Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 143 – Bald Hills, Peak 6888 & Crows Nest Peak (10-24-15)

Thursday evening, 10-22-15, the Black Hills got some much needed rain.  While checking the weather online, SPHP noticed that there was a band of snow shown up in the higher western Black Hills near the border with Wyoming.  Lupe loves the snow, so on Saturday morning, 10-24-15, Lupe and SPHP set out for the high country.

It turned out there wasn’t any snow.  Or, at least, if there had been, it was all melted by Saturday.  Lupe and SPHP did see some areas of frost in the shade of the pines in some areas, but that was it.  Lupe wasn’t going to get to play in the snow, but she still had a couple of peakbagging goals in the area.

NW of Redbank Spring, SPHP parked the G6 about 0.25 mile W of USFS Road No. 117 along No. 113.  No. 113 would take Lupe to her first destination, which was Bald Hills (6,690 ft.).

Lupe on USFS Road No. 113 shortly after starting out for peakbagging goal Bald Hills.
Lupe on USFS Road No. 113 shortly after starting out for peakbagging goal Bald Hills.

At first, No. 113 headed WNW through a tall grass field, but it soon turned N to enter the forest.  In the forest, the road was muddy.  SPHP had to leave the road due to the amount of mud clinging to SPHP’s boots.

Most of the rest of the way to Bald Hills, SPHP walked through the forest.  It was pretty easy.  This part of the hills is all high ground, but very gently rolling.  Lupe was feeling great in the cooler weather.  She raced through the forest sniffing everything.

Along USFS Road No. 113 was this area of frozen mud. The thin ice was hollow underneath. The water had already soaked into the ground. When Lupe came by again later in the day, the ice had all melted.
Along USFS Road No. 113 was this area of frozen mud. The thin ice was hollow underneath. The water had already soaked into the ground. When Lupe came by again later in the day, the ice had all melted.

Bald Hills is a high point near the SW end of a long ridge that extends out to the W.  Despite the name “Bald Hills”, the area is nearly all forested.  When Lupe reached the high point shown on, there was a big level field there.  The top was all bald, but it was also surrounded by forest.  Presumably the trees have grown up since the name was given to the area.

The surrounding band of trees was thinnest to the W.  It was possible to see between them to catch glimpses of Mount Pisgah (6,380 ft.) 5 miles away in Wyoming.  Bald Hills is in South Dakota, but only 0.5 mile from the Wyoming border.  Some of the surrounding trees had been killed by pine bark beetles.  Whenever those trees finally fall over, the view will be better.

Lupe and SPHP took a break.  Both had cake and water on Bald Hills.  Lupe also had Taste of the Wild.  SPHP had carrots from the garden.  Afterwards, Lupe posed for a few photos.

Lupe at the summit of Bald Hills. It not clear which other hills might be considered part of Bald Hills. There were other fingers of the same general ridge off to the N, but Lupe was where all SPHP’s maps showed the location of Bald Hills to be.
The hill might be bald on top, but there isn't much of a view due to surrounding forests.
The hill might be bald on top, but there isn’t much of a view due to surrounding forests.  Photo looks ENE.
OK, there was kind of a view to the W toward Mount Pisgah (6,380 ft.) in Wyoming. Only peakbaggers like Lupe would come way out here for such a mediocre look at the world, though. From Lupe’s point of view the sniffing, squirrels and solitude were great.
Yeah, the field on top of Bald Hills was actually pretty big!
Yeah, the field on top of Bald Hills was actually pretty big!  It would have been a great place for some Squeaker Ball action!

Lupe’s next peakbagging goal was Peak 6888 off to the NE.  Lupe and SPHP set off on No. 113 again, retracing Lupe’s route to Bald Hills, but only for a short distance.  There were two other fingers of the same ridge that Bald Hills was part of that SPHP thought Lupe should explore along the way.  Side roads off USFS Road No. 113 went along both ridges.  The first one Lupe came to was No. 113.1E.

No. 113.1E headed WNW.  SPHP had hoped it might lead to a clearer viewpoint off to the W.  Instead it lost elevation at a steady, moderate pace and stayed in the forest.  The road went on and on.  SPHP gave up on finding a better view here.  When a side road appeared that headed back E, Lupe and SPHP took it.  SPHP hoped to find a shortcut to road No. 113.1D on the next ridge to the NE.

The side road lost elevation gradually, and came to a sharp bend at a draw.  SPHP didn’t want to lose any more elevation.  Just above the road was a little earthen dam.  Lupe and SPHP left the side road to investigate.  There turned out to be a little stock pond behind the dam.  There was another even smaller dam and pond above this one.  SPHP named the larger pond Hidden Slew, since the water seemed a bit slimy.

Lupe at Hidden Slew.
Lupe at Hidden Slew.
Only readers of The (Mostly) True Adventures of Lupe get to see and learn the secret locations of great things like puny little slimy stock ponds. What a benefit! This photo shows the very remote little side road Lupe followed to reach this hidden treasure.
Only readers of The (Mostly) True Adventures of Lupe get to see and learn the secret locations of great things like puny little slimy stock ponds in the Black Hills. What a benefit! This photo shows the very remote side road off No. 113.1E that Lupe followed to reach Hidden Slew.  What a treasured find!  Photo looks W.

From Hidden Slew, Lupe and SPHP started climbing up the NE slope of the draw.  Pretty soon, SPHP noticed that along the N side of the draw, it looked like there might be a viewpoint.  Going over in that direction, Lupe found a slope heading up to the ridge where No. 113.1D was.

This slope had been pretty heavily logged.  Climbing higher, Lupe discovered the only spot where there was an opening in the forest big enough for a clear distance shot with the camera.  Off to the NW was a nice look at Inyan Kara (6,360 ft.).

Inyan Kara (R of Center) is seen here to the NW. This was the only clear distance shot anywhere in the Bald Hills area.
Inyan Kara (R of Center) is seen here to the NW.  This was the only clear distant view Lupe found anywhere in the vicinity of Bald Hills.  Inyan Kara is in Wyoming.  The mountain is on a single square mile of isolated Black Hills National Forest land totally surrounded by private ranches.

Lupe and SPHP easily reached the top of the logged slope to find USFS Road No. 113.1D, as expected.  Lupe followed No. 113.1D NW for a while, but it too began to drop into a denser forest.  There weren’t going to be any better views continuing in that direction.  So Lupe and SPHP turned around, and headed SE back to the junction with No. 113.

It was possible to get a pretty good look at Sweetwater Mountain while moving along, but there weren't any unobstructed views of it for the camera. Sweetwater Mountain is also in Wyoming.
It was possible to get a pretty good look at Sweetwater Mountain (6,440 ft.) (the long forested ridge in the distance) while moving along, but there weren’t any unobstructed views of it for the camera. Sweetwater Mountain is also in Wyoming.
Lupe racing around on USFS Road No. 113.1D.
Lupe racing around on USFS Road No. 113.1D.  Even though the area had already been heavily logged, it looks like they might just as well have taken down even more trees.  Many of the trees still standing are dead, killed by pine bark beetles.

Back at No. 113, Lupe and SPHP turned E on it again.  This time Lupe followed it to the formerly frozen mud so elegantly portrayed earlier in this post.  By now, the ice had melted.

Near by was a side road, No. 113.1G, which headed N down into Bear Canyon.  It looked like it was going to turn NE, and head up into the upper end of Bear Canyon, which was where Lupe needed to go to reach Peak 6888.  So Lupe and SPHP left No. 113 again to check out No. 113.1G.

This high up in the Black Hills, the fall colors are now completely done. All the leaves have fallen off the aspen trees. The leaves on the ground have all turned a dull brown.
This high up in the Black Hills, the fall colors are now completely done. All the leaves have fallen off these aspen trees along No. 113.1G. The leaves on the ground have all turned a dull brown.  Everywhere Lupe went this day, it was the same.

No. 113.1G did turn NE, and did lead Lupe to the upper reaches of Bear Canyon, where there were three stock ponds in a row.  Beyond the upper stock pond was a big open field.  Lupe posed for a photo near the middle stock pond, which SPHP judged to be most beautiful of all.  Then Lupe continued following the road, which now headed NNE toward Peak 6888.

Lupe amidst the scenic splendor of the middle stock pond in upper Bear Canyon.

SPHP isn’t sure where the transition from USFS Road No. 113.1G occurred, perhaps it was at the stock ponds, but Lupe was now on Bear Canyon Road.  When Lupe reached the high point on Bear Canyon Road, she was essentially at the summit of Peak 6888.

The topo map from showed the official summit location of Peak 6888 a little way off to the W of the road.  The whole area was so flat, it hardly made any difference, but Lupe and SPHP wandered off the road to the W to see what might be a little higher than everything else.  This area had also been pretty heavily logged.  SPHP thought a particular stump looked like it was at the highest point.  Lupe posed for her obligatory summit of Peak 6888 photos.

Lupe on the stump at the tip top of Peak 6888.
Lupe on the stump at the tip top of Peak 6888.
Another goal of interest only to peakbaggers. Peak 6888 was so flat that even with nearly all the trees cut down there weren’t any views. This photo looks E toward Bear Canyon Road, near the big pile of dead trees. The logging must have occurred fairly recently. Many of the trees that had been cut down still had green needles on them.

Lupe had now completed both of her peakbagging goals for the day.  She headed N on Bear Canyon Road to reach USFS Road No. 109.  She followed No. 109 0.5 mile E to No. 117.  Lupe was now a little over 3 miles N of where No. 113 left No. 117.  The G6 was parked back along No. 113.

The sun was still fairly high in the sky, though.  Lupe had time to revisit Crows Nest Peak (7,048 ft.), which she had just been to on Expedition No. 139 on 9-27-15.  Crows Nest Peak (7,048 ft.) was only about 2 miles to the NE.  Lupe could reach it from a new direction this time, which meant more exploring, more squirrels, and more fun!

So off she went.  Lupe followed No. 117 a little farther N to get past a fence line.  She then turned NE, crossed a field near another stock pond of immense interest (sadly not pictured), and plunged up into the forest.

Lupe at the intersection of Bear Canyon Road and USFS Road No. 109. Photo looks S.
Lupe at the intersection of Bear Canyon Road and USFS Road No. 109.  The forested ridge in the background is part of Peak 6888.  Photo looks S.
Lupe along No. 117. She would soon cross the big field at the right close to another stock pond, mercifully not pictured here.
Lupe along No. 117. She would soon cross the big field at the right close to another stock pond, mercifully not pictured here.  Photo looks N.

It had been SPHP’s intention that Lupe would just climb up the ridge to the NE, and then try to stay on high ground while heading directly for Crows Nest Peak.  However, partway up the ridge, there was a really nice level road.  It wound its way N and E along the side of the ridge.  It looked so easy and inviting, Lupe followed it instead of climbing to the top of the ridge.  Eventually, this road reached another.  A marker showed that Lupe had been on No. 695.1A.

Lupe on No. 695.1A just before it ended at No. 695. Since No. 695 went the wrong direction, Lupe left the roads to cross the field shown in sunlight and head into the forest again.
Lupe on No. 695.1A just before it ended at No. 695. Since No. 695 went the wrong direction, Lupe left the roads to cross the field shown in sunlight and head into the forest again.

No. 695.1A ended at No. 695, which went SE, not the direction Lupe needed to go.  Lupe left the roads, and crossed a sunlit field covered with dark brown bushes.  She then entered the forest again.  SPHP had the same plan as before, just climb to the top and stay on high ground heading NE to Crows Nest Peak.

The same thing happened again.  Lupe came to another nice level road which wound around to the N, but mostly to the E.  This road proved to be No. 266.1A, which linked up to No. 266.  No. 266 had been recently graded and was a muddy mess, but it took Lupe right on up to Crows Nest Peak.

Lupe on No. 266.1A on her way to Crows Nest Peak. This was a pleasant level stroll in the low angle sunlight.
Lupe on No. 266.1A on her way to Crows Nest Peak. This was a pleasant, level, sunlit stroll.
Aspen trees S of No. 266 on the approach to Crows Nest Peak.
Aspen trees S of No. 266 on the approach to Crows Nest Peak.
Thought you would get away without seeing any more ponds, aye? Well, here is Lupe now at the pond just 200 feet W of the USGS Benchmark at the summit of Crows Nest Peak.
Thought you would get away without seeing any more ponds or mud puddles, aye? Well, here is Lupe now at the pond on Crows Nest Peak just 200 feet W of the USGS Benchmark at the summit. Photo looks N.
Lupe reaches the survey marker post next to the USFS Benchmark on Crows Nest Peak. This was Lupe's 3rd time on Crows Nest Peak.
Lupe reaches the survey marker post next to the USGS Benchmark on Crows Nest Peak. This was Lupe’s 3rd time on Crows Nest Peak.

Lupe didn’t stay long on top of Crows Nest Peak.  The sun would only be up for another 30 or 40 minutes, at most.  The G6 was now 5 miles away.  Lupe left Crows Nest Peak heading S on No. 266.  Instead of turning W along with the road, she continued S through the forest.  She found a trail that took her SSW, and then SW.  It was an interesting area.  In the rapidly fading light, it seemed very remote and wild.

It was dark by the time Lupe and SPHP reached USFS Road No. 117 again, still at least a couple of miles from the G6.  The moon, more than 3/4 full, was shining brilliantly in the clear sky.  Only the brightest stars could be seen.  Suddenly Lupe heard them – the wild dogs who live in the forests and fields – the coyotes.

Lupe sat next to SPHP listening very intently.  The coyotes yipped and howled and sang.  This was the biggest coyote choir Lupe had ever heard.  A whole pack was out there.

SPHP told Lupe about how the coyotes live wild and free all the time, doing whatever they please, while roaming the Black Hills at will.  SPHP also mentioned that they were often cold and tired and hungry.  Lupe thought things over.  Living free sounded wonderful, but so did a steady diet of Taste of the Wild, Alpo, treats, and a comfy soft, warm bed.

The coyotes sang for just a few minutes.  They stopped as abruptly as they had started.  Lupe decided to continue on with SPHP to the G6 beneath the silent, silver moon.

Hey, another pond shot! Trees are reflected in the tiny pond on Crows Nest Peak half an hour before sunset.


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