went W a short distance to take No. 129.1A going S.

No. 129.1A was a decent road, but did not lose elevation as quickly as Lyons Creek did.  At first, Lupe was able to easily run down to the creek to get drinks of water.  Pretty soon, however, the road was well above creek level.  Lupe frequently saw deer down in the meadows by the creek below.

Lupe rests on the green grass above Lyons Creek. Photo looks SE.
Lupe rests on the green grass above Lyons Creek. Photo looks SE.
USFS Road No. 129.1A. Photo looks S.
USFS Road No. 129.1A. Photo looks S.

Lupe finally reached W Deerfield Road down by the North Fork of Castle Creek.  Lupe couldn’t resist getting in this much larger creek for another big drink.

Getting a drink from the North Fork of Castle Creek.
Getting a drink from the North Fork of Castle Creek.

Lupe was still at least 3 miles NW of the junction with County Road No. 306 to Reynolds Prairie.  The G6 was another 1.25 miles beyond that.  Lupe and SPHP followed W Deerfield Road SE.  Cows were in the fields nearby.  Lupe was very interested.  Although the temptation was huge, she was a very good American Dingo and didn’t bark.

At 9:01 PM (55°F), Lupe finally reached the G6 again.  Light was still fading from the sky.  Lupe had been gone over 11 hours, but she did reach all 5 of her peakbagging goals!  Although she had just completed her 90th Black Hills, SD Expedition, Lupe’s peakbagging days were just beginning.

Lupe on W Deerfield Road in the valley of the North Fork of Castle Creek. Photo looks SE.
Lupe on W Deerfield Road in the valley of the North Fork of Castle Creek. Photo looks SE.
Some of the very tempting cows Lupe didn't bark at.
Some of the very tempting cows Lupe didn’t bark at.


Next Black Hills Expedition                       Prior Black Hills Expedition

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 133 – South Castle Rock, Castle Rock, Nipple Butte, Flag Mountain & Peak 6962 (6-13-15)

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Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 212 – South Castle Rock, Castle Rock, Nipple Butte & Flag Mountain (10-22-17)

Start – 10:28 AM, 46°F, at the first pullout along West Deerfield Road near Castle Creek W of the intersection with Deerfield Road (County Road No. 306)

Fall colors were over and done with.  Sad, but the glories of autumn fade quickly.  Nothing new about that.  Lupe was still enthused!  This bright, comfortably cool day in late October was made to order for a continuation of the Carolina Dog’s recent tour of some of the highest peaks of the Black Hills along the E edge of the western limestone plateau.

Today, Lupe would visit 4 such peaks.  She’d been to all of them before more than once, but it had been well over two years since her most recent visit and would be fun to see them again.  Besides, SPHP had promised Loop she would get to explore a whole new canyon on the way back at the end of the day.

Something old, something new, that’s what we’re gonna do!

If that’s supposed to be poetry, SPHP, don’t quit the day job.

Hah, too late, I already have!

My, what a big deficit you’re running, SPHP!

Never mind that, the better to go adventuring with you, my dear Dingo!

Loopster was totally in favor of that.  She started off with a quick look at pretty Castle Creek, which somehow always has good flow even during seasonally dry periods like this.  Then the American Dingo crossed West Deerfield Road and began the climb toward her first peakbagging objective, South Castle Rock (6,840 ft.).

Expedition No. 212 begins with a quick look at Castle Creek. Photo looks NNW.
Looking NW up the Castle Creek valley after crossing West Deerfield Road.

A short climb through a pine forest brought Loop to a grassy field.  The upper S face of South Castle Rock was already in view.  This was going to be a nice, easy stroll most of the way.  Lupe headed N through the field, passed through another forested stretch, and was soon back out in the open again.  The only short steepish part of the whole climb was up in the trees directly ahead.

After a short climb through a pine forest, Loop reaches a grassy field. The upper S face of South Castle Rock is already in view in the distance. Photo looks N.
Getting closer! Lupe squints in the bright morning sunshine. Photo looks N.
The only steep part of the climb up South Castle Rock is in the trees ahead. Photo looks NNW.

The best views from South Castle Rock aren’t from the summit, but from limestone cliffs high up on the far S ridge.  That was right on Lupe’s way to the summit, so she went there first.  She had a great panoramic view to the S and E from here.  To the N, Loop could see the end of nearby Castle Rock’s E ridge.

From limestone cliffs along South Castle Rock’s far S ridge, Lupe had sweeping views to the S & E. Photo looks SE past Deerfield Reservoir.
The end of Castle Rock’s E ridge is seen on the R. South Castle Rock and Castle Rock are different parts of the same mountain. Photo looks N.
At the edge of South Castle Rock’s S ridge. Photo looks N.

South Castle Rock has two high points.  Being slightly higher, the N high point is the actual summit.  From the cliffs along the S ridge, Lupe circled well W of the S high point before turning N again.

The summit wasn’t far off, but the discouraging sight of all the deadfall timber Lupe had to traverse to get to there made SPHP realize the Komperdell trekking poles generously gifted by Jobe Wymore had been forgotten in the G6.  Doh!  SPHP had used them for the first time a week ago on Expedition No. 211.  The poles had been quite useful for nagivating deadfall then, and would have been handy to have here.  Oh, well!

After circling around the S high point, the sight of all the deadfall on the way to the true summit made SPHP realize the Komperdell trekking poles had been forgotten in the G6. They would have been mighty handy to have here! Photo looks N.

The true summit of South Castle Rock (6,840 ft.) sits at the N end of a fairly large limestone cap surrounded by low cliffs.  Getting through the deadfall to reach the cap was the hard part.  That done, Lupe circled to the SW where the cliffs were lowest.  One mighty, unassisted, clawing leap, and she was on top!

At the highest point at the N end, someone had built a cairn since Lupe was last here.  Trees hid the views in most directions, but Loop did have a tremendous view of Reynolds Prairie to the E.  She also had a clear view of Castle Rock’s E ridge to the NE.

Lupe arrives at the S end of South Castle Rock’s limestone cap. She was able to leap on top from a point farther W (L). Photo looks NW.
At the summit. Someone had built the small cairn next to her since the last time Lupe was here in June, 2015. Although forest hides the views in most directions, Lupe could see much of Reynolds Prairie to the E. Photo looks E.
The slightly lower summit of Castle Rock (6,783 ft.) is on the ridge seen beyond Lupe. That’s where she was heading next. Photo looks NE.

After a short break near the cairn, Lupe left South Castle Rock’s limestone cap at the same SW point where she’d leapt up.  Less than a 0.25 mile trek brought her to Castle Rock’s E ridge.

The E ridge was 200 feet wide and rounded, sloping down toward cliffs on both sides.  The top was nearly level along most of its length.  Lupe followed the ridge ESE all the way to where the ground started dropping toward the cliffs at the far end.  The true summit seemed to be here near the ESE end, but it was hard to tell for certain.  Having traveled the whole length of the ridge, Loop must have been at the actual high point somewhere along the way.

The apparent summit of Castle Rock (6,783 ft.) was forested and clogged with deadfall, but Lupe had great views from the cliffs along the edges of the ridge in every direction except back to the W.

At the summit of Castle Rock as near as SPHP could determine. A glimpse of the N end of Reynolds Prairie is seen below. Photo looks NE.
South Castle Rock as seen from Castle Rock. The summit is on the R. Photo looks SW.
Looking SE from Castle Rock’s E ridge. Parts of Deerfield Reservoir are seen beyond Reynolds Prairie. The distant high ridge on the R is Green Mountain (7,166 ft.).
Nipple Butte (6,810 ft.) (L) and Flag Mountain (6,937 ft.) (Center), Lupe’s 2 remaining peakbagging destinations for the day, from Castle Rock’s E ridge. Photo looks N.

After visiting Castle Rock’s summit on the E ridge, Lupe headed back W.  Although the mountain’s long, skinny N ridge is somewhat lower, she went out onto it.  A big, flat, barren area at the southern end of the N ridge provides good views to the W and NE.  This area is Lupe and SPHP’s favorite part of Castle Mountain.  Despite the openness, the whole place has a secluded, tucked-away feel.

Loop on the big barren area near the S end of Castle Peak’s long, skinny N ridge. This is a favorite spot! Flag Mountain is seen beyond Nipple Butte on the R. Photo looks N.
An expansive view of the N end of Reynolds Prairie. Photo looks NE.
Looking W from Castle Peak’s N ridge. SPHP promised Lupe she would get to explore this big canyon on the way back to the G6 later on.
Flag Mountain is partially hidden by Nipple Butte on the L. Custer Peak (6,804 ft.) is the distant high point on the R. Photo looks N with help from the telephoto lens.

The easy way off Castle Rock’s N ridge is found on the E side almost at the S end.  Lupe followed an animal trail down there.  She lost elevation traveling N well below Castle Rock’s N ridge where the slope wasn’t too bad.  This was a forested area full of long grass hiding an annoying amount of deadfall timber.  SPHP was soon wishing for those Komperdell trekking poles again.

Nipple Butte (6,810 ft.), Lupe’s next destination, was 0.5 mile away.  The deadfall didn’t let up until she reached the saddle leading to Nipple Butte from Castle Rock.  Once she traversed the saddle, the climb steepened quickly.  Lupe was approaching from the S, but the best way up is a chute on the WNW side of the mountain, so she circled around to the W as she went higher.

The top of Nipple Butte is a ragged, rugged chunk of limestone with lots of broken rock below on most of the surrounding slopes.  Of all the peaks Lupe was visiting on Expedition No. 212, Nipple Butte was the only one that was at all scrambly.  The Carolina Dog got a bit too high, too soon, reaching the rocky slopes while she was still SW of the summit.

Loop reaches the rocky zone while still SW of Nipple Butte’s summit. Photo looks NE.

It would have been faster, if Loop and SPHP had circled around farther to the W before getting so high, but it didn’t really matter.  Lupe crossed a slope of broken limestone scree, and reached the chute on the WNW side of the mountain.

At the start of the steep chute up to the summit area. This chute is on the WNW side of Nipple Butte. Photo looks NE.

The chute was steep, but not long.  Lupe was at the top in no time.  Before going to Nipple Butte’s true summit, she got up on the high point N of the upper end of the chute.

On Nipple Butte’s N high point. Flag Mountain is in view at Center. Photo looks N.

From the top of the chute, a six foot high wall of limestone was all Lupe had to get up to reach the summit.  The six feet were simply too high and vertical for her to manage on her own.  However, there were a couple of rocks SPHP could stand on from which she could be boosted to the top.

Meekly, the American Dingo lifted one of her front paws.  She needed help and was ready for assistance.  SPHP picked her up, stepped into position, and lifted her to the small limestone platform at the top of Nipple Butte.  SPHP then scrambled up after her.

A single chunk of limestone 1.5 feet higher than the rest of the summit platform is the true summit.  It was large enough for Lupe to stand on.  So easy, yet dramatic.  She’d made it!  There Lupe stood, on the tiny absolute top of Nipple Butte (6,810 ft.) with 360° views!

Oh, yeah!  Nice work, Loop.  Photo time!

Loop at the summit of Nipple Butte. Photo looks SW.
Most of the summit platform is in view here. Photo looks SW.
Oh, so beautiful, Looper! If your big soft Dingo ears were any larger, you look like you could use ’em to take off and fly away. Don’t try it, though!
Looking SW. The summit rock is now in the foreground on the R.
Next to the summit rock. Still looking SW.
The N end of Reynolds Prairie. The N high point of Nipple Butte, which Lupe was on earlier is seen on the L. Photo looks NE.
Flag Mountain (6,937 ft.) (R) from Nipple Butte. USFS Road No. 189 is in view. Photo looks N.
The middle of Reynolds Prairie. Photo looks E.

Lupe and SPHP sat together up on Nipple Butte for a little while.  The sense of space and airiness from the tiny platform is among the best on offer anywhere in the Black Hills.

When the time came to go, SPHP climbed down first.  The American Dingo remained on top for one last photo atop the summit rock.

The summit as seen from Nipple Butte’s N high point. The 6′ high limestone wall SPHP boosted Loop up is at Center. The vegetated area below is the top of the chute Lupe climbed to get here. The forested ridge on the L is Castle Rock. Photo looks S.
The S end of Reynolds Prairie, bits of Deerfield Reservoir, and the distant high ridge of Green Mountain (R) from Nipple Butte. Photo looks SSE.

One more peak to go!  SPHP helped Loopster off the summit platform.  Puppy, ho!  Back down the steep WNW chute to broken limestone scree leading to scattered boulders, and finishing it all off with the usual deadfall infested trek in the forest.

Heading down the WNW slope. Photo looks W.

Lupe reached USFS Road No. 189 at the saddle leading to Flag Mountain.  Half a mile NW of here a spur road leaves No. 189.  The spur winds 0.75 mile NE almost to the top of Flag Mountain.

Nah, not that way!  Instead, Loop crossed No. 189 heading N.  Traveling directly up Flag Mountain’s S ridge would be shorter and more fun.  An hour after leaving Nipple Butte, the Carolina Dog was standing in the remnant of the old fire lookout tower on Flag Mountain (6,937 ft.).

Lupe in the remnant of the old fire lookout tower on Flag Mountain. Photo looks E.
Perched up on the wall, feeling good about her 4th successful ascent of the day!
Looking S back where Lupe had come from. Nipple Butte is seen in front of Castle Rock (Center).
Looking W along Flag Mountain’s summit ridge.
Near the remnant of the fire lookout tower. Photo looks E.
Another look from a bit farther W.

Flag Mountain was the highest of any of the peaks Lupe climbed today.  The views were grand, though this much larger summit area did not give quite the same feeling of exposure and airiness she’d had up on Nipple Butte.

Early in the day, there had only been a light NW breeze.  By the time Lupe reached Nipple Butte, the wind had switched to the SW and picked up to about 15 mph.  The same SW wind was still blowing up here.  With the sun now noticeably progressing toward the horizon, the breeze felt a bit chilly.

Lupe and SPHP lingered up on Flag Mountain anyway.  This was warm compared to what would likely be coming before too long.  Who knew how many more weeks it would be before cold and snow would take over up in this western high country?

Lupe lingers on Flag Mountain. Who knew how much longer it would be until snow and cold would take over in this western Black Hills high country? Reynolds Prairie is on the L. Both Nipple Butte and Castle Rock are on the R. Photo looks SSE.
White Tail Peak (6,962 ft.) is the long ridge at Center. Lupe had enjoyed some fabulous views from there only 3 weeks ago on Expedition No. 209. The more distant mountain on the R is Terry Peak (7,064 ft.). Photo looks N.
From the wall of the old lookout tower, Peak 6962 (Center) is in view. Photo looks NNW.
Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.) is the high point on the far horizon at Center. As the highest mountain in South Dakota and the Black Hills, many of Lupe’s expeditions feature a view of Black Elk Peak from one direction or another. Photo looks SE.

With 4 successful ascents, Lupe had completed all of her peakbagging objectives for Expedition No. 212.  The time had come for SPHP to honor the promise to let her roam some never before explored territory in the big canyon W of South Castle Rock, Castle Rock and Nipple Butte.

Final moments up on Flag Mountain’s summit ridge before descent. Photo looks NE.

Lupe left Flag Mountain traveling W.  She ultimately took a route down similar to her path up, following the S ridge much of the way.   An early turn to the SW served as shortcut to USFS Road No. 189.

Once across No. 189, the American Dingo began her explorations of the big canyon traveling SSW.  It was downhill from here all the way to West Deerfield Road.

NNW of Nipple Butte looking forward to starting the long trek down the big canyon. Photo looks SSE.

Lupe saw lots of deer.  She got muddy paws and drank from a small stream, a tiny tributary of Horsethief Creek, itself no great torrent.  Looper was one busy Carolina Dog the whole way, free to run and play.

In the upper part of the canyon W of Nipple Butte. This seldom, if ever, used road went most of the way down the canyon. Photo looks SSW.
Miss Muddy Paws after a drink from the tiny stream. The road was reduced to a single track trail here. Photo looks S.
Somewhere W of Castle Rock or South Castle Rock. The faint road is back. Looking S.
Near Horsethief Creek in the lower end of the canyon, now more of a wide valley. Photo looks NNE.

The sun was close to setting by the time Lupe neared West Deerfield Road.  The G6 was a only short walk SE along the road.  Expedition No. 212’s adventures were almost complete.  Behind Loop, the top of South Castle Peak still glowed in the last light of day.

South Castle Rock glows in the last light of another great day spent in Lupe’s Black Hills. Photo looks NNE.

That glow was gone before Lupe even got to the G6 (6:01 PM, 36°F).  Expedition No. 212 might be officially over, but Lupe’s fun wasn’t.  She was back early enough so twilight would last a long time.

For nearly an hour on the ride home, a frantic American Dingo watched for deer, cows and horses to bark at.  Many decibels provided near constant earsplitting proof of the success of this project.  No doubt a hugely satisfying encore to a splendid day!

South Castle Rock.


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Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 106 – Smith Mountain and Flag Mountain (11-28-14)

Black Friday.  The day after Thanksgiving.  The day everyone celebrates being totally over-stuffed with delicious turkey and all the trimmings by spending a fortune Christmas shopping online or at the mall.  Well, not quite everyone.  American Dingoes neglect their patriotic duty to keep the economy humming.  They prefer to go on adventures instead!

At 10:06 AM (50°F), SPHP parked the G6 at the Newton Lake (a pond, really) trailhead a few miles NW of Hill City just off Deerfield Road.  Time to start working off a few zillion calories!  The N end of Smith Mountain (5,897 ft.) was immediately to the W.  Lupe couldn’t just go W, though, to get there.  The Newton Fork of Spring Creek, too big to simply leap across, was in the way.

Lupe and SPHP crossed Deerfield Road and got on the Mickelson Trail heading WNW.  The trail was covered with 6″ of snow.  Lupe and SPHP trudged along, burning calories already.  The trail soon crossed Newton Creek at a very nice bridge.  0.5 mile after Lupe got on the trail, she was a little N of the N end of Smith Mountain.  Lupe and SPHP left the Mickelson Trail, climbed up the embankment to Deerfield Road, and crossed over to the S side of the highway.

Smith Mountain was the first of 3 peakbagging objectives Lupe had for the day.  The other two, Flag Mountain (5,896 ft.) and Campaign Hill (5,800 ft.), were both S of Smith Mountain.  Smith Mountain is a nearly mile long ridge running N/S.  Lupe and SPHP started climbing the slope at the N end of the ridge.  There was quite a lot of deadfall timber to work past, and snow everywhere, too.  By the time Lupe reached the first little saddle where she could see over to the W side of the mountain, the sun was so warm SPHP had to stop and take off a jacket.

Lupe gained the top of the ridge close to the highest point at the very N end of Smith Mountain.  If there had been fewer trees blocking the view, she would have gone to the very top of the N high point to take a look at Lowden Mountain (6,055 ft.) a mile to the N.  Instead, Lupe headed S along the ridge looking for the true summit of Smith Mountain.  She came to a couple of high spots definitely higher than the N high point.  SPHP thought the second one she came to was likely the true summit.

Lupe at the 2nd high point S of the northernmost high point on Smith Mountain.
Lupe at the 2nd high point S of the northernmost high point on Smith Mountain.

Lupe continued S along the Smith Mountain ridge.  This part of the forest had been thinned before the pine bark beetle infestation started.  There was far less deadfall timber to contend with.  The remaining trees were healthier.  More sunlight could reach the ground between them, so there wasn’t nearly as much snow around.  It was far easier to move along, and Lupe and SPHP caught better glimpses of the views to E.

The ridge started angling a little more to the SSE.  After having lost some elevation, Lupe was climbing again.  As Lupe went higher and higher, SPHP began to realize that Lupe hadn’t actually reached the true summit of Smith Mountain yet; it was still ahead.

Lupe didn’t have very far to go to reach it.  Soon she was sniffing around much bigger rock formations at the true summit of Smith Mountain.  The highest rocks were so huge, she couldn’t actually get up on top of them, but she climbed up almost as high.  SPHP lifted her up so she could put her front paws on the highest rock, just a foot or two below the very highest point, which was out of reach to the W.

Lupe at the true summit of Smith Mountain. She climbed higher than shown here, and SPHP lifted her up so her paws could touch the big rocks within just a foot or two of the very top. That was close enough! The American Dingo was claiming a peakbagging success! Dingoes are practical, not purists. Photo looks W.
Lupe at the true summit of Smith Mountain. She climbed higher than shown here, and SPHP lifted her up so her paws could touch the big rocks within just a foot or two of the very top. That was close enough! The American Dingo was claiming a peakbagging success! Dingoes are practical, not purists. Photo looks W.

From the true summit, Lupe and SPHP continued only a little way farther SSE along the ridge before turning more to the SSW to start losing elevation.  Lupe stayed high enough on the mountain to avoid a couple of draws that drained W.  Eventually the terrain sloped more to the SSW.  Lupe and SPHP headed down.

Suddenly there was the sound of gunfire!  Hunters were about.  Lupe was instantly alarmed.  She insisted on stopping.  SPHP found a dry spot.  Lupe and SPHP took a break just sitting on the pine needles on the forest floor.  Lupe wasn’t hungry, but SPHP ate a tangerine and a few carrot sticks.  The gunfire had come from quite some distance to the S or SW.

A little while after the gunfire ended, SPHP was ready to move on.  Reluctantly, Lupe tagged along close by.  Almost as soon as Lupe started off again, SPHP spotted a road ahead.  SPHP didn’t realize it at the time, but this was USFS Road No. 386.1B.  Lupe reached it at a bend at the NE corner of a big clearing.  She could follow the road W or S.  Lupe and SPHP headed S in the direction of Flag and Campaign mountains.  There was quite a bit of snow and ice gradually melting on the road.

Eventually, No. 386.1B began turning E to go around the S end of Smith Mountain.  Lupe left the road continuing S.  Before long, she reached a big field extending E/W down in the Patterson Creek valley.  Lupe crossed the field.  Patterson Creek meandered along the S side of the field.  It had plenty of water in it, and was flowing along quite nicely.  Fortunately, the creek was just small enough to leap over.  Both Lupe and SPHP made it across without difficulty.

Near the S side of Patterson Creek was a snowy road going E/W.  A quick check to the W revealed a dead end.  The road went farther E following the Patterson Creek valley downstream.  Lupe went just a little way E on the road, before turning S to start the climb up Flag Mountain.  There was quite a bit of snow on the ground here, and some deadfall timber, too.  Lupe succeeded in avoiding most of the snow and some of the deadfall timber by climbing up a little ridge approaching Flag Mountain from the NNE.

The last 200 feet of elevation gain up the N slope of Flag Mountain was different.  It was fairly steep, full of snow and choked with deadfall.  Lupe had lots of time to sniff around in the shattered forest while SPHP struggled up the mountain.  Meanwhile, the sunnier skies Lupe enjoyed earlier in the day disappeared.  A cold breeze started up out of the WNW.  The mood had turned a bit gloomy by the time Lupe and SPHP made it to the top of Flag Mountain.

The summit area was a little surprising.  It was as big as several houses, and mostly level.  The biggest part was toward the E where the ground was mostly grassy, with trees along the N and NE perimeters.  The very highest point was near the W end, where the summit was much rockier and narrower.  The rocks weren’t very large.  Lupe hopped up on top for a look around.  There were quite a few trees around, but she could see Harney Peak (7,242 ft.) to the SE.

Lupe reaches the summit of Flag Mountain. Photo looks SE toward Harney Peak.
Lupe reaches the summit of Flag Mountain. Photo looks SE toward Harney Peak.

Harney Peak (L) with a little help from the telephoto lens.

The most wide open views from Flag Mountain were toward the E and S from the larger E portion of the summit area.  There were a few bushes, but no trees along the SE perimeter to block the view.  The most impressive view was SE toward Harney Peak, but Lupe also had a pretty good view off to the ENE toward Five Points (6,221 ft.).

Harney Peak from Flag Mountain. Photo looks SE.
Harney Peak from Flag Mountain. Photo looks SE.
Five Points is the wavy ridge on the R. Privately named False North Point is the pointy peak on the L. Looking ENE from Flag Mountain.
Five Points is the wavy ridge on the R. Privately named False North Point is the pointy peak on the L. Looking ENE from Flag Mountain.

Lupe had now climbed 2 of her 3 peakbagging goals for the day, Smith and Flag Mountains.  Her 3rd goal, Campaign Hill was supposed to be just 0.5 mile S of Flag Mountain, but at first glance, SPHP did not see it.  After looking more carefully from the SE edge of the Flag Mountain summit, SPHP saw the E end of a low forested hill to the S.  It seemed too low to be Campaign Hill, but after consulting the maps again, that had to be it.

Campaign Hill wasn’t very far away, but the S slope of Flag Mountain was too steep to go directly down that way.  SPHP got cold feet.  No, really, truly cold feet.  SPHP’s old boots leaked badly.  After tramping around for hours in melting snow, SPHP’s feet were totally sopping wet.  They had been that way essentially the whole day.  Now, standing around on Flag Mountain in the cold breeze, SPHP’s feet felt like they were freezing up.

The sun was low in the sky, but there were still a couple of hours left before sunset.  Lupe and SPHP hadn’t gone all that far as the crow flies, but it had taken a long time to get to Flag Mountain with all the snow and deadfall timber along the way.  It might take quite a while to get back, too.  SPHP needed to start moving to get the circulation going again.  Decision time.

Well, no sense risking frostbite.  Campaign Hill would still be there another day.  Lupe and SPHP started slowly back down the N slope of Flag Mountain through the snow and deadfall timber again.  Lupe went all the way back down the mountain to the Patterson Creek valley again.

Looking W up the Patterson Creek valley on the way back to the G6.
Looking W up the Patterson Creek valley on the way back to the G6.

Lupe and SPHP crossed Patterson Creek and went over to the N side of the field.  Since there was no need to climb Smith Mountain again, Lupe and SPHP followed the fence along the edge of the field heading W up the valley to see what was there.  The field branched out into two even bigger fields, one to the SW and one to the NW.  Two big spruce trees stood near an old abandoned cabin where the fields met.  It was a pretty spot.

This old abandoned cabin is about 1 mile SSW of Smith Mountain. Photo looks SSW.
This old abandoned cabin is about 1 mile SSW of Smith Mountain. Photo looks SSW.

Lupe continued along the NE edge of the field heading N along the fence line.  The field soon divided again.  One arm of it went off to the W.  The other arm turned and went N a long way.  SPHP could see a home way up toward the far N end.  The fields were probably private property.  Lupe and SPHP decided to angle NNE through the forest, hoping to find USFS Road No. 386.1B again somewhere W of Smith Mountain.

Lupe did find No. 386.1B again near the big clearing where she had first reached it earlier in the day on the way to Flag Mountain.  This time, Lupe followed No. 386.1B going N.  The road wound around a little, but most of the time made steady progress to the N.  Along the way, Lupe was exploring new territory W of Smith Mountain.  She saw deer and squirrels in the forest, so she was having some fun.

After a little while, SPHP saw an intersection up ahead.  As Lupe got close to the intersection, her fun suddenly ended.  A shot rang out very close by.  Hunters again!  This time much, much closer.  Lupe wanted to hide near a big tree close to the intersection.  SPHP complied.  Several more shots rang out.  SPHP knew Lupe wasn’t going anywhere until they stopped.

Ten minutes of silence went by.  SPHP headed for the intersection.  Lupe didn’t want to go, but was scared to be left behind.  The side road was marked No. 386.1F.  It went NNE and looked like a shortcut back to the G6 compared to No. 386.1B, which would take a very long way around to the NW.  From the intersection, SPHP saw the hunter’s pickup truck parked not too far away along No. 386.1F.

Another shot rang out.  Lupe and SPHP retreated SW to a big rock.  SPHP sat and looked at maps, while Lupe huddled as close as she could get.  The maps showed it would have been faster to take No. 386.1B around the E side of Smith Mountain from Patterson Creek.  Too late for that!  No. 386.1F was definitely a shortcut back to the G6 from here.  It would save at least a mile compared to staying on No. 386.1B.

After it had been quiet for a while again, Lupe and SPHP returned to the intersection and started NNE on No. 386.1F.  Within a few minutes, Lupe was past the hunter’s pickup truck.  The road was snowy and icy.  There were lots of tracks in the snow.  There must have been quite a few hunters.  Lupe saw a couple of them to the E higher up on Smith Mountain.  One waved.  SPHP waved back, but did not stop.  No more shots were heard.

No. 386.1F led down into a big draw NNW of Smith Mountain.  Lower down, the road became so choked with deadfall timber, Lupe and SPHP left it.  The mountain slopes seemed easier going than the road.  The sun set.  For just a few minutes, there was a beautifully colored sky to the SW.

It was 4:59 PM (41°F), and getting pretty dark by the time Lupe and SPHP reached the G6 again.  SPHP’s feet were still cold, but moving on the long march back had helped.  They weren’t as cold as they had been standing around on top of Flag Mountain.  Carolina Dogs have great circulation.  SPHP felt Lupe’s paws.  They were practically burning hot!  It felt good just holding them!  Lupe just grinned.

Sunset from down in the draw along USFS Road No. 386.1F near the NW end of Smith Mountain.
Sunset from down in the draw along USFS Road No. 386.1F near the NW end of Smith Mountain.


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