Mather Peaks, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming – Part 2: Base Camp to the Summit & Beyond! (9-27-21)

Day 3 of Lupe’s 4th Summer of 2021 Dingo Vacation to the Bighorns!

9:02 AM, 50ºF, base camp 1.75 miles SE of Mather Peaks

Why take down the tiny house, SPHP?  We aren’t giving up, are we?

Nope.  Feeling better now, Loop.  Decided we might want to gamble after all, and won’t be able to do that if we don’t bring everything with us.

Gamble on what, SPHP?

A loop route, Loopster!  After Mathers today, Peak 12328 tomorrow, then down to Florence Pass, and back past Gunboat and Mistymoon Lakes.

Oh, the long route!  That would be wonderful!  I’d love to see Florence Pass and all the lakes again.

Me too, Loop, but I don’t know if it will work.  Think it will be OK, but we’ll be in a bit of a pickle, if we can’t make it down to Florence Pass.  Anyway, none of that matters until we tag Mathers.  So, onward!  Puppy ho!

Conditions were perfect last night, yet it had been a restless one.  SPHP’s turn had come to wake up queasy in the wee hours, prompting questions about this entire operation.  Fortunately, the 3 hour bug had faded away uneventfully.  No ill effects, other than causing SPHP to sleep in a bit.

Finally ready, SPHP now hoisted the pack and strapped in.  Lupe set off heading NE.  Sort of the wrong direction, Mather Peaks (12,400 ft.) was NW, but the plan was to get up to where Lupe could take a peek E down at the Frozen Lakes, then follow Mather’s nearly 1.75 mile long SE ridge over HP11904 and HP11813 to the summit.

Ready to leave base camp. Photo looks NE.

Looked easy from afar, but it only took the Carolina Dog a few minutes to exit base camp’s grassy region and get into the rocks.  Progress slowed tremendously, although she still seemed to be getting somewhere.  An hour later, SPHP wasn’t so sure.  The view wasn’t changing much, the ridge ahead magically remaining always about the same distance away.

Into the talus. Photo looks NE.

Holy moly, Looper!  How much farther can it be?  Maybe base camp wasn’t as high as I thought it was?  This was supposed to be quick and easy!

Quick and easy!  Who told you that, SPHP?

No one.  I just assumed it would be.  Doesn’t look far or steep at all on the topo map.

Well, we’ll get there, SPHP!

Not sure this side excursion is worth it, Loop.  We’ve got miles of this stuff to go through today!  How badly do you want to see the Frozen Lakes?

Would be sweet, of course, SPHP, but Mather Peaks is highest priority.  Want to cut and run on Frozen Lakes?

Run?  If only we could!  But, yeah, I think we better skip the lakes.  Let’s head straight for HP11904.

Turning toward HP11904 (Center). Photo looks NW.

HP11904?  Hah!  Fat chance!  Even that wasn’t happening.  After a long, slow trek, Lupe managed to reach the upper S slopes, but the endless scramble among the talus was dreadful work, and the situation didn’t look one bit better higher up.  Was there really any benefit to be gained from the effort required to get to the top?  Didn’t seem like it.

On the S slopes of HP11904. Photo looks NW.

Gah!  This is ridiculous, Loop!  New plan!

I’m all ear’s, SPHP!

Not entirely, Looper, but you do have big ones.

Plan C, SPHP!  What is it?

Plan C?  This is Plan C: No preconceived ideas or routes.  Forget HP11904, forget HP11813, forget the SE ridge!  Just take whatever seems to be the path of least resistance in the general direction of Mather Peaks.

Pure genius, SPHP!  No one else could ever conceive such a brilliant plan!

Mocked by a Dingo!  Well, it ain’t the first time.  Onward!  Puppy ho!

Hardly was such a thing as a path of least resistance, but to the extent that there was one, it was well below Mather Peaks’ SE ridge.  Gradually losing elevation, the American Dingo worked her way WNW trying to make maximum use of rare patches of vegetation where momentary bursts of speed were possible.

Plan C did help some.  Definitely better than Plans A or B!  The going was generally at least somewhat easier.  Every now and then, Lupe reached flat spots where it was possible to get comfortable for a few minutes.

During these rest breaks, the Carolina Dog enjoyed fabulous views of Peak 12080, Darton Peak (12,275 ft.), Bighorn Peak (12,324 ft.) and Lost Twin Lakes Peak (12,015 ft.) back to the S.

Making slow, but significant progress on the haphazard Plan C route. Photo looks W.
Peak 12080 (L), Darton Peak (L of Center), Bighorn Peak (R of Center), and Lost Twin Lakes Peak (R). Photo looks SSE.

Progress remained slow, but better than it had been higher up.  Short bursts of speed were occasionally possible whenever Lupe came to stretches of tundra that linked, or nearly did.  However, the next big batch of talus to contend with was always near.

Persistence paid off, though.  It eventually became clear that Loopster was finally closing in on Mather Peaks’ E summit.

Getting closer! Mather Peaks W summit (L), E summit (R). Photo looks NW.

Time to start climbing again!  Angling more toward the NW, Lupe got close to the SE ridgeline, but didn’t actually reach it until arriving at a flat area at the base of the E summit.

A vertical rock here was suspiciously reminiscent of the vampire Lupe had seen yesterday evening.  Passing a nearby outcropping of black rock, Loop entered a talus-filled valley that ran WNW up toward the summit.

Near the top of the SE ridge. Darton Peak (far R). Photo looks SE.
At the base of Mather Peaks’ E (true) summit. Suspicious boulder (L), obviously cursed black rock outcropping (R). Photo looks NW.
Same spot, looking SE. HP11904 (far L), Darton Peak (far R).
Starting up the talus valley. Photo looks NW.

The talus valley was longer than it appeared from below.  Fortunately, it wasn’t actually all talus.  Partway up, relatively open lanes extended the rest of the way up to the base of a short, steep scramble toward what had to be the top of the mountain.

On easier terrain partway up the talus valley. E summit (Center). Photo looks WNW.
At the base of the final scramble. Mather Peaks W summit (far L), E summit (R). Photo looks WNW.
Scrambling toward the top. Photo looks NW.

2:59 PM, 60ºF, Mather Peaks (12,400 ft.) E (true) summit – Lupe came up at the ESE end of a roomy plain of talus that rose after a dip toward the true summit at the far NW end.  Would only take a couple of minutes to get there, but first she turned to gaze back down Mather Peaks’ SE ridge.  HP11904 was easily identifiable nearly 1.75 mile away.

The view was fantastic!  To the SSE, Loaf Mountain (11,722 ft.) was in sight between Darton Peak (12,275 ft.) and Bighorn Peak (12,324 ft.).  More toward the S, part of the lower Lost Twin Lake was visible nearly 1,700 feet below Lost Twin Lakes Peak (12,015 ft.).

Mather Peaks E summit region. True summit (R). W summit (far L). Photo looks WNW.
HP11904 (L), Peak 12080 (R of Center), Darton Peak (R), Bighorn Peak (far R), with Loaf Mountain between them. Photo looks SE.

More mountain splendors were ahead!  Crossing the summit plateau, Lupe reached the cairn over by the true summit.  She now had a grand view of Mather Peaks’ lower (12,348 ft.) W summit only 0.5 mile WSW.  6 miles WNW, Elk Mountain (11,321 ft.) caught the eye.

Peak 12,328, 1.25 miles NW, was of special interest.  Might well be the American Dingo’s next destination, if the Florence Pass gamble was a go!

By the Mather Peaks E (true) summit cairn. W summit (L), Elk Mountain (R of Center). Photo looks W.
Mather Peaks W summit (L), Elk Mountain (far R). Photo looks W with help from the telephoto lens.
Elk Mountain (far L), Peak 12328 (R of Center). Photo looks NW.

As tremendous as all these sights were, none of them were the actual, grand scenic prize from Mather Peaks.  That title was held by the view to the N, where Cloud Peak (13,167 ft.), mightiest of the Bighorn Range, Bomber Mountain (12,840 ft.), and a series of intervening sheer cliffs was on display.

Loop at Mather Peaks true summit with Cloud Peak (Center) and Bomber Mountain (R) beyond. Photo looks N.
Peak 12328 (L), Cloud Peak (Center), Bomber Mountain (R). Photo looks N.
Cloud Peak (L). The entire ridge in the foreground is all part of Bomber Mountain. Bomber’s true summit is the distant flat knob R of Center. Photo looks N with help from the telephoto lens.

Mather Peaks true summit!  Congratulations, Loopster!  Kind of a tough slog for no farther or higher than we had to go today, wasn’t it?

Mather Peaks matter, SPHP, and here we are!  Hope you’ve got a chocolate coconut bar in that pack!  Think I’ve earned one.

Most definitely time for a rest break.  Although smoke was visible to the W and S, it wasn’t close enough to mar the 360º views.  Conditions were otherwise near perfect.

Perfect?  Nothing but rock up here!  Can’t even relax in comfort, SPHP!

Yeah, that was more or less true.  SPHP helped Lupe get as comfortable as possible, then fished an army green box out from the rocks below the boulder where the cairn sat.  As expected, a registry was inside.  It was damp, but SPHP made certain Lupe’s visit was recorded.

The green registry box (Center) in its hiding spot below the SE side of the cairn boulder. Photo looks down.

Any other entries in the registry, SPHP?

Yes, some, but not very many.  Couple miles of talus does tend to keep the riff-raff away, Loop.

For a while, Lupe curled up on SPHP’s lap, trying to snooze, or gazing out at the glorious views in all directions.  Once sufficiently rested up, the Carolina Dog joined SPHP in wandering about the summit region.

Mather Peaks E summit region from close to the true summit. Peak 12080 (far R). Photo looks SE.
Peak 12080 (L), Darton Peak (L of Center), Loaf Mountain (in the distance), Bighorn Peak (Center), Lost Twin Lakes Peak (R) with part of lower Lost Twin Lake below it. Photo looks SSE.
HP10841 (L), Ant Hill (10,980 ft.) (Center), Lake De Smet (R) on the horizon, Deer Lake (lower R). Photo looks NE.
Loop next to a tiny patch of snow she found to chomp. Mather Peaks E (true) summit (Center). Cairn (L). Photo looks NW.

4:11 PM, Mather Peaks E summit – More than an hour after arriving, Lupe stood again at the true summit with that fabulous view of Cloud Peak and Bomber Mountain beyond her.

Cloud Peak (L of Center) and Bomber Mountain (R). Photo looks N.

Always sad to leave a place anywhere close to as grand as Mather Peaks, but it was time.  Sadder yet that, although it wasn’t all that far away, Lupe wasn’t going to have time to visit Mather Peaks’ W summit.

A combination of SPHP’s queasiness causing a late start, the unsuccessful and unnecessary quest to see the Frozen Lakes, SPHP’s usual torpid pace, and shorter days this late in the season were all contributing factors.

Oh, the Carolina Dog could have made it to the W summit, alright, but doing so would have meant having to negotiate a long descent through a sea of talus in the dark.  Nope, not worth it!  Lupe had spent a delightful full hour plus up at Mather Peaks’ true summit, and that was going to have to be good enough.

Yada, yada!  It’s been splendid, but we don’t have forever up here, SPHP!  What’s plan D?  Are we going back?  Did you drag that fully loaded pack all the way up here for nothing?  Or are we gambling?

Gambling on Florence Pass, Loop!  That’s the good news!  Looks like we ought to be able to find a decent spot to camp S of Peak 12328.

SPHP started down first, scrambling SW off the summit before angling NW.  The American Dingo soon came bounding after.  Another mostly talus march W ensued down to the saddle leading to Mather Peaks’ W summit.  Instead of heading for that tempting, forbidden destination, Lupe turned N as soon as possible.

Middle Tensleep Creek valley (L). SPHP started down here, ultimately heading off to the R. Photo looks SW.
Final moments on Mather Peaks! Cairn (R of Lupe). Photo looks ENE.
Elk Mountain (L), Peak 12328 (R). Ultimate destination, the big saddle (Center). Photo looks NW.
Past the worst of the rock on the way down to the grassy area (L). Peak 12328 (Center), Cloud Peak (far R). Photo looks NW.

6:23 PM, saddle between Mather Peaks & Peak 12328 –  The descent had been a mostly slow, but gorgeous evening trek.  Incredible surroundings, profound solitude!  Thus far, Plan D had gone just fine.  The tiny house was all set up, and Lupe had what remained of the day to chow down and relax in superb isolation.

Mather Peaks E (true) summit (far L). Ridge to the W summit (R). Photo looks SE.

Can’t be too many Dingos that have ever been here, Loopster!

They’re missing out, SPHP!

That’s a good thing, Loop.  Wouldn’t be the same if there was a crowd.

Resting by the tiny house, sunlight streaming over her, tomorrow’s next adventure was just N.  Peak 12328 looked like a snap.  The real question was whether getting down to Florence Pass afterwards would actually be feasible?

Peak 12328 (Center), start of tomorrow’s adventure! Photo looks N.

The Carolina Dog wasn’t worried.  She stayed out until the sun was gone before entering the tiny house.  Paws twitching as dusk deepened, Lupe set off on more adventures in Dingo Dreamland.  Perhaps bounding over the endless talus to visit the lonely W summit of Mather Peaks?

Day’s end.
Mather Peaks, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming 9-27-21


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Mather Peaks, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming – Part 1: On & Off the Lost Twin Lakes Trail to Base Camp (9-26-21)

Days 1 & 2 of Lupe’s 4th Summer of 2021 Dingo Vacation to the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming!

9-25-21, morning – Emerging from the store, SPHP was suddenly struck by a change.  For the first time in 2.5 months, a crystal blue sky was over the Black Hills.  No smoke!  The forecast was for highs in the low 90’s ºF the next few days, and, as usual, not a drop of rain.  Returning to the RAV4 where Lupe was waiting, a spur of the moment decision.

Loopster, it’s on!

Oh, that’s fabulous, SPHP!  Great news!  Mind telling me what on earth you’re babbling about?  What’s on?

Mather Peaks (12,400 ft.), SE of Florence Pass, way up along the spine of the Bighorns, was what was suddenly on.  Summer of 2021’s unexpected last gasp!  The rest of the morning and better part of the afternoon were spent furiously packing.  The sun was down, but it was still light out, by the time Lupe hopped out of the RAV4 for a look at the mountains.

Approaching the Bighorns. Photo looks W from I-90 near Buffalo.

9-26-21, 6:22 AM, at a big paved pullout N of Hwy 16

You’re awake, Loopster?  Good!  I’ve been looking at the map.  Would sure love to camp at Gunboat Lake tonight, and come at Mather Peaks from the NW tomorrow, or the next day.  Think that’s doable based on what we saw up at Florence Pass back when we went to Bomber Mountain in 2018.  Not entirely sure that route will go, though, and it’s definitely the long way around.  Quite a bit shorter, and probably wiser, to come up from the S off Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065.  Anyway, how are you feeling?  Ready for some glorious Bighorn Mountains action?

Ears drooping, sad hazel eyes stared back at SPHP.  A moment later, Lupe puked all over the RAV4’s dash.

Feeling that marvelous, aye?  Don’t worry about it, Loop.  I’ll clean it up!

9-26-21, 8:12 AM, 37ºF, West Tensleep Lake trailhead – Nothing quite like puking your guts out for a good holistic cleansing to get your day off on the right paw!  By the time SPHP was ready, the American Dingo was feeling much better as she set off on Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065.

About to leave the West Tensleep trailhead.

Loop searched for squirrels as the trail headed NNE through the forest for 0.75 mile before turning E, and descending to a clearing along Middle Tensleep Creek.  The creek was very low this time of year, but cold, clear, and invigorating.

Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065. Photo looks NNE.
The first small clearing after the trail turns E. Photo looks ESE.
Entering the Middle Tensleep Creek valley. Photo looks ESE.
Checking out Middle Tensleep Creek. Photo looks SW.

After crossing a tiny tributary, Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065 followed Middle Tensleep Creek upstream only a short distance.  Almost as soon as the trail reached the forest again, there was a nice waterfall off to the R.  Would have been a great place for a picnic, but it was still way too early for that.

Following Middle Tensleep Creek. Photo looks E.
At the waterfall. Photo looks S.

After visiting the waterfall, Loopster returned to the trail, which now left Middle Tensleep Creek behind as it turned NE, climbing steadily through the forest.  0.75 mile got the American Dingo up to a clearing on the side of a hilltop.  A high stony mountain was visible roughly 4 miles away.

Is that Mather Peaks, SPHP?

Not sure, Loop.  Hard to tell from here, but that’s the right vicinity.  Might be Mather’s W summit, which isn’t quite as high as the E one.

Mather Peaks W summit (Center)? Photo looks NE.

From this initial viewpoint, the trail jogged SE before turning NE again.  Near this turn there was a view of Lost Twin Lakes Peak (12,015 ft.).  Other mountains were in sight, too, as the trail descended toward a big open section of the Middle Tensleep Creek valley.

Lost Twin Lakes Peak (Center). Photo looks ESE.
Near Middle Tensleep Creek (Center) again. Lost Twin Lakes Peak (L). Photo looks SE.

The trail flattened out.  Remaining well N of Middle Tensleep Creek, it went no farther into the valley.  Lupe was soon climbing back up into the forest again.  After a relatively short stint N, the trail curved SE, crossing a larger tributary of Middle Tensleep Creek.  Happily, an easy rock hop this time of year!

Along a flat stretch paralleling Middle Tensleep Creek (R). Photo looks E.
Crossing the large, low-running tributary of Middle Tensleep Creek. Photo looks SE.

Immediately after crossing the tributary, a short climb led to a minor high point featuring another clearing, and yet another view NE.  Mirror Lake wasn’t far from here.  Leaving the trail, Lupe soon caught glimpses of it beyond the trees.

Off-trail near Mirror Lake (R). Photo looks NE.

Continuing on down to the lake, Lupe explored much of its SW shore.  The pristine lake lived up to its name.  A fried chicken break was taken more to justify prolonging Lupe’s stay than out of hunger.

Mirror Lake. Photo looks NE.
So beautiful!
Along the S cove. Photo looks NNE.

Even a big chunk of fried chicken didn’t last long.  Loop was soon back on Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065, which passed close to Mirror Lake’s S cove, but never actually went to it.  Instead, the trail by-passed the lake, continuing NE up the Middle Tensleep Creek valley.

Returning to Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065. Middle Tensleep Creek valley (Center) ahead. Photo looks E.

In a flat area not far from Mirror Lake, the trail again got quite close to Middle Tensleep Creek.  Naturally, Lupe sauntered over for a look.

Middle Tensleep Creek. Photo looks S.
By scenic Middle Tensleep Creek, Photo looks W.

The easy flat stretch only went so far before the valley narrowed.  Lupe was soon climbing fairly steeply up the side of a V-shaped section where she got nearly 100 feet above the stream.

Well above the creek now. Photo looks ENE.

Lugging a heavy pack, SPHP was glad when the trail flattened out as the valley widened again.

Hey, SPHP!  Look off to the R.  Isn’t that Darton Peak?  We were there less than a year ago, remember?

Yup, you’re right, Loop!  How could I forget Darton?  So many humongous boulders near the summit, I wasn’t sure we would find a way up.

We made it, though, SPHP!

We did, Loop, but still worries me a bit.  Wouldn’t be surprised if we run into a similar situation at Mathers.  Might get a little dicey!  The rocks we see don’t look all that impressive from way down here, but there’s so much talus along the spine of the Bighorns.

The trail flattens out again. Darton Peak (far R). Photo looks E.

By the time the trail got close to Middle Tensleep Creek again, Miss Hot Paws was ready for a drink.

Near Middle Tensleep Creek again. Peak 12080 (L), Darton Peak (R). Photo looks ESE.
By beautiful Middle Tensleep Creek. Peak 12080 (L), Darton Peak (R).
Miss Hot Paws no more!

Beyond this next flat stretch along the stream, the trail climbed again.  However, it soon topped out, as it turned SE.  The headwall toward the region where the Lost Twin Lakes are hidden away at the upper end of the valley was now in sight.

Hey, Loop!  Let’s take a break.  I need to check the map.

Leaving the trail, Lupe was quite happy to relax in the shade of nearby pines for a few minutes.  Her appetite recovering now after her early morning queasiness, the Carolina Dog even enjoyed some of the fried chicken that SPHP had taken to munching on again.

At the minor high point where Lupe left the trail. The Lost Twin Lakes lie hidden beyond the forested headwall seen R of Center. Photo looks SE.

Alrighty!  Think we need to abandon Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065 here, Loop, to head N.  In fact, we could have turned N a little earlier.  If we wait any longer, we’ll go up the wrong valley.

Sounds great, SPHP!  Exploring new territory – my favorite thing!  Other than squirrels, of course.

Abandoning Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065 for good, the American Dingo started N through a rumpled region that was mostly forested.  She was climbing most of the time, but not at any great pace, since the idea was just to intercept the floor of a side valley that went N to two small lakes.

Although there were some rocky spots, this was all easy terrain.  For quite a long way, Lupe enjoyed roaming in and out of the forest, and all seemed to be going according to plan.

Ready to abandon Lost Twin Lakes Trail No. 065 to head N. Photo looks N.
Heading up a rocky shelf. Photo looks N.
Looking good! About to cross a flat region. Photo looks N.
Angling higher over exposed bedrock. Photo looks NE.
A beautiful, easy slope ahead. Photo looks NNE.

The forest began thinning out, and the terrain was getting rockier, when Lupe first caught sight of the valley she was supposed to be going up.

Getting rockier!
A little above the intended valley route seen below. Photo looks WNW.

Rather than having intercepted the valley, Lupe was already somewhat above it.  Would have been easy to simply head down to it, and actually looked like the thing to do.  The broad valley floor appeared to be gently sloping terrain.  Going up it ought to be cake!

Yet, as usual, SPHP was reluctant to surrender elevation already gained.  Urging Lupe onward, progress continued as the terrain kept steepening.  She soon had a splendid view of Lost Twin Lakes Peak (12,015 ft.) back to the S.

Lost Twin Lakes Peak (L of Center). Photo looks S.

For a while, staying high seemed to be working.  However, inevitably, the American Dingo encountered more and more rock.  Lupe was now so high above the valley floor that going down to it would have been much trickier, and involved lots more elevation loss.

Way above the valley now. Photo looks WNW.

Mather Peaks (12,400 ft.) was visible above and beyond the upper end of the valley, although it wasn’t clear if the true summit was in sight yet.  An awful lot of rock was between here and there!

Mather Peaks (Center). True summit region (R of Center). Photo looks N.

Checking the topo map again, a steep, but feasible slope to the E must have led up to the region near HP10827.  Unfortunately, that meant it was too soon to turn E.

Guess we’re committed now, Loop.  Gotta keep going N!

Never learn, do you, SPHP?

Nope, but so what?  C’mon!  Puppy ho!

The route up to HP10827, which SPHP vetoed. Photo looks E.

Scrambling past a bit of a bulge W, Lupe got a better look at the territory ahead.  The branch of the valley following a creek NE that she should have been taking was now in sight, tantalizingly sweeping obstacle-free toward her destination farther N.  Meanwhile, up where the American Dingo was, the slope ahead was nothing but a giant jumble of rock.

Should have been down by the trees at lower L following the valley up to the R. Photo looks N.

A slow, deliberate, rock-hopping slog N through the talus ensued.  At least the rocks weren’t so huge that progress was impossible, forcing a retreat, and the scenery was magnificent!  Looper had plenty of time to enjoy it, while SPHP stumbled onward.

Looking up the bulge that Lupe had to skirt. Photo looks E.
Encountering a minor ledge. Photo looks N.
The incredible view! Mather Peaks W summit (R). Photo looks NNW.

Losing considerable elevation was unavoidable, or the rock hop would have gone on much longer.  SPHP finally got past the worst of the talus.  A tawny grassy area was now not too far ahead, where the lovely valley route and SPHP’s ludicrous rock tour route would converge.

Relief ahead! Bound for the upper grassy area (R of Center). Photo looks NNE.
Looking back. SPHP’s rock tour route (Center), versus the pleasant valley route (far R). Photo looks SSW.

The situation improved steadily.  Oh, yeah!  This was what the route was supposed to be like, grassy and smooth, with scattered boulders merely for scenic enhancement rather than an endless obstacle course.

More like it! Mather Peaks (L). Photo looks NNE.

Upon reaching the main grassy region, it encompassed a large area that sloped gradually up to the NE.  With virtually no snow remaining on the peaks at this time of year, given the dry appearance of the vegetation, Lupe was delighted to find a spring bubbling out of a hillside.

With cold, clear water, soft grass, and splendid surroundings at paw, plus a growing weariness to contend with, a rest break was in order.  Easily conning SPHP out of a chocolate coconut bar, the Carolina Dog took advantage of the opportunity.

By the wonderful water fountain. Photo looks NNE.
Oh, yeah! We’re in Dingo territory now! Photo looks SW.
Doesn’t get much better than this, does it? Photo looks W.
Enjoying a Dingo nap near the spring. Photo looks NNW.

What a great spot, SPHP!  Why not camp right here?

Tempting indeed, Loopster!  But I think we should gain as much elevation as we can today.  Expecting an awful lot of rock to contend with tomorrow, so even though we aren’t that far from Mather Peaks, let’s keep going.

Nearly an hour slipped away before the Carolina Dog bid the cheerful spring a fond farewell.  Avoiding rivers of rock as much as possible, Lupe continued NE up a broad slope.

Heading higher again. Photo looks NE.

The broad slope went on and on, the rate of climb gradually decreasing as Loop roamed higher.  At long last, SPHP was weary enough to call it good in a grassy region that didn’t extend as luxuriously much farther anyway.  Lupe relaxed, while SPHP assembled the tiny house.

Taking it easy while SPHP sets up the tiny house. Photo looks SW.
Mirror Lake (Center) from Mather Peaks base camp. Photo looks SW.
Mather Peaks W summit (R of Center). Photo looks NW.
Loopster inside, checking out the tiny house. Photo looks NNE.

9-26-21, 6:33 PM, Mather Peaks base camp – Nearly 2 hours after arriving at base camp, Lupe emerged from the tiny house.  After a bite to eat and that nice long break, even SPHP felt somewhat revived.  Late September now, though, so the long days of summer were no more.  The sun would remain above the horizon only another half an hour, if that.

Emerging from the tiny house. Mather Peaks W summit (L of Center), E (true) summit (R of Center). Photo looks NW.

How high are we here, SPHP?

Hmm.  Not sure, Looper.  I’d guess around 11,300 or 11,400.  Still a good 1,000+ feet to go tomorrow.

1,000 isn’t that much, SPHP!  We did way more than that already today.

Oh, yeah!  Close to 3 times as much, counting all the ups and downs.

Weren’t that many downs, SPHP, but you’re probably right.  Sure looks like we’re high in the Bighorns now.  Look at how tiny Mirror Lake is!

Yes, a splendid view isn’t it?  Want to see another one, Loop?  Bet we can see Darton Peak (12,275 ft.), if we go another 0.25 to 0.50 mile E.

Sure, if you think you’ve got it in you, SPHP!

I do.  Not all that steep up here, and not having to lug the pack will make a huge difference.

A pleasant romp E up a gentle alpenglow lit slope ensued.  Before long, a tall dark figure, wide at the shoulders, could be seen ahead.

What is that, SPHP?  A vampire?

Sort of looks like one, doesn’t it, Loop?  Must be a shadow, though.  What would a vampire be doing way up here?

What vampires do everywhere, SPHP!  Sucking blood!

Oh, poo!  No blood up here, Loopster!  Haven’t seen any wildlife at all.

There’s our blood, SPHP!  Tonight, while we snoozing in the tiny house!

Well then, let’s go beat the crap out of that vampire right now while the sun is still up, Loop!  No sense waiting until it’s pitch dark to take it on.  Vampires are stronger at night!

The ferocious American Dingo charged ahead, intent upon tearing into the vampire!  Meanwhile, SPHP’s distance estimate proved accurate.  Darton Peak, and even the top of Bighorn Peak (12,324 ft.), soon came into view off to the S.

Darton Peak (Center), Bighorn Peak (R) in the distance. Photo looks S.

As Lupe approached, the vampire changed, glimmering at first, then starting to glow!

Hah!  Did you see that, SPHP?  This wimpy vampire is terrified of Carolina Dogs!  Transformed itself into just another rock before I could get at him.

Might say he’s petrified, Loop!  Hope he stays that way.

By Vampire Rock. Peak 12080 (far L), Darton Peak (L), Bighorn Peak (Center), and Lost Twin Lakes Peak (far R). Photo looks S.

Another 0.25 mile E might have gotten Lupe to a view of Angeline Lake, but Vampire Rock was as far as she went.  Darton Peak, Bighorn Peak, and Lost Twin Lakes Peak were all splendid from right here.  Besides, the sun was already almost on the horizon.  By the time Loop made it back to base camp, it was gone.

Big day tomorrow!  At least the American Dingo could snooze peacefully without having to worry about any wayward vampires!

Sunset near Mathers Peak base camp, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming 9-26-21


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Mather Peaks, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming – Part 2: Base Camp to the Summit & Beyond!

Want more Lupe adventures?  Choose from Lupe’s Summer of 2021 Dingo Vacations to New Mexico, Wyoming & the West Coast Adventure Index, Dingo Vacations Adventure Index or Master Adventure Index.  Or subscribe free to new Lupe adventures.

Bruce Mountain, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming (6-25-21)

Day 4 of Lupe’s 2nd Summer of 2021 Dingo Vacation to Wyoming!

8:19 AM, 46ºF, paved pullout on the E side of Hwy 14 at the start of USFS Road No. 277 – Sort of iffy, but the sky seemed to be clearing after last night’s showers.  Loopster was anxious to go, and could always bail if the weather deteriorated.  Bruce Mountain (10,340 ft.) wouldn’t be nearly so hard to get back from as Elk Peak (11,050 ft.) had been, if it did.

About to set off for Bruce Mountain (Center). USFS Road No. 277 in the foreground. Photo looks ESE.

The American Dingo took USFS Road No. 277 across a field down into a drainage, then up the other side to a low hill forested near the top.  The road curved SE, then went past a big gravel yard on the L.  Beyond the gravel Lupe passed several dispersed camping sites on both sides of the road.  Most were occupied.

By the gravel yard. Photo looks ESE.
USFS Road No. 277 in the region of dispersed camping sites. Photo looks SE.

Could have driven the RAV4 this far!  The road was in perfect shape.  However, it soon began to deteriorate.  Enormous murky mud puddles, probably shallow, but of indeterminate depth, covered the whole road from side to side.  On paw they were easily avoided.  Maybe it was a good thing the RAV4 was back at the highway after all.

A little more than a mile past the gravel yard, Lupe came to a junction with USFS Road No. 278, a more primitive route.  She had scarcely set out along it when a clearing appeared on the L (E).  An open green slope led up to a minor ridgeline.

Why don’t we go up there, SPHP?  Maybe we’ll see something?

Made sense.  The ridge paralleled the road not far from it, and would be more fun.

Fine with me, Looper.  Hang on a moment, though.  It’s gotten so sunny, I ought to apply some sunscreen.

At the junction with USFS Road No. 278 (L). Photo looks SSE.
Leaving No. 278 to head up onto the ridge (L). Photo looks ESE.

The crest of the ridge overlooked the valley of the West Fork of the South Tongue River.  Bruce Mountain was on the far side, but there wasn’t any need to cross over to it here.  Instead, Lupe followed the ridge SE slowly gaining elevation.  The ridge soon leveled off, melting away as it merged into a large flat meadow.

USFS Road No. 278 was straight ahead, winding through the meadow.

Up on the minor ridge with a view of Bruce Mountain and the valley of the West Fork of the South Tongue River. Photo looks E.
SE end of the ridge where it starts merging into the meadow. Bruce Mountain (L). Photo looks SE.
NW end of Bruce Mountain beyond the West Fork of the South Tongue River. Photo looks NE.
Antelope Butte (9,935 ft.) from the same region. Photo looks SW with help from the telephoto lens.

Returning to No. 278, the American Dingo followed it SE for a good mile, a super easy trek all out in the flat meadow.  Once past the upper end of the valley of the West Fork of the South Tongue River, Lupe abandoned the road, turning E toward a saddle visible up on Bruce Mountain.

Approaching USFS Road No. 278 again. The plan was to head for the saddle (Center) seen in the distance. Photo looks ESE.
Getting close to where Lupe abandoned USFS Road No. 278 (R) to head up to the saddle (L). Photo looks ESE.

After passing through a short stretch of forest, the saddle was directly ahead, a long open slope leading up to it.  As Lupe roamed higher, what little blue sky there was began vanishing.  Behind the Carolina Dog, dark clouds were gathering toward the W.  Not ominous yet, but something to keep an eye on.  Certainly starting to look like SPHP wasn’t going to get much mileage out of that sunscreen so recently applied.

Heading for the saddle (Center). Photo looks E.
A glance back at the approaching clouds. Photo looks W.

The long slope went on and on.  Lupe stayed toward the S (R), near the base of a ridge that was getting rockier and rockier.  Many of these rocks were peculiar long, rounded slabs.  Scarcely any trees were nearby, but Loop began encountering large patches of low bushes.

In a patch of shrubbery. Photo looks NNW.
On one of the long slabs. Photo looks NE.

The saddle was still some distance away when it began to appear that Lupe ought to be able to get onto the rocky ridge she was next to.  Going up for a look around seemed like a good idea.  Turning S, a short trek higher brought the American Dingo to the ridgeline.  A big knob of rock was directly to the W.  Gazing off to the S and SE, SPHP was instantly both astonished and confused.

On the rocky ridge looking W toward the stony knob.

Quite the view, isn’t it, SPHP?  Always great to be in the Bighorns!

I’ll say.

Hey, aren’t those highest mountains off to the SE Dome Peak (10,828 ft.) and the Sheridan County High Point (11,020 ft.)?  I think they are.  Almost certain of it!

You’re right, Loop.  That’s them alright.

Is something wrong, SPHP?  You don’t seem very enthusiastic.

Oh, it’s all gorgeous, of course!  It’s just that I was expecting to see the top of Bruce Mountain beyond this ridge, or at least the terrain leading up to it.  Instead, the whole mountain drops away.  Where the heck are we?

What?  Well, that’s just fabulous, SPHP!  We’ve hardly started up, and we’re lost already?  Tell ya what, Einstein.  You’re the one with all the fancy maps, why don’t you take a look and figure it out?  Better be quick about it, too!  Fog is rolling in!

Upper Willet Creek drainage. Photo looks S from the rocky ridge.
Dome Peak (L) and the Sheridan County High Point (R of Center). Photo looks SE.

Lupe found a soft spot to lie down.  She gobbled a bowl of Taste of the Wild, then dozed while waiting for SPHP to come to some resolution.  Chilled as the sky darkened, SPHP layered up, then chomped an apple while studying the topo map, trying to make sense of it versus reality.

Awaiting SPHP’s verdict. Photo looks ENE.

To the N, across the broad slope Lupe had just come up were a couple of huge rock formations.  The more distant one was easily 200 feet higher than this ridge where Loopster was now.  Obviously, Bruce Mountain’s summit had to be somewhere in that direction, since everything to the S was much lower.  SPHP had been so disoriented, though, that it took a few minutes to accept this truth.

Ready, Looper?  It’s Onward!  Puppy, ho! time.

Did you figure out where we are, SPHP?

Yup.  We’re at the far S end of Bruce Mountain.  Sort of self-evident, isn’t it?  I was so incredulous at these views, because I had it in my head that we were coming up N of the summit.  Instead, we’re actually well S of it.

Lovely, I’m sure, to have such a keen innate sense of direction!  So, at least you know which way we need to go now?

I do.  Head for that closest humongous rock formation.

Lupe started her search for Bruce Mountain’s summit heading for the rock formation on the R. Photo looks N.

Heading for the closest big rock formation to the NE essentially meant completing the trek up to the saddle Lupe had originally aimed for.  The Carolina Dog lost a good 80 feet of elevation as she left the rocky ridge before starting to climb again.  Expecting there wouldn’t be any problem going around the E side of this formation prior to angling toward the higher, more distant ridge, SPHP was once again surprised when that didn’t turn out to be the case.

This first formation was bigger than it looked, extending much farther E than anticipated.  A continuous wall of rock ran over and well beyond the saddle’s crest.

Starting back down to the green slope leading to the saddle on the R, intending to go around the far side of the rock formation on the L. Photo looks NE.
Near the first huge rock formation. Photo looks N.
Approaching the saddle, with a continuous wall of rock (L) blocking the way N. Photo looks ENE.
Tiny wildflowers of the alpine slope.
Arriving at the top of the saddle only to find that the wall of rock extends down the other side of the mountain. Photo looks ENE.

Well, shoot, Loop!  I can’t believe this!

Why did we come up here in the first place, SPHP?  We could have headed straight for the highest rock formation, if we’d stayed W of this one.  There was an open route the whole way.  Shorter, too!  We both saw it!

I know, but that way looked a lot steeper.  Never dreamed we’d run into this situation.  Guess we’ll have to go back down to the W, if we can’t find a way past this wall of rock.  Hate to lose all the elevation we just gained, though.  Before we do that, let’s have a look around.  Maybe there actually is a way through?

Luck of the Dingo!  There was!  Lupe had barely started searching, when she spied two green ramps leading to the top of the wall.  Quite steep, but certainly doable.  A short climb, and the Carolina Dog was up on top.

The green ramps leading to the top of the first huge rock formation. Photo looks W.

In the time it took SPHP to stagger up behind Loop, fog swept over the region and a light rain set in.  Ahead to the N was an unexpected sight, made all the more mysterious by the cold, damp, gray gloom.  A higher, more formidable wall of rock appeared to run clear across the entire mountain, blocking all hope of further progress beyond it.

Was that the same highest, most distant formation that had been visible from back down at the first rocky ridge?  Sure seemed a lot closer than it should have been.

We have to get past that, too, SPHP?

Afraid so, Loop.

But how?

Search me!  Doesn’t look at all possible, does it?  Going to take a miracle this time.

Above the green ramps of the first rock formation, contemplating the forbidding next wall of rock ahead. Photo looks N.

Spirits dampened in more ways than one, Lupe advanced toward the ghostly obstacle ahead.  There were actually two separate walls of rock.  Passing the smaller one, Loop entered a narrow channel heading ENE between it and the larger wall to the N.  The high point of this gap was close by.  Going to it, Lupe saw a hidden snowbank, beyond which the terrain dropped steeply.

No help that way!

At the top of the channel between the rock formations. Photo looks ENE.

It was starting to rain harder.  SPHP yanked the ancient, blue plastic rain poncho from the pack and put it on.  Return of the Cookie Monster!

Guess we’re stuck, SPHP.  By the way, you look ridiculous!

I don’t believe it!  How can this mountain be so complicated, Loop?  Doesn’t look bad at all on the topo map!  Thought we were going to have an easy romp up here, maybe scramble up a few rocks at the very top to get to the true summit.  Never occurred to me that we’d face anything like all these huge, long, vertical rock walls going clear across the top of the mountain to cut us off.

Well, doesn’t look like we’re getting past this one.  The weather is rotten, anyway.  Maybe we should head back to the RAV4 and try again tomorrow from another direction?  The mountain will still be here.  Want to do that, SPHP? … SPHP? … Oh, no!  Forget it!  I’m not doing that!  It’s practically straight up!

It wasn’t really straight up, though.  The rock wall SPHP was staring at, the big one to the N that Lupe needed to get to the top of, had some lean to it, not a lot, but some.  Looked like there were quite a few possible pawholds, too.  Furthermore, although the rock wall was 30 feet high, there seemed to be some incongruity about 20 feet up, like there was space to maneuver up there.

Now, now, Loop!  You know I’m no rock climber, but I think even I can manage to scramble up the first 20 feet to that cleft or whatever it is up there, provided I’m careful about it.  I’m 100% certain you can, too.  All you need is a boost to get you started!

No!  Stay away from me!  You’re off your rocker, SPHP!

At the base of the scramble higher. Photo looks NW.

SPHP grabbed Loopster, lifting her as high up the wall as possible.  The Carolina Dog fought back, pushing away from the rock.

No!  No!  Let me go, SPHP!  I don’t want to.  Let’s find an easier mountain!  Put me down!  Please!

C’mon, Loop!  Stop fighting it!  You’ll be fine!  Not that hard.  Climb!  You’ll be up there in a flash!  I’ll be coming, too, right behind you.

The struggle lasted only seconds.  Suddenly Looper got the message, clawing her way up to the cleft.  Slowly, carefully, SPHP followed.

Made it!

The last 10 feet turned out to be cake.  Easy climb.  Loop reached the top close to a big boulder at the absolute high point.  A cairn sat right on top, calmly waiting to greet Lupe.

The cairn waited in vain.  No need to go to it.  Could have, but off to the NW, beyond several smaller rock formations scattered over a green plain, was another big rock formation, an even higher one than where Lupe was now.  This wasn’t the summit of Bruce Mountain.

Near the absolute top of this wall of rock, with an even higher one (R) ahead. Photo looks NW.
Contemplating the plain leading to the next summit candidate (L). Photo looks NNW.

For pity sake!

We need to go over there, don’t we, SPHP?


At least it didn’t look hard to get over close to the latest, greatest, true summit candidate.  Lupe headed down to the plain and trotted that way.

Partway there, the rain started in harder yet.  Poor Lupe was getting soaked.  Despite the Cookie Monster outfit, SPHP was, too.  An overhang at the closest rock formation beckoned.  Time to take shelter.

As far as Loop got before having to take shelter. Photo looks NW.

It rained off and on.  Intermittent fog streamed by.  Water dripped from the little overhang, which was barely adequate to provide protection.  Lupe curled up on SPHP’s lap inside the Cookie Monster rain poncho, peering out now and then during lulls in the storm.  Occasionally, Antelope Butte (9,935 ft.) was in sight.  Under Lupe’s weight, SPHP’s lower paws slowly went numb.

Waiting for the storm to pass. Photo looks SW.

Seemed like a day it could rain forever.  For variety, it eventually began to rain in sheets.  This was followed by hail until the ground began to turn white.  Nothing serious, just tiny ice particles.

40 long minutes ticked away before the sky brightened.  Antelope Butte reappeared as the fog swept away.  The Carolina Dog decided that maybe the storm was all over and done with.  No more sitting around!  Looper got up.

Looking S back at the high point Lupe had come from.
Antelope Butte (Center) reappears. Photo looks SW.

C’mon, SPHP!  Let’s do this!

Following the American Dingo over open ground on pins and needles as blood flow restored to SPHP’s lower paws, the journey NW toward Bruce Mountain’s next summit candidate resumed.

Instead of heading directly to the imposing S face of the rock formation, Loop aimed E of it, completely avoiding not only another daunting or impossible scramble, but any rough terrain at all.  Gaining elevation, Lupe soon got far enough N to view the formation from the E, where its appearance was much different.

Beyond a snowbank, an easy green ramp of open ground rose between two parallel walls of rock to a crest between them.  Most encouragingly, the walls didn’t look all that high from this angle.

Ho-ho, Looper!  This is more like it!  If the summit is up there, we’re in business!

E of the next Bruce Mountain summit candidate (Center) with a lovely green ramp providing access almost all the way to the top. Photo looks W.

The weather was still questionable as Lupe headed W for the ramp.  Now and then the clouds still spit a little light rain, or released a fine mist.  The thoroughly dampened Dingo must not have been feeling too frigid, though.  Passing the snowbank, she made a point of rolling on it, evidently enjoying the experience.

Then it was on up the ramp, confident of a Bruce Mountain (10,340 ft.) peakbagging success!

Looking back from the base of the snowbank. Photo looks ESE.
Heading up the ramp. Photo looks W.
Near the top of the ramp, looking back the way Loop came up. Photo looks E.

Upon reaching the crest of the green ramp, it was readily apparent that Lupe would have no trouble getting to the top of the rock wall to the N.  Unfortunately, the S wall was clearly higher and far more problematic.

A promising mini green ramp led to the top of the W end of the S wall.  Easy as pie, Lupe sauntered up for a look around.

About to take the mini green ramp up onto the S wall. Photo looks WSW.

Oh, good grief!  How on earth are we going to get over there, Loop?

As my personal representative, I’m looking at you, SPHP.  Have at it!

Looking E, the top of the S wall was surprisingly narrow, lumpy, and full of fissures.  Significant vertical drops on both sides made scrambling, or more likely, crawling clear over to the apparent high point, which was quite some distance away, dicier than anything either Lupe or SPHP was willing to undertake.  Climbing directly up to it from down below didn’t look possible, either.

Looking E along the S wall toward the high point (Center).

Hmm … well, let me see, Loop.  Let’s start with what’s possible without risking our necks.

SPHP headed E along the wall to the closest higher rocks, tagging their tops, which couldn’t have been more than a few feet lower than the more distant high point, with a front paw.  Peering over these rocks – nope, not going any farther!

Nicely done, SPHP!  I’m claiming a peakbagging success!  Close enough for Dingo work, even though that actually is Bruce Mountain’s true summit over there!

Yeah, seems to be, Loop.  We can see an awful lot of territory up here, and nothing else looks even close to being this high.

I know I’m right, SPHP!  I see a cairn, and a registry tube, too!

You do?

SPHP looked again.  Lupe was right.

True summit cairn and registry tube with help from the telephoto lens. Photo looks E.

Well, I’ll be, Loop.  Yet another reminder that the world is full of clever people bolder and more capable than me.  Still, it sure would be nice to get your name on the registry in that tube.  This is a pretty cool summit!  Let’s go down and take a closer look from below.  After all, somebody made it up there!

Glancing over at the N wall before heading down the mini ramp. Photo looks N.

Directly below the true summit, with Loopster looking on, SPHP took off the Cookie Monster outfit, then gave it a go, attempting to scramble up a couple of cracks.  Got real close, too, before stalling only 3-5 feet below the registry tube.  SPHP clung to the cold rock, paws going numb, boots scraping away trying to find traction.  One more paw hold would do it!

Looking up the cracks. The registry tube is just out of sight. Photo looks ESE.

You’re almost there, SPHP!  Can you make it?

Maybe, if I give it all I’ve got.  Wish I was stronger!  I can see the tube just above me!  A few more feet and I can grab it.

SPHP hung up there several minutes.  Not to be.  Too intimidating.  Retreat!  Oh, to be a genuine rock climber!

As SPHP’s paws warmed up, further inspection revealed another route via a tiny ledge leading to a scramble to the top a bit E of the true summit.

Second attempt.  SPHP got onto the ledge, actually the narrow top of an almost vertical rock.  This time Lupe tried to follow.  Suddenly leaping onto the ledge, she found it too narrow to keep her balance.  To avoid an uncontrolled fall, she bounded lower.  Fortunately, there was something to bound to.  No harm done.

Second attempt: L on top of the lowest big rock R of Center then straight up at Center. First route visible at R.

Another failure.  SPHP again got close to the top, but the highest rocks were insurmountable.

That’s it, Looper!  Done!  Not happening.  Let the purists whine!

Shall we check out the N wall, SPHP?


Lupe needed a boost to get started, but the rest was easy.  A couple of big rocks sat up at the high point.  Loop went right up next to them and might easily have gotten on top, but they were pretty airy.  Since they weren’t the summit, SPHP wouldn’t let her do it.  No point.

Next to the 2 highest boulders of the N wall. Photo looks E.

In any case, the views were wonderful!  The Bruce Mountain highlands extended another 1.5 miles NW, a beautiful, broad rolling plain dotted with boulders, and edged with stony fortifications.  Should have come up that way!  Nothing to it!

View from the W end of the N wall. Photo looks WNW.
The rolling highlands of Bruce Mountain. Photo looks NW.

Exploring the highlands looked like fun!  Why not go back that way?  Lupe concurred.  First, though, she went back up the mini green ramp to revisit the highest point she’d reached on Bruce Mountain, up on the W end of the S wall.  From here she could see not only the true summit with it’s cairn and white registry tube again, but the region she’d crossed during the stormy part of her adventures on the way here.

On the W end of the S wall. Photo looks WSW.
Looking back at Bruce Mountain’s true summit (Center), SPHP’s blue rain poncho (Center) still stashed below it. Photo looks E.
The territory Lupe crossed on the way here. The wall of rock she unwillingly scrambled up (R), and the smaller one where she took shelter from the rain storm (Center) are both in view. Photo looks SE.
Final moments up on the S wall. Photo looks SSW.

Time to move on!  SPHP grabbed the pack and ancient blue rain poncho from where they were still stashed below the true summit.  As Lupe left Bruce Mountain’s summit region, another rain shower struck.  SPHP quickly donned the brilliant blue Cookie Monster costume again.  Meanwhile, the not-so-fortunate Carolina Dog endured another soaking.

Happily, the shower didn’t last long.  Soon the sun was peeping through the clouds.  Among yellow buttercups, Lupe headed down a gentle slope toward the enormous saddle connecting to the NW end of the highlands.

Suddenly, SPHP managed to trip and fall, even though there wasn’t a thing to trip on.

Heading off to explore the NW highlands. Photo looks NW.

Nice going, Grace!  Are you alright?

Perfectly fine, Looper.  Thanks for asking.  Not sure how I did that.

You’re a companion of many … well, at least one or two … talents, SPHP!

Thanks for the vote of confidence … I think.

SPHP may have been fine, but the blue rain poncho SPHP still wore wasn’t.  The brittle old plastic, which had already borne numerous scars, was now virtually ripped in half.

Dang, Loop!  Look at what I’ve done to my rain poncho!  It’s in tatters!

Horrors!  I can’t believe it, SPHP!  It’s the final blow!  The ignoble end of your infamous Cookie Monster costume!

It was true!  The old blue plastic rain poncho that for countless years had made SPHP resemble the Cookie Monster every time it rained was now completely unusable.  The bitter end had arrived.  Nothing but garbage.  Still in shock, SPHP removed the cracked remains flapping in the breeze before they ripped further and fell off all on their own.

End of an era.  Nothing to be done about it.  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

Clouds threatened, but it never did rain or mist again.  The rest of the long trek to Bruce Mountain’s NW highlands over the open plain was easy and enjoyable.  Lupe arrived at the highest ground to find a cairn perched near the mountain’s edge overlooking and surrounded by many interesting and beautiful rock formations.  This region was so scenic, that Looper took a break here.  SPHP shared not one, but two, chocolate coconut bars with her.

Chocolate coconut bars successfully dispatched, the Carolina Dog set about exploring the area.  Far to the SE, Bruce Mountain’s true summit was still in sight.

By the little cairn perched along the edge of the NW highlands.
Exploring Bruce Mountain’s scenic NW highlands. Photo looks NW.
Bruce Mountain’s true summit (R of Center) in the distance now. Photo looks SE.
True summit (R) with help from the telephoto lens.
Along the edge. Photo looks W.

The rest of the return was a downhill march.  On open ground, Lupe continued exploring Bruce Mountain, descending its long NW ridge.  Near the lower end, the ridge became forested.  At a final big clearing, Loop was lucky enough to see 2 giant deers.

About to head down the NW ridge. Photo looks NW.
One of the giant deers.

The clearing was the start of a steeper, but still very manageable descent through a beautiful forest.  At the bottom, Lupe reached the West Fork of the South Tongue River, which had to be forded.  Fortunately, it was still just a stream here, not really a river yet.

Wandering SW down through the forest.
By the West Fork of the South Tongue River prior to fording it. Photo looks SE.

Heading W up an easy slope, then a short distance through level forest, the American Dingo popped out onto USFS Road No. 277 again SE of the big mud puddles covering the entire road, which were now bigger than ever after all the rain.  To avoid them, Loop paralleled the road heading NW through the forest until she got close to the gravel yard.

No more obstacles!  Only a road hike back to the RAV4 remained.  Later on in the evening, Lupe did get to see 3 moose, which was very exciting, but her big Bruce Mountain adventure was over.  (End 5:01 PM, 52ºF)

Bruce Mountain, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming 6-25-21


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