Squaw Mountain, Laramie Range, Wyoming (6-12-17)

Day 5, Part 1, of Lupe’s 2017 Dingo Vacation to the Laramie Range in Wyoming & Beyond!

What a glorious day!  Spirits were soaring as Lupe and SPHP left the Twin Peaks trailhead on Trail No. 618 (7:14 AM, 59°F).  The lucky American Dingo was setting off on a 2-day trek to a couple of fabulous peaks she’d seen for the first time a year ago when she’d taken this same trail and climbed Twin Peaks (9,280 ft.).

A lucky American Dingo about to set off on Twin Peaks Trail No. 618 for a couple of beautiful peaks in the Laramie Range.

Trail No. 618 started off as an old jeep trail that headed W up a rise.  The E end of Lupe’s first peakbagging goal, Squaw Mountain (9,313 ft.), was soon in sight ahead.

Squaw Mountain (Center) came into view shortly after Lupe left the trailhead. Photo looks NW.

Even though the summit of Squaw Mountain was less than 2 miles WNW of the trailhead, Lupe was going to have to travel a lot farther than that to get there.  According to the topo map, the easiest way up was from the NW.  The plan was to circle more than halfway around the mountain to approach it from those NW slopes.

Loop wasn’t the least bit worried about how far it was to Squaw Mountain.  She was just looking forward to a fun time exploring.  On this long day in early June, the Carolina Dog would have plenty of time to get to the top of the mountain.

The jeep trail passed over the small rise, then dipped down close to Roaring Fork Creek.  Lupe couldn’t resist going in for a cool drink.

Looper cools her paws off in Roaring Fork Creek.

Although there were a few muddy areas along Trail No. 618, it never did cross Roaring Fork Creek.  Instead, the trail went W up a deep, forested valley staying a little S of the creek.  After a mile or so, the jeep trail turned SW heading up a steep slope.  At the base of the slope, Trail No. 618 veered off to the R, becoming a single track going down a much smaller slope almost to the edge of Roaring Fork Creek again.

Lupe stayed on Trail No. 618, continuing W up the valley.  Now that the wider jeep trail had been left behind, it really did seem like Lupe was in a wilderness.

On Trail No. 618 after it left the much wider jeep trail behind. Now it really did seem like Lupe was in the wilderness!

Lupe knew what to expect, though.  She had been this far before.  Lupe continued along No. 618, which stayed relatively close to Roaring Fork Creek.

Before long, Lupe arrived at a fence with a sign saying “Please! Close the Gate”.  A year ago, SPHP hadn’t seen a gate to close, just the fence, which ended right over the trail next to some rocks.  Puzzled, Lupe and SPHP had climbed up onto the rocks to get around the end of the fence.

Not a thing had changed, but this time SPHP had a hunch.  Doh!  Yes, the entire fence across the trail was a gate.  It swung open without much effort.

How about that, Loop?  Learn something new every day!

Having a year to think about it helped, aye?  Glad you passed the intelligence test this time around, SPHP!

Just call me Einstein and keep going, smart-alecky Dingo.

Lupe on the rocks at the site of SPHP’s intelligence test success.

Eventually, Trail No. 618 moved farther away from Roaring Fork Creek and began to fade.  A few cairns helped show the way.  Sometimes sticks had been placed across what otherwise might have looked like the route.  The surest way of being certain Lupe was still on the trail was to watch for blazes on the trees.  Generally there were two blazes, a small upper one with a larger blaze below.

Trail No. 618 eventually began to fade. A few cairns like this one helped show the way.
Blazes on the trees, like the ones on the tree on the R, became the most reliable way of following seldom-used Trail No. 618.

About a mile after it became single track, Trail No. 618 angled SW leaving Roaring Fork Creek behind.  SPHP expected it to continue SW to a minor pass about 0.6 mile farther on.  A year ago, Lupe had followed this same trail to that pass.

However, after going SW for 0.25 mile, this time the trail turned SE and kept going that way.  Something was wrong.  SPHP kept expecting the trail to bend back around to the W, but it didn’t.  Hmmm.  SE was definitely the wrong way.

SPHP had been watching for, and caught a glimpse of, a tall rock formation that SPHP remembered was immediately N of the minor pass.  May as well head straight for it.  Lupe left whatever trail she was on, going W through the forest.  She soon came across another trail, which must have been No. 618, because it went the right way.

Lupe made it to the minor pass.

Lupe arrives at the minor pass. The tall rock formation just N of Trail No. 618 is in view. A year ago, Lupe had gone 0.5 mile S from here to climb Twin Peaks (9,280 ft.). This time she needed to go N around the W end of Squaw Mountain. Photo looks N.

A year ago, Lupe had gone S from here to climb Twin Peaks, the summit of which was only 0.5 mile away.  After a successful ascent, Lupe had come back down to this pass, crossed over No. 618, and proceeded N around the E side of the tall rock formation.  She’d gone quite a distance bushwhacking through forests and bogs, but had never made it to the W end of Squaw Mountain before she ran out of time and had to turn back.

Last year’s march through the forests and bogs had been intriguing, but maybe there was an easier way?  From up on Twin Peaks, Lupe and SPHP had seen large meadows in the valley W of this pass.  SPHP didn’t remember how far N they went, but looking for the meadows seemed like a good idea.

Lupe followed No. 618 going W over the minor pass.  The topo map showed the trail continuing W, but Lupe needed to start turning N.  Once she’d lost a little elevation, the Carolina Dog left No. 618 heading NW through the forest.  From here on, she wouldn’t have any roads or trails to follow the rest of the way up Squaw Mountain.

That suited Looper just fine.  American Dingoes love exploring off trail!  Lupe raced through the forest sniffing like a Dingo possessed.  She soon sniffed her way far enough NW to arrive at one of the big meadows she had seen a year ago from the top of Twin Peaks.

Lupe arrives at one of the big meadows she had seen a year ago from the summit of Twin Peaks. Photo looks SW.

The big meadow meant easy traveling, much easier than going through the forest.  SPHP had hoped the meadow would extend a long way N, but was disappointed to see it didn’t go much farther that way.  A short stroll brought Loop to the NE corner of the meadow.

Squaw Mountain wasn’t even in sight, but there was no other choice.  Without the slightest hesitation, Lupe plunged headlong back into the forest.  She traveled N or NNE through rolling terrain slowly gaining elevation along the way.

For close to a mile, there was no sign of Squaw Mountain.  Looper had never been here before, and it seemed like she had been wandering the forest for a long time.  Presently, though, she saw a creek to the E at the base of an embankment.  She scrambled down, leapt over the little creek, and found herself on the W side of another meadow of bright green grass.

To the ENE was another tall rock formation.  That had to be the W end of Squaw Mountain!  Lupe had just crossed Roaring Fork Creek, which was much smaller up here.  Hah!  Progress!

After a mile long trek through the forest, Lupe crossed Roaring Fork Creek and arrived at this meadow of bright green grass. The rock formation seen ahead is the W end of Squaw Mountain. Photo looks NE.

The meadow of bright green grass was only a few hundred feet wide, but extended NNE for a long way.  Perfect!  Just the direction Lupe needed to go from here.

Actually, it wasn’t so perfect.  The bright green meadow quickly proved to be mostly bog.  The ground was soft, wet and mucky.  Standing water was here, there and everywhere.  Not good!

SPHP led Lupe across the bog the shortest and driest way possible.  Back into the forest!  The forest on the E side of the bog was dense, but without much deadfall, so it wasn’t too bad to go through.  Lupe had a blast!  She thought this place was great.  She explored this way and that.  Whenever she felt like it, she wandered over into the bog for a drink.

Sniffing around in the dense forest somewhere between the W end of Squaw Mountain and the bog E of Roaring Fork Creek. Photo looks N, but the view was the essentially the same in all directions.
A very busy Carolina Dog passes by again. Loopster loved this place!

The dense forest was nearly level near the bog, but Lupe eventually got far enough N to where she needed to start angling NE.  Once she left the bog behind, the terrain started rising and became rougher.  Lupe continued on until she was NW of Squaw Mountain.

This was supposed to be the easiest side of the mountain to go up.  Lupe turned SE to begin her ascent, but soon faced a jumble of large boulders on a still densely forested and now much steeper slope.  Deadfall timber was more abundant here, too, creating more obstacles.  How tough was this going to get?  For a while, progress was slow.

After gaining a couple hundred feet, Lupe found the terrain wasn’t as steep as before.  Fewer large boulders were in the way.  The forest wasn’t as dense, either.  SPHP found it much easier to maneuver around.

The topo map showed there was no rush to reach Squaw Mountain’s main E/W ridgeline.  Reaching the top of it too far W meant Lupe would have to go over a couple of potentially rough high points.  The Carolina Dog would likely have an easier time angling gradually up the N side of the mountain traveling ESE.  If she could reach the ridgeline about halfway to the E, that should be perfect.  From there, it shouldn’t be too hard to get to the summit at the far E end.

Lupe went E for a little while climbing more slowly, and unexpectedly arrived at the edge of the living forest.  Ahead the entire forest had burned.  The vast majority of the dead trees were still standing.  The burnt forest wasn’t pretty, but it was certainly easier to see the terrain.  Loop didn’t care for the dead forest nearly as much as the living one, but it made the trek easier for SPHP.

Coming up from the NW, Lupe discovered that most of the forest on the N slopes of Squaw Mountain had burned. The American Dingo didn’t like the burnt forest as much as the living one, but it was easier for SPHP to traverse and see what was ahead. Photo looks ESE.

Lupe arrived at what seemed to be the ridgeline a little E of a tall rock formation.  There were a few live trees here.  The forest hadn’t burned at all on a nearby slope to the SE which rose steeply toward an unseen high point still far above where Lupe was.

Lupe near the base of the tall rock formation. This point seemed to be somewhere up on the main E/W ridge, but still too far W. A forested slope to the SE rose steeply to much higher terrain. Photo looks WNW.

A patch of ground E of the tall rock formation was level and not rocky.  Lupe was going to have to camp somewhere tonight.  Maybe this wasn’t such a bad place?  After pondering for a couple minutes, SPHP decided against leaving the tent and sleeping bags here.  It might be hard to find this place again, and it was still quite early in the day.

Lupe pushed on, continuing E or ESE through the burned forest.  She did not climb through the living forest leading to the much higher point to the SE.  Instead she stayed to the N until she was past it, trying to avoid gaining too much elevation too soon.

The American Dingo was still steadily gaining some elevation, though.  After a while, Looper was clearly getting quite high on the mountain.  Shortly before reaching the main summit ridge, Lupe found something that delighted her – snow!

Nearing Squaw Mountain’s summit ridge, Lupe was delighted to find these snow banks on the N side of more large rock formations.

Lupe did a little slipping, sliding and sledding on the soft, deliciously cold snowbanks.  No doubt it was refreshing.  Loop was clearly pleased with the experience and somewhat re-energized.

Squaw Mountain’s main E/W ridge wasn’t far off now.  Beyond the snowbanks, Lupe turned SE climbing more aggressively.  Reaching the ridge was easy, and she was soon there.

Lupe had reached the main ridge at a great point.  She was well past the high point she had skirted to the N.  It’s rocky summit was now in view a little off to the W.  Lupe had saved some unnecessary elevation gain by going around it.  Squaw Mountain’s true summit was still unseen somewhere off to the E, but the path to it looked open and easy.

The main ridge was level and several hundred feet wide here.  Toward the N, the trees had burned.  However, the S half of the ridge was all living forest.  This was a good place to take a break.  Lupe found a spot in the shade to lay down.  She had her usual fare of Taste of the Wild and water.  SPHP dropped the tent and sleeping bags.  This place would be easy enough to find again.  Maybe Lupe should camp here?

Loop takes a break in the shade up on Squaw Mountain’s main E/W ridge. Photo looks E in the direction of the still unseen summit.

When her break was over, Lupe traveled E along the broad ridge staying near, but not in, the living forest.  She soon came to a N/S running line of boulders.  Up ahead a much larger rock formation was in sight.  Was that the summit?  Lupe pressed on toward it.

Heading E along the main ridge, Lupe reaches a line of boulders. Beyond it, a much larger rock formation was in sight. Was that the summit? Photo looks ENE.

The Carolina Dog climbed a broad, thinly forested slope between the big rock formation and a smaller one to the S.  The high point she had seen from the line of boulders wasn’t the summit, but part of a ridge of solid rock that went even higher.  Lupe got up on the smaller rock formation for a better look.

A path led toward a wall of rock roughly 40 feet high.  The wall appeared to extend NW/SE across the entire main ridge.  The high point on the wall might well be Squaw Mountain’s summit, but was there even a way up onto it?  Who knew?

No one yet, but Lupe was about to find out!  She took the path leading to the wall of rock.

After coming up the slope on the L, Lupe got on this smaller rock formation for a better look at the 40 foot high rock wall ahead. A path led toward it. Lupe took the path to go see if she could find a way up. Photo looks NE.

The path ended at the base of the rock wall.  There was certainly no way up that Loop or SPHP could manage from here.  Lupe headed SE along the wall, looking for some sort of a break providing a route to the top.  She came to a place where a big knob of rock sat up on top of the wall.  It looked like there was a place right next to it where Lupe could scramble up with a little help from SPHP.

After following the rock wall SE, Lupe arrived here. If SPHP would give her a boost, it looked like she could get up on top of the wall right next to the large knob of rock seen on the R. Photo looks ENE.

Lupe climbed as high as she possibly could.  SPHP then gave her a boost up the last few feet.  She’d made it!  Lupe was up on the rock wall.  SPHP scrambled up after her.  A quick look around revealed a couple of surprises.

Lupe stands near the big knob on top of the rock wall. A couple of surprises were immediately evident up here. Photo looks SE.

First of all, SPHP had expected Lupe might be able to simply walk NW back along the top of the rock wall to the highest rocks to claim a peakbagging success.  She could go that way, alright, but Squaw Mountain’s summit wasn’t over there.  Lupe could now see the summit, but it was some distance away off to the ENE.  She still had farther to go.

You mean we still have to go way over there? …. Afraid so, Looper, looks like that’s the true summit of Squaw Mountain. Come on, it’s not that far. You’ll be there in a jiffy! Photo looks ENE.

The second surprise was that if Loop had only gone a little farther SE along the base of this rock wall, there was an opening where she could have easily gotten past it without having to climb up on top.  Oh, well!  At least that was news she could use on the way back.

There didn’t seem to be any reason to dilly dally around on the rock wall.  It was easy to get down off the NE side of it.  Once down, Lupe trotted through the forest heading ENE toward the summit.  She discovered a couple of fun things to do along the way.

Lupe dug furiously at the base of a tree for several minutes.  She didn’t turn up anything, but the American Dingo left the freshly undermined tree looking quite cheerful.  Apparently, digging like that had been a good time.  Loop also found a few more small patches of snow.  They were melting fast, even in the shade.  Lupe availed herself of these opportunities to cool off again.

It really wasn’t that far from the rock wall to the true summit, only a few hundred yards.  A short, easy scramble up white rocks brought Lupe to the summit of Squaw Mountain (9,313 ft.).  At the very top, a white rock about 3 feet high leaned at a steep angle.  Loop bounded up in a single leap.  Sweet success!

Lupe on the highest rock on Squaw Mountain. Another peakbagging success! Photo looks NE.

The trek up Squaw Mountain had been really fun!  The views at the top were rewarding, too.  A few trees existed around the summit area, but not enough to block the views.  By moving around a bit, it was possible to get a clear view in any desired direction.

Climbing Squaw Mountain had been fun! Lots of off-trail exploration and a few challenging spots, but nothing too difficult. Great views from the top, too! Photo looks NE.
Looking back along Squaw Mountain’s main ridge. The rock wall Lupe had climbed over from the other side is in view above her head. The big knob she had gotten up next to is seen on the L. Other lower high points along the main ridge are seen farther off to the R. Photo looks WSW.
Another look at Squaw Mountain’s main E/W ridge. Photo looks WSW with a bit of help from the telephoto lens.

A small wooden structure a couple feet NW of the summit rock had collapsed long ago by the looks of it.  There was some smooth wire around, too.  However, the one man-made thing SPHP hoped to find up here was nowhere to be seen.  A search for the Squaw Mountain survey benchmark yielded nothing.  Where was it?  The entire summit area was only 15′ x 10′.  It should have been easy to find.

Nope, nada.  SPHP eventually gave up the search.

The small collapsed wooden structure a couple feet NW of the summit rock is seen on the R. Photo looks W.
A short distance E of the true summit, Lupe stands on a rock shaped like an elongated chair. SPHP promptly dubbed it “the Dingo Throne“. The views from the Dingo Throne were fantastic! Photo looks ENE.
Still on the Dingo Throne, this time looking NW at Buffalo Peak (9,387 ft.) (R).
Buffalo Peak was Lupe’s next peakbagging goal after Squaw Mountain. Looks like fun, doesn’t it? Photo looks NW.
Buffalo Peak (Center) is 1.5 miles NNW of Squaw Mountain.

After spending a little time gazing at the tremendous views, Lupe was ready for another break.  Even up here, the day was getting kind of hot for wearing a fur coat.  Loopster took shelter in the shade of a couple of small trees SE of the summit rock.  SPHP gave her water and Taste of the Wild again.  She would have preferred steak and ice cream, but at the top of a remote mountain in the Laramie Range, even an American Dingo has to take what she can get.

After dining, Lupe looked ready to doze off.  However, some pesky flies arrived and wouldn’t leave her alone.  She spent her time snapping instead of napping.  Meanwhile, SPHP went back to looking around.

A large bird swooped by.  No doubt some loyal reader of this blog will once again suggest the bird was both a vulture and an evil omen.  Fortunately, with all the snapping at flies going on, and SPHP apparently still conscious, the evil omen did not yet feel confident enough about the situation to drop in for a meal.

Lupe takes it easy in her fly-snapping spot.
A large bird swooped by. Fortunately for Lupe and SPHP, even if it was a vulture, it was premature in it’s thinking. Photo looks up.
A year ago, Lupe had also climbed Warbonnet Peak (9,414 ft.), the highest point seen L of Center. That had been a great adventure, too! Photo looks SSE.
Warbonnet Peak is the Converse County, Wyoming high point. Photo looks SSE with help from the telephoto lens.

A rare moment arrived.  SPHP had an idea!  Peering down among cracks between the rocks under the collapsed wooden structure, there it was!  The Squaw Mountain survey benchmark.  Hah!  SPHP had to wait until the angle of the sun illuminated it better before taking a photo.

The Squaw Mountain survey benchmark is hidden down in cracks between rocks beneath the collapsed wooden structure next to the summit rock. Photo looks down.

Lupe had been up at the summit of Squaw Mountain for half an hour now.  Unfortunately, the weather to the SW seemed to be deteriorating.  It looked like rain showers might move in from that direction.  Maybe it was time to think about moving on?

Loop was fine with that.  Snapping at flies had grown old.  Before leaving, though, she returned briefly to both her Dingo Throne and the true summit for a last look around.

Lupe back on her Dingo Throne for a final look around. Buffalo Peak is seen on the L. She would be headed there next! Photo looks NNW.
Looking N from the Dingo Throne.
Final moments on the summit rock. Photo looks ENE.

SPHP started down first.  Lupe waited for the signal to follow.

Waiting for the signal to come down. Photo looks N.

Still waiting at the same spot. Photo looks WNW.

From the summit, the rock wall Lupe had climbed up earlier had looked equally high.  A quick check of the topo map revealed that the highest part of the wall was also enclosed by the 9,280 foot contour.  So the rock wall was conceivably just as high or higher.  SPHP didn’t really believe the rock wall was higher, but she may as well tag this “W summit” on her way back, too.

Even including time spent frolicking in the snow again, it only took Looper 10 or 12 minutes to get back to the rock wall.

Ahh, so nice and cool!
Dingo ecstasy!

Coming from the E, it wasn’t hard to get up on the highest rocks of the rock wall.  In the short time it had taken to get here, though, clouds had spread across a large portion of the sky.  A cool breeze blew out of the SW.  Lupe better not stay up here long.

Lupe reaches the highest rocks of the rock wall. It had only taken 10 or 12 minutes to get here from the summit, but clouds had already spread over a large part of the sky. Warbonnet Peak is the high point at Center. Photo looks SSE.
Looking NE from the rock wall back toward the true summit. The sky was still mostly blue in this direction.
Looking W.
Looking E.

After a good look around from the top of the rock wall, Lupe circled down around to the SE, passing through the break in the wall she had discovered earlier.  With the weather clearly deteriorating, she made a beeline W back to the place where SPHP had left the tent and sleeping bags on Squaw Mountain’s main ridge.

Too bad the weather was threatening.  It would have been fun for Lupe to spend the night up here and get some sunset photos.  However, considering the situation, it seemed better to get down off the mountain.  SPHP grabbed all the gear.  Lupe left the main E/W ridge going NW down Squaw Mountain’s N slope.

Looper lost elevation faster than she’d gained it coming up.  She was somewhere N of where she’d been before, but she was still angling W, too.  It seemed to take a long time to get through the burned forest.  The sky became so threatening, it became prudent to look for a place to take shelter.  Widely scattered big raindrops started falling.  Lupe finally found a place to hide under a small overhanging rock formation.

The rain shower didn’t amount to anything.  It was over only a couple of minutes after Lupe took cover.  Figures.  When nothing further happened for another 10 minutes, the Carolina Dog went on.  Down, down, down, trying to go WNW now.  Lupe was aiming for relatively level ground SW of Buffalo Peak and the Meadow Creek valley.

Lupe finally reached the living, unburned forest.  She liked this better, but now it wasn’t possible to see much at all.  SPHP was surprised when Lupe came across a logging trail or some kind of road not long after reaching the living forest.  First she followed it SW, the direction where she ought to run into the bright green bog and Roaring Fork Creek again.  Before long, though, the road simply dead-ended.

Oh, well.  Other than to get re-oriented, there wasn’t much reason to return to the bog anyway.  May as well turn around and see where this road came from.  At first, it took Lupe NE, but soon began curving N, then NW, and finally clear around to the W.  N was fine.  NW was fine.  W into unexplored territory was not.  Lupe didn’t need to go any farther that way.

On the logging road somewhere NW of Squaw Mountain. Photo looks W.

Even so, the road was a nice luxury.  After all the bushwhacking, SPHP was reluctant to leave it.  Maybe it would curve back N again?  It did, but only for a short stretch, then it curved W again.  Gah!  Who knew where it went?  SPHP was about to abandon the road to head N when it briefly curved SW.  Ahead beyond a huge gnarled tree with 3 trunks was a sunlit meadow.  A squirrel chattered.  Lupe streaked over to bark at it.

An omen!  A good one, too!  To heck with buzzards and vultures!  Lupe needed a place to camp tonight, and a beautiful green meadow next to a giant squirrel tree would be perfect!

Lupe arrives at the beautiful green meadow. She needed a place to camp tonight. This secluded meadow fully equipped with a giant squirrel tree nearby was perfect! Photo looks SW.

The rain shower had passed on by.  Clouds remained in the sky, but the meadow was sunny and bright.  The sun was still high, looking like it would be up for another 5 or 6 hours.  Twilight would linger for another hour after that.  Buffalo Peak (9,387 ft.) couldn’t be much more than a mile away to the NE.

Why wait until tomorrow?  Lupe had time.  The tent and sleeping bags could be left here.  In case it rained again, SPHP hung them up in the ancient squirrel tree.  Less surface area would be exposed to the sky that way.

Lupe wanted to linger at the old tree and watch squirrels.  For a few minutes, SPHP indulged her.  Then it was time for the next big thing.  Lupe and SPHP left the grand old squirrel tree heading N for Buffalo Peak.

(End of Part 1 of Day 5)Links:

Next Adventure                    Prior Adventure

Part 2: Buffalo Peak & Twin Peaks in the Laramie Mountains of Wyoming (6-12-17 & 6-13-17)

Twin Peaks, Laramie Mountains, Wyoming (6-1-16)

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Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 210 – Hat Mountain & Green Mountain (10-7-17)

Start – 10:44 AM, 57°F at the Gold Run trailhead near Deerfield Reservoir

Sunny skies, a light S breeze, and pleasant early October temperatures – a great day for a romp in the Black Hills!  Lupe would likely get to see some fall colors, too.  First things first, though.  Loop hadn’t been to Deerfield Reservoir in a while.  She may as well take a quick look at the lake before dashing off on her peakbagging adventures.

Only a small portion of the lake was visible from here, but the deep blue waters were a pretty sight surrounded by low pine-covered hills.

Lupe started the day with a look at Deerfield Reservoir. The blue lake was a pretty sight. Photo looks N.

After admiring the lake, Lupe set off for her first peakbagging destination of the day.  She left Deerfield Reservoir heading SW up a forested embankment.  It wasn’t far to Deerfield Road, which she followed W to USFS Road No. 691 (Williams Draw Road).  Traveling S along No. 691, Loop came to a small field where she could see Hat Mountain (6,779 ft.) up ahead.

From this small field near USFS Road No. 691, Lupe gets a fairly good view of Hat Mountain up ahead. Photo looks SSW.

Hat Mountain was only a mile away, so it wouldn’t take Lupe long to get there.  That is, if cows blocking the road could be convinced to get out of the way.  Not to worry!  The cattle were mightily and speedily impressed by the Carolina Dog’s enthusiastic persuasive abilities.  They complied immediately with her wishes.

These cattle on USFS Road No. 691 were quickly convinced to move and let Lupe and SPHP pass. Photo looks SW.

A little farther on, Lupe left the road herself.  She started her trek up the lower NE slope of Hat Mountain passing through a beautiful stand of yellow aspens.

Starting up among the yellow aspens. Photo looks SSW.

Above the aspens, Lupe climbed through a pine forest.  Above the pines, the upper N slope of Hat Mountain was grassy and treeless.

Looper on the upper N slope of Hat Mountain. Photo looks S.

When Lupe reached the summit, the first thing she did was to go over to the survey benchmark.  It was easy to find toward the E side of the flat, barren summit area.

Lupe stands next to the survey benchmark. Part of Deerfield Reservoir, where she had started from, is in view.  Custer Peak (6,804) (Center) can be seen on the horizon. The huge grassy area in between is Reynolds Prairie. Photo looks NNE.
The survey benchmark is so scratched up it’s getting a little hard to read “Hat”.

Next Lupe went to see the sights.  She had unobstructed views in every direction.  Simply fabulous!

Looking NNW. The grassy area seen straight up from Lupe is part of the Castle Creek valley. The most distant peak seen on the R is Terry Peak (7,064 ft.).
Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.) is the distant high point on the L. Green Mountain (7,164 ft.) is the high ridge on the R. Photo looks SE.
Green Mountain, the long high ridge on the R, would be Lupe’s next peakbagging goal. The summit is near the edge seen almost straight up from Lupe. Photo looks SE.
Most of Hat Mountain’s flat, oval-shaped summit area is in view here. Photo looks S from near the N edge.
Near the S end of Hat Mountain’s otherwise flat summit is this small depression. Photo looks SW.
Loopster stands next to the small depression. The grassy ground seen in the distance straight up from her back is the upper S slope of South Castle Rock (6,840 ft.). Photo looks N.
Loop stands on a ledge at the S edge of the summit area. A little of the Heely Creek valley is seen below. Photo looks SW.
Kind of windy up here, SPHP! Think I’m going to go hide in the depression as soon as you’ve taken this shot. Photo looks NE.

Carolina Dogs aren’t fans of wind, and it was rather breezy up on Hat Mountain.  The steady 15 mph SW breeze was enough to make Lupe want to look for a sheltered spot.  She found that the small depression near the S end of the summit area worked fine.  She curled up there and took a little break.

Lupe retreats to the small depression to relax out of the wind. Photo looks SW.
Take as much time looking at the views as you like, SPHP. Think I’ll take a nap. Wake me when it’s time to go to the next mountain.

SPHP joined Lupe in the depression for a short break, then left to stroll around the summit again for another look at the views.  Meanwhile, Loop dozed off for a few minutes in her sunny, sheltered spot before SPHP announced it was time to move on.

Lupe left Hat Mountain heading S.  Green Mountain (7,164 ft.), her next peakbagging goal was still close to 4 miles away even as the crow flies.

Looper stands at the S end of Hat Mountain’s summit ready to head down to the grassy slope below. Photo looks S.
On the way down Hat Mountain. Photo looks SW.
Looking back at the Hat Mountain summit from the upper S slope. Photo looks N.
Lupe leaves Hat Mountain heading for Green Mountain, the high ridge on the L. On the way, she would cross the Heely Creek valley, seen below on the R. Photo looks SSE.

The first part of the way to Green Mountain was easy.  Lupe descended mostly open ground into the Heely Creek valley where fall colors were on display.

On the way down Hat Mountain to cross Heely Creek. Photo looks SW.
Fall colors on display in the Heely Creek valley. Photo looks SW.

Heely Creek was very small this time of year, only a foot wide and a few inches deep.  As soon as Lupe crossed it, her long gradual climb to the top of Green Mountain began.

Once she entered the forest S of Heely Creek, Lupe followed old logging trails and minor USFS roads.  Sometimes she was on faint roads abandoned so long ago that pine trees were growing on them.  Other times she simply went through the forest not on any road or trail at all.

On the way to Green Mountain, still W of USFS Road No. 691. Photo looks SSE.

About 2 miles from Hat Mountain, Lupe reached USFS Road No. 691 again.  She followed it S for a mile.  When it began angling SW, she left No. 691 going SE up a forested slope with enough deadfall on it to slow progress down for a while.  Eventually she came to a minor USFS road, which she was able to follow E the rest of the way to Green Mountain.

Green Mountain (7,164 ft.) is one of the highest points in the entire Black Hills.  However, the only distant views available are obtained along the E rim of the mountain.  The best views are toward the SE from limestone outcroppings right along the edge.

Lupe reaches the E edge of Green Mountain. On the horizon are Five Points (6,221 ft.) (L) and Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.) (R). The large grassy area is the S end of Gillette Prairie.  Photo looks E.
Looking N along the E edge of Green Mountain.
A cairn can be seen on the limestone pillar beyond and behind Lupe. The pillar has a commanding view to the E, but is not the actual summit of Green Mountain. Photo looks NE.
Looking SW along the rim.
Black Elk Peak (Center) is in view on the horizon. Copper Mountain (6,290 ft.) is the much closer forested hill toward the R. Photo looks SE.

While Lupe was enjoying the big views, SPHP noticed a chipmunk.  Lupe hadn’t spotted it yet.  The chipmunk was scrambling around the limestone, appearing and disappearing right along the brink of the cliffs.

Lupe didn’t notice this chipmunk scrambling around the limestone right along the brink of the cliffs. Sometimes it disappeared over the edge before reappearing again a few feet away.

SPHP kept a watchful eye on the Carolina Dog.  These limestone cliffs were no place to go chasing around after chipmunks or anything else!  The chipmunk was sure-footed and could cling to the vertical face of the limestone.  Lupe could not.  Fortunately, she never saw the crafty, quiet “tiny squirrel”.

Lupe perches near the edge of the cliffs where the chipmunk had been scrambling around a few minutes earlier. She never did see it. The big ridge on the R is High Point 7159, an unnamed mountain only 5 feet lower than Green Mountain. Photo looks SE.

After taking in the views, and enjoying a Taste of the Wild and water break, Lupe agreed to let SPHP give her a boost up onto the limestone pillar where the cairn was.  The pillar was an excellent American Dingo display platform with a tremendous view.

On the limestone pillar. Five Points is in view on the horizon on the L. Part of Gillette Prairie is seen below. Photo looks E.
The cairn can be seen better here.
Peakbagging Carolina Dog (L) in the foreground, Black Elk Peak (R) in the distance, and Copper Mountain (R) between them. Photo looks ESE.

Ordinarily, Green Mountain offers complete solitude.  That wasn’t the case today, however.  Upon arrival at the E edge of the mountain, Lupe and SPHP had both seen a hunter perched on the limestone.  He had a tremendous view, and was using binoculars to scan a wide swath of territory below.  The hunter and SPHP had waved at one another, but did not speak.

Surprisingly, Lupe and SPHP weren’t alone on Green Mountain. From his limestone perch, this hunter quietly scanned a broad swath of territory below. Gillette Prairie is seen in the distance. Photo looks NE.

Lupe hates gunfire.  If that hunter took a shot at anything from so close by, poor Loopster would have been terrified.  Having seen the views and had a little break, it was probably best not to tarry here any longer.  It was a long way back to Deerfield Reservoir, anyway.

Of course, before leaving Green Mountain, Lupe still needed to visit the true summit to claim her peakbagging success.  Lupe and SPHP headed N from the limestone pillar.  The highest ground on Green Mountain was somewhere back in the forest only a little W of the E rim.

A fairly large area was nearly level.  It wasn’t really possible to identify an exact high point.  A variety of potential highest spots existed, none convincingly higher than the others.  Most of them featured small mounds of broken limestone.  After searching around for a few minutes, it was time to pick one.  Close enough for Dingo work!

At Green Mountain’s true summit, or as close to it as Lupe and SPHP could find. Photo looks N.
This was Lupe’s 4th visit to Green Mountain.

Although Lupe had been to Green Mountain 3 times before, it was a big place. She’d never explored some of the territory toward the N end.  Enough daylight remained today so she could go sniff about over there on her way back to Deerfield Reservoir.  Looper headed NW through the forest looking for a couple of sub-peaks shown on the topo map.  Both were still over 7,000 feet elevation.

The first hill she would come to was High Point 7062.  Plentiful deadfall timber slowed SPHP’s progress, but High Point 7062 eventually did come into view.

High Point 7062 (L), located 0.625 mile NW of Green Mountain’s summit, comes into view. Photo looks NNW.

As it turned out, High Point 7062 was worth visiting.  The small summit was capped with a limestone outcropping from which there were 180° views to the N.  Lupe climbed up for a look around.  She could see the top of Hat Mountain (6,779 ft.) from here.

Up on High Point 7062. Photo looks N.
High Point 7062 was worth visiting! Lupe could see a long way N from here. Photo looks N.
Hat Mountain, where Lupe had been earlier in the day, is the grassy, flat-topped hill on the L. Photo looks NW from High Point 7062 with help from the telephoto lens.

From High Point 7062, Loop could also see her next objective, High Point 7025, more than 0.5 mile to the W.  High Point 7025 had a much larger summit area in the form of a 400 to 500 foot long ridge.  The fairly narrow ridge was all about the same elevation, but heavily forested.  Lupe wouldn’t have much in the way of views over there.

High Point 7025, Lupe’s next objective, is the heavily forested ridge seen on the L. Photo looks W.

Even so, when Lupe left High Point 7062, she headed W for High Point 7025.  She enjoyed a beautiful early evening trek, while exploring new territory.

Lupe enjoys the evening on her way to High Point 7025. Photo looks WNW.

Lupe made it to High Point 7025.  She traversed the entire summit ridge from N to S, then back again.  As anticipated, there wasn’t much to be seen in the way of views due to the forest.

On the High Point 7025 ridge. Photo looks SE back toward Green Mountain.

The sun was getting low.  Deerfield Reservoir was still 4 miles N as the crow flies.  Better keep going!  Lupe left High Point 7025 heading N.  She explored more beautiful territory, saw lots of deer, and eventually found minor roads that led her back to USFS Road No. 691.

Darkness fell on the long road hike back to the G6.  Stars glittered above in a moonless sky.  The wind had died down hours ago.  SPHP tramped along, Lupe trotting nearby.  No lights, no traffic, no noise.  Everything as it should be when adventure’s done.  Quiet time together, then the long drive home.  (End – 8:09 PM, 44°F)

Heading down the N slope of High Point 7025 on the way back to Deerfield Reservoir. Hat Mountain on the L.


Next Black Hills Expedition                Prior Black Hills Expedition

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 134 – Copper, Odakota, Green & Hat Mountains Plus the Dragon Caves (6-20-15)

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