Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 306 – Peak 6200, Peak 5960 & The Needles (11-2-22)

After passing Rochford Road on the L, SPHP started watching for Terry Summit Road on the R, as the descent on Hwy 85/Alt 14 to Cheyenne Crossing began.  USFS Road No. 549 was supposed to be on the L only 0.2 mile past Terry Summit Road, and sure enough, there it was.

Parked at the start of USFS Road No. 549. Hwy 85/Alt 14 (R). Photo looks WSW.

9:19 AM, 53°F, start of USFS Road No. 549 along Hwy 85/Alt 14

No sign, but this must be it, Loopster!  You ready?

Absolutely, SPHP!  I can hardly wait!  Seems like forever since it’s been just you and me on a Black Hills expedition.

Way too much truth to that.  The last alone together expedition in the hills had been way back on April 8th, nearly 7 months ago!  About time for that to change.

Alrighty, then!  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

Lupe headed for a nearby gate across No. 549.  There was a bit of snow on the ground as she followed the road W after going under the gate.  The snow was a little surprising given how unseasonably warm virtually the entire month of October had been, but Lupe was happy to see it.

At the closed gate across USFS Road No. 549. Photo looks WSW.
Beyond the gate, heading W on No. 549. Photo looks W.

The road soon climbed onto a ridge, where it flattened out and promptly curved SSE, entering a meadow of tall, dry, yellow grass.  There was a glimpse of Terry Peak (7,064 ft.) back to the N from here.

Terry Peak (R of Center) from the grassy ridge. Photo looks N.

SPHP was more interested in the view toward the SW, where the ridge broadened out in a mix of pines, aspens, bushes, and meadow.

Looks interesting!  Are we going that way, SPHP?

Maybe, Loop.  Thought the road was supposed to go this way, but it doesn’t seem to.  Let me check the map.

The interesting territory SW of the road. Photo looks SW.

Heh, we’re already a little off course, Looper.  No. 549 should have gone right over this ridge.  Think we took a wrong turn as soon as we got up here back at the sharp bend.  Appears we’re on No. 549.1C now.

Want to go back to No. 549, SPHP?  Won’t take but a minute or two.

Nah.  This is OK.  More fun wandering off-road, anyway.  We can visit HP6280 along the way, which is a actually bit higher than the mountain we’re trying to get to.  Maybe we’ll see our objective from there?

Exactly where are we trying to get to, SPHP?  You haven’t said.

We’re on our way to Peak 6200, Loop.  It’s a Lists of John peak with over 300 feet of prominence.  Have several of them that you haven’t been to on our list today, if we have time.  The first two should be pretty easy.  Neither one is much of a climb, although there’s some up and down on the way to this first one.

Leaving No. 549.1C, Lupe roamed SSW through the easy territory up on the ridge.  She soon spotted a small rocky rise off to the NW.  Going over to check it out, the view wasn’t all that dramatic, just some forested ridges that weren’t any higher.  If Peak 6200 was in sight, it didn’t really stand out.

Continuing SW to HP6280, there was scarcely any view at all from there.

Up on the little rocky rise. Photo looks NW.
At HP6280. Not much to see from here, either. Photo looks SW.

As yet unseen, or at least unnoticed, Peak 6200 was now only a mile plus W as the crow flies.  Heading in that general direction, Lupe gradually lost elevation.  Shortly before beginning a steeper descent, she came to another decent view of Terry Peak.

Exploring W of HP6280. Photo looks W.
Terry Peak (Center) again. Photo looks N.

Beyond this viewpoint, the terrain dropped steadily as Lupe continued W, but it was all pretty easy.  A pine-forested slope at first, by the time the Carolina Dog was getting close to the saddle leading to Peak 6200, there were sizeable clearings of tall, yellow grass again.

Starting a steeper descent. Photo looks WSW.
Near the bottom, approaching the saddle leading to Peak 6200. Photo looks W.

Having lost over 350 feet of elevation, Loop finally arrived at the saddle leading to Peak 6200.  Broad and quite flat, the saddle was half meadow surrounded by pines.  A grassy lane wide enough to have once been a USFS Road left it heading WNW.  A check of the map showed that this was likely USFS Road No. 549’s old route, although there was no sign of any recent use.

At the saddle leading to Peak 6200. The old USFS Road No. 549 route is beyond Lupe. Photo looks WNW.

Following the grassy lane, it started uphill again.  Before long, it curved SSW, just like USFS Road No. 549 would have.  Loop should have already passed No. 549.1A on the R, but SPHP hadn’t noticed it.  Still, it was now clear that the Carolina Dog really was back on No. 549.

W of the saddle where No. 549 turned SSW. Photo looks SSW.

Got any preference, Loop?  The road is going to make a big detour around the S end of this next ridge before turning N for Peak 6200.  Ought to be a super easy route. Alternatively, we can leave the road here and just climb NW directly to the summit.

How much distance do we save leaving the road, SPHP?

Oh, about 0.75 mile, I’d say.

Let’s just head straight for the mountain then, SPHP.  If you like, we can take the road on the way back.

Sounds like a plan, Loopster!

Abandoning No. 549, the American Dingo headed WNW into the woods.

Leaving USFS Road No. 549. Photo looks WNW.

Got a little steep, but nothing out of the ordinary.  Loopster sniffed her way through a pine forest containing quite a few white-barked aspens, already leafless and naked in early November.

Exploring the mixed pine and aspen forest. Photo looks NW.

The steepest section came just before reaching a clearing up on another saddle.  Still unseen, Peak 6200’s summit was now only 100 feet higher, and 0.15 mile farther NW.  Didn’t take long to get there.

At the little clearing on the saddle SE of Peak 6200’s summit. Photo looks NNW.

10:47 AM, 57ºF, Peak 6200 – The wind was 15-20 mph out of the SW when Lupe arrived at what seemed to be the highest point of a large nearly flat region.  Not so breezy at ground level, but conditions in the swaying treetops were clearly different.

A skinny, 2-foot high rotting tree stump appeared to be the true summit of Peak 6200.  Not very exciting, but at least there was a decent glimpse of Terry Peak (7,064 ft.) again between the trees.  No views in any other direction.

At Peak 6200’s true summit, to the extent it could be determined. Terry Peak (R of Center) in the background. Photo looks NNE.

Congratulations on your successful ascent of Peak 6200, Loopster!  May I shake your paw?

Of course you can, SPHP.  This was so easy!  Hardly worthy of a chocolate coconut bar, but let’s have one anyway!

Bad news on that front, Loopster.  I forgot to bring any, but you can have some Taste of the Wild and water.  Let’s go over closer to the view of Terry Peak, and find a spot to relax for a few minutes.

No chocolate coconut bars, SPHP?  You’re slipping!

Sitting in the cool breeze on what would otherwise have been a pleasant day, a short rest break was taken on a log offering a slightly better view of Terry Peak.  Lupe did have some Taste of the Wild, but she really wasn’t all that hungry yet.

Not much to Peak 6200!  Think I’m ready to move on, SPHP.

Oh, we’re not quite done with Peak 6200 yet, Loop.  We’ve been to where Lists of John shows the true summit, but there a couple more small 6,200 foot contours a bit farther N on the topo map that we ought to check out before departing.

Fine with me, SPHP, but let’s get at it then.

The next high point farther N was only a few hundred feet away, and didn’t seem to be quite as high as where Lupe had just been.  Several big trees were here, but not much in the way of views.

At the next high point farther N. Photo looks N.

The map actually seemed to indicate this middle high point ought to be a little farther W, but a quick reconnaissance was conclusive.  Nothing any higher over that way, so it was on to the last summit candidate to the N.  More of a dip led to it, followed by a bigger rise, too.  A roomy elevated platform above some limestone outcroppings proved to be the top.

On the far N high point. Photo looks N.
Peak 6200’s N summit region. Photo looks SE.

With its bit of relief, this N high point was definitely the most interesting of the 3, but it was hard to say if it was any higher, since neither of the others were visible from here.  At first, SPHP thought this might actually be Peak 6200’s true summit, but later revised that opinion.

From the N high point, the others weren’t visible due to the forest. Photo looks S.

Well, shucks, Loop.  Thought we might get a view of Spearfish Canyon near Cheyenne Crossing from here.  No such luck!

Onward then, SPHP!  We’ve got more mountains to climb!

Heading S again, there actually was a view of Deer Mountain (6,652 ft.) from an opening near the N high point.  Lupe paused for a look, before continuing back to Peak 6200’s S high point, which SPHP suspected really was the true summit.

About to leave Peak 6200’s N summit. Photo looks N.
Deer Mountain (Center) from near Peak 6200’s N high point. Photo looks ENE.

During the return, the American Dingo actually did take the long way around on USFS Road No. 549, exploring new territory.  In fact, although hard to follow in a few sections rapidly reverting back to nature, Lupe stuck with the road all the way back to the RAV4.

Looking for USFS Road No. 549 a little W of the saddle SE of Peak 6200. Photo looks SSE.
Found it! On No. 549 SSE of Peak 6200.
Approaching No. 549’s southernmost point. Photo looks SE.

12:20 PM, 62ºF, back at the RAV4

Well, that was fun!  What’s next, SPHP?  Another Lists of John peak?

Yup!  Peak 5960.  Going to be a bit of a drive, though, it’s pretty remote.

That’s OK, SPHP.  Hoping this next one will have a bit more in the way of views, though.

Not sure that’s going to be the case, Looper, but we’ll know soon enough.  Should actually be even easier than Peak 6200 was.

I’ve got nothing against easy, SPHP.  Drive on!

SPHP didn’t drive far.  It was only 2 miles down to Cheyenne Crossing, where SPHP thought Loop might like a drink out of Spearfish Creek.  Stopping at the general store, it turned out to be closed.  Apparently there had been a fire, although most of the building appeared to be undamaged.

Spearfish Creek was scenic, but Lupe wasn’t thirsty.

By the Cheyenne Crossing store at the junction of Hwys 85 & Alt 14 in Spearfish Canyon. Peak 6122 (Center). Photo looks NW.
Spearfish Creek near the Hwy 85 bridge at Cheyenne Crossing. Photo looks SW.

1:55 PM, 61ºF, junction of Higgins Gulch Road & USFS Road No. 214.1B

Remembering that USFS Road No. 222 had been closed last spring, SPHP had taken the long way around to get here.  Probably didn’t matter at all, since Peak 5960 was only about a mile away, and likely to be about it for the day.  Although it was comfortably warm for an early November day, a 20 mph W wind could still be heard in the treetops as Lupe set out along No. 214.1B.

About to leave for Peak 5960 from the start of USFS Road No. 214.1B. Photo looks SW.

Lupe’s ascent was only going to involve 200 feet of elevation gain over the course of the entire mile with scarcely a dip along the way, about as easy as it could possibly get.  Starting out heading SW, the stroll along No. 214.1B was a pleasant one with open forest on both sides of the road.

The steepest part of the entire ascent, which didn’t amount to much, led to a flat region where Lupe passed a bottle stuck upside down on a tree branch as No. 214.1B curved WNW.  A little farther on, the road more or less ended at the edge of a big field.

The “big climb” along USFS Road No. 214.1B. Daunting! Photo looks W.
Near the upside down bottle (R) where the road curved WNW. Photo looks WNW.
Approaching the field at the end of USFS Road No. 214.1B. Photo looks NW.

After crossing the field, Lupe continued roaming WNW through open forest, slowly gaining elevation again.

Exploring super easy terrain beyond the field. Photo looks NW.

Before long, the American Dingo reached an enormous flat region.  This was location of the SE 5960 foot contour.  However, a partial view of the NW 5960 foot region confirmed that it was definitely a bit higher.  Loop continued toward it.

2:34 PM, 60ºF –  A stump toward the SW edge of another huge flat region seemed to be the true summit of Peak 5960.  Similarly high ground was visible to the SSW, the direction of Old Baldy Mountain (6,096 ft.), but once again, nothing really stood out.  A glimpse of more distant ridges to the NW completed the scenic wonders visible from Peak 5960.

Peak 5960 summit. Photo looks N.
View to the SSW. Old Baldy Mountain (Center) in the distance?

Congratulations, Loopster, on your second Lists of John peak of the day!

Certainly easy enough to get here, but it’s not exactly Everest, is it, SPHP?

Uh, no.  You do realize, Loop, that we visit these Lists of John peaks simply because they provide destinations we’ve never been to before.  Mere 300+ foot prominence peaks aren’t all necessarily going to be the site of scenic splendors.  We’ve got to take ’em as we find them.

Oh, I know, SPHP!  Each one is unique, and we always have fun exploring, no matter how they turn out.

That’s the spirit, Looper!  Besides, we ought to appreciate each one.  One of these days before too long, we’re going to run out of Lists of John peaks in the Black Hills.  You’ll have been to every one not on private property.

What will we do then, SPHP?  Our Black Hills expeditions won’t be over will they?  Say it isn’t so!

Of course, not!  We’ll always have something we can do in the Black Hills.  There’s tons of places we’ve never been to before.  We can explore ridges and valleys that aren’t necessarily peakbagging objectives like we used to in the old days, or revisit favorite places we haven’t been to in years.  We could do 3,000 Black Hills expeditions instead of just 300, and still never see it all!

3,000 expeditions, SPHP?  Don’t go loony tunes on me!  We would certainly have seen all the big Black Hills highlights long before then.

Yeah, but we’ll never get tired of the Black Hills, will we, Loop?

No, we won’t, SPHP.  Good point!  So, what’s left for today, anyway?  Are we done, or do we still have another Lists of John peak to go?

Had another one in mind, Loop, but it’s too far away and getting too late in the day.  However, we still have time enough for a couple of other options.  Iron Creek Lake is only a couple of miles SE of here.

A stroll along the lake shore sounds nice, SPHP.  What’s the other choice?

The Needles (5,880 ft.) is NNW.  We were there once long ago.  It’s a more dramatic summit than our Lists of John peaks have been today.  Last time we were there, ladybugs were holding a big convention on the summit.  There are some cool rock formations close to the top, and we saw a terrific sunset, too!

Want to do that, SPHP?  Sounds pretty spiffy!

We won’t get back before dark, though, Loop.  You OK with that?  Should be close to a full moon.

A moonlit return?  Even better, SPHP!

A spur of the moment decision, but The Needles was next.  After a short break on Peak 5960, Lupe headed N.

Black Hills Expedition No. 306 isn’t over yet! C’mon! On to The Needles! Photo looks N.

Going to The Needles meant crossing the Beaver Creek valley.  The initial plan was to continue N from Peak 5960 far enough to reach USFS Road No. 222.1C, then follow it W down a side drainage into the main valley.  However, Loopster soon discovered a grassy lane near Point5806 that took a more direct route lower.

Eh, why not?

Starting down into the Beaver Creek valley. Photo looks WSW.

The grassy lane went only partway down into the valley, but that was OK.  Lupe enjoyed exploring NW through the forest the rest of the way.  Soon enough, she reached USFS Road No. 222.1C, already way down on the E side of the valley.

Exploring the forest during the descent. Photo looks NNE.
Along USFS Road No. 222.1C in the Beaver Creek valley. Photo looks NNW.

Following No. 222.1C N, it wasn’t far to where the road curved E up the drainage Lupe was originally supposed to have come down.  From here, a fainter road continued NNW.  Taking it, this road soon faded away, but not until the American Dingo was getting close to Beaver Creek.

On the fainter, unmarked road continuing farther down the Beaver Creek valley. Photo looks NNW.
Crossing Beaver Creek. Photo looks S.

Lupe waded Beaver Creek, while SPHP easily rock-hopped it.  Once on the W bank, the journey N continued another 0.25 mile down the valley.  A couple of ponds down along the creek came into sight off to the NE about the time a gentle side valley appeared to the NW.

W of Beaver Creek. Photo looks NNW.

Heading up this side valley, Loop soon ran into USFS Road No. 222.1R, which went up over a saddle into Saffron Gulch.  Curving E around the uppermost reaches of the gulch, the road turned N, went past a big rock formation, and climbed to a flat region where a forested hill 0.25 mile NNE was partially obscured by trees.

USFS Road No. 222.1R on the way to Saffron Gulch. Photo looks NW.
Passing a rock formation near the uppermost reaches of Saffron Gulch. Photo looks N.

That’s it, Looper!  The Needles!

Leave the road, SPHP?

Yup, head right for that hill.

About to leave USFS Road No. 222.1R for The Needles (Center). Photo looks NNE.

Didn’t take long to get there!  The final push to the summit was a short, steep climb up a boulder-strewn slope.  No wondering where the exact true summit was here!  Lupe reached a lofty little perch above a rock bearing a “Needles” survey benchmark.

Approaching The Needles. Photo looks N.
Scrambling up the S slope. Photo looks N.
The Needles summit. Survey BM seen below Lupe. Photo looks SSW.
“Needles” survey benchmark.

4:19 PM, 55ºF, The Needles (5,880 ft.) – Some places stick in your mind.  It had been over 6 years since Lupe had first been to The Needles in late September, 2016, but this summit still seemed so familiar.  The highest rock, which had been crowded by the branches of a nearby tree, was even more encroached upon by them now.  Loopster still got up on it, though, with a little help from SPHP.

On the true summit! Photo looks N.

I don’t know why, but I like this place.  Remember the ladybugs, Loop?  None here now, but there were thousands of them last time we were here.

You’re an odd one, SPHP.  Sentimental about an insect swarm?

Ladybugs are cool!  Colorful red shells with black spots, and they never hurt anything.

Aphids aren’t so fond of them, SPHP.  Ladybugs eat aphids.

Their tough luck.  Ladybugs have to eat something.

After congratulating Lupe on her final ascent of the day, a break was taken below the summit, facing SSW where Cement Ridge (6,674 ft.) was visible on the horizon just across the Wyoming border.  Getting late enough so that the day was cooling off.  The wind that had been blowing all day seemed slightly diminished.

The break area below the summit. Cement Ridge (L). Photo looks SW.
Cement Ridge on the horizon from The Needles. The lookout tower is beyond Lupe, the true summit toward the L. Photo looks SSW.

Recalling the amazing sunset last time Lupe was here, some time was spent just enjoying the quiet solitude while waiting to see if another one would develop.  In the meantime, Loop polished off the rest of the Taste of the Wild.  To the SE was a distant view of Terry Peak, and NE a limited one of the prairie beyond the Black Hills, but pines blocked the line of sight in most directions.

Terry Peak (Center) with help from the telephoto lens. Photo looks SE.

The cluster of unusual rock formations that The Needles is named after was WSW, a little lower than the break spot.  Lupe went down there to sniff and play among these rocks, most scenic feature of the mountain.

Down by the big rock formation The Needles is named after. Photo looks WSW.
Looking back toward the summit (R), which is hidden in the pines. Photo looks ENE.
View from the narrow end of the formation. Photo looks ENE.

5:20 PM, The Needles –  An hour had slipped by up on The Needles.  As the sun sank behind a bank of clouds, hopes for another dramatic sunset were dashed.  For the last time, the American Dingo returned briefly to the summit before starting down the mountain.

Back on top! Photo looks NNE.
About to start down from the break spot. Photo looks NNE.
Leaving The Needles. Photo looks N.

During the return, Lupe saw 4 whitetails near the upper end of Saffron Gulch, as light began to fade.  After crossing Beaver Creek, she returned to USFS Road No. 222.1C, this time taking it E up the side canyon.  By the time the road topped out near a junction with USFS Road No. 130, it was dark, a few stars twinkling in the eternal night of space.

While Lupe trotted along USFS Road No. 130, a huge, pale, orange-tinted moon rose in the E.  Snow early on, exploring 2 new Lists of John peaks, the wind in the trees, a spur of the moment return to the remote, lonely spires of The Needles by way of the quiet Beaver Creek valley, and now this dark moonlit journey on an improbably warm November evening.

It had been a great day!  (End 6:58 PM, 46ºF)

At The Needles, Black Hills of South Dakota, 11-2-22


Next Black Hills Expedition              Prior Black Hills Expedition

Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 175 – Citadel Rock, Beartown Hill, Iron Creek Lake & The Needles (9-28-16)

Lupe’s GPS track – Peak 6200 Ascent

Lupe’s GPS track – Peak 5960 & The Needles

Want more Lupe adventures?  Check out Lupe’s Black Hills, SD & WY Expeditions Adventure Index, Master Adventure Index, or subscribe free to new Lupe adventures!

Sublette Mountain, Sublette Range, Wyoming (6-19-22)

Days 3 & 4 of Lupe’s 2022 Dingo Vacation to Wyoming!

6-18-22, nearly noon – Lander City Park!  Recognizing it instantly, Lupe was enthused!  A favorite stop, Lander City Park meant soft green grass beneath the shade of big old cottonwood trees, complete with 2 little streams where the Carolina Dog could get a drink, or simply cool her paws off.  Free squirrel watching and camping, too!  Even at mid-day, quite a few tents were set up.

Lander City Park.

First thing Loop wanted to do was cross the gently arching bridge over the Middle Popo Agie River to explore McManus Park, a smaller, wilder area.  Weeds bearing little yellow flowers were blooming profusely.

McManus Park across the Middle Popo Agie River from Lander City Park.

Was that ragweed?  SPHP already felt a little allergic, no doubt due to all the exposure to sage over the past couple of days.  Loopster didn’t have allergies.  Sniffing happily along dirt paths, she soon came to the river.  Plenty of flow in early summer.  Loop helped herself to a drink.

Getting a drink from the Middle Popo Agie River.

After her tour of McManus Park, Lupe relaxed while SPHP worked on the trip journal.  The squirrel watching was a little slow.  Still recovering from yesterday’s big adventure up Giant Deer Mountain (11,321 ft.) in the Bighorns, the American Dingo soon fell asleep.

A lazy afternoon snooze.

Saturday!  By early evening, there was live music.  A band was playing Johnny Cash hits.  Loopster revisited McManus Park and took a couple of strolls through the city park, enjoying sniffs with other dogs.  As the sun sank toward the Wind River Range, Country & Western was replaced by wedding music.  A happy couple was getting married.  How romantic!

6-19-22, 11:33 AM –  Only 0.25 mile E of the Idaho border, SPHP turned R off Hwy 89 a little over 4 miles N of Border Junction.  A green and white street sign said Raymond, and there was a Lincoln County Road No. 200 sign, too.  A gap in the mountains was visible only a mile E.  Must be the lower W end of Raymond Canyon.  Supposed to be a trailhead there, or at least a place to park.

Just off Hwy 89 near the Idaho border. W end of Raymond Canyon (L). Photo looks E.

County Road No. 200 went due E for half a mile, then angled NE a little way.  Sure enough, there was a big turnaround spot at the foot of the mountains.  Plenty of parking for half a dozen vehicles if need be, but the RAV4 was alone when Lupe leapt out.

Instead of a trail, a narrow gravel road left this “trailhead” heading up a gradual incline leading into Raymond Canyon.  A sign insisted there was no parking beyond this point, which seemed a bit odd.

Raymond Canyon from the trailhead. Photo looks E.

6-19-22, 11:57 AM – It had rained earlier this morning while driving through the sagebrush prairie SW of Farson.  No rain now, but the sky was cloudy as Lupe left for Sublette Mountain (9,313 ft.).

Trotting E up the incline, the road soon leveled out.  Lupe quickly came to a clearing partially shaded by big trees between towering rock walls.  There was a stone campfire ring, and Raymond Creek ran along the S side of the clearing down among the bushes.

What a cool campsite, Looper!  Feels amazingly secluded despite being so close to the trailhead, although I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t have parked here just as easily.

We aren’t camping, are we, SPHP?

Nope.  Sublette’s a day hike.  I like this spot, though.

Me, too, SPHP!  Now, if you don’t mind, think I’ll check out the creek.

Entering Raymond Canyon as the road levels out. Photo looks E.
Approaching the clearing. Photo looks E.
At the clearing. Photo looks E.
Wading in Raymond Creek.

The road ended here, but a nice, flat single track trail continued farther into the canyon.  After 0.25 mile, it curved SE, dipping down to a ford of Raymond Creek.  Not a big stream, but much too wide to leap over, and not enough rocks to rock-hop it.  Loathe to get wet boots and socks so early on, SPHP decided to wade it barepaw.

On the excellent single track trail beyond the clearing. Photo looks E.
Fording Raymond Creek.

Immediately beyond the ford, the trail curved E again.  For 300 feet, a tiny stream trickling along it made the going a bit mucky, but beyond that one short stretch, the trail was dry again.  Modest elevation gain made progress fast and easy.  Raymond Creek was seldom seen, but could always be heard among the willows and bushes N of the trail.

The day turned sunny.  Birds chirped.  Butterflies, among them a large yellow Swallowtail, danced in the sunshine.  Lupe enjoyed views of long lines of craggy rock formations running up the mountainsides.

After about a mile, the trail passed between a line of 4 metal posts.  10 or 15 minutes beyond them, the American Dingo came to a couple of large gray-green ponds.  She paused for a look.

Following Raymond Creek upstream. Photo looks E.
At the 4 metal posts. Photo looks NE.
By the beaver ponds. Photo looks E.

Awesome!  Not very often that we get to see beaver ponds, is it, Loop?

How do you know they’re beaver ponds, SPHP?  See any beavers?  I don’t.

Me either, Looper, or even any beaver lodges, but the stick dams are a dead give-away.

Beyond the best beaver pond viewpoint, the trail curved SE for 30 feet, then promptly vanished at the edge of another, smaller beaver pond.

What on earth?  Where does the trail go, Loop?  Can you sniff it out?

This seems to be the end, SPHP.

No way!  Can’t be!

By the smallest beaver pond where the trail appeared to dead-end. Photo looks SE.

Searching for a way around the pond, SPHP soon realized that it would be next to impossible to push through the willow thickets bordering it.  No sign of any trail anywhere, until looking E across the pond along the dam, yes!  A narrow lane continued between the bushes on the far side.

Aha!  There it is, Looper!

You sure, SPHP?  Even if that’s the trail, how are we supposed to get over there?

Obviously, we’re going to have to ford the beaver pond!

What?  Are you crazy?  Might not be that deep to you, SPHP, but I’ll have to swim.  And while Carolina Dogs don’t mind wading, we hate swimming!

Be that as it may, you know you can swim, Loop.  I’ve seen you do it.

Well, that was then, and this is now.  Not doing it, SPHP!  You’ll have to carry me.

Not sure that’s a good idea, Loop.  Lost my balance and dropped you once before while trying to ford a stream, and I’d rather not fall into this pond full of ooze.  Tell you what.  Stay here.  I’ll go first.  Show ya how it’s done!

Shedding boots and socks again, SPHP waded in, staying right along the edge of the beaver dam.  The pond was 40 or 50 feet across, and away from the dam looked to be mid-thigh deep, maybe more, with a mucky bottom.  Who knew how far one might sink into the mire?

Eh, not that bad.  A little over SPHP’s knees was about as deep as it got.  Meanwhile, Lupe was in a panic at being left behind, running back and forth along the edge of the pond, afraid to cross such a large expanse of water.  She tried wading in, but stopped when it quickly got chest deep.

Chest deep in the beaver pond. Photo looks W.

Don’t go across the middle, Loopster, that’s the deepest part!  Stay close to the beaver dam, like I did.  C’mon!  You can do it!

Following SPHP’s example, Lupe did stay near the dam.  A lot deeper on her than it had been on SPHP, of course, but if she had to swim at all, she didn’t have to Dingo paddle far.  Soon she was across, spraying SPHP as she shook herself off.  Once SPHP managed to get reassembled with boots, socks, and the pack, it was Onward!  Puppy ho!

The journey E up Raymond Canyon continued.

Success! Already past the deepest part. Photo looks W.

2 miles from the trailhead, the trail forked as the canyon divided.

Which way, SPHP?  L branch, or R?

At the fork in the trail. Peak 7620 dead ahead. Photo looks ENE.

Neither, Loop.  Think this is where we need to turn S, but let’s check out both branches of the trail to make sure.

The trail that angled ENE quickly led to a view of another gray, murky little beaver pond down in a ditch.  Returning to the R branch, it seemed destined to continue nearly due E.

Overlooking the beaver pond in a ditch. Photo looks NNE.

So, does this look like where you think we are, SPHP?

Yup!  Almost certain we’re at Raymond Basin on the topo map, Looper.  Time to abandon these trails, and go up the side canyon to the S.

We don’t have to cross this beaver pond?

No, not this one, Loop.

Best news so far today, SPHP!

Only 400 feet of elevation had been gained during the entire 2 mile trek to Raymond Basin.  As Lupe headed S up the sagebrush-covered alluvial plain leading to the side canyon, the rate of climb was noticeably steeper, but still wasn’t bad.

Starting up into the side canyon. Photo looks S.

The side canyon quickly narrowed to an almost V-shaped bottom.  By the time Lupe got that far, she’d found a trail going this way, too.  The map showed a tributary of Raymond Creek here, but the valley was dry.

In the V-shaped valley. Photo looks SSW.

Before long, the trail began climbing the E side of the canyon above the valley floor.  On a steep slope, Loop came to a short switchback to the E (L) then back to the W (R), which got her up to a flatter region.  The trail turned S again, but was now beginning to fade away.

On the E side of the valley as the trail begins to fade. Photo looks S.

A steady climb along increasingly intermittent trails resumed, as Lupe traversed the lower W slopes of HP7762.  This region was fairly open, dotted with trees and wildflowers.  Sublette Mountain’s NNE ridge was just across the valley.

Traversing the lower W slopes of HP7762. Photo looks S.
A few Indian Paintbrush.
Sublette Mountain’s NNE ridge (R). Saddle leading to HP7762 (L). Photo looks SSW.

According to this GPS track by Sam Grant, that’s the way he went up, Loop.

Over there?  Really, SPHP?  That slope looks mighty steep, and for a long way, too!  Looks to me like we’re better off on this side of the canyon.

Yeah, Sam’s a beast!  Think we’ll skip Mr. Grant’s route, and stay over here, even if it is a bit longer.  Appears there may be an easier route up from PASS7540, the saddle W of HP7762 at the upper end of this canyon.

Approaching PASS7540, the lower canyon became heavily forested.  Meadows full of yellow wildflowers visible farther up the slope Lupe was on appeared much easier than plunging into the trees.  Turning SE, the Carolina Dog climbed more aggressively.  SPHP huffed and puffed, stopping frequently to gasp for air, but this slope really wasn’t that bad.  Not compared to what Sam Grant had suffered through over on the W side of the canyon!

Among the yellow wildflowers.

As she closed in on PASS7540, Lupe still had to explore short sections of forest, but way up here, other than minor deadfall, they were relatively open.  Loop finally emerged on the E side of the saddle, a bit higher than the low point.  PASS7540 proved to be an easy trek W over open ground.  Once across it, Lupe began an 1,100+ foot ascent of Sublette Mountain’s NNE ridge.

At Pass 7540. Photo looks W.

The terrain quickly steepened.  It wasn’t as steep here as where Sam Grant had gone up a little farther N, but it was still plenty steep.  Lupe had time to wander and sniff as SPHP trudged slowly higher.  Other than the steepness, which was tiring, but not scary, there were no significant obstacles.  Plenty of open ground covered with small, loose scree.

After gaining several hundred feet of elevation, a minor, almost vertical escarpment of finely layered crumbling rock was ahead.  Looked like a short, but potentially tricky, scramble might be required to get above it.  However, as Lupe reached the base of this little cliff, a clear path went around the N side, easily getting her up top.  No scrambling required!

Approaching the crumbling escarpment. A good path easily switchbacked above it from the N (R). Photo looks W.
Above the escarpment. Huff Lake Peak (9,080 ft.) (L). Peak 9023 (far L). Photo looks N.

Once above the escarpment, Lupe entered a region featuring exposed bedrock that wasn’t as steep, resulting in a spurt of progress.  However, the terrain soon steepened again.  Meanwhile, sunny skies vanished.  Rain showers swept over the mountain.  Twice the Carolina Dog sought shelter beneath big pine trees while waiting for the rain to quit.

Fortunately, no real downpours.  Delays were only 10 or 15 minutes each before the slow grind higher resumed.

In the easier region above the escarpment. Photo looks WSW.

Near the end, Looper came to a very steep slope.  The N side was heavily forested, but most of it was open.  The deceptive slope kept looking like easier terrain was only 50 feet higher.  However, Lupe had to climb 200 feet before the grade actually diminished.  A much gentler open slope now led toward a line of trees along the ridgeline.

Approaching the ridgeline. Photo looks SW.

Lupe reached Sublette Mountain’s NNE ridgeline at about 8,700 feet.  Upon entering the trees, she made an unexpected discovery.  A bright red cooler with a white top sat next to a partially collapsed light green tent near a stone fire ring.

On Sublette Mountain’s NNE ridge. Huff Lake Peak (Center). Photo looks N.
The abandoned campsite.

Sam Grant’s tent, SPHP!  Why would he just leave it up here?

Silly Dingo!  That’s not Sam Grant’s tent.

Are you sure, SPHP?  How do you know it isn’t?

100% certain.  Sam did Sublette Mountain as a day hike, just like we are, Loop.  He didn’t camp out.  Must be someone else’s tent.  Why they would leave it up here, I have no idea.  Maybe whoever it was got turned around and couldn’t find it again, or had an emergency?  In any case, it makes a great landmark showing us where to leave this ridge on the way back.

More mountain to climb!  Abandoning the newly discovered campsite, Lupe turned S, gaining another 50 or 60 feet among the trees before emerging on a broad, relatively flat meadow leading to a forested hill a good 300+ feet high.  Should have been some great views both E and W from this open region, but even though the rain showers had dissipated, the sky was still overcast, the air murky.

By now, even Lupe was getting tired.  Discouragingly, the topo map showed that this next hill still wasn’t the top of Sublette Mountain, but there was no choice but to carry on.  Somewhere beyond that hill, the summit was now less than 0.75 mile away.

In the meadow, approaching the next hill along the ridge. Photo looks S.
Looking back along Sublette Mountain’s NNE ridge. Peak 9023 (L), double-topped Huff Lake Peak (L of Center). Photo looks N.

At the upper end of the meadow, a faint trail entered the forest toward the E side of the ridge.  Lupe followed it a little way before it seemed to vanish amid some deadfall.  There was a ravine toward the W separating this part of the ridge Loop was on from the highest part of the hill, which was now SW.  Climbing gradually the whole time, the American Dingo continued S, paralleling the ravine until she got to its upper end.

It was now possible to turn W or SW without losing elevation.  SPHP led the way as Lupe began to play her stalking game.  The American Dingo hung back, only following once SPHP was completely out of sight.  Tall aspen trees, bright green leaves just beginning to emerge high in the canopy overhead, stood in hidden openings in the conifer forest.

Entering the forest. Photo looks S.
In a clearing discovered after turning W. Photo looks NW.
An open lane beneath the towering aspens. Photo looks SW.

A steeper slope was beyond the first clearing.  Upon reaching the top of the 300+ foot hill, SPHP was surprised to find most of it was a meadow rimmed by trees.  A second forested hill could now be seen to the S.  This one wasn’t quite as big as the one just climbed.

Not that much farther to go now!  SPHP was anxious to get the ascent over and done with, but where was that Carolina Dog?  Loop hadn’t made it to the meadow yet.  SPHP went back to the edge of the forest, and peering down the slope, called her repeatedly.  Slinking silently through the woods, Loopster finally appeared, climbing slowly.

About time you got here, sweet puppy!  What’s been keeping you?

Giant Deer Mountain (11,321 ft.) back in the Bighorns was only a couple of days ago, SPHP, and this is another big peak!  I’m tired.  Can’t we take a break?  You must be tired, too, aren’t you?

Of course I am, but we’re almost there, Loop!  Let’s rest at the summit.

The American Dingo knew who was boss.  Lupe plopped herself down in the meadow and refused to budge.

Like it or not, taking a break on the first 300+ foot hill. Photo looks N.
The 2nd and final forested hill (R of Center) leading to the true summit. Photo looks S.

SPHP sat down next to Loop.  Beef jerky, a chocolate coconut bar, and water were administered.  15 minutes of blissful inactivity did the trick.

Barely.  Lupe followed reluctantly, as SPHP led the way, but at least she was on the move again.  A stretch of sagebrush led to the next forest.  Couldn’t be much farther to go now, but upon entering the forest, it was choked with deadfall.  Took considerable thrashing around before SPHP realized that there was a semi-decent use trail a little more toward the E.  Once on it, life was better.

The trail ended as Lupe reached the narrow N end of a long grassy slope that widened out as it rose toward the S.  A lone pine tree stood at the far upper end, and beyond it, a series of very small rises scarcely differing in elevation, all strung out along a completely open ridge.

Emerging once again from the forest where the trail ended. Photo looks ENE.
The grassy slope leading to the lone pine (Center). Photo looks S.
Sublette Mountain’s summit region. Photo looks S.
The summit ridge from beneath the lone pine. Photo looks S.

At the first rise beyond the lone pine, a directional survey marker was surrounded by stones.  This marker bore an arrow pointing toward the next rise to to SSE.

6-19-22, 6:15 PM – Lupe was there in no time.  Although scarcely any higher than the other rises, this second rise did appear to be the true summit of Sublette Mountain (9,313 ft.).  A loose collection of smooth, rounded stones capped the mountain.  The “Sublette” survey benchmark was attached to a fairly large stone sunk down in the middle of this pile beneath a wooden stake and a tangle of rusty wire.

There was something else, too!  A coffee can painted red contained a jar with a green top.  SPHP had no doubt that there was a registry inside, or who had placed it.

At the true summit of Sublette Mountain! Photo looks SSE.
Success! Photo looks S.
The loosely assembled summit “cairn”. Survey benchmark visible at (Center).
“Sublette” survey benchmark.

My, my!  What would Richard Carey say, Loop?

He’d say that the coffee can is supposed to be upside down over the green jar to protect it, and the registry within, from the weather, SPHP.

Exactly right, Looper!  Remind me leave it that way when we go.

Shaking Looper’s paw, SPHP congratulated on her successful ascent of Sublette Mountain.  The Carolina Dog was then happy to lay down and rest in a chilly 10 mph SW breeze.  Big views in all directions except N, where trees blocked the line of sight.  Unfortunately, the sky was still overcast, and the air disappointingly hazy.

Long ridges, all lower than Sublette Mountain, were seen both E and W.  Very little detail was evident.  Several mountains at least as high were far to the NNE.  The most interesting view was to the SW, where the Bear River and it’s Thompson Fork tributary meandered through the broad valley down by Border Junction where Highways No. 30 & 89 met.

Huff Lake Peak (far L), and dimly seen higher peaks (R of Center). Photo looks NNE.
Distant ridges to the NW.
Border Junction (L) and the Bear River. Photo looks SW.

After sharing more beef jerky, water, and the last chocolate coconut bar, SPHP had a look at the registry, adding Lupe’s name, of course!

Sure enough, the first entry was by Richard Carey and Shelley Rogers.

Inside cover of the registry.
Richard Carey and Shelley Roger’s first entries. The Rigbys showed up 2 days later, the only other entries in 2020.
Sam Grant entry 6-13-21. First of 2021.
Josh Super‘s entry on 9-4-21 was the last one prior to Lupe’s.

The sun eventually made several brief attempts to break through the cloud cover, but those few moments of cheeriness quickly faded.  The sky grew darker again, and the SW breeze felt colder and stronger.  A couple more small rises in close competition for the title of true summit of Sublette Mountain were a little farther SSE.  It was clear from Sam Grant’s GPS track, that he’d visited both of them.

Lupe did, too.  The last rise was only 300 feet from the true summit, 600 feet from the lone pine.  Would have been easy to go even farther along the open ridge, but it was clear that this was the last real high point.

At the last high point. Photo looks SSE.
Looking back along the summit ridge. True summit (L). Photo looks NNW.

6-19-22, 7:15 PM – Exactly an hour after arriving, Lupe bid farewell to the open summit of Sublette Mountain (9,313 ft.), and the chill breeze sweeping over it.  Passing the lone pine for the last time, she began her descent.

Leaving Sublette Mountain. Photo looks S.

An hour’s rest had certainly helped!  Loopster clearly enjoyed the much easier downhill trek, displaying renewed energy.  SPHP had an easier time seeing where the various game and use trails went through the forested sections, too.

A short break was taken at the 8,700 foot abandoned camp on the NNE ridge so SPHP could pluck all the trash out of the stone fire ring, and clear the spoiled food out of the red cooler for proper disposal later.  However, the tent and cooler had to be left behind.

Look at this mess, Loop!  I blame a Norwegian!

A Norwegian is at fault, SPHP?  What makes you think that?

Who else would bring lefse and hot sauce?  A telltale combination, if you ask me!

Certainly weird enough, but I don’t know, SPHP.  Might have been a Latin American with a taste for Scandinavian food!

Maybe, but I doubt it.  Wouldn’t think most Latin Americans would have ever even heard of lefse, but everyone knows about hot sauce.

Hardly mattered either way.  What did matter was the need for speed.  SPHP wasn’t looking forward to fording the beaver pond in the dark, and suspected Lupe wouldn’t be all that thrilled about it, either.

The sun was down, light already fading fast, by the time the American Dingo reached Raymond Basin.  Turning W on the main trail going down Raymond Canyon, Lupe led the way.

Suddenly, there was movement up on the slope to the S!  150 feet away, something big was crashing and thrashing among the bushes, trying to head W.  Barking and whining, Lupe raced ahead, staying on the trail.  In the gloom, SPHP caught only a glimpse, but it was enough.

A few seconds, and the noise stopped as quickly as it had begun.  Panting hard, Lupe returned all excited, still whining.

A bear, SPHP!

Yeah, I saw it!  Stay on the trail, and let’s get past it as fast as we can.  Onward!  Puppy, ho!

A few minutes, and there was more thrashing around in the bushes S of the trail.

Cripes!  It’s a whole flock of bears, Loop!  Don’t bark, just keep going!

Two isn’t really a flock, SPHP.

Whatever!  Close enough for me!  Onward!

Lupe made it to the beaver ponds.  As soon as she got there, a loud crash came from over by the big pond just N of the trail.  Sounded almost like a gunshot, or as if someone had thrown a huge rock into the pond.

Happened again, twice, in the next minute or two.  Getting the willies, SPHP was about ready to ford the small beaver pond when it happened a fourth time.  The Carolina Dog wasn’t hanging back now!  Without the slightest hesitation, staying near the dam again, Lupe plunged into the dimly lit pond.

6-19-20, 10:18 PM, back at the RAV4 –

Bears and beavers!  Guess we’ll always remember Sublette Mountain for that exciting twilight zone return through Raymond Canyon, won’t we Loop?

Bears and beavers, SPHP?  Are you saying that beavers were making those loud crashes by the ponds?

Yup, think so.  Probably a beaver slapping the water with its tail.  You know, as a warning of our approach.  Never realized before that a beaver tail could possibly be that loud, though.  About jumped out of my skin the first time, with bears already on the brain.

So, about that lefse and hot sauce!  Are they still any good, SPHP?

Uh, no.  I’ll get you some Alpo, though.  A little past dinner time, isn’t it?

On Sublette Mountain, Sublette Range, Wyoming 6-19-22


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Sam Grant’s GPS Track 6-13-21

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Black Hills, SD Expedition No. 305 – Cousin Laddie Pays a Visit (9-22-22 thru 9-25-22)

9-21-22, 8:00 PM – Shrill barking told the tale.  They were here!  Lupe was ecstatic, racing out the door to greet Uncle Joe, Aunt Andrea, and Cousin Laddie as soon as SPHP opened it.  Sadly, no Cousin Dusty ever again, but the Carolina Dog put on as enthusiastic a display as possible for those who had arrived.  Good times were sure to follow!

But what had happened to Cousin Laddie?  He looked strikingly different from the last time Lupe had seen him back in April.  Laddie’s luxurious long coat was gone!  Joe and Andrea explained that they’d had most of it shaved off to help Laddie stay cool this summer.  His coat was returning, but still had a considerable amount of growing out to do.  As Uncle Joe maintained, in the meantime, Laddie was part fuzzy caterpillar.

9-22-22 – It was already early afternoon by the time Uncle Joe parked the RAV4 at the high point of Boulder Hill Road on this unseasonably cool, gray day with low clouds spitting a few raindrops now and then.  Despite the weather, everyone was in good spirits on the way up the access road to the base of the mountain.

Boulder Hill (5,331 ft.) was a short, easy trek, offering plenty of scenic bang for relatively little effort.  At least, that was the general consensus among Lupe, Joe and SPHP.  Laddie had no expectations, having never been to Boulder Hill before.  All went well until the access road ended at the base of the rocky ridge atop the mountain.  Partway up the single track trail that wound up to the summit, there was a spot requiring a pretty good jump for Laddie’s short legs.

Seeing that Laddie might have a problem with the jump, SPHP offered encouragement.  Laddie gave it one half-hearted effort, failed miserably, and promptly started back down the mountain.  SPHP would have given Laddie the boost required to get past the trouble spot, but having once been latched onto and shaken like a rag doll by another dog, Laddie was extraordinarily fearful and opposed to ever being picked up.

Farther up the trail, Lupe watched and waited as Uncle Joe called Laddie and shouted encouragement.  SPHP demonstrated how easy it actually was to get up past the trouble spot, leaving Laddie alone below.  Laddie responded to Joe a couple of times, but turned around and went back down again each time he reached the trouble spot.

Well, this would never do!  If Cousin Laddie hoped to be a peakbagging Sheltie in the Black Hills, he’d have to develop a little more spirit and gumption.  Joe finally went down to Laddie, attached a leash, and with a gentle tug got him past the trouble spot.  Only took a second or two.  With Joe by his side, Laddie demonstrated more confidence.

Uncle Joe proclaimed Laddie “a weird and needy little dog”, but Laddie did manage to make it the rest of the way up under his own power.

Laddie practicing some light scrambling on the way up Boulder Hill with Joe by his side.
Loopster reaches the familiar summit. This was her 8th Boulder Hill ascent.
Joe and Laddie on Boulder Hill.

Ordinarily, a nice, long break would have been taken up on Boulder Hill to enjoy the magnificent views so easily obtained.  However, the summit was much windier than it had been on the way up, and the cold breeze seemed to be gaining strength with every passing moment.

Furthermore, although Silver Mountain (5,405 ft.) was in sight less than 1.25 mile SSW, most higher peaks were in the clouds.

Joe and Lupe together on Boulder Hill while Cousin Fuzzy Caterpillar has a sniff around. Silver Mountain (R). Photo looks SSW.

10 minutes up top were about it before a general retreat was decided upon.  The descent went fine.  Laddie was somewhat bolder, having so recently gone this way before.

Approaching the RAV4, a change was evident.  A pickup truck with a trailer was now parked nearby.  Of even more interest, a horse was tied to the trailer.  Despite how much bigger the horse was, Laddie felt plenty bold now.  Unafraid, he rushed at the enormous equine, barking.

Unable to run away, the horse did nothing, but seemed nervous.  Not a good situation!  Uncle Joe sprang into action, running over to re-attach Laddie’s leash, then dragging Cousin Watch-Me-Get-Kicked-in-the-Head away from the confrontation.

Uncle Joe staves off disaster.

No harm done!  The Boulder Hill jaunt having taken minimal time, there was still opportunity to do a little more this afternoon.  Driving down to the official Boulder Hill trailhead less than a mile farther N, the plan was to explore part of Loop B of Flume Trail No. 50.

Going clockwise around the loop, everyone made it to a slimy gray-green pond on a tiny tributary of Bitter Creek.

By the slimy pond.

A few cows were standing in the muck, so Joe restrained Laddie again.  Going only a little farther before turning back, the cows moved away as Lupe and Laddie approached a second time.  Halfway back to the RAV4, a whole herd appeared moving through the forest from out of the SW.

Turned out a cowboy was rounding the cows up.  He was riding a horse that looked strangely familiar.  On his best behavior, Laddie watched the cows cross the trail, maintaining both a respectful silence and distance until they were gone.

Not a particularly long or strenuous outing, but it had nevertheless been a successful day.  Laddie was learning the ropes!  He was both surprised, and evidently quite pleased, when he was ultimately rewarded with a big bowl of the spaghetti SPHP made for dinner.

9-23-22 – A much nicer day!  Only partly cloudy, and considerably warmer.  Still a rather leisurely start as everyone piled out of the RAV4 at Legion Lake shortly before 11:00 AM.  A jaunt along Centennial Trail No. 89 was the intended order of the day.

Since the Centennial Trail’s Badger Hole trailhead was a 0.25 mile SE of Legion Lake down the Galena Creek valley, Lupe and Laddie started out following another trail circling the lake’s W and S shores to get to where the creek leaves the E end of the lake.  This was the long way around, but in the process, they got to cross the dam along the W shore, and had an opportunity to do a short quick scramble up to a viewpoint provided by a large rock formation overlooking the lake’s S shore.

After yesterday’s Boulder Hill experience, Laddie had no problem with this scramble, although he wasn’t cooperative as far as posing for SPHP up at the viewpoint.  Loopster filled in for him, since she loves posing!

Crossing the Legion Lake dam. Photo looks SE.
Joe and Lupe up on the rocky viewpoint that was just N of the trail. Newly confident scrambler Laddie’s already somewhere up there, too. Photo looks NE.
Looking WNW back toward the dam.
A wider view of Legion Lake. Photo looks NW.

The trek down the Galena Creek valley was a mere road hike.  Upon reaching the Badger Hole trailhead, a single track spur went SW up a shallow, forested valley to the main Centennial Trail No. 89 N/S route.

About to leave the Badger Hole trailhead. Photo looks SSW.

At the intersection, Lupe and Laddie turned L, taking the route S.  The trail steepened somewhat as it continued SW up the valley.  Still forested at first, a more open region of tall grass was soon reached.  The lower NE slopes of Mount Coolidge (6,023 ft.) were now in sight directly ahead.

Centennial Trail No. 89. Lower NE slopes of Mount Coolidge ahead. Photo looks SW.

Continuing toward Mount Coolidge, the trail began curving S, becoming rocky and quite a bit steeper before leveling out at Pass 5180.  Heading ESE from here, the trail was flat for a little way.  This elevated stretch was more scenic, offering views of nearby rock formations, plus a great look at Peak 5440 off to the NE.

At Pass 5180. Peak 5440 (Center). Photo looks NE.

After passing some smaller rock formations offering viewpoints, the trail turned S, heading steeply down into the next valley.  This descent was eroded and quite rocky.  When reached, the broad valley floor was a mix of meadow and open forest.  The trail turned E here, paralleling a tiny tributary of Galena Creek that was completely dry.

In the next valley to the S. Photo looks W.

The valley was flat, a nearly effortless trek on a pleasantly warm, sunny day.  After going E for a while, Centennial Trail No. 89 curved SW prior to looping most of the way around a small hill.  Uncle Joe was starting to think this was about far enough.

Before turning back, a break was taken on the little hill.  Joe shared some beef jerky, a treat eagerly accepted by one and all.  Apples, water, and a chocolate coconut bar SPHP offered to Lupe and Laddie were also a hit.

Break time up on the little hill before turning back.

During the return, a few minutes were spent exploring some of the smaller rock formations in the Pass 5180 region.  Several towers on Mount Coolidge were visible from here.

Mount Coolidge (Center) from Pass 5180. Photo looks WSW.

In all the times Joe and Dusty had been to the Black Hills, they’d never been to Mount Coolidge (6,023 ft.).  A newcomer in just the past year, Cousin Laddie had never been there, either.  Once back at Legion Lake, SPHP suggested making the drive to the fire lookout tower.  Joe agreed.

The winding gravel road to the summit was much busier than SPHP ever dreamed it would be.  Arriving at the parking lot on top, a small crowd was streaming to and from the lookout’s viewing deck.  Although it had been a nice, sunny day down at Legion Lake and along Centennial Trail No. 89, a 40 mph wind was roaring out of NW up here.

By Black Hills standards, Mount Coolidge offers some pretty impressive panoramic views.  With the unexpected gale creating such an ominous, eerie moan among the various towers, Mount Coolidge seemed like a much more formidable and higher peak than it really was.  Joe decided Cousin Laddie ought to stay in the RAV4 rather than risk being blown right off the mountain.

Lupe wasn’t worried by the wind.  She didn’t want to miss out!  Crazy Horse, Sylvan Peak (7,000 ft.), Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.), and many other notable high points were in sight, along with a vast expanse of western South Dakota plains beyond the Black Hills.

Mount Coolidge lookout tower. Photo looks SSW.
Joe up on the viewing deck. Black Elk Peak (L) on the horizon. Photo looks N.
Sylvan Peak (Center) and Little Devils Tower (far R) in the distance. Photo looks NW.

Up in the roaring wind, Mount Coolidge made quite an impression on Joe.  He’d never really experienced the Black Hills quite like this.  Even SPHP was surprised.  Cousin Laddie had completely missed out on the highlight of the day!

Laddie begged to differ, though, after SPHP later offered him a big bowl of sloppy joe meat for dinner.  Unsure of it at first, after just a couple of bites, Laddie was a believer, requesting and receiving a second helping!

9-24-22, 10:42 AM – Joe parked the RAV4 at the Lakota Lake picnic ground, then sauntered over to the little lake for a look.  A light breeze rippled the surface of this glorified pond beneath a thinly overcast sky.  Big rock formations were visible over on the far shore near the dam.

The Lakota Lake picnic ground off Iron Mountain Road. Photo looks NW.
Lakota Lake. Photo looks E.

Like Legion Lake yesterday, Lakota Lake was merely a starting point, not the focus of today’s outing.  The main event was going to be a trek up Iron Creek Trail No. 15.  To get to the trailhead, everyone set off heading SW along the picnic ground access road, which overlooked a skinny arm of Lakota Lake that extended nearly all the way back to Iron Mountain Road.  Crossing the highway, the trailhead was found on the other side.

Loop at the start of Iron Creek Trail No. 15. Photo looks SW.

Although Iron Creek Trail No. 15 was only going to wind gradually up the Iron Creek valley, a bit of Black Hills adventure dog training was in store for Cousin Laddie.  The trail would cross Iron Creek 11 times over just a couple of miles.

Reaching the first crossing immediately beyond the trailhead, Laddie was uncertain what to do.  Iron Creek had some flow, but was running low this time of year.  With encouragement from Joe, Laddie managed to ford the stream, while Joe rock-hopped it with ease.  Having been here before, Lupe and SPHP crossed on a narrow plank bridge.

Past the equinox, it was officially early autumn now.  The leaves on the trees were just beginning to turn.  As the trail wound its way W up the Iron Creek valley, there were some pretty spots.  Laddie forded a couple more creek crossings before attempting to use the plank bridges.  Soon he was crossing them with confidence.

Early autumn along Iron Creek Trail No. 15.
Taking advantage of one of the plank bridges over Iron Creek.

Towering rock formations were soon visible way up on the S side of the valley.  They were part of the E end of Woodpecker Ridge (5,680 ft.).  Lupe had been up there once upon a time.  Horrid deadfall was what SPHP remembered, but there had been some worthwhile views, too.

Part of Woodpecker Ridge (Center). Photo looks SE.

All seemed to be going perfectly well, when Joe suddenly announced deep concern over the amount of poison ivy along the trail.  He was soon pronouncing the poison ivy collection along Iron Creek Trail No. 15 the most extensive he’d ever seen.  Knowing he was quite susceptible to it, having suffered through poison ivy infections before, Joe seemed on the verge of wanting to beat a hasty retreat.

Fortunately, Joe stuck with it.  Continuing on, the worst of the poison ivy was left behind.

On a late September weekend, Iron Creek Trail No. 15 was surprisingly busy.  Quite a few other canines were out exploring with their humans.  Two in particular had some rather Old West names.  Lupe and Laddie got to meet an Australian Shepherd named One-Eyed Jack, and a Husky named Outlaw.  Jack actually had 2 eyes.

Farther upstream, the bridges got better.  Instead of mere planks, several were regular footbridges with railings.  The upper end of the Iron Creek trail wasn’t much farther.  Rather than a complete dead end, the trail led to a gravel road.  Continuing a little farther, this road went past the Iron Creek Summer Home Group, a collection of classic, rustic cabins.

One with a sign saying “Minnelusa” looked particularly sweet.

The Minnelusa cabin. Iron Creek flows right behind it.

0.75 mile from Iron Creek Trail No. 15, Iron Mountain Trail No. 16 would leave this same road, eventually intersecting a spur of Centennial Trail No. 89 leading to the Iron Mountain picnic ground.  A bushwhack clear to the top of Iron Mountain (5,445 ft.) itself is possible from there.

Eh.  More than Uncle Joe wanted to take on.  Shortly before reaching Trail No. 16, it was time to turn back to rerun the poison ivy gauntlet.

Heading back to Lakota Lake. Part of Woodpecker Ridge (R). Photo looks SE.

Cousin Laddie got to visit Iron Mountain, anyway.  On the way back to Hotel Lupe, Iron Mountain Road went practically right over the top of it.  A quick stop to enjoy a terrific view of both Black Elk Peak (7,231 ft.) and Mount Rushmore (5,725 ft.) was the highlight of the day.

Black Elk Peak (L) and Mount Rushmore (R) from Iron Mountain. Photo looks WNW.

Well, except for Cousin Laddie, who was anxiously looking forward to a heaping helping of SPHP’s spaghetti or sloppy joes this evening.  SPHP didn’t disappoint.  Laddie got 2 big bowls of spaghetti.

9-25-22 – Cousin Laddie had one more day in the Black Hills, but Uncle Joe wasn’t going to be available.  He and Andrea were taking Grandma down to Mush and David’s 40 acre ranch in the southern hills for a visit.  Mush and David’s dog, Chewy, was easily bigger than both Lupe and Laddie put together, much stronger, younger, and very territorial.

To prevent any possible tragic outcomes, SPHP stayed home with Laddie and Lupe.  After 3 days running of adventures in the hills, that was fine with both of them.  So, a leisurely day was spent at Hotel Lupe.  Sloppy joes were once again served for dinner, much to Laddie’s delight.

9-26-22 – Sadly, it was time.  Bright and early, Uncle Joe, Aunt Andrea, and Cousin Laddie hit the road home to Colorado.  Laddie’s Black Hills adventure training had gone just fine, and the cuisine at Hotel Lupe had apparently been among the best he’d ever experienced.  His Black Hills visit had been a big success.

Sure was fun, SPHP!  Hope they’ll be back again sometime soon!

Indeed it was, Looper!  Realistically, though, I doubt they’ll be back until sometime next spring.

Oh, that’s too bad!  Makes me wonder, though.

Wonder about what, Loop?

Any spaghetti or sloppy joes left?

Hah!  Fat chance!  Not when Cousin Fuzzy Caterpillar has been around.  About time you got back on your Taste of the Wild diet, anyway.

Well, shucks!  Now I really am sad that they’ve left.

I thought you liked Taste of the Wild, Loop?

Oh, I do!  But it isn’t spaghetti or sloppy joes!

On Iron Mountain with Black Hills adventure Sheltie Laddie, and Uncle Joe, 9-24-22


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